Natsu's Past and Future

By Mysterious_Writer03

167K 3.5K 2.1K

Natsu had a difficult past. He hides his pain with a smile. He went on a mission which went wrong. 2 yrs late... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 6

9.4K 202 111
By Mysterious_Writer03

Natsu and happy were half way through magnolia that's when Natsu forgot something.

"Hey happy I will be back soon" Natsu said

"Wait where are you going" happy asked

"I forgot something" Natsu said then ran off. Natsu ran to his house

"Where did I leave it" Natsu said quietly. The he found it. It was a special cream which makes scars disappear temporally. You can wipe it off when you wanted to get rid of the cream. Then Natsu placed on all his chest scars and back scars. Their was a huge scar which still hurt a little so he was careful then he ran back to where happy was.

"Happy I'm here" Natsu yelled out

"Do you have to be so loud?" Erza said walking up to Natsu and happy

"Erza" Natsu yelled

"Yes. How are you?" Erza asked Natsu

"I'm fine. You?" Natsu said and then asked back

"I'm also fine. It's good to have you back Natsu" Erza said

"Like wise" Natsu said back

"Can we go into the guild?" Happy questioned but sounded a bit irritated

"Yeh buddy" Natsu replied opening the gates of fairy tail.

"Hey where's everybody. And why is so dark!" Natsu said

"Hmmmm" Erza said suspiciously

"Surprise" a sudden noise coming from every corner of the guild. The lights flickered on and they all cheered. They made Natsu and Erza sit at the table and their was a 7ft long strawberry cake. Their was also a fire cake...literally it was a fire cake.

"What is this for?" Erza asked while eating a piece of the strawberry cake

"We've missed you guys" Lucy said smiling

"Natsu how have you been" Wendy asked.

"Great now that I'm back with the guild" Natsu said smiling

"I'm surprise you made it back in one piece flame brain" gray said earning a smile from Natsu

"Yeh I'm just as surprised as you are" Natsu replied shoving another fire cake in his mouth.

"How was your mission?" Lucy asked. Natsu lost his smile which both gray and Lucy saw.

"Nat-" Lucy was about to say but then was cut off by Mira

"Master wants to see you" Mira said

"Ok" Natsu said getting off his chair. Natsu walked to his office and closed the door behind him. He took out a seat to sit on.

"Natsu my boy I'm glad you made a safe journey back" makarov said

"Yeh" Natsu said rubbing the back of his head

"Your reward is 20 million Jules" makarov said

"I though it was 12 million Jules" Natsu said shocked

"Yes but it was raised for some reason" makarov replied

"I don't want the 20 million Jules" Natsu said quietly looking down at his hand.

"What do you mean boy. You earned this" makarov said

"I really didn't" Natsu whispered just loud enough for makarov to hear.

"Boy I don't know what happened but this was a dangerous mission which put your life at risked. I don't know what happened but this is the money you earned for just taking the job" makarov said he gave Natsu a card which contained 20 million Jules. Natsu took it but looked disappointed

" now go and enjoy the party" makarov said. Natsu left and he heard Cana,Mira and Lucy talking.

"Do you think Natsu met anyone?" Mira asked

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked

"I mean a girlfriend" Mira replied

"Hahahaha a girlfriend as if Natsu would get a girlfriend. Sure maybe if the world was ending but who would date someone noisy and annoying. If someone were to date him it would probably be because he is doing some thing for them" Cana said drunker than usual.

"Cana that's not true" Mira yelled afraid if Natsu heard. Natsu heard this and he was pissed. He stormed out of the guild. Everyone in the guild remained silent.

"What happened?" Erza said

Mira and lucy exchanged guilty looks. Cana was laughing her head off and then she finally passed out.

"Who shall retrieve him?" Erza asked

"I think we should wait till Cana wakes up" Mira said

"Why?" Erza asked

"She's the one who pissed him off" gajeel said

"What did you say?" Gray asked

"Well I don't think we should say" Lucy said blushing while rubing her head nervously.

"I will go get it him" happy said

In the forest

"Aki" Natsu said through his tears.

"Damn it" Natsu yelled. He punched the nearest tree

"Natsu" happy yelled out

"Yeh buddy" Natsu said softly wiping his tears

"Natsu what happened are you ok?" Happy asked

"Yeh I'm fine" Natsu said

"Natsu" happy said quietly

"Hey happy go back to the guild will ya. I want to be alone" Natsu said to happy

"Aye sir" happy said sadly. Happy flew back to the guild while Natsu opened the door to his house

"Did you really love?" Natsu said to himself


"You did die for me" Natsu said sadly

"I love you" Natsu whispered. He took off his scarf to reveal a necklace. He clutched onto the necklace. He got out a pencil and started to draw. For some reason he has to draw what he dreams so he can feel relief.


"So did you talk to Natsu?" Lucy asked

"Not really he told me to come back" happy said looking down at his paw

"Did Natsu really meet someone?" Lucy asked a guilty Mira

"I'm not sure why don't you ask happy." Mira suggested

"OI happy get over here" Lucy yelled

"Aye sir" happy yelled back then flew towards her

"Did Natsu meet someone while he was gone?" Lucy asked seriously

"I don't know" happy lied nervously

"Don't you dare lie to me you little cat" Lucy said in a threatening voice

Happy tried to fly away but Erza grabbed his tail.

"Tell us the truth" Erza said with a dark aura surrounding her

"Um we-" happy stuttered

"Hey your not picking on my cat are you" Natsu yelled out with a smile

"Natsu" happy yelled then ran towards Natsu

"Natsu we are so sor-" Lucy started to say

"Forget it ok" Natsu said still smiling he then went to a table

"Hey Mira can I have fire" Natsu asked

"Sure we still have fire cake" Mira said

"Cana wake up" Lucy said quietly

"What is it?" Cana said pissed rubbing her head.

"Go and apologise" Lucy said

"What did I do?" Cana asked confused

"You said something about Natsu" Lucy said trying to refresh her memory

"Oh right. Whoops. Can I go back to drinking?" Cana asked

"NO GO AND APOLOGISE" Lucy yelled at Cana

"What ever" Cana said getting of the pub table.

"Natsu" Cana yelled out to Natsu

"Yeh" Natsu asked. His mouth was filled with fire

"I'm sorry for what I said...ummm..I'm not good at apologising" Cana said slightly embarrassed.

"It's fine. I over reacted"Natsu said. He smiled at her

"Jee thanks Natsu. So do you have a girlfriend?" Cana said pushing his arm softly while smiling.

"" Natsu said softly

"Ah that sucks. Oh by the way the things I said wasn't true. If a girl is going to date you it's because of you not because of something you can do" Cana said. Cana walked back to her seat in the bar. She grabbed a barrel full of wine and drank it like there was no tomorrow.

"Hey Natsu do you want to go on a job?" Erza asked Natsu

"Depends" Natsu replied

"Depends. So nice when does it depend on something for you to go on a mission" Lucy yelled out shocked

"I just got back. Cut me some slack" natsu said to Lucy

"It's protecting a man while he delivers a message to a person" Erza said before Lucy could say anything

"Hmmm I don't know" Natsu said looking worried

"We will be leaving tomorrow so you have tonight to think about it" Erza said leaving the guild

"I hope you come Natsu. We are team Natsu after all" Lucy said with a smile then she ran out of the guild.

"Hate to say this but we need you on this mission flame brain. It's going to take at least a week to get their or even longer" Gray said leaving the guild.

Natsu left the guild with happy.

"Hey Natsu I think you should go" happy said

"Yeh why's that?" Natsu asked his best friend

"Well I just think you should break out of that sheild that you put around you. You have your friends now" happy said. Natsu remained silent. They opened the door of their house. He went straight to his desk to finish drawing.

"Natsu you should get some sleep" happy said

"I can't. I have to draw." Natsu said quietly

"Natsu" happy said concerned

"Happy I'm fine just go to sleep" Natsu said

"Aye sir" happy said concerned

Happy fell asleep. Natsu was drawing a aki. He drew her in a forest because she wanted to live in a forest since it was so peaceful. He drew a lake in the forest. Natsu was a skilled artist. He would draw on the ground or wall with Aki and sometimes Kyioshi. Haruka would sometimes join in if was in the mood which was almost never. Natsu was tired by time he finished. He passed out on that table.


"Get away from me" natsu yelled out to Aeron

"Oh don't worry this will be the last one" Aeron replied

"What do you mean last one?" Natsu asked spitting out blood.

"After a year of taking these pills it will becomes a natural instinct" Aeron replied slapping Natsu's face

"Why are you doing this to all these people?" Natsu asked coughing

"I'm building soldiers" Aeron said

"What for?" Natsu asked

"To take over the world" Aeron said

"How the hell is making us kill one another helping you build an army?" Natsu yelled angrily

"Simple. Next year we will need only 30 of you guys. So we collect people make sure they have power but there is a slight problem" Aeron said

"Yeh and what's that problem?" Natsu asked

"Since I already put you on our list I guess I can trust you" Aeron said "once you guys leave this tower you won't be able to use your special abilities" Aeron explained

"Why?" Natsu asked

"This place is filled with a spiritual energy. This is only works in this specific world. The world you call earth land is filled with magical energy" Aeron said

"So if I leave this place and go back to my world I can't use this magic" Natsu said

"Yes. About time you say something smart" Aeron said

Dream ends

"Natsu" happy yelled out to wake up the salamander

"Hmmm" Natsu replied

"Get up we have to meet up for the job" happy said excitedly

"I'm not going" Natsu said getting up and washing his face

"Why not?" Happy asked

"Because I'm just going to kill" Natsu yelled at happy. Happy had tears in his eyes.

"Happy I'm sor-" Natsu started to apologise

"You're not a killer your my best friend. So it's about time you start acting like it" happy yelled at Natsu



"MAYBE I SHOULD JUST LEAVE THE GUILD THEN" natsu yelled back. Happy didn't say anything instead he left the house with tears in his eyes.

"Damn it" Natsu said. He punched the wall which broke. Natsu grabbed his bad and put his sketch book in and some fish and other good including some fire matches"

Happy flew to the train station with tears in his eyes.

"Hey happy" Lucy greeted the little exceed. Happy didn't reply. Lucy realised he had tears in his eyes

"Hey what happened?" Lucy asked happy concerned

"Natsu and I got into a fight" happy sobbed

"It must've been big" Lucy said softly hugging the crying exceed.

"Happy"Erza greeted the cat.

"What happened? And where's Natsu?" Erza asked finally realising happy was crying.

"Natsu and happy got into a fight" Lucy answered for the cats

"So the flame brain isn't coming" Gray said wearing a jacket for once.

"No I'm here" Natsu said waving his hand.

"About time flame brain" Gray yelled to natsu while getting on the train

"Yeh what ever ice princess" Natsu said

Erza and Natsu sat next to each other and Lucy,Gray and happy sat on the opposite seat. Happy sat on Lucy's lap. The train started to move but he didn't feel like puking.

"So you don't have motion sickness" Lucy asked Natsu

"I don't know. It's been a long time since I've been on a train" Natsu replied

"But if how did you travel?" Lucy asked

"By foot" Natsu said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Of corse" Lucy said with a sweat drop.

Happy was completely silent the rest of the trip. Natsu felt sick half way through the trip.

"Help me" Natsu said feeling like he was going to vomit.

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