By rac06h10ael

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==COMPLETED== Kalel and Melanie are back! And they're more pissed off and crazier than ever before! The YouT... More

[Chapter 1] They're Back!?!
[Chapter 2] Came To Warn You
[Chapter 3] Leave California
[Chapter 5] The Girls are Back
[Chapter 6] Found You
[Chapter 7] How Nice To See You Again
[Chapter 8] Don't Come
[Chapter 9] Pretty Much
[Chapter 10] Used to Know Her
[Chapter 11] Starting to Feel Sorry
[Chapter 12] Food Battle 2023
[Chapter 13] I Don't Care (Short Chapter)
[Chapter 14] Never Expected
[Chapter 15] Slap Across the Face
[Chapter 16] What The Hell Is Wrong With You
[Chapter 17] You're Next
[Chapter 18] I Hate You
[Chapter 19] Now or Never
[Chapter 20] Wanted Their Revenge (Part One)
[Chapter 21] Wanted Their Revenge (Part Two)
[Chapter 22] All I Could Do Was Cry

[Chapter 4] All the Way Across the Country

290 9 0
By rac06h10ael

-Anthony's POV-

What on earth was Rachael thinking? We couldn't just get up and leave everything here in California to go somewhere we have no place to stay or eat . And that's exactly what I told her, well, more or so yelled at her...

"But they won't come and find us there!" She argued, "I mean, it's a pretty small place, and..."

"Okay," Jovenshire interrupted, "What if we did leave? How would we all get there? And how are we all to stay in one place so we can stick together?"

Rachael sighed, "We could stay at my mom and dad's for a few days until we find some cheap apartments that are all in the same building. It's just a suggestion though," She crossed her arms over her chest, "I didn't think anyone would take it into serious consideration."

"I think it's a great idea!" Lisa remarked, "I mean, they all know where we are here. We're easy targets. They'll have no idea where we will be in..." She went mute for a second, "Wait...where do your parents live again?"

"New York," Natalie answered her.

"See?" Joey retorted, "That's the perfect place! There are so many people there that it'll be almost impossible find us! It's a good idea, Anthony."

"Sure, it's good," I agreed with him, "But it's not great. What about our lives here? We all have 'settled down' in a sense and I don't think I could just get up and leave!"

"Come on, dude," Ian butted in. I shot him a nasty look. Of all people to agree with me, I thought it would be Ian, "It's not like we're leaving for forever. Just until Kalel and Melanie aren't psychopaths anymore."

"Yeah!" Natalie sided with him.

"Come on, Anthony!" Toby cheered. Soon everyone had joined in and was urging me to go. Rachael just looked at me, waiting patiently for my answer.

"Fine!" I shouted, succumbing to the peer pressure that surrounded me, "I'll do it..." Everyone rejoiced, Rachael gave me a kiss on the cheek and wrapped her arms around my side. I sighed and hugged her back. Hey, we'd be getting the vacation we'd want, right?


Everyone had left the house to go pack up. We all decided that we were leaving tonight, get away as soon as possible.

Rachael was in the closet finding the clothes she wanted to bring with her.

"Hey, Rach?" I called to her. I was leaning on the dresser, waiting for her to come back out.

"What?" She came out of the closet with a handful of shirts. She dropped them down on the bed and began to fold them up neatly and put them into her luggage.

"How long do you think we'll be staying there? In New York?" I inquired, walking over to the bed and sitting down on the edge.

She shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know. However long it takes for Kalel and Melanie to realize that getting back at us is a bad idea because they'll just get arrested again," She walked past me and started going through the dresser.

"You know what? I'm happy we're finally getting to go somewhere that isn't in California," I stated, getting up and wrapping my arms around her waist, resting my head on her shoulder, "Too bad everyone else has to come..."

She looked back at me and smirked, "Why?"

"Well, I was hoping you and I could have our own vacation for Christmas and now...we're in the same predicament we were in a year and a half ago. Just that this time we're running from them instead of trying to find out who they are."

She laughed and got out my hold, "You're funny, Anthony. You really are."

-Natalie's POV-

I struggled to get the zipper all the way to the other side of the bag. I plopped down on the top and finished it. I sat back and sighed in relief.

"How much stuff do you need to bring?" Ian asked me as he began to roll my luggage out to the front door so it could be loaded into our car.

"Does it matter to you?" I hopped off of the bed and wrapped my arms around him, preventing him from taking the next bag out, "Maybe I need all of this stuff so I can look good twenty-four seven!"

He smiled, "You're beautiful no matter what." He kissed me and continued getting ready to leave.

We walked out of the room and met up with Rachael and Anthony at the front door. They were casually leaning against the wall.

"What's taken you so long?" Anthony inquired teasingly, "Rachael and I have been done for hours!"

"No you haven't," Ian replied moodily as he lugged the bags outside. Anthony went outside to help him.

"Hey, Nat!" Rachael called me before I walked out of the door. I turned around and crossed my arms, "Do they know how cold it's going to be there? It's December and..."

I laughed, "Oh my god...hopefully they brought the right clothes!" I went outside and got in the passenger's seat. Ian and I were going to drive in one car to the airport while Rachael and Anthony drove in the other.

All of us met up at the airport and bought tickets for the next flight to New York, which so happened to be in thirty minutes at 11PM. For some reason, Shane's mom decided to come along for 'supervision.' But we're all grown adults, well I was almost one, but why would we need supervision? Anyways, she tagged along and all thirteen of us had to buy third-class tickets because we did this last minute. I wasn't looking forward to being on a crowded plane, but hey! I get to see my parents! Which I hadn't done in a while because of the distance and the business of my schedule.

-Ian's POV-

We all went through the gate and got our luggage checked. We had to race to the plane because we all thought we had some time and went to go get some things to eat. But the announcement sounded over the loud speakers and we had to rush on. Luckily Rachael, Anthony, Natalie and I all got in one row together near the windows, though there wasn't much room to move. And of course, I got the stupid seat with the kid kicking the back. I was about to lose it. And all of the other YouTubers sat relatively around us, so it wasn't too bad.

The flight was going to be seven hours approximately, or so they said. And that was with good weather conditions. Natalie and I had some small talk, though she fell asleep about an hour in. I tried talking to Anthony, but he fell asleep too. Rachael was the only one left I could talk to, but she was on her laptop editing a video. I decided to pull out my iPhone and began to mess with things.

I opened my photos folder and began to flip through all of the pictures. Then one of Melanie and me popped up. I sighed, what happened to her? She used to be so nice! And then she turned into this crazy maniac who killed a person and a dog. I deleted the photo and continued looking through more photos; most of them were selfies Natalie took when I didn't have my phone with me.

"We will be landing in approximately ten minutes. Please be prepared for landing." The female voice announced over the loudspeakers.

Natalie woke up and everyone got ready to get off. We all walked down the mobile staircase and were blasted by the chill of the frigid air and the small, white flakes melting on our cheeks. A thin layer of whiteness covered the ground. Rachael and Natalie seemed to love it, but I didn't. I was only in my jeans and a short sleeve shirt. We walked through the airport and were on our way to catch a bus.

"Oh my god!" Before we got to the waiting area, Rachael raced over to the grass and picked up a handful of snow, she began to press it in her hands. Natalie slowly approached her and did the same thing.

"What are you doing?" I inquired. Anthony came up beside me, carrying his and Rachael's luggage. They looked at each other briefly and shot the small snowballs at me and Anthony. In retaliation, we picked up the snow at our feet and threw it at them. It soon turned into a full on war between all of us. The fun stopped though when the bus arrived and we all had to get on.

Author's Note: Okay, so I know part of this chapter doesn't really fit in with the whole "Vengeance" thing. But it's going to get better and more actiony and more Kalel-and-Melanie-devious-like-stuff soon! Thanks for reading! -rac06h10ael

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