(A lemon book) Gray x Reader...

By Kisame200

362K 3.1K 3.2K

Okay guys I didn't write this but I just had to share it, don't kill me! This was originally written by Karyu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (Gray)
Chapter 18 (Sting)
Chapter 19 (Gray)
Chapter 20 (Sting)

Chapter 8

22.4K 186 411
By Kisame200

I nap for three hours and get up for dinner. Gray is still sleeping restlessly. I gently tap his shoulder until he's awake.

"The fuck?" He grunts.

"You've been out for four hours. You've been tossing and turning, so I'm guessing you didn't sleep well."

"I didn't."

"Let's go eat dinner. We'll smoke a joint when we get back and hopefully you just sleep without dreams of any sort."

"S'go then." He mutters, sleep still heavy in his voice. Gray is cranky throughout dinner. Lyon smiles politely at me and says sorry almost a dozen times.

"Seriously, dude. I'm over it. Stop saying sorry."

"Yeah, stop saying sorry." Gray growls a little. "If I hear it once more I might scream. Can we move on?"

"What's gotten into you?" Lyon asks.

"He had a shitty sleep last night." I answer for him.

"Is that because —" Lyon begins.

"Yes!" Gray interrupts. "Can we drop it?"

"If you wish. I'm here if you need to talk, brother. I know what you're going through." Lyon responds into Gray's ear. It's barely audible, but with dragon slayers around there's hardly a point in whispering.

Sting is pleasant, professional, and even charming. I had no idea he had such a great sense of humour. He has everyone but Gray in stitches. Once Gray finishes his food, he waves the server over. "Yes, sir?"

"Can I get the cheque, please? For me and her." He gestures to me lazily.

"No, no, no. Don't worry about it. I'll cover your bill. You go get some sleep." Sting says.

"I can — "

"I insist."

"Fine. Thanks, Sting. Good night, everyone." He gets up slowly and meanders towards our cabin.

"Poor guy is beat." Rogue says with concern.

"Yeah, I hope he's okay tomorrow." Sting agrees.

I finish my last bites and stand. "Thanks for dinner, Sting. I'll return the favour soon. I'm gonna go make sure Gray's alright. I'll see you all tomorrow." Everyone says their goodnights and I head to my room. Gray is laying on the bed staring at the ceiling when I walk in.

"Everything okay?" I ask carefully.

"I'll be fine." He murmurs sleepily.

"Wanna roast one?"

"That would be amazing." After we smoke a joint, Gray lays back down, looking content.

"Feel better?"

"Yeaaah." He smiles ear to ear.

"Good." I lay beside him and pull his face to mine. I place a gentle kiss to his lips and he hums happily.

"You've really adopted the Fairy Tail way of life since you've joined."


"You're always there when someone needs you."

"I've always been like that. My friends come first."

"Come to think of it, the stories of your past prove that. I guess you've always been Fairy Tail material."

"You don't have to tell me now, but I do eventually want to know what's bothering you."

Gray sighs and pulls away slightly. "I know."

"Don't distance yourself."

"I only moved half a foot." He dead pans.

"You know that isn't what I meant."

Gray takes a deep breath. "Yeah. I'll tell you another time."

"You said that earlier."

"I will tell you."



"Say it."

"I promise. Are ya happy?"

"Yes. Now cheer up."

"Easier said than done."

"How can I make you feel better?"

Gray just grabs me and pulls me towards him so hard my face hurts when it crashes into his chest. I don't hesitate to wrap my arms around him and rub his back comfortingly. His breathing is ragged and it's hard to listen to. This is a rare state to witness him in.

I lay small kisses to his chest and neck while murmuring that everything will be okay. I hold him as tight as I can in an attempt to keep him from falling apart. I hate that I don't know how to calm him down. "I'm sorry you have to see this." His voice is strained.

"We can talk whenever you ready. Until then, just try to... I don't know, not feel like shit?" Fuck, I'm bad with words sometimes.

Gray chuckles bitterly. "I'll try. Just... Thank you. For being here."

His breathing eventually evens out and he drifts off to sleep. I think about the situation. I realize he gets like this around this time every year. I've never seen it quite like this, it must be something he hides from everyone. Maybe Lyon will know what's going on. I gently slip out of bed and walk over to his cabin.

"Hello!" Lyon greets me with a smile as he opens the door. He invites me in and I talk with him for half an hour before asking anything.

"Gray has been acting strange today. Do you have any idea why that might be?"

"I do, but I think that's something he should tell you about."

"He says he'll tell me, but he keeps putting it off."

"It might be best to wait until this mission is over to confront him about it again."

"He gets like this around this time every year. Did something happen to him in the early spring?"

"Yes, but I still don't think I should tell you. It isn't my place."

"I just want to help."

"It's something he has to overcome himself. Only time will really help."

"Is it... Does this have to do with Ur?"

"...Yes. The anniversary of her death is in coming up. How did you figure that out?"

"Well, I know his parents passed away during the Fall, and it's only Spring. I figured Ur is the only other person that may have this kind of impact on him."

"You're a smart woman. Please don't tell him I told you. It would only upset him."

"I won't. I kinda figured it out on my own anyway. I left him asleep, I wanna be there when he wakes up. Sorry to cut this visit short but..."

"Nothing to apologize for. It would serve him well if he has a friend around at this time."

"What about you?"

"It doesn't affect me the same way it does Gray. Maybe I'm stronger that way. Maybe I'm more cold hearted. I'm not sure which it is. It's still difficult, but I've healed. It doesn't strike me with grief every year. Not anymore."

"You still have my condolences." I say as I grab my phone and head for the door. "Thanks for helping me understand. I'll see you in the morning." I give Lyon a hug and walk back to my cabin. Gray wakes up a couple minutes later.

"How do you feel?"

"I'm fine! You don't have to coddle me like I'm some breakable child!"

I'm taken aback but refuse to let him see it. The last thing I want is to make him feel worse. "You're right. My mistake."

Gray takes a deep breath. "I shouldn't snap at you because I feel like shit... I'm sorry."

"We should just focus on getting lots of rest for tomorrow." Everything is quiet for ten minutes and I can't stand the stressed look on Gray's face. "Will you tell me the basics of ice make magic?"

"Sure." Gray is happy for the first time in hours and begins to explain all the simple things he can to me.

Two hours later we're both packed and asleep. The train rolls us closer to our destination.

Gray awakens several times that night, bolting upright and panting. I wake up with him every time. The first time he's crying and tells me to just go back to bed when I ask what's wrong. "Did you have the same dream?" He just nods as he tries to stifle another sob.

I pull him back to the bed and lay his face on my chest. I stroke his hair until he calms down and falls back asleep. It's the last time he cries that night and I know it's only because he doesn't want me to see it.

The fourth time he wakes up, it's 4 am and I'm exhausted. I'm desperate to sleep a few hours more. But more importantly, I want to soothe my friend. His breathing is not in his control and his face is buried in his hands. "I'm sorry I keep waking you up. This nightmare won't fucking stop."

I pull him against me and softly begin to sing, hoping to quell his overwhelming emotions.

"For you, there'll be no more crying

for you, the sun will be shining

and I feel that when I'm with you

it's alright, I know it's right..."

By the time the song is over Gray is fast asleep and even smiling. He's clinging to me so hard it's almost uncomfortable to breathe.

He doesn't wake up again that night. He makes content little hums in his sleep an hour later and even talks a little. "(Y/n)..." He mumbles, "you're the best..." The jumbled sentence brings me back to the first night we slept together. It's what he told the cab driver, "Yeah, she's the best." The smile on his face was so genuine, so affectionate. Surely he was putting on a bit of a show so the driver didn't think it was just sex. And why is he mumbling things like that in his sleep?

Now isn't the time to worry about that! Gray is hurting over Ur, I shouldn't be worried about the way he sees me. I have to get some sleep for the job tomorrow. I snuggle my face into Gray's chest and drift off.

I awaken to a knock on the door. 9 am? Ugh. It feels like I just got to sleep. Clearly Gray shares my disposition this morning. "Whaaaat?!" He calls out grumpily.

"You guys should come eat breakfast. We all need our strength today." It's Sting. "We'll order for you. It should be on the table by 9:20."

"Okay, thanks!" I call back.

I hear him walk away and sit up on my bed and groan. So. Fucking. Tired. "I'm really sorry I woke you up so many times."

"I'm sorry that you had such shitty dreams. Don't worry about me. Coffee will fix this. Today, worry about focusing on our mission."

"After our job, I can tell you what's going on with me."

"You'd better!" I say in a light tone. I turn around and plant a kiss on Gray's forehead. I stand up and begin to find my clothes for the day. Something light, flexible, and comfortable enough to fight in.

I strip down to my underwear and put my bra on. "Mmm..." Gray murmurs appreciatively. He kisses the small of my back and runs his hand up the inside of my leg, rubbing his hand over my core. I turn around and see the boner he woke up with isn't gone yet. "I want you." Gray says huskily.

I bite my lip. "God, I want you too. But we don't have time. We have to eat and then we're off the train."

"I should have fucked you last night."

"Shoulda, woulda, coulda. We have to get dressed."

"Can't we just...?"


"Please?" He leans forward and kisses my clit over my panties.

"Mmm... No we can't. We don't have time."

"You're gonna make me wait?" He asks, pulling my underwear to the side and licking up my slit.

"Yes." I say breathlessly.

"But you taste so fucking good. I want more." His tongue inches closer to my bundle of nerves.

"Gray we - hnnn - have to be at the table in five minutes." He's sucking on my clit now and oh fuck, my legs are buckling a little. "Gray, stop."

He pulls back and pouts, my juices glistening around his mouth. "Fuck, you're sexy. And when we finish this job I am gonna suck your cock so good. But right now we have to get dressed and get to the table."

Gray stands up and shoves me against the wall and kisses me fiercely. I can taste myself in his mouth and for some reason, it turns me on more than anything else has since I got on the train. Gray picks me up and my legs wrap around him. He reaches down and shuffles out of his boxers and pulls my underwear to the side, sliding his dick into me. "Oh God, this feels way better than a condom!" He pulls back and thrusts into me hard until I'm panting and biting his lip to keep from groaning.

Gray breaks the kiss and smiles at the lust in my eyes. "Let's get dressed then." He puts me down and turns around and all I want to do is push him onto the bed and ride him until I find my release.

I quickly slip my clothes and my combat boots on. As I'm about to leave I say over my shoulder, "Brush your teeth. Sting and Rogue will be able to smell me on your lips. Sting will recognize that it's my scent too."

"That fucking —"

"Don't get upset again. Be nice to him at breakfast. We're all in this together."

Gray's grumbling as I walk down the hall. I brush my teeth before heading to the dining cart and put my toothbrush in my purse.

I greet everyone chirpily and they respond in kind. Sting pats the seat beside him and I sit down. I hear him sniff a few times and remember I'm still wet. Very, very wet. Sting's eyes widen and he looks at me with burning desire. Holy fuck, he looks hot when he's turned on.

"Pleasant dreams?" He asks with a seductive smile.

"Sh-shut up." I can't tear my gaze away. I forgot how attractive other dragon slayers become during mating season. Stupid hormones! Stupid instincts wanting to produce more dragon slayers!

"Make me." He whispers, his eyes challenging.

"Might I remind you that I've kicked your ass before." I whisper back.

"Are you sure that wasn't an excuse to press yourself up against me?"

"Shut up!"

He stares at my mouth and licks his lips. "I'll do whatever you want, however you want me to." My eyes widen at the implication and I can feel my underwear getting more wet. Sting inhales deeply and smiles, knowing he's making me even more aroused.

"'Morning, everyone." Gray says as he walks up. I snap my head in his direction in time to see him looking at Sting and I with an upset look on his face. His expression changes to neutral before I can figure out exactly what emotion was on his face.

"I hope that look wasn't about the way I was staring at Sting." I think, knowing Gray had a good view of my heated stare down with the white dragon slayer as he walked up the aisle. "Stupid hormones!" I think again. Rogue is looking at us and laughing at my embarrassment. I shoot him a glare and he holds his hands up in mock surrender.

My brooding thoughts are soon forgotten as Lector climbs into my lap and begins talking animatedly with me. I pet the exceed and laugh with him until breakfast comes, 10 minutes late.

I can't help but notice Sting's fond smile out of the corner of my eye as I bond with his furry best friend. I also notice Gray's cranky demeanour as Sting makes easy, flowing conversation with Lector and I. I even hear him growl when Sting's arm brushes against my breast as he pets his exceed.

I notice that I've been flirting with Sting since Lector climbed onto me

without quite realizing it until now, but Gray isn't my boyfriend so why does he look mad? I've seen him flirt with other women since we've started hooking up and it doesn't bother me at all. I come to the conclusion it must be the incident with Sting in the bathroom as I take another bite of my omelette.

Everyone goes over the game plan once more and Lyon makes everyone repeat back who their buddy is for the day. "Rogue and (y/n)." Sting smiles and slings both arms around the two of us. "I'll protect them with my life!"

"TEAM DRAGON SLAYER!" Lector cheers enthusiastically.

"I got Lyon." Gray mumbles quietly, glaring at his pancakes.

Once everything is fresh in the minds of the team, the conversation transitions to lighter things. I'm talking to Lyon when Lector interrupts me. "(Y/n), have you ever considered dating a dragon slayer? Because Sting is single." I blink at the exceed in my lap.

"Lector!" Sting hisses, a blush creeping over his entire face.

"What?" The cat whispers back. "You know you like her. She's the only girl that ever makes you nervous. You guys would be awesome together."

"I-I don't think this is the time or place to discuss things like that." I murmur.

"Are you blushing because you like Sting back?" Lector asks, waggling his eyebrows.

"No! I'm blushing because I'm embarrassed and hate being put on the spot."

"You aren't denying that you like him."

"I —"

The red cat interrupts me again, "I still think you guys —"

Sting pulls Lector from my lap and covers his mouth. "I'm really sorry, (y/n). He has a hard time minding his own business."

"Don't mention it. It's cool." I motion for the waitress and pay for mine and Gray's breakfast.

"I can buy my own." Gray says as I hand the money over.

"Don't worry about it!" I say cheerfully and smile at him. He smiles for first time since sitting down.

"It's about time you cheered up." Lyon says. "What better to do that than a pretty girl smiling at you."

"Shut up, Lyon." Gray says as we both stand. "We're gonna go grab our stuff and drop off our keys." Gray grabs my hand and throws Sting a glare. Sting looks at my hand in Gray's and his face falls a little. Gray hauls me off without another word.

"What was that about?!" I hiss as we get back to the room.

"What was what about?"

"Don't play dumb!"

"I just want him to back off until the mission's done. He can ask you out again after if he wants to but right now we should focus." His eyebrows come together as he scowls.

"Are you... jealous?"

"No! You can date whoever you want. You can flirt with whoever you want.

You can fuck whoever you want.. And just... oh my God I'm totally acting jealous." Gray looks shocked at his own actions. "I'm sorry, it's just my shitty sleep talking. I don't get jealous easily, especially over a girl I'm not dating."

"I understand. You haven't been yourself today. Or yesterday. We all have our times when we feel like shit but you have to concentrate today! You can't let anything distract you. You could get hurt." Gray nods solemnly. "How about we make a bet?"

"This sounds interesting."

"Whoever kills their monster first gets a strip show."

"You see me strip all the time."

"Not to music while you dance for me. And I'm looking forward to it."

"Oh, you're on. I like seeing you in red matching bra and pantie sets.. just so you know what to wear underneath when I get my prize."

"I like firefighter costumes." I challenge, face inches from his.

"I like your tits." Gray says, groping them. I laugh at his silliness and it turns into a soft groan when he thumbs my nipples through my clothes. Gray's about to kiss me when the conductor announces the train will arrive soon.

"We should get going." I smile and turn around to grab my bag. Gray smacks my ass as I bend over.

We return our keys and step off the train and head towards the rest of the group. "Those flouncia potions are the best thing ever!" Rogue says happily.

"I know! I didn't feel sick at all after we bought them. Oh hey, there's the lady that sold them to us! Let's go thank her again!" Sting calls as he takes off, Rogue and Lector right behind him. Frosch, however flies up to my shoulder and sits down, waiting for Rogue to return.

Gray pets Frosch and makes a few remarks on how adorable he is. Frosch purrs at his affection. It's cute watching Gray interact with the cat that reminds me so much of Tiger.

"I've called us a cab to bring us to the client's house." Lyon says, smiling at Gray's playfulness. "We'll drop our bags off and be taken to the last place the tryverns have been spotted."

"Good thinking!" Rogue says as he and Sting join the group again. "Frosch really loves you, (y/n)." Rogue's smile is huge, happy with anyone his exceed is fond of.

"The feeling's definitely mutual. He's a great companion. You got a good one, Rogue."

"What about me?" Lector asks, eyes huge.

"Aww, Sting's lucky too, of course! You're the funniest exceed I've ever met." Lector smiles and leaps into my arms. He whispers something to Frosch and they begin to tickle me. Minutes later, I'm laughing so hard I can barely stand. "Mercy! Mercy! Stop, please!" I beg between fits f laughter. "Someone get them off!" I giggle as I flail around.

Everyone is laughing at me but Lyon eventually feels sorry for me. "Okay, I'll help." He reaches for Frosch, but the cat is too quick and Lyon ends up grabbing both of my breasts.

"Lyon!" Gray calls out, unimpressed.

Lyon's face is bright red. "I'm sorry! It was an accident!"

"A happy accident, I'm guessing, seeing as you haven't let her boobs go yet." Sting says between chortles.

"Let go!" Gray and I call out in unison.

"Sorry~" Lyon says again, releasing his grip on my chest.

On the plus side, Lector and Frosch are laughing so hard they've stopped tickling me. The cab rolls up and I grab my things. "Shot gun!" I call.

"No way!" Sting says, running ahead of me.

My competitive nature kicks in and I pick up speed, clubbing Sting with my bag as I run past him. I make it to the cab first and turn around and stick my tongue out at Sting. "Oh, this isn't over yet, short stack!" He picks me up and tries to turn us both around so he can open the door and get in.

Oh, hell no! I use all my weight and lunge forward, tossing him over my shoulder by his muscular arm. I smile and turn to get in the cab when I'm tackled to the ground. Sting and I end up wrestling and calling each other names as we fight for the front seat. The rest of the group watches and laughs at our childish behaviour. "Go Sting, go!" Lector cheers.

"You can do it, (y/n)!" Frosch calls out.

"Hey, where's your loyalty?!" Lector asks.

"Frosch likes (y/n) too. She is Fro's friend." Frosch stands his ground.

I've managed to flip Sting over so I'm on top and successfully pinning him down with his wrists over his head. It takes me a minute to realize I'm straddling his hips and he has a perfect view down my shirt. My face heats up as I feel his erection through his jeans. "I guess I win." I say, scrambling getting up.

"Uhh, yeah." Sting says, scratching the back of his neck. Somewhere between us fighting and getting up, Gray sneaks in through the side door and hops in front.

"Back seat, losers!" He mocks, locking the door. Everyone else has begun to load in and I end up sitting beside Sting in the very back seat. With everyone's bags beside me, I end up sitting flush against him. I can't even put my seatbelt on, it's buried under everyone's luggage.

"I'm sorry about..." Sting whispers.

"It's okay. Things happen." I blush. Rogue has his headphones in, oblivious to our conversation as he hums out the tune he's listening to.

"You're a good wrestler." He compliments, attempting to ease the awkwardness of the situation.

"Thanks." I smile at his flattery.

"We should spar sometime. After mating season is done, that is."

I laugh, "Sounds like a plan."

The cab goes over a huge bump and I become airborne. "Shit!" I hiss, not drawing attention to myself. I land in Sting's lap and can feel that he's still hard. He groans ever so softly and his hips buck against me involuntarily. I gasp as I attempt to wiggle my way off, grinding down on him a little in the process. I hear his breathing become more ragged. "Sorry!" I murmur, face flushed as I sit beside him again.

"Don't be." Sting purrs in my ear. It sends a shiver up my spine. Damn Gray for teasing me so much before breakfast! My hormones have me thinking about a threesome with Sting and my favourite ice make mage. The images racing through my mind make me wet all over again. Sting picks up on my scent right away and bites his lip as he stares at me. Seeing his sharp canines, imagining them digging into my skin makes me even more wet. Damn it!

I try to push these thoughts out of my head and pull out my MP3 player. "Wanna listen?" I ask, offering Sting a headphone. He smiles at the blush on my face and takes it, placing it in his ear.

"I wish he couldn't smell how wet I am." I think to myself, putting on the least sexual music I can find. "God damn it, Rogue probably smells it too. At least he understands the season. He probably misses Yukino like crazy right now."

I look over at Rogue and see him opening a text message from the celestial spirit mage. Before I can look away, I see the photo of her naked form. The sight of her curvy body and the sexy look on her face make me even more horny. Rogue quickly exits out of the message and I can hear his breathing become heavier. I can't blame him. His girlfriend is smokin' hot.

I know Sting can tell just how aroused I am and I can feel his stare all over my body. I turn to face him and the desire is clear on his face. His eyes travel up my shapely thighs, up my stomach and linger on my breasts.

I can't help myself, I look at his crotch and notice the huge bulge in his jeans. I gasp and his eyes shoot up to my face. He smiles as he realizes what I'm staring at. I look at his face and God, he's sexy. The stare he's giving me is so heated it makes my nipples hard.

I fight my instinct to reach over and stroke his crotch. I see his hand twitch as he controls the impulse to do the same to me. My breathing is becoming heavier, matching Sting's as he leans a little closer and takes in my scent. I want to push him away, but my body won't move. I'm biting my lip and God, his scent is driving me crazy!

"I believe you turn left up here." Lyon's words break me out of my trance and I face forward, thanking the stars that someone ruined that moment with Sting.

"Sorry." Sting whispers softly, "I promised you professionalism."

"It's okay. I know it can be difficult to hold back. You're doing well." I whisper back as quietly as possible. Sting smiles at my understanding.

A couple minutes later the cab stops in front of a lavish mansion and everyone clambers out of the cab. I stand and grab my things as the mayor of the town walks out.

"Ahh, the wizards are here to save Floryan! Thank goodness!" He exclaims. Five servants file out and take our bags.

"You will stay here tonight following your defeat of the beasts. My town can count on you, correct?"

"Of course, sir." I answer respectfully. "Where were the tryverns last seen?"

"North West of the town." He states, pointing. A deafening roar comes from that direction. "It sounds like they're waking up. Please, hurry!"

The group hops back in the cab and the driver takes us as close as he's comfortable with. I pay him and leave a generous tip. "Thanks for taking us this far."

"Good luck, little lady. You're lucky you have four men to protect you."

"I don't need —"

Gray grabs my arm and pulls me out of the cab, "There's no time. Let's go." He says as he shuts the door behind me.

"I regret giving him such a nice tip."

The tryverns aren't hard to find. The first one's roar woke the rest of the them. They're getting up and it looks like they're stretching.

They're all 15 to 18 feet tall and covered in scales. They resemble dragons with smaller wings. Their shoulders each have a large, sharp horn that matches the two on their heads. Their tails aren't as long as a dragon's, but have spikes poking out all over the tip of it. They have sharp claws and teeth, and terrifying eyes.

I'm the first one to attack and I go for the biggest one. I run towards it and jump onto it's hand and run up its arm. Jumping over the horn on it's shoulder, I land on its snout. "Ice dragon talon!" I shout as I kick it in the eye. The beast roars and brings it's hand to its bleeding eye. I jump off as it bats at me with it's other hand.

"C'mon, we have lead it to the field over there!" I shout at the boys, running backwards from the giant creature who is now pursuing in a state of rage.

Gray is the next one ready to go. "Ice make saucer!" He yells, hurling the huge saucer at one creature's jaw. It cries out and tries to stomp on him. Gray is running beside me moments later, leading the second away from the town.

"Ice make snow tiger!"

"White dragon wing attack!"

"Shadow dragon roar!"

Three hits later and all five of us are running like hell for the field. "Christ, these things are fast!" Sting says from behind me, annoyance in his tone.

"It's almost time for us to stop anyways!" Rogue calls.

Two minutes later I screech to a halt. "This is as far as we go. Let's try to get them surrounded." It isn't a difficult task, we all stand in a line, and once the monsters have caught up, Sting, Rogue, and I run around them and close up the circle. "Aim for the throat and mouth!" I call as I resume my attacks.

Sting and Rogue have the advantage of having an exceed. They can fight from the air and have their tryverns under control with ease.

I step back and charge forward, jumping as high as I can. "Ice dragon sword horn!" I cry out as I make contact with the beast's throat. It begins to bleed profusely but I can't stop until it's dead. I climb back up the beast's body and onto it's face again. It attempts to swat me off and I use it's hand as a spring board, launching myself backwards. I wait until he lets out a cry of anger before aiming for his mouth. "Ice dragon... ROAR!" My ice shoots into his mouth and rips out the back of his throat, hitting Lyon's monster in the back of the head. The beast I've been fighting collapses, dead and leaking blood.

"Quit making us all look bad!" Sting yells playfully. "White dragon crushing fang!" He hits his giant in the throat and it falls next to mine.

"I could say the same about you, Sting!" Rogue yells. "Gimme a hand, would ya?" I turn to help Lyon and Gray.

"Ice make snow dragon!" Lyon bellows. His tryvern dodges it, his foot swinging in Gray's direction. Before I have time to think I'm running towards Gray and shoving him out of the way. He lands on the ground as a large claw pierces through my stomach, a purple liquid oozing out of the tip.

I scream out in pain and roll forward to get the claw out. "(Y/n)!" Gray yells. His face turns to the giant who injured me. Tears are pooling in the corners of his eyes. "Ice make geyser!" His ice shoots up and rips through the monster's jaw and it falls to the ground.

The next instant he's picking up his discarded shirt and pressing it to my wound to stop the bleeding. "What the hell was that?! I said nothing stupid!"

"You were in danger."

"Wait, what's that purple shit?"

"I don't know but it fucking burns!"

"...ROAR!" The monster Rogue was assigned is down and out.

"Ice make eagle!" Lyon shoots his attack into the monster Gray was set to kill.

Sting, Rogue and Lyon all gather around once all five monsters are dead. "Oh my God! Rogue, give me all the flouncia potions you have!"

"I think that's poison..." Lyon trails off, staring as the red mixes with the purple.

"You're going to be fine." Gray murmurs. "You can't die. I can't lose you. You're going to be just fine!" His tears start spilling over and Lyon looks from him and back to me with pity in his eyes.

"Open your mouth. These potions taste bitter, but they'll help until we get you to a healer." He pours 2 in my mouth. "Move your shirt. I'm going to pour the rest of these directly on her wound."

"We can't close that wound up with that poison seeping through her." Lyon states, grabbing Sting's arm.

Sting suctions his mouth to part of my wound and starts sucking some of it out. "Oww! Fuck!"

"Gentle!" Gray growls.

"He has to do it quickly, there's no time to be gentle!" Lyon reminds him.

"I can see Alice's house from here! The one shaped like a star!" Rogue calls from the air, Frosch holding onto him and looking frightened. "She can heal (y/n)!"

"I'll take her!" Sting says, "I need Frosch to fly her there."

Rogue agrees quickly, lowering to the ground and explaining to him where Alice's house is. Lyon ties his discarded scarf around my torso tightly to cover my wound. Gray looks at me and asks the dumbest question he's ever asked me, "How do you feel?"

"Like I got stabbed by a giant talon. How the fuck else would I feel?" I laugh weakly, trying to stop his tears. It doesn't work. "Gray, I'll be —"

"(Y/n), we're wasting time. Let's get going!" Sting says, concern written on his face.

"Get her there safe." Gray says, his tone pleading.

"I will. We'll meet you guys there. Lector, Frosch! Let's go!"

Frosch gently wraps his tail just under my breasts and grabs onto my arms. I can hear him begin to cry as he follows Sting and Lector.

"Hey, buddy, I'll be okay. Don't cry."

"Fro is sorry."

"It's okay. Don't be sorry. Everything will be fine and I'm gonna take you somewhere for breakfast tomorrow, okay?"

"Fro would like that!"

I'm almost asleep when Sting calls out, "No you don't! You stay awake. We'll be there in a few minutes."

I'm about to pass out once I get to the healer's house, Sting is in the middle of explaining what happened. "Keep her awake." Alice says. Sting gently shakes my shoulder.

"Stay with me, (y/n)."

"Get her to the back, quickly!" Sting picks me up bridal style and runs after the healer.

He lays me down and I stare up at Alice, my vision hazy. Her kind eyes look into mine as she assures me that I'll be fine. She cuts open Lyon's scarf and puts gloves on. She slathers some ointment on and puts her fingers into my wound to draw out the poison.

"Ahhh!" I cry out.

"I know it burns, child but please stay still."

I strain to keep from moving as she chants a few words in a foreign language. Her hands begin to glow and she runs them over the area I've been injured. "That talon didn't hit any major organs or arteries. You're a lucky woman."

"Not feeling very lucky." I mutter.

She smiles kindly. "Just be glad you're alive. You got here in time for me to help you." She chants another spell as she spreads more ointment over her gloves.

Just then I hear Gray, Lyon and Rogue come through the front door. "(Y/n)?!" Gray calls out frantically.

"Sting, do you mind..?"

"I'm not leaving until I know you're okay. Rogue can find me with his nose." Sure enough, the rest of our group comes in a minute later.

"How is she?" Gray asks, immediately hovering behind Alice.

"She will be fine. The seat for the bedside visitor is taken, please sit on the bench along the wall with everyone else." Alice changes her gloves and puts on a fresh pair, rubbing a cream over them.

"Sting can I —"


"She's from my guild, will you just —"

"No, I brought her here. I'm not moving until I know she's healed."

"Fine." Gray sits on his lap and looks at me with concern.

"What the?" Sting protests.

"I have no problem with this as long as you both stop talking!" Alice huffs.

I giggle as she rubs her hand over my skin, another spell being cast. "Did you cast a calming spell on her? She looks drugged out."

"Yes, she was squirming too much."

"It hurt." I mumble, my eyes feeling heavy.

"Stay awake, please."

"(Y/n), stay awake." Gray grabs my hand and squeezes it as Sting glares a little.

"You're heavy. Get off of me."

"Only if you sit with Rogue and the others."

"No, I told you —"

"Shuddup, you guys. I like having you both here." They sit in silence as the calming spell begins to wear off and the pain comes back. "Ow, ow, owww!"

"I'm almost finished." She says something I can't make out and I feel my skin coming back together. "One last spell to prevent scarring..." 10 minutes later she finishes, cleaning the blood and potion residue off my skin. "Lay here for the next half an hour. You can't jostle around too much."

"Thanks, Alice."

"You're welcome, child. You'll be sore for a couple days, but you're healed. Unfortunately, I couldn't save your shirt."

I look down and realize I'm only in a bra. "Here." Sting says, taking his shirt off and reaching around Gray.

"Thanks, Sting. For everything." I drape it over myself.

He beams at me. "I told you I got your back. And uh... Gray, you can get off my lap now."

"Oh!" Gray exclaims, jumping up.

Alice leaves the room to let us talk for a while. "I'm glad you're okay but you are in big trouble!" Gray threatens. "I told you nothing stupid!"

"If I didn't move you, you would have been hit."

"That doesn't matter."

"With the angle it was coming at, it would have hit your lung. Maybe even your heart. You would have died right there."

"You can't say that for sure."

"I was the only one who saw it, you weren't even looking!"

"I saw a little, and she's right." Sting cuts in.

"She still shouldn't have —"

"Yes, she should have." Lyon interjects. "You would have died, and as sorry as I am about what she went through, it's better than what would have happened to you."

"Exactly. I don't regret a damn thing so stop bitching me out."

"I still feel guilty."


"She's right. You shouldn't feel guilty." Rogue states quietly. "I would have done the same for Sting. For any of you, really. That's what teams do, right? We look out for each other."

"Fro thinks so too!"

I see the look on Gray's face and know he doesn't feel any better. I wanna hold him until he feels better but I can't move. I can't be too affectionate with him in front of everyone.

"Gray." No response. "Gray, look at me." I reach for his hand and he steps back. "GRAY ANTHONY FULLBUSTER." His eyes widen as my voice raises. "I. Do not. Give. A. FUCK. What you say about this. Me injured is better than you dead and if the positions were reversed you know you'd feel the same. You wouldn't let me feel guilty over it, would you?" He stands there, shocked at my angry outburst. "Fucking answer me!"

He takes a deep breath and pauses. "No, I wouldn't. I can't help but feel bad but... Fuck, you're right. I don't mean to stress you out after what just happened but it freaked me out! You.. You almost died. It scared me. I'm sorry. I'll be okay with this soon enough. I just need time to get over it."

"Okay. As long as that's clear."

"It is."

"Come here."


"Get your ass over here and hug me, bitch." Gray's lip trembles as he smiles, leaps over, and throws his arms around me as gently as possible.

"Awwww!~" Lyon coos.

"Shut up!" I growl.

"You're ruining the moment." Gray hisses at his adoptive brother.

"'Ruining the'... She just yelled at you! She swore at you like, 4 times."

Gray laughs and pulls back. "We have moments like that. We're stubborn. Sometimes it takes yelling to get through our thick skulls."

"So I've heard..." Lyon whispers, smiling at me.

Alice walks back in. "You're free to move around now, child."

I smile and sit up, pulling Sting's shirt on as subtly as I can in the process. "Thank you so much, Alice."

"You're welcome." She smiles warmly.

"Oh shit. My wallet is at the mayor's house. I can go grab it and come right back to pay you. I swear I won't stiff you."

"That's sweet, dear but you've done enough. You all risked your lives to save our town, you in particular, and you succeeded. The least I can do is heal you without charge."

"I'd really like to pay you."

"I insist. I'll be insulted if you argue it further."

"Okay, ma'am. Thanks again!" I get up and throw my arms around her. "If you ever need my help with anything, don't hesitate to call Fairy Tail and ask for me."

"I'll keep that in mind, dear. Now, not to be rude, but my daughter is coming over for dinner soon and I have to get everything set up."

"Of course! We'll get out of your hair." I give Alice one last hug before everyone makes their way out. The boys all take turns thanking her and shaking her hand. Gray is last and he almost cries.

"Young love is adorable." Alice says, shaking Gray's hand.

"She's not my girlfriend." Gray blushes.

"Have patience. She will return your feelings someday."

"It's not like —"

"I'm sure it isn't, child. Now move along." Lyon is laughing at him as he walks out and Gray playfully punches him in the arm.

Fortunately, the mayor's house is only a ten minute walk from Alice's house and dinner is ready when we get there. "I see the tryverns have been dealt with! Thank you, wizards of Magnolia!" The mayor exclaims as he opens the door. "Tonight, we feast and party!"

I walk in and there are attractive women everywhere and a handful of good looking men. "Sorry, I forgot to invite more men for you." The mayor whispers in my ear.

I laugh and whisper back, "That's okay, I appreciate the female form as well."

"Oh~" the mayor coos. "Your boyfriend is a lucky man!"

"Don't have one." I reply, my eyes locking with Gray's. "I'd like to take a shower, please."

"Of course! Steven!" He waves a servant over. "Please show Miss (l/n) to her room."

"Yes, sir." I follow Steven up the stairs and feel Gray's eyes on me. The servant leads me down the hallway and to the last room on the right. "Here we are, miss. Do you need anything?"

"No, thank you." I walk in and take my clothes off and head for the bathroom. I shower and change into clothes the I brought for celebrating. I planned on a bar, not a fancy dinner so my dress is short and shows off my breasts. I put on a little eye liner and mascara and leave my room to have dinner.

I see Gray walk out of the room across from me dressed in dark jeans and a white button down shirt. "Whoa." He murmurs, eyes raking over my body.

"Whoa yourself." I step closer and push my body against his. I'm about to kiss him when I hear voices coming up the stairs. Sting, Rogue, the exceeds, and another servant. I pull away and start walking down the hall, Gray waits a minute before following.

"You look ravishing, (y/n)." Sting says, alcohol faintly coming from his breath.

"Thanks!" I say happily. Gray and I walk downstairs and quickly have dinner before joining the party.

"You could probably use a stiff one."

"Are we talking about a drink or your cock?" I inquire in his ear.

He grins mischievously. "Let's start with a drink. I'll screw your brains out later."

"Promises, promises, Fullbuster." Gray brings me a beer and a rum and coke. "Atta boy!"

We cheers each other and slam our beers. "I love that you can drink beer like a guy. It's fan-fucking-tastic."

"I am a classy lady, aren't I?"

"You're something special." He murmurs seductively.

"She certainly is!" Sting comes up behind me. "You did great today, (y/n). Your father would be proud."

"You did great too. Thanks again for getting me to Alice so quickly."

"Yeah, I wanted to thank you for that too." Gray says sincerely, reaching his hand out to shake Sting's.

"That's what a team is about right? Taking care of each other." I smile fondly at his words. Our guilds truly have similar values.

A song I love comes on and I grab Gray's hand. "Dance with me!"

"I don't dance." Gray yanks his hand back.

"I do!" Sting exclaims, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the dance floor. The song is upbeat and Sting proves to be a great dancer. He's fun and has a great sense of rhythm. Before I know it, our bodies are moving perfectly in sync and he's got me pressed against him. "You look beautiful," Sting murmurs in my ear, running his hand up my back and dipping me towards the floor.

I giggle and finish my drink. "Thanks! You look great yourself." I say, looking at his dress pants and matching black dress shirt.

"Your words flatter me." He says pulling me back up and holding me close. He really is a charismatic man. He twirls me around and I catch a glimpse of Gray, talking to a beautiful woman while he stares at me. I smile and give him a thumbs up in hopes of letting him know to go for her if he wants to.

I spend the next hour talking and dancing with Sting to whatever comes through the speakers. After one more song, I laugh and tell him I need a drink, he links his arm through mine and guides me to the bar where he orders us both a shot of whiskey and a couple beers. "Gray really has that woman enchanted." Sting notes, nodding in his direction.

"He does have a charm about him. She's beautiful too!" I smile, happy for my teammate.

"She is... But I've been dancing with the most beautiful woman here tonight." Sting takes my hand and places a kiss on the back. I feel my face flush and Sting's smile is as big as it contagious.

"You're really sweet, Sting."

"Would you care to go for a walk with me?"

"That sounds lovely."

Sting grabs a bottle of wine and a couple glasses off the bar and leads me out back. We stroll through the vast gardens, admiring statues and taking in all the different scents of the flowers.

Sting finds a nice bench under the stars and sits down, motioning for me to join him. I gaze up at the stars as I finish my beer and Sting pours me a glass of wine. "This was a good idea." I murmur, taking the glass he offers and taking a big drink.

"I have those from time to time." Sting smirks at me. "You really are beautiful, (y/n). God, I sound like a broken record but it's true." I laugh and thank him. "You know... I thought the reason you turned me down is because you have a thing with Gray. He seems to be hitting it off with that woman though, so I must be wrong."

"We're just friends."

"It's a little better for my ego to know you're genuinely not interested in dating." He murmurs sheepishly.

"You're so cute." The booze prompts me to say.

Sting smiles and slowly leans in, his eyes on my lips. My eyes widen and I turn my face to the side. "Sting... I... Shit. I'm sorry. I don't want to lead you on. I'm really not interested in anyone. Romantically or otherwise."

He pulls back, blushing. "Don't be sorry." He sighs. "I've always been interested in you. Ever since we met. I guess I should have acted sooner. But I'm a patient man. If you ever change your mind and want to date me... Well, I don't see the way I feel changing."

"You really are sweet. Thanks for understanding."

He smiles and pours me another glass of wine. We stare at the stars and talk for another hour before going back inside. "You're good company." Sting smiles. "We should hang out more. Even if it is just as friends."

"I'd like that. We can spar more often too. I thoroughly enjoy kicking your ass."

"Is that a challenge, short stuff?" He steps closer, towering over me.

"My height has nothing to do with how strong I am. If anything, it makes it more embarrassing that I can throw you around so easily." I take a step forward, getting right in his face.

"You cocky shit!" He laughs, pushing his forehead to mine, not breaking eye contact, his lips mere inches from mine, his breath and scent seeping into my senses.

"Oh, you're one to talk!" I move closer just ever so slightly

Sting breathes deeply and begins to move his face closer to mine. "Why do you torture me, (y/n)?" He breathes, his breath hot on my lips. "Can I just —"

"You two look like you're having fun." Gray walks up.

"Oh, hey! Where's your friend?" Sting pulls back, still staring at me.

"Yeah, dude. She's smokin' hot."

"She went to the bathroom. She is hot but she's about as entertaining as a doorknob. I'm kinda hoping she doesn't find me when she comes back."

"Graaaaay!" The hot lady slurs from the top of the stairs.

"Oh, God. No! (Y/n), help me! I can't listen to her anymore."

"Help you how?"

"Pretend to be his girlfriend." Sting suggests. "Oldest trick in the book. I'm gonna go grab another beer. Anyone else want one?"

"Yeah, grab us both one." Gray says grabbing me and pulling me close.

"Gray, I... Who the fuck is she?"

"I'm his girlfriend. Who the fuck are you?"

"The girl he's been flirting with all night." She states, her tone snarky.

"He does that sometimes when he thinks I might be interested in a threesome, but you aren't my type. Enjoy the rest of your night."

"Eager to get him away from me? Are you afraid I can steal him from you if he gets into bed with someone better?"

I scoff. "A man who loves a woman as much as Gray loves me can be trusted to flirt as he pleases, shouldn't that be obvious if we pick up women together? It doesn't mean anything to him. Not when he comes home to me."

"That's right, baby." Gray says as he kisses my forehead.

"Fuck you!" She spits out, glaring at Gray.

"Actually, I'm gonna fuck her. It's gonna be amazing too." Gray lightly slaps my ass and I giggle.

The girl lets out a frustrated squeal and stomps off. Gray stares at me and murmurs a thank you. I smile. "You're welcome. But we are in public so you should..."

"Right!" He says, pulling away.

"Good acting you two! You have some chemistry." Sting walks over and hands us both a beer. "Was she really that boring?"

"Yeah, dude. She talked about the different ways she pampers her dog most of the time. I almost made a cliff of ice so I could jump off of it."

"That's too bad, she seemed to like you."

"She seemed a little psychotic."

"Still," I say, "she was pretty damn fine."

"That doesn't mean anything if she doesn't have a brain." Gray mutters.

"He's right." Sting says. "Physically, she is appealing, but any intelligent man would prefer a woman like you. You make us think, you make us laugh, and you have no problem challenging us. It's refreshing." My face flushes a little.

My phone begins to ring. It's Natsu. "Hello?"

"Frosty tits!" Natsu slurs.

"You sound drunk."

"So do you. We finished our mission early an' came home but you and popsicle dick ain't around. Then Gramps told us about your mission. How'd it go!?"

"We killed the tryverns! How else would it go."

"No one was hurt?"

"I'll tell you when we're sober."

"When're ya coming home? I miss you."

"I miss you too, flame brain. We'll be home in two days."

"Call me SOON'S you get back."

"I will, Natsu."

"Promise me!"

"I promise you."

"Okay, you're my bestest friend, did you know that?"

"I know. You're my best friend too. You're really drunk. You should go home and sleep."

"Yer not the boss-ah me."

"Natsu!" I growl.

"Okay, okay. I'll go. Happy! S'go home. Good night, (y/n). I love ya."

"Love you too, drunk ass. Good night." I hang up.

"Natsu?" Gray chuckles. I nod. "Drunk dialling to remind you that he loves you?"

"Yeah, he's a big softie when he's wasted." I yawn. "I should take my own advice and go to bed. It's late."

"I'll walk you to your room." Sting offers me his arm.

I link my arm through it and walk towards the stairs. "Don't stay up too late, Gray." I smile and wink.

"You're not the boss of me!"

"That's what Natsu said. You guys are so much alike."

"Shut up!" Gray scowls and drinks his beer.

Sting walks me to my door and gives me a hug. God, he smells good. "You did great today."

"You too." I try to pull away and open the door but he holds me closer.

"About earlier... In the cab..." He murmurs, planting a soft kiss on my neck. "I know your scent now, and you were wet as fuck." His low voice has heat pooling in my lower stomach. He inhales deeply. "Mm, there it is again. Do I excite you?" He licks my earlobe and it shoots a chill down my spine.

"It's mating season. Getting a dragon slayer excited isn't that hard. I'd like to go to bed."

"I'd like to join you." His breath is hot against my neck and his words make my hips buck. He groans quietly and it's such a sexy sound. He gently nips my neck with his sharp teeth and I have to hold back my moan.

"I can't, Sting. If this does happen, I don't want it to be because I'm a slave to my own hormones."

He pulls back, face a little sad. "I'm coming on too strong, aren't I?"

"A little." I say curtly.

"Forgive me. I hope you sleep well." He bows and walks to his room at the other end of the long hallway.

I open the door and walk over to the bed, stripping my dress off on the way. "Do I excite you?" Sting's question bounces around in my head. "He always has." I think to myself, recalling the first time I laid eyes on him.

After a mission, I was walking through town when I caught Natsu's scent, mixed with the scent of another dragon slayer. I noticed a couple broken tree branches and knew he must be fighting. I followed his scent and ended up seeing him and Sting punching each other in the face and laughing.

Natsu lands the final punch and Sting is knocked out for a few minutes, his head slamming against the pavement. "Jesus, Natsu!" I call running over to make sure he's okay. I'm checking his head for swelling when I realize how handsome he is. Sting's eyes slowly open and they're a piercing dark blue.

My breath hitches a little as he stares at me for a few moments. "Wow, you are lovely." He breathes. I blush and he cracks an enormous smile. "Did I get knocked out?" I laugh and nod. "Dragneel got the better of me, huh? Are you from Fairy Tail too?" He was charming, even in his hazy state.

I snap out of my reverie and I've started touching myself without realizing it. "Oh, you excite me more than you know, Sting." I think as a soft groan escapes my mouth. "Mating season is a shitty time. All I can think about is sucking Gray off while sitting on Sting's dick. A threesome with them would be so fucking hot. Maybe someday Gray would agree to..." I think as my fingers move faster, imagining the way Gray tastes, the sounds he makes when I suck him just right.

My door opens just then and Gray stumbles in. "I see you've started without me." He smiles and shuts the door. His shirt is already hanging out of his pants pocket. He walks over as he pulls his pants off, already erect. "Were you thinking about me?" He murmurs, climbing onto the bed, trailing his tongue up my leg agonizingly slow.

"Yes." Technically not a lie. "Don't tease me. You've left me wanting all day."

"Eager for me?" He thrusts his fingers inside me and puts his mouth on my clit.

"Hnn, yes. Always yes."

"Mmm, God. I've been thinking about the way you taste almost all day." He moans between licks and sucks. "These rooms are completely sound proof by the way... You don't have to try to be quiet."

"Gray, please, I need you inside of me, not your fingers. I can't wait any more."

"So impatient for me, my little Ice Princess." Gray purrs as he reaches for his pants, looking for a condom. I sit up and suck his dick while he fumbles through his pockets. "Unngh! Jesus, I've missed your mouth." I start to play with myself while I wait.

"Mmmm!" I moan on his dick, sucking him harder as my fingers move faster.

"Oh, fuuuck, (y/n), that's so damn good!" He finds the condom and lets me keep going for a minute. I let out another mewl and he tosses his head back. "I need to fuck you. Now." I take my mouth off of him and he rolls the condom on. He lifts me and throws me back further on the bed.

He wastes no time in crawling over to me. He lines himself up with my entrance and asks, "How do you want it?"

"I want it rough, baby. Show me how much you want me." He smirks and slams his cock into me. "Oh fuck, Gray." I moan loudly.

He pulls out and pounds into me again. He builds a steady rhythm, changing angles until he finds one that really makes me crazy. "Right there?" He grunts, pausing.

"Fuck yes, right there." Gray smiles and starts drilling into me mercilessly. I grab onto my breasts and begin groping myself and playing with my nipples.

"Mm, that's fuckin' sexy, baby." He growls, watching as I squeeze my own breasts. "So wet for me..." His words have my head spinning and my clit tingling as he slams into me. He grabs my hair and pulls my face to his and crashes his mouth to mine. He moans into my mouth and fuck, it's almost my undoing.

"Gray, I think I'm gonna cum." I murmur, desperately close to the edge.

"Already?" He picks up his pace and my body begins to jerk. He hits my clit just right and I find my release, cursing loudly and screaming his name, tightening around him. Two thrusts later and Gray's twitching inside of me and he's biting down on my shoulder while he moans my name.

He collapses on top of me, breathing heavily. "Hearing you scream my name like that.. Fuck. I thought I was gonna last longer but that made me cum. Hard."

"Good to know I have that effect on you." I whisper against his skin sleepily. "That was fucking great, Gray." He pulls back and looks at me with something I've never seen on his face. Before I can place it, he's kissing me passionately.

"I can't believe you almost died today." He murmurs between kisses and caresses. "You were so pale, so cold. You lost so much fucking blood!" He stops kissing me and buries his face in the crook of my neck. "I thought I was going to lose you! I still can't believe you threw yourself in harm's way like that!" I can feel tears sliding down his face.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Gray I'm fine. I'm alive. I don't even have a scar."

"Only because Sting and Rogue had those flouncia potions! If they didn't... Oh God, I don't even want to imagine..."

"Then don't." I run my hands up and down his back gently.

"You still shouldn't have..."

"You would have done the same, and we talked about this earlier, so that's enough with the lecture. I'm alive and well. I'm here with you, aren't I? That's part of how we live. It's a dangerous job, but it's our passion."

He sits up and wipes his eyes and smiles at me. "I still think you're nuts." He laughs.

Gray falls asleep, clutching onto me. "(Y/n)..." He murmurs in his sleep. "Come with me... show you somethin'." I can't help but wonder what he's dreaming about. I drift off listening to his even breathing, seeing the content look on his sleeping face gives me pleasant dreams.

I wake up to shuffling on the bed. It's 6 am and Gray's getting up. "Morning." He yawns. "I'm gonna go lay back in my room. Sting, Rogue and their exceeds are just down the hall. I don't want them to see me leaving your room."

"Good idea. Meet for breakfast in a few hours?"

"Sounds great. Get some more sleep." I yawn and nod.

I'm awake by 8:30 and ready by 9. I knock on Gray's door and see Sting walking my way. "Oh, good, you're up! I was gonna see if you wanted to go for breakfast with Rogue and I."

"Gray and I were just gonna go eat. You can join us if you'd like. We should ask Lyon, too. I haven't seen much of him since we came back to the house yesterday."

Sting laughs. "Rogue told me he met a beautiful woman and took her up to his room. Apparently she looks a lot like you. I think someone has a crush on you. Besides me, of course." He winks and I blush, remembering the way he was pressed up against me last night. The way I imagined him sliding in and out of me as I touched myself...

Gray opens the door, snapping me out of it. He's showered and ready to go. "Oh, hey Sting. Want to come for breakfast with us?" Sting nods and goes to get Rogue. "I texted Lyon but didn't get an answer." Lyon's door opens just then and a woman walks out quietly. She sees us staring and sputters out some excuse about being late for work and runs off. "Huh, she looks like you. Not as pretty, though."

Lyon pokes his head out a minute later. "You forgot your —" he holds out a pair of underwear. Gray and I laugh at the horrified expression on his face.

"Fun night?" I tease. His face goes red and he shuts his door. I can't help it, I walk over to his door and start knocking, "Do you wanna build a snowman~" I sing.

Gray covers my mouth. "No, not funny." I look at him and laugh at the way his eyebrows come together.

"It was pretty funny to me." Rogue says, walking over.

"Fro thinks so too!"

"Hey, buddy!" I hold my arms out and Frosch crashes into them. "Ready for that breakfast I promised you?"

"Fro is ready!" He calls out cheerfully. Rogue smiles at me fondly.

"He told me about your breakfast plans at least 4 times last night. He's pretty excited."

"He earned it! He was super brave yesterday." I snuggle my face against Frosch. "Let's get going, I'm starving." Lyon comes out of his room, grumbling about how stupid that snowman song is.

We all go to a restaurant 2 blocks away. I manage to order Frosch some sort of fish omelette despite the strange look from the waitress and he sits on my lap chatting away as we all wait for our breakfasts.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n) (l/n)?"

I turn around and come face to face with a man who has hazel eyes, dark hair, and tanned skin. "Yes...?"

"I thought it was you! I'm Justin Mayes." He reaches his hand out to shake mine. "I'm a big fan."

I shake his hand and smile. "Nice to meet you."

"And Gray Fullbuster!" He exclaims. "Sorry, I'm a bit of an excitable person." He flushes a little, shaking Gray's hand. "What are you doing way out in Floryan?" He asks.

"Pull up a chair, come sit with us." I offer. Justin jumps up and sits at our table.

"We just wrapped up a mission." Gray answers, sipping his coffee.

"Oh, those huge dragon looking things? Of course that was you. Are you heading back to Magnolia today?"

"Actually, we are." I answer, curious.

"I'm a pilot and I'll be heading there in 3 hours. I have room for 2 more if you're interested in getting home in 5 hours rather than 2 days." His smile is huge and genuine.

"That would be great! I can't wait to get home and sleep in my own bed." I gush, grateful for his offer.

"I feel the same." Gray grins at the kind pilot.

"Cool!" Justin exclaims. He finally turns his head and sees who we're sitting with. "Lyon Vastia! Sting Eucliffe! Rogue Cheney! I'm sorry, I was so excited to see Fairy Tail wizards I didn't notice you there. Oh, now I wish I had a bigger plane."

"Don't worry, I think I'll stick around the town a few more days."

"Bowm chicka wow wooow." Sting chants.

Lyon's face flushes, "Shut up!"

2 and a half hours later, our group is saying good bye and going their separate ways.

Sting picks me up off the ground and spins me around. "Have a safe flight, gorgeous! I'll see you soon, right?"

"Of course. Thanks again for all your help."

"Don't mention it. Let's do another mission together sometime." His smile stretches ear to ear.

"That sounds fun! We have to get going, I don't want to make Justin wait."

"You'll miss me right?" Sting asks before he kisses my cheek. "Take care!" He turns and waves as he walks away. I blink, waving back.

"He can't see you, ya know." Gray laughs at me. "He's become quite fond of you. Are you beginning to return those feelings?"

"No! Shut up! Let's go."

"Then why are you blushing?"

"I don't blush!"

"(Y/n) and Sting, sitting in a tree, f-u-c — oww!"

I elbow him in the ribs and laugh when he's rubbing the sore spot. I'm happy to see Gray acting like himself again. He still has to tell me what's been bothering him, even if I have to beat it out of him.

5 hours on the plane with Justin goes by fast. The man loves to talk. He's entertaining and takes us over a part of the town I've never seen from so far up. After landing, I spend 10 minutes trying to convince Justin to let us pay him for his troubles. "I was coming here anyway! I don't want your money."

"How about I invite you to the next party the guild has? I have your card, I can call you when it happens."

"You... You'd do that?! That would be awesome!"

I smile and thank him again before Gray and I head back to our houses to drop our things off.

"Are you going to the guild tonight?"

"Yeah, I'll probably meet Natsu there. Are you gonna come?"

"Nah. I'll see everyone tomorrow."

"Can I come over later?"

"Of course you can, my Ice Princess." He smiles as we go our separate ways.

I pull out my phone and call Natsu. "Hey, Natsu, I'm back early!"

"Sweet! I'm at the guild, are you gonna stop by?"

"Yeah, right after I drop my bags off at home."

"I'll see you soon then!" He says enthusiastically.

I make quick work of going home and basically sprint to the guild. "(Y/n)~!" Natsu yells as I walk in and tackles me in a hug. I laugh at his childlike excitement.

"I missed you too, Natsu." He beams at me.

"Tell me about your mission."

I walk over to where Erza, Lucy, Wendy, and Carla are sitting. I tell them the gist of what happened. I hesitate to tell them about my injury but Natsu asks again if anyone got hurt. When I tell him, his body bursts into flames. "WHAT?!" He bellows. "Slush for brains let you get hurt?!"

"Natsu, calm down!"

"Where is he? I'm gonna beat his ass!"

"Stop it! He feels bad enough. If I didn't shove him out of the way, he would have died!"

Natsu takes a deep breath and his flames dissipate. "I'm glad you're okay." He grumbles, not letting on how happy he is that Gray is safe.

"Natsu, stop pouting. We're both fine. I don't even have a scar."

"With an injury like that? No way!"

"I don't."

"Lemme see." Natsu reaches over, yanks my top down and my boobs pop out.


"Sorry, I'll cover them!" Natsu grabs onto my breasts, his warm hands squeezing and his palms brushing over my nipples, making them hard. He feels the change and his face goes bright red and I can see his pants tightening.

I punch him in the face and pull my shirt up. "What the hell!"

"What the hell yourself! Have you never heard of a bra?!" He says as he rubs his cheek.

"There's one built in! And my injury was here, you dumb ass!" I lift the bottom of my shirt, revealing my smooth skin.

"Huh. No scar. How 'bout that." Natsu's face is still red and he can't look at me yet.

"You listened to me while I was gone!" Erza gushes, changing the subject. "I'm proud of you two."

"I wish I could have been there to help." Wendy says softly, looking a little downtrodden.

I pull her into a hug. "I hear you did well in your mission!"

"You did?"

"Yep. Lucy was texting me all morning telling me about how much you've improved." Wendy blushes and grins, happy to hear praise from the teammates she admires.

"Did Gray go home?" Lucy asks. "Mira told me you guys were basically attached at the hip before you left for your mission." She leans forward. "Are you guys finally going to get together?"

"She saw us together for like 20 minutes before we left. Not exactly reliable information, Lucy."

"But you guys left together!" She smirks, trying to coax out more details.

"I wonder who ships you guys harder,

Lucy or Mira." Wendy giggles.

I face palm and shake my head. "Don't encourage her, Wendy!"

"We should celebrate our successful missions with a little get away!" Erza exclaims. "Let's go to the beach tomorrow!"

"That's a great idea!" Lucy calls out. "(Y/n), you call Gray and ask if he wants to come."

"YOU call him." I mutter indignantly.

"I'm sure he'd rather hear from you."

"Lucy, I've never punched you in the face before, but I don't have a problem changing that." The blonde squeals and backs off, her hands raised in surrender.

I see Natsu staring at me in my peripheral vision and look over and catch him staring at my breasts. I smirk and cock an eyebrow when he snaps out of it and he gets red all over again.

"It's been a long day." I say, getting up. "I just came to say hi. I'm gonna head home and go to bed."

"I'll call you in the morning when we figure out when we leave." Erza says, waving. Everyone says good night and I leave the guild hall.

I take my phone out of my pocket and call Gray. "Hey, is it still okay for me to come by?"

Half an hour later, I'm knocking on his door. He pokes his head out of his bedroom window. "It's open. Come on up." I walk into his room and he's naked. My mouth goes dry as I stare at his erection. "Lose the clothes." I comply without hesitation. "Flawless..." He murmurs, motioning for me to come straddle him.

I'm sitting on his hips, letting the tip of his dick rub against my clit, grinding ever so slightly. "So wet already." I bite my lip at the low tone of his voice. Gray squeezes my ass and asks me a question that makes me wet enough to drip. "Want to ride my face?" I swallow thickly and nod. "Come on, then."

I move up and slowly lower myself over his mouth. Gray smacks my ass. "Have a seat." Before I can laugh he reaches his tongue up and gives me a long, gentle lick and I moaaan.

He pulls me closer to his face and begins flicking his tongue up and down my slit. He slowly adds licks to my clit and my body is shuddering at the sensation. I grab my breasts and massage them. Gray moans, his mouth latching onto my clit in the process.

The vibration causes my body to twitch. Gray begins to thrash his tongue as he sucks on my little bundle of nerves and it's hard to sit upright. I lean my forehead against the wall while his name falls from my mouth. Gray's squeezing and slapping my ass and reaching up to pull my long hair.

He takes his mouth off of me and I whine. "Wanna turn around and watch me jerk off?"

"Oh fuck yeah!" I exclaim, switching myself around.

"Touch your clit." He murmurs while he coats his hand in my juices. Before I can ask, he's sliding his tongue inside me. His hands are on his dick and he's rapidly pumping himself. The next instant I'm touching myself. Rubbing, pinching, and moaning as Gray groans into my pussy.

I see a little pre-cum on his tip and it makes that coil in my stomach tighten. "Gray..." I whimper as his long tongue slides in and out of me

wiggling around. One loud moan from Gray gets me off. Vibrations ripping through me as my cum drips out all over Gray's face.

I fall forward and land on my hands. I'm shaky and can barely hold myself up, but I lean forward and suck on Gray's tip. He grunts and lifts my lower half up and slides out from under me. "Nope. I need to fuck you. Don't move. I wanna take you from the back just like that."

I hear a condom being opened and soon after he has one hand on my hip. He slides his cock into me and uses his other hand to push my body closer to the bed. "Your ass is lovely." Gray murmurs, pulling himself out half way and slamming back in. He manages to rub right up against my G-spot and oh, God, I need to cum again.

Gray sets a quick tempo, smacking my ass when he pulls out and gripping my hip hard. He reaches forward and rubs my clit while he growls near my ear. "I want you to cum for me again but I don't think I'll last long."

"I won't either if you keep doing what you're doing." I mewl. I know he's smirking as he fucks me harder, rubbing my clit with vigour. "Oh, fuck. Gray, I.. I..."

"(Y/n)!" He calls out, his cock throbbing inside of me. "Oh god, (y/n), I think I'm gonna.."

He thrusts into me hard and releases, grunting my name and rubbing my clit hard. Hearing him call my name like that pushes me over the edge and I tremble as I ride out my orgasm.

We both lay there for a few minutes, coming down from the high. Gray smacks my ass one last time and pulls out.

"Shit!" He yells. "Shit, shit, SHIT!"

"What's wrong?" I ask, panicked at his freak out.

"The condom broke! Fuck! Are you ovulating? When was your last period? And... Why in the actual fuck are you laughing? This isn't funny!"

I can't stop, I'm howling and rolling around on the bed. Gray sits there with his arms crossed. Every time I think I'm done laughing, I see the expression on his face and start all over. It takes me ten minutes to calm down. "Okay, I think I'm good." I say.

"What about this is remotely funny?" He demands.

"Um, well I'm not gonna get pregnant."

"How the fu—"

"I've been on birth control for the last 2 months."


"I'm sorry, your panic face is a little funny."

"Fuck you."

"Buy me dinner first."

Gray laughs a little at my stupid joke before getting serious. "You're on birth control? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Just to regulate periods and such. It's also great at preventing acne. I didn't tell you because I wanted us to get tested. But... I trust you. If you tell me you're clean, I'll believe you."

"I am. And I trust you are...?"

"Yes, I am. I'm sorry I laughed so hard at you."

"You are not, you're smirking like a jack ass!"

"Does it make you feel better that we don't have to use condoms?"

"Well... Yeah, it does, that's the best news I've heard all day."

"We're going to the beach with the team tomorrow, by the way."

"But... I wanna spend all day fucking you tomorrow." He pouts.

"I'm sure we can sneak off somewhere tomorrow. Sex on the beach!"

"That sounds hot." He murmurs, kissing my neck and grinding against me.

"Gray-sama!" I hear from outside.

"There goes my boner. You locked the door, right?" I giggle and nod.


"Damn it." Gray pokes his head out the window. "Hi, Juvia."

"Gray-sama! Juvia is going on a mission tomorrow and was wondering if you would join her?"

"I just got back from a mission and I gotta rest up. Sorry."

Juvia hangs her head. "Juvia missed Gray-sama."


"Juvia will bring back a gift for her beloved!"

"That isn't necessary. I'm going to bed, be safe!" He comes back in and shuts the window. "Sheesh." He plops back down.

"That was a little rude, Gray."

"I was trying my hardest to be polite. She probably would have barged in if you didn't lock the door."

"Oh God. She would have killed me."

Gray laughs. "Well... want to watch a movie? I'm really not in the mood anymore."

I laugh at him, "Yeah. Want to watch Frozen?"


I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. "Mmph, hello?"

"We leave at 2 pm!" Erza says chirpily.

"Then why did you call me at 6 am? I'm going back to bed."

Erza laughs, "Sorry to wake you. We'll meet at the train station at 1:30."

"1:30, gotcha." I hang up and lay back down.

"Ugh. So early." Gray grumbles.

I'm almost back asleep when Gray's phone begins to blare.

"Seriously?!" I growl.

"Erza!" Gray answers his phone. "It's called a text message!"

I hear laughter on the other end of the line and Erza repeats what she said to me.

"Yes. 1:30. I'll be there. See ya." He hangs up and turns towards me, laying his head on my chest and falling back asleep.

I wake up again at 9 am and gently pull myself from under Gray. I get dressed and walk into his kitchen to cook us both some breakfast. It's almost ready when I hear Gray stirring from his sleep. "Where'd she..." I hear him murmur to himself.

He walks in to breakfast and coffee on the table. I smile as he sits beside me and tell him about my visit at the guild last night. "Well, he's right. I did let you get hurt." Gray mumbles, his tone depressed and he eats his bacon.

"Shut up. I'm a grown woman, I make my own damn choices. And I... I can't lose you either."

"What are you —"

"I heard you when you thought I was going to die, and I can't lose you either. You mean too damn much to me so get the fuck over what I did and just be thankful I'm alive!"

He smiles at my blunt statement. "I suppose you're right. So Natsu saw your tits huh? Been a lot of that happening for you the last few days."

"Yeah, of all the fucking luck." Gray laughs, thinking about the men who've seen my boobs. "So, you still haven't told me what you were upset about while we were on the train."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"You promised."

"Fuck me."

"Tell me before I punch your lights out."

"Ugh, fine! Ur... Ur died this time of year. It's common for me to get nightmares during this month." He can't look my way. He's trying to hide his eyes.

"I thought it might have something to do with Ur."

"I've talked to Lyon, he assures me he didn't mean what he said when we were kids but... I don't know."

"You still feel responsible for what happened to her?"

"Yeah." Tears form in his eyes and he hangs his head.

"It's not your fault."

No response.

"It's NOT your fault!"

"I just...I can't get the images out of my head. It's worse when I sleep. Deliora killing my parents. Ur taking me in, teaching me magic. Her body dissipating into ice!" His words come out broken through his sobs.

I grab him and pull him close. "Ur just did what she said she would. She freed you from your demons. She kept her promises. It's a trait I see in you. She taught you well, and her legacy lives on through you and Lyon."

"I know, but if I had just —"

"You can't change the past, Gray. All you can do is let it make you stronger, better. That's what you've done. Look where you are now! You're a proud member of Fairy Tail and a powerful ice make wizard! Ur would be proud of you. Just as proud as Master Makarov is. You've found a new family. And we all love you no matter what. I know guilt is hard to let go of, but you have to forgive yourself. We tell all guild members who leave to live every day as if it's their last, right? How can you do that if you carry this burden around?"

Gray wipes his eyes and looks at me. "Huh. For someone who has her foot in her mouth often enough for it to be a fetish, you sure make a lot of sense sometimes." He smiles nervously.

"You're an ass."

"Shut up. That's just my way of telling you you're right. I've got to let this go and truly move on. Thanks... y'know, for opening my eyes to that. I've always known that, but I never thought of it in that exact way. I know it won't happen overnight but... realizing it is a step forward."

I lean forward 3 inches and kiss him on the cheek. "I'm here for you anytime you need me... Ass." He laughs and stands, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. He carries me to his bedroom, moving my panties to the side and sliding his fingers inside of me. "Gray..." I murmur, his fingers becoming saturated in my juices.

8 hours later, we arrive at the beach, and everyone turns in for the night. Lucy booked everything so Gray and I end up sharing the smaller cabin while Erza, Lucy, Natsu, and Wendy share the larger one. I pretend to be annoyed at her attempt to push Gray and I together, but I spend the night fucking the handsome ice mage. It's 3 am before we're both too tired to continue. We sleep in separate rooms, knowing someone could easily walk in any time of the day.

"Just come into my room if you have any more nightmares."

Gray tries to laugh non-chalantly. "Why?"

"Doesn't sleeping next to me help?"

"It might." He blushes at my observation.

"Good night, Gray." I smile as I walk to my own room only to discover that it's kinda lonely sleeping by myself after sharing a bed with Gray for the last 6 nights.

He must agree. 15 minutes later he walks in. "I haven't had a nightmare but.. I can probably prevent 'em if I just sleep beside you. Just 'cause, um, you can wake me up if it looks like I'm having one and uh..." He pauses, fumbling for his words and I wait patiently, my face showing my amusement. "Can I just fucking sleep here with you?" He asks, giving up his effort to find a reasonable excuse.

"Aww, did you miss me already?"

"Pfft, no. Just move over would ya?"

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