Full Moon Rises

By Nynx13

2.7K 108 8

Meet Rosalina, who goes to the prestigious Fayville Academy. Located in Fayville, North Dakota. Her mother di... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 6

192 8 0
By Nynx13

We were up in the office and Aaron had just walked up. Tanner had told Aaron to sit down across from us. We were seated at the desk with Aaron. Tanner was shuffling some papers around on his desk. Looking through some files, while we were waiting for him.

"Alright, well I guess it's time to get started, hm?" Tanner put the papers down, looking at Aaron.

"Whenever you're ready. What exactly do you need to tell me?" Aaron asked, leaning back in his chair.

Tanner looked around the room suspiciously. "What we're about to tell you cannot leave this room. Do you understand that?"

Aaron nodded his head obediently. "Of course, whatever you say Alpha."

"You know the legend of the white wolf?" Tanner drummed his fingers on the desk.

"Of course. When the white wolf is revealed, a great war will take place. What of the legend?" Aaron looked slightly confused.

Tanner and I exchanged glances. "Your Luna is the white wolf."

The room was pretty silent for awhile. Aaron's jaw slowly dropped. "The Luna is.. The white wolf? How is that possible? I thought she was a human?"

"We all thought she was human. It turns out her parents had her memory blocked by a wizard. This wizard is also her grandfather. Which makes her a werewolf/witch hybrid. Since her memories were restored, she will shift again in a few days. Once that happens news of the white wolf will spread like wildfire." Tanner sighed, rubbing his temples.

"I see. This is simply amazing." Aaron glanced at me. "Our Luna the white wolf... This is such a good and bad thing."

"What are the good and bad parts of it? If you don't mind me asking." I chimed in, wanting to learn more.

"Well the good are your powers. The white wolf is said to have mysterious powers that will aid their pack. Of course.. Not all packs will be as thrilled. Some of them might want to have the powers to themselves. The war is pretty bad too, all sorts of creatures will be engaged in it. They might even come after you, so that you can't decide the fate of the battle. Some will try to kill, and others capture you." Aaron said, looking worried.

"Probably the most dangerous enemy of all is the Demon King." Tanner said, running a hand through his hair.

"What's so bad about the Demon King?"

"He's pure evil. He controls pretty much all of the underworld. All the demons, ghouls, undead, just everything below the ground." Tanner frowned.

"Don't worry Luna, the pack will stand by your side. We won't let anything happen to you." Aaron gave me a respectful nod.

"We're allied with a couple packs as well. I'm sure they would be more than willing to help us if anything happens." Tanner shuffled through some of the papers, examining them.

"What creatures would even be upset about the white wolf?" I asked.

"Pretty much just the Demon King. He's been trying to take over the world for awhile now. He wants to go above ground more than anything. The Angels won't allow him to. Rumors say he's going to start a war soon in order to go above ground. If he does that... Humanity will be lost. Humans would either be enslaved or killed. Angels would be completely wipes out though." Tanner looked upset. He didn't like the thought of demons roaming the earth.

"What's the plan for the Luna's shift?"

Tanner was quiet for a moment, pondering this question as well. "It'll just be her and I. We need to keep everyone in the dark as long as possible. It'll give us the most time possible to prepare."

"What about her powers? She's a witch too, can she do anything?" Both Aaron and Tanner looked at me.

"Oh.. I don't know. I've never tried any magic or anything." I felt awkward with them both staring at me.

"See if you can try anything, you've seen how your grandfather casts some spells. Maybe you can just go through the motion." Tanner suggested.

"Alright, I'll try." I waved my hand, not really sure what I was aiming for. Unsurprisingly nothing happened. I tried a few different hand motions but they all had the same effect. I decided to try something new, and put my arm out in front of me. I faced my palm in front of me and flicked my wrist. Nothing happened at first, but I felt something just.. There. Like some power rising up in my arm. My hand started to feel sort of heated.

I did the motion a few more times, and then it happened. A fireball flew out of my palm and whizzed past Aaron's head. Hitting the wall and making it flame. Aaron shot up faster than I ever saw someone move. He ran to the corner and retrieved a fire extinguisher, putting out the blaze. After it was out, a black burn mark was left on the wall. Both of their heads swiveled toward me.

"Oh my god... I'm so sorry. I didn't know I would just... Shoot out a fireball!" I gasped, feeling so stupid.

"That was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen!" Aaron exclaimed, looking pumped.

"It's okay, dear. That wall needed to be repainted anyways. That was really interesting though. I didn't know you could shoot fireballs. " Tanner sounded pretty impressed.

"Sorry again. What if I end up burning the house down?" Dread filled me at the thought.

Almost as if on cue, a portal opened right in the office. Adonis walked out, and when he saw me he smiled. We hugged and he pulled out something from behind his back. It was a little wrapped package, with a small bow on it. He handed it to me, and I took it.

"Here you go, I forgot to give you this. You'll be needing some sort of training as a witch. Since my help will be limited, this is perfect for you. No witch or wizard is complete without one."

"Thanks so much. By the way, this is Tanner's beta Aaron." I gestured toward Aaron, and he gave a small wave.

"Nice to meet you Aaron. I must be going now, got so many things to attend to." Adonis bowed, and then walked back into the portal, it closing up behind him.

I looked at the small parcel in my hands. Carefully unwrapping it I looked it over. It was a book with a purple/blue cover. 'Spellbook' was written neatly on the cover in large letters. Both Aaron and Tanner were watching me.

"So it's a spellbook I see. What does it look like on the inside?" Aaron asked.

I opened the cover and there were some chapters listed. Categories like Spells, Incantations, Wards, Conjuring, Familiars, Elements, and a few other categories. It then gave a page number for where each category started. I flipped to the familiars section and read. You could summon anything from treants to squirrels. Some of them required items or for you to say words. Easier ones just required a simple movement of the hand. It said that you just had to think hard about what you wanted to summon.

"What exactly are you reading?" Tanner looked super confused.

I pointed at some of the spells on the page. "Just some spells, why?"

Aaron started looking just as confused as Tanner. "There's nothing there. The pages are completely empty."

"What? This book is filled with a ton of spells."

"I haven't seen any words on the pages either. It looks like an empty book to me." Tanner was confused.

It hit me then why they couldn't see anything on the pages. "It must be.. Enchanted. So that no one can see what it holds unless they're a witch or wizard."

"That makes sense. What does it say? Is there cool stuff in there?"

"Yeah there's tons of spells to do a variety of things. From summoning creatures to controlling the elements. Hopefully it'll help me learn what I need to."

Aaron and Tanner talked for awhile. The entire time I spent studying the spellbook. I was super excited to get started learning all the spells. I was hoping it wouldn't be too tricky, but I knew that it probably would be. I already started trying to memorize some of the words to the spells. They looked more advanced, but I figured might as well try them.

I was reading one of the spells. It was to make myself float. It seemed like a pretty easy spell. It just required me to say a few words. I focused and said the words quietly under my breath, with my eyes squeezed tightly shut. Nothing happened so I just sat there and kept repeating them. I could feel Tanner's gaze on me as I kept mumbling quietly.

"Oh my god, Rose!" Tanner's panicked voice yelled.

My head bumped against something pretty hard. "Ow!" I opened my eyes, and was confused. I looked up and realized that my head had hit the ceiling. I was floating a good 12 feet in the air! I waved my arms, feeling panicked at realizing I was floating.

"How do I get down from here?!" I loudly questioned. I tried to focus my mind on going down, but nothing happened.

Tanner and Aaron both got out of their chairs. Tanner tried to reach me, but I was almost double the height of him. Aaron scooted a chair over, and climbed on top of it. He reached for me but I was a good few feet out of his reach still.

"Uh, don't worry love. We'll find a way to get you down." Tanner looked really worried.

Suddenly, I started to get lower. "Oh, it's okay. I'm coming down."

Tanner was under me, and reached his hands up toward me. When I was still about 10 feet in the air, I suddenly started to fall. I screamed as I fell, but Tanner quickly caught me in his arms. A breath of relief escaped me as I was expecting to hit the ground instead.

"Don't worry, I've got you my beautiful Luna." Tanner smiled, kissing my forehead. "Maybe not float again soon, yeah? Practice easier things." He stuck his tongue out at me.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Good thing I have my big strong Alpha here to protect me."

He put me down, setting me on my feet. "I'm just your knight in shining armor. Be careful when you're practicing, okay? I don't want you to somehow hurt yourself."

"Don't worry, I'll play it safe." I assured him, rubbing his arm.

"Aaron and I have a lot to talk about. You probably won't be interested, so do you want to head out? I also have a surprise I want to plan for you later tonight."

"Hmmm, a surprise? Well now I'm intrigued." Excitement bubbled in me.

"Yes of course. That's later tonight though, so maybe you could get ready? I'll be back around 7pm. You have pretty much all day to kill."

"Alright, I'll get ready. Just don't have too much fun without me." I teased.

"Of course I won't. I'll be too busy missing you." Tanner pulled me close and gave me a kiss on the lips. "Until tonight."

Aaron made a gagging sound. It made Tanner and I both laugh. I walked out of the room, shutting the door quietly. I could hear them talking muffled in the room. I wondered what exactly they talked about, but knew it was none of my business.

I decided today was the day I would explore the territory. I also wanted to practice magic, but knew I couldn't where someone would see me. I put on a coat, it was sort of chilly outside now. It was October now with a slight chill in the air. I put my spellbook in my coat pocket, zipping it shut. Fall is my favorite time of year. I loved watching the trees change color. Just hearing leaves crunch under my shoes as I walked was enjoyable.

I walked through the woods, enjoying the scenery. I've never really been able to explore the forest before. I don't know if Tanner would be very happy if he knew I was. I walked for maybe an hour, just going in one direction. I heard the sound of water flowing somewhere around me. I knew some of my spells would need water, so I followed it.

Eventually I came to a beautiful meadow. There was a small waterfall, that went into a pretty large pond. A river ran from the pond and off into the distance. It was very beautiful and serene. There was a large flat rock on the edge of the water. I walked over to it, and sat down on it. Pulling my spellbook out of my pocket, I began to study it.

I spent a good couple hours just reading the spellbook by the water. I had mastered a few of the beginner spells. Simple things like making waves in the water, and moving the water where I wanted it. I was currently manipulating the water, playing with it between my hands. I breathed on the water in my hand, and it slowly turned into ice. A huge smile lit up my face when suddenly I heard clapping come from behind me. I lost concentration and the ice fell to the ground, breaking.

"Well well well. Looks like wolf girl has learned some new tricks." The voice behind me said, stopping their clapping.

I whirled around, facing the figure. They were hidden by shadows, all I could see was their feet. "Who are you?" I said, my voice shaking slightly.

"Just a secret admirer. It's so good to see you have your memories back. I was beginning to wonder if you ever would."

"How did you know I lost my memories? No one was supposed to know..."

"Oh please. You can't really think that no one knew what happened that day. My Alpha saw it.. He saw everything."

"How? There's no way he could've."

"Well he did. My Alpha was visiting your pack. There strictly on pack business. When he found out what you were, he knew we had to have you."

"It's been a long time since then. Why didn't your Alpha do anything about it sooner? And why isn't he here talk to me, instead of you?"

"I'm here to deliver a message. He tried, but by then your memory was wiped. Don't worry, you'll meet my Alpha soon enough."

"What's this message supposed to be? Who's your Alpha?" I tried to act as bravely as I could.

"You will belong to our pack. You'll help us beat them all. You'll learn who he is soon enough, don't fret."

Suddenly I heard tearing sounds, his feet turned into paws. His roar ripped through the air, sending a chill down my spine. Withing a few seconds he was upon me. He knocked me to the ground easily, snapping his jaws in my face. I struggled underneath him, and remembered everything I'd learned.

I looked toward the pond and screamed out the water spell. I shot a bolt of water right at the wolf on top of me, sending him flying away. He landed on his feet and I quickly got up on mine. He growled, his hackles raising. He charged at me but I surrounded him in a ball of water. I could see him struggling for air as water filled his throat.

I started to panic, I didn't want to kill him! I released the ball, and he flopped to the ground. He coughed, and rose to his feet. I thought maybe he would stop, but he didn't. He lunged at me missing my face by inches. I managed to move at the last second. I shot a fireball in his direction, it hit him in the tail.

He yelped in pain, growling loudly. I blasted him with water into the pond. I trapped him in an air bubble, and concentrated as hard as I could, squeezing my eyes shut. When I opened them, I gasped in surprise. The entire pond was frozen over, aside from the air bubble the guy was trapped in.

I carefully walked onto the icy pond. I could see that he had switched back into human form. He was banging on the ice, trying to get out. I couldn't see any details of his face, which was frustrating. I could see the ice starting to slightly crack under his blows. I knew I had to get out of there, and fast. I sprinted off into the woods in the direction of the pack house, never once looking back.

It was almost time for the surprise when I got back. I knew I couldn't tell Tanner what happened in the woods. He would never allow me to leave without him. I found it peaceful outdoors, and couldn't handle that. I quickly went to my room and took a short shower. I wasn't really sure what the surprise was, so I dressed somewhere between formal and casual.

I decided to head outside to the porch to practice some magic. I just sat there on a porch swing, reading my spellbook. At 7, Tanner walked out of the pack house and looked at me. I didn't see him at first as I was too engrossed in my spellbook. He coughed, catching my attention. I looked over at him and he gave me a huge smile.

"You look beautiful today. How was your day? Do anything exciting?" He walked over to me, sitting next to me.

"Nah, just explored the woods most of the day. I found a nice little pond and practiced some spells. It was all pretty uneventful." I lied, giving him a smile.

"That sounds good. Aaron and I just went through some pack business and what not. Are you ready to go?" Tanner stood up, offering me his hand.

"Of course, lead the way." I took his hand, and he pulled me up.

We walked to his garage, and he got out a nice looking car. We both got in and buckled up. The entire time he was driving I stared out the window at the scenery. It's so beautiful here, I was surprised I didn't notice it before. It was probably my wolf side that loved it so much though. We drove for a couple hours, going a few towns over to a larger city.

"So what exactly are we doing anyways?" I whined, feeling antsy.

"You'll see soon, we're almost there."

I let out a loud sigh of annoyance, making him chuckle. He finally pulled over and parked in a parking lot. It was a nice looking restaurant. I felt sort of nervous because I wasn't dressed up enough for it. When we got inside though, my nerves were gone. Even though it looked expensive and fancy, everyone here was dressed pretty casually. A waiter seated us at a booth in the corner where it was less crowded.

"I realized that we've never even gone on a date. I hope you like it." Tanner said, sounding sort of nervous. Like he was worried I would hate it or something.

"I love it here, it's so nice. Thanks for taking me out, I've always been waiting for this moment." I admitted, I was always wondering what a date with him would be like.

"That's a relief." He let out a breath. "Go ahead and order anything you want."

"Goodie!" I giggled, quickly eyeing the menu. Everything sounded so good, it was really hard to decide. I finally settled on some sort of pasta dish and he got a steak.

We had a really good time. We chatted the entire time we waited for the food to arrive. This is exactly what I always imagined as a perfect date. When the food came, it tasted like heaven in my mouth. Pasta was one of my favorite foods, my first being pizza. I mean, how could you not love pizza? The waiter came back around to check on us, asking how our food was.

"This food is wonderful. Give my compliments to the chef please." I said, feeling very full. I already scarfed down my entire meal. "How's your food Tanner?"

"It's really good. Maybe one of the best steaks I've ever had." He gave the waiter and I a thumbs up.

After the waiter left, I knew I had to thank Tanner. "Thank you so much for taking me out to dinner. This is the first real date I've been on. You really set the bar high." I gave him a huge smile, feeling happy and content.

"Of course, you deserve the world. You're the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me. The night isn't over yet either, I have one more place to take you."

"Really? Where else are we going?" Excitement bubbled within me, I loved spending time with him.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." He said cryptically, finishing up his dinner.

He paid the bill and we walked out of the restaurant arm in arm. Instead of us getting back into the car, we kept walking past the parking lot. It was a little chilly out, and Tanner noticed. He pulled me close, making me feel warmer. We got to a small lake, and walked up onto a dock. At the end of the dock was something that made me gasp.

"A swan boat, really!? How cheesy can you be." I giggled, kissing his cheek.

"Just for you, my love." He smiled at me.

I ran up to the boat and climbed in, and he got in next to me. We paddled slowly, enjoying the fresh air. The light of the moon reflected off the lake, it was a full moon tonight. It made a question pop up into my mind.

"I've heard werewolves always shift on full moons, is that true?"

"Nah, it's not. We are stronger and faster during full moons though. "

We had a fun time. It was nice just paddling around. When it was really late, we paddled back to shore. I got out of the boat, and he stood up to do the same. Before he could get out though, an idea hit me. An evil grin lit up my face, as I took my hands and pushed him off the boat.

A loud splash! Sounded as he fell into the lake, when he came back to the surface he spat water out of his mouth. He glared at me and I started dying of laughter. Before I knew what was happening, his hand was wrapped around my ankle. He pulled me off the dock into the icy water. My scream sounded in the air until I was submerged in water.

The good thing was before I hit the water, I managed to hold my breath. I clawed my way to the surface and took a breath of air. Tanner was next to me laughing loudly. I glared at him and splashed him in the face. He spat out water and splashed me back. We laughed and splashed for awhile, and dunked each other under.

Eventually he pulled himself back up onto the dock. Reaching his hand out, he pulled me up besides him. We were soaking wet, and it was slightly chilly so we cuddled against each other. He brushed my wet hair back behind my ear, kissing me. Our kisses turned passionate and I laid on his chest as we kissed.

He whispered huskily into my ear, "Can I mark you?"

I stopped the kisses, unsure of what marking was. "What's that?"

"It's a way two mates show their love. I'll use my canines to bite your neck, and it'll leave a small mark. The mark left is random. It directly connects their feelings, so we can feel what the other is. It also shows everyone that they're taken. When you shift, you can mark me back."

"Go ahead, I'm forever yours." I whispered, turning my neck so he has easier access.

He put his mouth against my neck, kissing it a few times. Suddenly, I felt a piercing pain that made me wince. He licked the spot he bit, making me feel immediate relief. We went back to kissing, the light of the moon shining down on us.

"Mine." He growled huskily into my ear.


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