The Salmon-Haired Boy|Blue Ex...

By HowlingCreator

42.8K 1.3K 660

In this story,you are a newcomer to True Cross Academy. Your tragic backstory has brought you to this school... More

The New Girl
The Nightmare
The Date
Demons Ruin All The Fun
Choosing your Meister
Author's Note
Beginning the Training
A Spark leads to a Flame
Are You Scared Yet?
Demon Training
Spy Work?
Where's Shima?
Prelude to Destruction

Calling for Backup

1.1K 44 11
By HowlingCreator

Rin picked up quickly and you breathed out silently. "Hello? (Y/N), is that you?" He answered from the other side. You breathed out again. "Yeah. It's me." You said, your voice raspy and uneven. Rin was instantly worried at hearing your voice. "What happened? What's wrong with your voice?" He asked. "I-uh, I need to talk to Yukio. Is he around?" You said, ignoring him. "He's working on some papers. Why?" He persisted.

You shook your head. "Give Yukio the phone." You said. Rin sighed and complied. "Hello?" Yukio answered, sounding kind of confused. "Hey, Yukio." You greeted. You still weren't used to your voice sounding so broken and destroyed. "(Y/N)? What happened to your voice?" Yukio asked. "I got choked..." You replied. "By who? Aren't you on an assignment?" Yukio asked. You sat on the bed and sighed. "It was a demon. His name is Kazuo. Have you ever heard of him?" You started. Yukio shook his head. "I've heard the name, but I don't know who he is? More importantly, you were choked?!" He exclaimed.

You nodded. "I was. Let me start from the beginning because it doesn't matter now." You said and started the story. How you had been chosen to go on a mission as a spy with Shima, how you were to become a part of the ranks of the Illuminati and Lucifer, how you had gone exploring on the train and run into the demon, and how he had taken Shima while you were unconscious.

The whole time Yukio was absorbing the story in quiet consideration. When you had finished, he released a breath. "So, what do you want me to do?" He asked. Rin was staring at him; he wanted to know what happened to you. It was starting to freak him out. "I want you to tell Mephisto. Gather up a few of our friends, and Shura. Get on the train and find me in Kyoto. I'll stay at this hotel as long as I can." You ordered. Yukio nodded to your words. "Got it. I'm on it right now. Rin stop staring at me! It's freaking me out! And, yes. You can ask (Y/N) when we get to Kyoto." Yukio said, his voice getting quieter as he turned to speak to his twin.

Yukio hung up with you and you set the phone back where it belonged, sighing. Your throat hurt after speaking that much. You looked in a mirror and felt your neck where the marks were. "It's bruised for sure... But I'm not sure it's actually damaged..." You thought. You sat on the bed again and laid back, staring at the ceiling. "Where's Shima?" You thought. "What happened to him? Is he okay?" You continued. You frowned at the thought. "He's at the Illluminati hideout... They took him..."


Hours had passed and you had fallen into a light, fitful sleep. Your throat was beyond sore, and even in sleep you could feel the pain from it. You squirmed slightly and almost fell off the bed. The dream you were having was the worst one you had ever had.


Shima was there, with Lucifer and Kazuo. You were alone and only had Shinkou. You were already beaten and battered with blood dripping out of the corner of your mouth where you must have been punched. Shima smirked at you and you could feel your heart shatter. At that moment, that boy was no longer your boyfriend-he was an enemy. You raised Shinkou to prepare for another barrage of attacks. Lucifer looked to Shima and nodded. "You have to do it." He said. Shima nodded and grabbed his K'rik.

He ran at you, and while he was running you saw a blade appear from the front of the staff. Your eyes widened, but you dodged the attack. You could feel how weak you were. It was going to end here, one way or another. You turned back around to block an attack, but you were too slow. He stabbed you right in the heart. You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes and soon they fell down your battered face. "Shi...m..." You said, your breath going still and your heart stopping. Your eyes glazed over and you slumped forward.


You sat up quickly, tears streaming down your face. "Was that...a dream?" You asked yourself. Somehow, it felt like more than that. It disturbed you and saddened you beyond belief. You heard a knock on the door and wiped the tears away quickly, standing and walking to the door. Yukio and Rin were on the other side with Shura, Suguro, and Izumo. You hugged the twins tightly when you saw them. Yukio was got off guard, but Rin quickly hugged you back.

"I'm so glad you guys came." You croaked. You invited them in and they sat where they could find a place. "You've been crying." Rin commented. You sighed. You knew he would be able to tell. "Tell us why." Shura prompted gently. You thought about arguing, but decided against it-they had to hear the dream.

You told them everything in the dream, and by the time you were done Rin looked like he was about to punch something. You frowned and grabbed his arm gently. "Calm down, Rin. There is no way Shima would leave us to become a part of the Illuminati. He's just captured, is all." You said. Rin grit his teeth. "You said it yourself. Something about that dream wasn't right. What if he really is working for the Illuminati?" He growled. Your eyes widened at what he said. "It's not... There is no way that is true....Never..." You argued.

Yukio thought it over. "It could be possible, but it doesn't seem likely." He replied. Shura and Izumo nodded. Suguro looked horrified. Shima and Suguro had been friends since they were children and the thought of Shima betraying him for the other side made him angry. He clenched his fists, but didn't take any action. "Now that that's done, we need to find the hideout." Shura said. Everybody stood and you grabbed Shinkou. You were determined not to let what happened in the dream happen in real life.

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