Prelude to Destruction

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You led the way to the train station. Shura was right behind you, with the twins behind her and Suguro and Izumo making up the rear. You looked back at Shura upon the arrival and messed with Shinkou. Now that you had left the hotel, you were getting nervous. Shura nodded and looked around. "I have a feeling that I know where it is." She said. You nodded. That was the whole point you had looked at her.

"Lead us there." Yukio said. Shura summoned a snake and spoke to it quietly. The snake hissed slightly and started moving. Shura followed it and you followed after her, while everyone else made up the rear. You watched the snake ahead of you with a heavy stomach. Things could go well, or they could go terribly wrong. Rin looked over at you. "Hey (Y/N/N), are you sure you want to do this? That dream still bothers me, and it looks like it's still bothering you as well." He said. You shook your head and breathed out. "I have to, Rin. I have to know if Shima's okay." You replied.

Rin went silent and he looked at the ground as he ran. Things were going to go wrong either way, and he didn't like it one bit. You looked back at the snake and tried to keep your thoughts happy and clear. Unfortunately for you, that never worked out for you. Your thoughts swirled from your parents, to your Nii-san, to Shima. You breathed out and shook your head. "How couldn't I see it? Everyone that means something to me, disappears..." You thought sadly. "Rin and Yukio are all I have left right now..."


While you were thinking about your family and friends, Shima was changing his outfit with a smile. "That pest of a girlfriend is going to come after you." Kazuo said. Shima's smile faded. "I know, and I'm prepared for it. I'm prepared for anything." His K'rik snapped into place and he slung it over his back. "You didn't actually feel anything for that girl, did you?" Kazuo asked. Shima took a breath. "I-"


The group was almost to the hideout, and the feeling in your stomach only got worse. You dropped to the back of the crowd of friend you knew so well and prepared Shinkou. If Shima had betrayed you, you didn't know if you could fight back. You didn't know what you would do if he actually had. It broke your heart just thinking about it. You shook your head and cleared your thoughts. "Now's not the time to worry about your boyfriend! I have to help the team!" You thought to yourself, trying to psych yourself up.

It worked, but you didn't know if you had the resolve to keep it up. Rin looked back at you and smiled at noticing your energy levels. You returned the smile. "I can do this! Trust me." You mouthed to him. "You're strong and I wouldn't believe if you couldn't." He mouthed back to you, but you felt that it was true for Rin as well.

Shura stopped all of a sudden and you almost ran right into Suguro. He looked back at you, but didn't snap. You nodded and smiled a little. "My snake says that it's right in here." Shura said as she stared at a tall looming building. Your eyes widened and so did Rin's. Yukio fixed his glasses and Suguro messed up the blond streak of his hair. Izumo narrowed her eyes and ran a hand through her long pigtails. "No time to waste, guys. It's time that we got going." Yukio said.

The group ran inside and looked around, but they found nothing. You frowned and unsheathed Shinkou. Something was going to jump out at you. The other group members looked weary as well. They got their weapons out and readied them. Izumo summoned her two foxes. "Where is everything, Shura?" Rin asked, confusion evident in his voice. Shura looked just as confused. "My snake said it was right here. Right in this building."

"Don't worry, you're in the right building." A familiar voice drifted down to your ears. You instinctively reached for your throat. Rin noticed your movement. "Is it him?" He asked. You nodded. "Kazuo! Get your ass out here!" He called angrily.

Kazuo jumped down from the darkness, his bright red eyes glaring at the son of Satan. "So you're Rin Okumura." Kazuo commented. Rin nodded and glared back at him. "And who are you?" He asked. "I am Kazuo, Lord Lucifer's right hand man." Kazuo replied. You narrowed your eyes and raised Shinkou. "Don't worry, (Y/N). I've got this." Rin said and you nodded. The two glared at each other, but didn't make any move. Kazuo summoned a sword with bright white blade and he ran at Rin.

The rest of the group ran away from the other two, careful not to get burnt by Rin's flames. You looked around the area with caution. Something wasn't right. All of a sudden, hundreds of human sized demons jumped down from the darkness exactly as Kazuo had done. You moved away so that you wouldn't get hit. Yukio shot at a few of them. Izumo's foxes attacked them, doing a double attacking maneuver. Suguro started reciting verses until he found the right one.

You fought a few of them. They were tougher than you imagined them to be because of their slimy appearance. Two of them cornered you and beat at you. You spit blood out of the corner of your mouth and chopped one in half. The other one got a few more hits on you, before it too was chopped in half by your sword.


Shima watched the chaos from the darkness of the upper level of the building. Lucifer was beside him. "There she is." Shima commented as he spotted you among the slimy shapes of the demons. Lucifer observed you as you fought. "She is still but a fledgling when it comes to her fighting style. If she is going to be eliminated, you must do it now, Shima." He said. Shima nodded and grabbed his K'rik from his back, jumping down onto the ground.


You heard a loud thump just a little way away from you and you looked up. The demons you were fighting cleared away and you got a clear view of who had just jumped down. It was Shima, your boyfriend. "Shima!" You exclaimed happily, but your smile quickly faded when you noticed his outfit and the way he was brandishing his weapon. "Sh-Shima, what's going on?" You asked, frightened.

"I know what side I'm on, (Y/N). And it wasn't yours." He replied. Your eyes widened at his words. "Did you ever even care about me, then? About any of your friends?" You asked. Shima seemed at a loss of words for a second. "I did care for you, (Y/N). But only for a time. And as for Bon and Koneko... Let's just say I was never as close to them as I originally thought." He said with a small smirk. You raised Shinkou.

"Then I guess this is the end of our relationship." Your voice cracked halfway through the sentence and tears stung the corners of your eyes. Shima nodded. "I guess so." He fixed his staff, the familiar spike of your dream appearing from the top. You ran at him and slashed at him before quickly backing up again. Shima dodged the attack and ran at you.

It was happening. It was almost exactly like what had happened in your dream. You froze slightly, but moved again. You were too slow and the spike ran right through your heart. Tears fell down your face. Killed by your own boyfriend, who was a traitor...? You could feel the blood in your heart drain as it began to go haywire. "(Y/N)!!!" Rin called, but he was only a distant voice. Everything was going black and you could feel how weak you were. A single tear streamed down Shima's cheek as he watched you die.

You could hear voices calling out to you. They were familiar, yet you couldn't place them because of how long it had been since you had heard them. It was your parents, along with your Nii-san. You saw them appear, holding their hands out to you. You reached for it feebly. "Mom, Dad, Nii-san. I want to come with you." You said to them. "Then come." Your brother said with a smile. You smiled just as your heart stopped beating and your body shut down. Everything went black.

"They called out for me. And I came. I left all my friends behind, to be with my family. I hope they aren't too sad. It would break my heart to see them cry over a person like me... An orphan with only hope...For the Salmon-Haired Boy who betrayed me in the end."

Author's Note: Last chapter guys. I hope you liked it! I may be working on another one soon with my OC, Tulip! I don't really have much to say, other than thank you for the continued support throughout this long ride. Thank you for reading. Bye bye!

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