0 to 100 Real Fast

By AnsleyMullins__13

625 12 40

Okay so here are the deats. We all know the saying, 'Don't judge a book by its cover.' So please don't do tha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
A Sorry
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 5

35 1 2
By AnsleyMullins__13

James (That Francisco dude)


What?! That was his MOTHER?! "O-oh, I don't know what to say..." He gets up and takes my hand, pays for the meal then we wait for a limo outside. "She was mad at him." I look up at him confused then I realize, "Sorry to ask but why?" He looks down at his shoes, almost like he's ashamed, "He was having an affair, so she went out to a bar and got drunk then she drove across the bridge to get back home then.... Well you know the rest." I nod in silence.

As the limo pulls up he asks, "Wanna go goof off?" I look at him puzzled, "Uhm okay!" He smiles and we both get in the limo. "Driver take us to Walmart." The driver looks in the rear view mirror and nods, Oh boy, Wally World here we come.


We walk in Walmart and he takes my hand and leads me to the back of the store, then we stop at a phone (it was on the concrete pillar....thingy....yeah! Okay read on!) he picks up the phone and dials a number, "Testing testing one, two, three...." He clears his throat, "I would like to announce that we are giving people 200 hundred dollars CASH if you act like an ape during check out, thank you." He looks at me and starts laughing then I laugh with him. "Ooo! I have an idea, James follow me!"

----James POV----

She took my hand and I instantly felt tingles going up my arm, she leads me over to the toy aisle and she stops right in front of the cage that hold the balls. She starts giggling and it makes me smile, "What?" I say and her face is red from not getting much oxygen. "Jump in there!" I look at her and smile then I turn around and jump in yelling, "ROAR!" I hear her giggles from behind me and it makes me laugh until I hear, "Come with me ma'am, Sir."


We're in the managers office and he's giving us a lecture about how we're supposed to be considerate of the store. "Listen, I will give you this last chance and if you screw it up again, I will ban you from this store COMPLETELY! Got it?" We both nod then I had a quick idea. "Uhm can I call my parents? My phone died before I got here." The manger looks at me and nods his head yes, "Thank you......" I dial the number of the speaker on the phone. "Yes I would like to inform everybody that your boss is a idiot and has no life, were teenagers and I just wanted to have fun, continue to your duties." The managers eyes were red, then I look over to see Jess put her hand over her mouth.

-----Jessica POV-----

Oh my goodness! Hahahah did he do what I think he did? Yeah, yeah he did! I see the managers face.... Let's just say, he's mad! "OUT OF THIS STORE! NOW!" we both scurry out of the office and while we were walking out he says, "Did you have fun?" Wow that smile, that would make anybody fall to their knees. "Yes I did." I say with the most biggest smile on my face. We get inside the limo and he says, "Take us to the hotel." The driver nods and then we're off.


We walk into the hotel and did I forget to mention that there was a bar? Well now you know. There was a bald headed man walking towards us, staggering saying, "Hey, *hic* can you ju-just park that thaaang in my room? *hic* then we gonnaaaa have fun...." James looks at him in anger, I feel his body tense and his fists clutch. "Don't talk to a lady like that, better yet if you think of her in that way again I'm going to punch you square in the face, got that?" The man just chuckes and reaches for my chest area, then before I knew it I heard a punch then the man was on the floor.


After my knight in shining armor saved me from the drunk man he led me to my room......wow that's really...hormonal Jess shut up! He opens up the door and I walk in with Thanos jumping on me, "Hi boy! Mommy missed you!" I pet him and turn to see James on my bed out like a light, "James, you need to get out of this tux it's not comfortable." He gets up to change then I change into yoga pants and a oversized t-shirt. He walks out of the bathroom and oh GLORY! Those abs! My word he's built! He lands on the bed and curls up and sleeps.

----James POV----

"Wha-what?" I rub my eyes then sit up in bed on the middle of the night, she was crying in her sleep. Thanos cuddled up to her whining as if he tried to comfort her, I scoot quietly close to her and gently put my arm over her side and hug her up. Why would she cry in her sleep? Her cries calmed down as I said soothing words to her, I then looked at the clock, it was 3:00 in the morning. I looked down at her, she was in my arms, and I loved it.....I love her.


-----Jessica's POV-----




"What in the world? WHO KEEPS POKING MY FACE?!

I open up my sleepy eyes to see Haley standing above me with the biggest smile on her face ever. I look over trying to see if James was there but he wasn't, then I hear, "Get up loser, we're going shopping!"

"Haley we walked around the mall for hours now! Can we please go back to the hotel and just watch scary movies?" I whine, "Fine, only because your cool, and I want to go home too." We finally check out of the mall then we head over towards the hotel.


Hiya! So would you like to see more cuddle time with James and Jess?

Don't forget to comment on here!

And any suggestion for the next chapter is TOTALLY ok, okay? 😂

Alright! Hugs and kisses from your girl!

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