The In-Betweens: A is for Ali...

By WiltingHope

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A is for Alice. My name. Or what I would like to call my name. Instead, I'm just A, like the first letter in... More

A/N: The In-Betweens: A is for Alice
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

517 48 53
By WiltingHope

Hey!!! If you are at this page I am utterly in love with you because that means that you liked the beginning of my story and that you want to read on. YAY! So, this is going to be a slightly longer chapter and more intense...I hope. :) I also hope that you get sucked in and like this as much as you liked the first chapter. If you voted, fanned, commented, or added this story to your library because of the first chapter I love you. If you didn't, just wait until you read THIS chapter! I hope that you enjoy chapter 2 and I hope that you will want me to continue writing this. (Mainly because I love this so far and I want to keep writing it. hehe.) Well, enjoy!

~WiltingHope (Once again, if you haven't already, you should totally check out my other story, Living Past Curfew!)

The In-Betweens: A is for Alice


Crying isn’t something that comes naturally to me. Being scared isn’t in my blood; at least not since I’ve been genetically repaired. When my tears stop flowing, I feel myself being pulled out of my air lock compartment. My mind is fuzzy and I can’t think straight. I am led over to the table on which B lies. I reach out to touch him but my hand is slapped away by a scientist who, after touching me, goes immediately to wash his hands as if he could catch a fatal disease from out interaction.

I force myself to look away from the scientist and I turn back to B. He looks peaceful, his brown hair spiked up in all directions. I wonder what color is eyes are, but I already know. Black. Like mine, they will be worry-some oceans, full of dread and despair in which one can get lost. As least that’s what Cindy has told me. She said that I used to have hazel eyes but now they are black. When I asked her why they changed, she looked away and became lost in sterilizing everything in my room. I figured that it was from being genetically repaired though I still don’t know.

If Cindy wouldn’t had told me what color my eyes were, I would never have known. I have never seen myself in a mirror, the scientists won’t allow it, and my hair is cut short so I can not even see what color it is. It’s probably black. These scientists don’t seem to like color. I see white, I wear blue, and everything about me, except for my skin, is black.

My skin is white. White like the walls in my room, it is almost translucent and practically see-through. My veins poke out at odd angles and I am guessing that I look thin, due to the fact that they only serve me much twice a day. One can not survive on mush alone.

My mind wanders back to B and I see him slightly stir. Either he’s dreaming, or he is waking up. I want to jump for joy and shout either way, but looking at the doctors and scientists that surround me, I think better of it. They don’t know what it’s like to know that you are the only one of your kind. They don’t know what it’s like to be utterly alone.

I never knew that it was possible to “create” more of my kind until now. Seeing B move made me want to laugh and cry all at the same time. I wanted to rejoice because I was no longer alone, but I wanted to cry because another human’s life was gone and in its place was a monster.

I watch B, his eyelids flickering. He’s obviously dreaming. I could watch him sleep forever but I only get a little while until the scientists surround him and I get pulled away. The last thing that I see before I am shoved back in my air-lock compartment is B opening his eyes. I wish that I could hold onto that image forever and ever.

“They aren’t black,” I say to Cindy once I am back in my room. “His eyes aren’t black. They’re blue, like water.” I say in amazement and for the first time in my genetically repaired life, I catch a glimpse of how much the truth can hurt. “I thought that he would be like me. I thought that I wasn’t going to be alone.” I didn’t know why I was spilling my guts to Cindy; I just knew that I had to. Cindy just shakes her head.

“There are so many things that you must learn Alice.” I freeze.

“You just called me Alice.” Cindy looks at me like I am insane and I guess that I could be considered insane, for I feel like I am locked in a mental hospital.

“That’s your name dear,” she says tidying up my room and sitting down on the chair in the corner. I look around me and smile. I really don’t know how Cindy can always find something to clean up. It’s quite amusing to me considering the fact that I make little to no mess. I shake my head and realize that Cindy is staring at me, expecting me to say something else.

“No,” I say. “My name is A, like the letter.” Cindy looks at me and shakes her head again. She closes her eyes too and I think that she has fallen asleep when she reopens them and looks at me.

“You get to choose who you are. Whether you’re ‘A’ or ‘Alice’, you make the decision. Just because some people call you ‘A’ does not mean that that is who you truly are. So from now on, you are Alice to me. That is what you want to be called, right?” I smile. “Oh, of course. Thank you so much Cindy.” I stand up and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her into a hug. She nods her head and pushes me away, walking out of my room and leaving me to ponder her words. I think about be too. Where he is. How he’s doing. What his name should be. Burt, Brian, maybe Barton. I smile. We’ll just have to see, I say to myself before I drift off to sleep, the shot Cindy gave me earlier finally starting to take effect on my body.

 I dream that I am not in captivity. B is with me. We are anywhere but this white prison. Colors surround us and I am happy. For the first time in my life, I smile. Too bad it’s only a dream.

I wake up in a daze, someone is shaking me and I don’t like it. My eyes shoot open and I grab the person by their wrist. A deep gurgling sound comes from deep inside my throat and I throw the person away from me. He is a short, stocky man who looks to be in his 30’s. He is wearing a neon yellow vest. A security guard. He scrambles up to his knees, his eyes searching wildly around the room, looking for an exit.

I smile and stand up. Just getting up seems to awaken my senses and they are feeling strong this morning. I approach the man who is hurriedly trying to detach a walkie-talkie from his belt and when he drops it, he looks up at me. Slowly, he reaches out as if to grab it and I step down hard on his hand, grinding my heel into his knuckles. He pulls his hand out and nurses it, pulling it towards his stomach. He grimaces and I flash my pearly white teeth.

“Why do you think that you could wake me up?” I demand. I am angry at him for ruining my dream.

“I…I….,” he stutters and clutches his throbbing hand as he sits back on his heels, getting as far away from me as possibly can. I squint at him and roll my eyes.

“Whatever you needed, was it really that important?” I ask, looking away from him and adding a twinge of sarcasm into my voice. He doesn’t answer and when I look back down at him, he is quickly trying to call for help. I laugh, shocking the entire room as it rings through the air. “You just sealed your fat my friend,” I say to him, pulling him up to a standing position and wrapping my hands around his stubby neck. His eyes widen as he realizes what I am about to do. He gasps, somewhat for air and somewhat from shock and I smile, throwing him against the wall with a sickening crunch. I bounce over to him and nudge his let with my foot. When I roll him over, his head falls to the side. He is gone. I grab his wrist and tank off his key card bracelet that all employees are required to wear. I read his name on it. Robert Fromm. “Poor man,” I mutter, walking over to the door.

I slide the key card across the key slot beside the door and it slides open with a whoosh. I jump for joy as I enter the next room, the room that I would sometimes stare out at, and the door shuts behind me, looking Robert Fromm into my cell. At the other side of this small room is another door. I walk up to it and repeat the same steps, sliding the card through the slot, watching the door open, and walking through.

I reach a hallway and look both ways. Seeing no one, I sprint down the hall. I would have to find a safe place to think things through. What was I going to do now? I smiled. I would find B. I would save him and we would go to my dream world, the place with all the colors. I smile as I run, realizing that I am free. It doesn’t even hit me that I have just killed my first human being.

So....what did you think of it?? Pretty intense right? I hope you liked it and decide to comment, vote, and fan! Don't be a silent reader! Tell me what you think because I work from what you say. If you tell me not to do this, I won't ever do it again. If you tell me to add something, sure, I'll add it. YOU just have to be the one to tell me. Thank you so so much for reading and I hope you can't wait for the next upload because I certainly can't!!!! :D


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