Vampire Fidelity

By QueenSpiderRider_QSR

616 39 25

I never had any intention of becoming a fledgling... And definitely not one in a world where day and night a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Four

63 4 7
By QueenSpiderRider_QSR

Amy's POV:

As always the next morning I woke up in my room alone. Everything was just as I left it except for the rose lying on the bedside table. I smile to myself and sit up, reaching out to bring it closer, sniffing it and placing it against my lips I relish the faint scent that belongs to Sebastian as it lingers on the petals. Blushing I get up and put it into the vase with the rest of the roses, every time Sebastian leaves me he leaves a rose for me to wake up to. It's a sweet and romantic gesture that makes my heart flutter.

Glancing at the clock as I head to my bathroom, I nod to myself and get ready for work. Punctuality has never been an issue for me and since becoming a fledgling it doesn't even affect me anymore. I get to work at exactly 07:24 every morning and (even with Becca shuffling around the kitchen half-asleep) today is no different. The café is quiet when I walk in. Caroline is busy putting out the petty cash for the day while I can hear Alex bargaining with the traders for more stock. Midsummer Café on Café Street was a quiet little patch of heaven, until a couple months ago when my attack happened in the alley not too far from here since then our customers have increased, it seems the supernatural world likes gossip and for a long while I was it.

"Good morning Caroline!" I grin, taking off my jacket and pulling on my apron.
"Oh Amy... Hi, I didn't hear you come in!" she laughs looking up from the cash register. Silly human! I shake my head and nod.
"So who's in today?" I ask heading over to clock in.
"We're short staffed today. It's only going to be you, Alex and Nigel on the floor..."
"And this afternoon?" I ask with a frown.
"Cassey and Brenda said they'll work and Alex is working a late..." she says and I nod and then check the clock - it's already opening time.

The day passes like it always does, people are in and out. We have the regular customers asking about our personal lives and the newer ones asking about our shifts. At two in the afternoon I see Caroline becoming frantic and stressed out. Zoning in on her I use my heightened hearing to pick up on what she's telling Nigel.
"Cassey and Brenda can't work the afternoon... can you take a double shift?"
"Ahhh Boss... I have to fetch my brother from baseball practice and my dad's working late so I'm sorry I can't do tonight..." Caroline accepts, but I can see she's upset and I know she won't ask me to work a late because of the last time she did. I take a deep breath and then move over to her side; it's time for me to be brave and get over this whole thing! It's not like it's going to happen again.
"Hey Caroline... can I work the evening shift... I could use the overtime..." I hint offering myself as a solution to her problem.
"Oh Amy, are you sure?"
"Yes of course... My sister's at home so my mum isn't going to be alone when she gets back from the hospital, so that's alright!" I grin and put my hands into my apron pockets to hide how they're shaking. She smiles genuinely, but is careful not to act too enthusiastic.
"That's terrific!" since her waiters for the evening shift are sorted she returns to man the register.

As I work I force myself to focus on the customers and not on what happened the last time I worked late. When the café closes at seven, Alex and I are dead on our feet.
"Thank gawd we have tomorrow off!" he yawns as we close the café door behind us.
"Yeah.... I feel like I could sleep for eternity right now and my poor feet are killing me!" I complain. Alex laughs loudly at me, shaking his head as he does.
"Maybe try not wearing such flat shoes for work!" he teases with a grin.
"Shut up! How was I supposed to know I'd be working all day and besides... I hate wearing high heels to work!"
Alex shakes his head and laughs boisterously again. I grin and roll my eyes.
"Shhh!! You big doofus! You'll wake the neighbourhood!"
"Oh oops! Yeah... sorry!!" he whisper shouts and that makes me laugh.

We part ways at the end of the street - which is about four roads away from home so I go the rest of the way alone. It's not long before my heightened senses pick up that someone is following me. Not wanting to lead them home and not wanting to repeat the past I start heading to Sebastian's mansion, only I never make it that far.
"What a pretty little Robin!" You'll look perfect in a cage!" his voice is familiar and panic fills my entire body, but before I can call out for help or send Sebastian a distress signal, someone clamps a cloth over my mouth and nose and the sweetly sick scent overwhelms my senses and everything goes black.

Nakar's POV:

"Pretty pretty lady!" the girl they brought to Master is very pretty, she is the one Master asked me watch, yes she is the one! Master likes her, he says she is beautiful! Master Argo like beautiful things. That's why he collects all the pretty little girls and then gives some of the pretty girls away so that other people can have pretty girls too.

I hear Master Argo and step away from the pretty girl's cage so he won't shout at me again. The door opens and he steps in.
"Nakar!" he calls me, there is surprise in his voice when he sees me.
"Yes Master?" I respond bowing low before him. Master Argo is a good master, he growls and I shrink back afraid he is going to hurt me.
"Pretty girl Master... pretty girl!" I quickly tell him to distract him. He growls again - but this time in agreement.
"Yes... I will take her before Lyle and if he doesn't want her I will have her... but first-" Master Argo calls in two guards who drag the pretty girl out of her cage and chain her to the handcuffs hanging from the ceiling.

They redress her in a flimsy Arabian harem outfit just like all the other pretty girls. The red material makes her look even prettier and Master Argo circles her and growls his approval. He nods to the guards and immediately one uncuffs her and the other tosses her over his shoulder.
"Come Nakar..." Master Argo calls me and I quickly scurry to catch up with him.

They take the pretty girl to the fire and iron room and all the men sneer and growl as the guards chain her up to the ceiling again. The big bad man with the hot iron smirks and pulls out the glowing iron rod from the fire. I flinch and shuffle back, moving away from him, recalling my own experience with that glowing rod.

My eyes turn to the pretty lady as I hear her whimper and wake up. I watch in awe as she looks up sharply and screams. Master Argo rushes forward back handing her and I see blood trickles down her chin - she turns back to him and knees him in Master Argo's private parts. Master Argo groans stumbling backward, but the bad man with the glowing rod takes advantage of her distraction and plants the glowing rod into her chest. Her scream shatters through the room and echoes within the manor. It scares me, so I run away; I head for my hiding place deep in the garden so I won't have to hear the pretty lady's anguished scream.

Amy's POV:

Pain throbs through me, beating inside me and amplifying the searing burn that's been etched into my body. My head drops so I can see what damage this bastard has done; a wolf's paw - the mark of the inferior race - the mark of the conquered has been burned into my chest. Tears blur my vision and I send out waves of pain and grief to Sebastian as Lyle steps forward.
"My my... such a fuss over such a small little-"
Something explodes and my eyes fly to the doorway as the crowd splits.

Sebastian stands there, his eyes burning black with fury with William beside him and then there's no second to spare. Sebastian lunges for Lyle attacking him viciously, raking claws across his chest, neck and face. There's blood everywhere and out the corner of my eyes I see Will killing all the other vampires in the room. My attention focuses back on Sebastian and Lyle just in time to see Argo sneaking up behind Sebastian.
"Bassy behind you!!" I scream and Sebastian instinctively reacts to my warning, skirting around the incoming danger and watching as Agro collides with Lyle and they both go tumbling into one of the fire pits.

Will materializes beside me, his hawk-like eyes scanning the room for any more threats while Sebastian uncuffs me and catches me when my legs crumble beneath me. I groan and look down at the burn, whimpering and gasping when Sebastian suddenly scoops me up and walks out with Will in the lead. There is blood and bodies scattered throughout the house and I can't help myself I have to know.
"How did you find me?"
"I felt your distress signal... your panic..." Sebastian says quietly. He gets into the back seat of his car with me in his arms and Will drives off.
"Thank you... for coming to get me..." I whisper tucking my head against his chest and whimpering as the movement causes the wound to bleed.

Bassy moves, rolling up his sleeve and offering me his wrist.
"Drink!" he commands, I shake my head.
"I drank from you yesterday!"
"Amy!" he growls, "drink!"
"No!" I declare stubbornly and then whimper as pain fills my chest. Suddenly Bassy growls, moving too quickly for me to protest, he takes his wrist to his lips, bites into it and then presses his bleeding wrist to my lips, leaving me no choice, but to drink. Grateful, but a tad bit annoyed I lick his wound and lap up the blood, before biting down gently and drinking. The aches and pain goes away and I feel myself getting tired.
"Good girl!" growls Sebastian. I feel his lips on my hair as I lick his wound closed and kiss the fully healed skin. I lay my head back against his chest and close my eyes.
"Thank you Bassy..." I whisper and relax against him. Sleep takes over and I quickly curl up against him and surrender to it.

Sebastian's POV:

I looked down at her; my little, innocent mate. Why did bad things always happen to her?! First her attack now this... why couldn't I just provide a safe haven for her?! Now she was permanently marked with the symbol of slavery. No amount of venom or surgery could ever remove this mark from her. My mind went around in circles trying to find a way to keep her safe in the future. I hadn't exactly lied to her, but I didn't tell her the whole truth either.

I didn't know she was there until they marked her. I had not realized she was in trouble until she reacted to the pain they caused her. The only reason I was there in the first damn place was because I wanted to inform Lyle that Max had escaped, but then all that changed. Rage filled me at the memory, my precious little mate strung up and bleeding. I looked down at her; her lip has healed and the burn darkened, soon it will be as dark as an ordinary tattoo. She's my mate and I couldn't protect her!! Argo was supposed to be- Argo! That bastard! That traitor!! I'll skin him when we find his body!!

When we get home, I lay her down onto my bed and then take in her attire. Although she looks stunning in the outfit I hate seeing her in it. They put her in this! I tear off the material after fetching one of my t-shirts for her to wear. After helping her dress, she snuggles closer to me under the blanket and her breathing evens out again.

William knocks softly at the door and I open it telekinetically so I don't disturb her. When he steps into the room, he goes even quieter and hands me a letter.
"Amy's scarred.... do you have any ideas on how to change that?" he asks I can hear the worry and concern he has for her.
"No... I don't know what to do..."
"It's just a suggestion, but you know how Michelle made those new bracelets she showed us this morning..."
"The locking bracelets?" I ask him thoughtfully.
"Yes... get one like that for her..."
"Make sure Michelle has... Send her to me so that I can get one for Amy..." I nod in agreement.
"Yes Sir!" Will nods and then leaves.

Amy's heart starts to speed up and she starts to whimper and cry in her sleep. Immediately I went back to the bed and caressed her face. Her eyes flew open and she caught my hand.
"It's okay... you're safe Sweetheart..." I whispered hugging her when she curled up closer to me clinging to me tightly. It took a lot of soft reassurance that I was here with her as well as gentle caresses until she stopped trembling and settled down.
"Bassy, this mark... what are we going to-"
"Shhh... here this is for you!" I whisper holding out the little jewellery box. She frowns taking it and looking up at me.
"Go ahead..." I prompt her, watching her intently as she opens the box to reveal the gold and silver locking bracelet with the key necklace tucked into the cushion.
"What - Oh Bassy!! It's beautiful!!"
"Good, I'm glad you like it!" I reply kissing her forehead and then taking out the bracelet and unlocking it.
"As long as you're wearing this... no one can ever touch you again!" I vow and kiss her wrist before putting on the bracelet and locking it in place and then I put the chain around my neck.
"You're mine!" I growl and kiss her hard. She whimpers before crawling onto my lap and then admiring her bracelet. I don't see the need to tell her it's spelled so that I will always know when she is in danger, that's just for me to know until our bond is complete. Her voice pulls me from my thoughts;
"Thank you Sebastian!" she whispers tucking her head against my shoulder and kissing my neck. We sit and talk for a while longer until she gets sleepy again.
"Bassy, you should use your gift as a force field as well..." she whispers, yawning adorably and snuggling into me.
"What do you mean Sweetheart?" I ask frowning internally at her words, but smiling at her antics.
"Use your telekinesis as an extension of yourself... it's a very powerful gift. It's far more useful than you think..." she whispers and then her breathing evens out and she falls asleep. I stare at the ceiling wondering about her words.
An extension of myself... was that even possible?

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