Thavma Ropalo - A WonderBat f...

By thedjgirl

32.7K 756 303

Bruce is adamantly against relationships... He is the night. He can't let anyone get too close. especially no... More

Secrets and lies
Unbelievable Sights
Poisons and Potions
Surprise surprise!
Little ones and wedding bells
Mr. & Mrs. Trouble
Veronica Vixen
A Price to Pay
Trouble or Nothing


2.7K 56 25
By thedjgirl

It had been a few months since Bruce had seen Diana. The Justice League had changed their meetings to once every three months instead of once every other month. But now they had called a meeting and he would have to face her again. His sources told him she hadn't left Themiscura yet. But they could be wrong... She did have an invisible jet....

He walked through the portal at the watchtower. Having one end in the Batcave was very useful and cut travel time in half. He could also hide it so Richard wouldn't accidentally trip through it. He saw everyone was there except Diana... Uh oh... She was about three months pregnant... Was she showing yet? Would that mean she wouldn't come to the meeting?

Clark frowned. "We'll Wonder Woman isn't here yet so we'll wait a few more minutes for her."

"I'm here." He heard before gasps went up all around. He turned wanted to die... She looked much further along than four months... MUCH... She was huge already! She could've been seven months along and that would seem appropriate. Were Amazonian pregnancies different than normal?

"Diana! You! You're!" Clark gasped.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Yes Kal. I'm pregnant. Three months."

"With quintuplets?!" Sheira asked dumbfounded.

"No Sher." She said slowly maneuvering into her seat. "Amazonian pregnancies are much faster than mortals... We only take four months to develope a full grown and healthy baby." She looked right at Bruce. "Even if the child is only half Amazonian."

He took a deep breath. "How are you feeling? Pregnancy takes a heavy toll on the body."

"Id feel better if the father wasn't being a coward."

Bruce clenched his jaw. "A coward?"

"Yes. He's hiding from his duty as far as helping to raise his child. He's a coward." She spat coldly.

Clark cleared his throat. "Is it someone we know?"

"I'll cut off his genitals for you." Shiera added.

She raised an eyebrow. "Yes you know him. You don't need to cut off his genitals. He is simply ignorant. He is doing what he thinks is right. No matter that what he thinks right is actually very very stupid."

Bruce wanted to scoff but kept his mouth shut knowing she was sparing him having to admit he was father.

Clark frowned. "Diana who is the father?"

"Kal... If you must know, I will speak to you after." She said throwing an apologetic glance at Bruce.

He hung his head before he stood. "If you all must know... I am the father. It's a long complicated story but yes... I'm the 'coward' who impregnated Diana."

"You?! But you... Why?" Shiera spat in anger.

"He did it to save my life. And his own. We were infected by a magic based virus that was going to kill us. The only cure was to have a child. Bruce did it to save us... He just... He won't give up his ideals even now that things have changed." Diana said looking at him in part anger and part disappointment.

He steeled his jaw before walking away. He couldn't deal with this. He knew he was wrong but if he compromised then he was putting himself, Diana, and their unborn child at risk. He was halfway to the portal when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned and saw the soft brown eyes of the Green Lantern. (Jfyi: I'm using the live action movie versions of these characters... So the Green Lantern is Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan. If you want the full cast list just ask in the comments.)

"Hey Bruce... Can I talk to you?" He asked softly.

"No I'm leaving." The Batman spat.

He sighed. "You know Diana has two sisters right?"

He nodded. "Yeah so what?"

Hal looked back at them. "I'm reluctant to mention it to Diana but... I'm dating her younger sister Dona... She's pregnant but she's got this medical Mumbo jumbo thing where she doesn't show at all during pregnancy. And she's carrying twins Bruce. I just wanted you to know we're both going through the same thing. I'm here for you man." His eyes got serious. "But do us all a favor and don't shut her out."

He nodded and moved towards the portal anyway before he yanked back roughly. "Running away from your friends now too?" Diana asked sadly.

"Don't you think I've humiliated myself enough already? I've admitted my mistakes and I sat there as you verbally assaulted me. I don't need to take anymore of this." He said on the verge of a breakdown. "Diana I can't be a part of the baby's life. It's too dangerous for all of us. Besides, my public image can't just settle down over night."

She smacked him rather hard, his head snapping to the side from the force of it. "Enough with the excuses Bruce. I'm not some bimbo you slept with on a one night stand and now don't want to be with the child... I'm your teammate! I've saved your life numerous times and vice versus... Don't feed me the it's not safe crap... I'm Wonder Woman! I can handle myself! I want you in OUR baby's life!" She winced and held her side. "She's an active little thing too... The perfect distraction from your brooding nature."

He looked back at her. "She? You know it's a girl?"

Diana sighed. "I found out who gave us the illness. My mother, Queen Hypolita, contracted a deal with Hades, god of the dead, for the poison to make us ill and the potion that meant the only cure was pregnancy." She looked back up at him. "She knew I had feelings for you and tried to accomplish two feats with one action. She was going to try and nudge us into a relationship and make sure her lineage was strong and her family would remain on Themiscura's throne long after she passed."

"The woman I saw flying away from my home..." He mused thinking somehow the Queen had convinced Alfred to help... But why? Alfred knew that a baby would hurt him... Unless Alfred... "And Alfred helped because he wants me to take a step back from the hero life. He thinks if I become a father I won't have as much time to potentially kill myself as Batman." He sighed and hung his head. He felt like the world was against him at the moment.

"Yes." Diana agreed. "Please Bruce. I'm just as scared as you are. Don't make me do this alone." She begged taking his hands in hers. "Let me come back with you to Gotham. We can keep it a secret. We could raise our daughter in private... You could find happiness for once and I could find peace. Please Bruce."

He looked back up at her. "It sounds too good to be true."

"Let's make our own paradise. Our rules, our limits... We can make it work. Batman and Wonder Woman." She pleaded.

He nodded. "Okay... I'll give it a chance... At least until the baby is born." He said with fear in his stormy grey eyes.

She kissed him hard. "I couldn't ask for anything more."

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