The Salmon-Haired Boy|Blue Ex...

By HowlingCreator

42.8K 1.3K 660

In this story,you are a newcomer to True Cross Academy. Your tragic backstory has brought you to this school... More

The New Girl
The Nightmare
The Date
Demons Ruin All The Fun
Choosing your Meister
Author's Note
Beginning the Training
A Spark leads to a Flame
Are You Scared Yet?
Demon Training
Where's Shima?
Calling for Backup
Prelude to Destruction

Spy Work?

1.6K 57 14
By HowlingCreator

Today was the weekend, so you had a few days off. There was no homework or studying that had to be done, so you decided that you would spend the days helping yourself and others. You sat up and looked out your window and noticed it was still early. You looked at your clock and noticed it was only eight in the morning. You shrugged and pushed yourself out of bed despite that.

You walked into your adjoining bathroom and looked in your mirror. Your (H/C) hair was sticking up in multiple places and was fluffed up and looked full of static. You quickly brushed your hair out and ran your hand through it, making sure it was smooth and soft. You decided it would be best to hop into the shower and freshen up a bit. You turned the shower on and made sure it was at an adequate amount of heat, then undressed and jumped in.

A half hour later, you turned the shower off and wrung out your wet hair and made sure it wasn't sopping wet. You grabbed a towel and dried yourself off thoroughly then scrubbed it through your hair with the towel to dry it off some more. You got some clothes picked out and got dressed. After that was done, you brushed your hair out yet again. You walked out of the dorm room with Shinkou slung over your shoulder. It was still early, so you expected to see teachers out and about, but that was not the case at all. The halls were practically empty and it was unusually quiet. You went to go find a proper place to train and made sure that you didn't disturb anyone along the way.

When you arrived, the training grounds were as empty as you thought they would be. You unsheathed Shinkou and got yourself in a stance. You stared at the mannequins as if they would attack before you. They didn't move, so you launched yourself at them. You swung and parried as if the mannequin was fighting back. You also dodged and moved out of the way.

You trained for a good half an hour before someone walked into the training area and interrupted it. They called you over and told you to sheath your weapon. You complied and joined the man. "Yes, sir?" You greeted as you got within range of him. "Mr.Pheles has requested your presence in his office." The man replied, mostly ignoring the greeting. Your eyes widened in surprise and fear. "He knows about Shinkou. Was Yukio lying when he said it was okay for me to take it?" You thought.

The man noticed your rigid stance and shook his head. "No need to worry;it's for a mission that he has in mind for you." He said with a small smile. You instantly calmed down and nodded. "Alright. Thank you, sir." You ran out the door, carefully shouldering passed the man. You slowed your pace and walked down the hall towards Mephisto's office. You were weary to enter the office, since you didn't particularly like Mephisto. You hesitated slightly at the door, but knocked anyway.

"Come in!" The voice called from the other side of the door. You pushed the door open and revealed the purple-haired demon king. Mephisto sat forward in his seat as you walked in. "Ah~ (Y/N)! You have arrived! And rather quickly, it seems!" Mephisto greeted. You nodded and moved up to his desk. "I was sent here for a mission opportunity?" You asked. Mephisto nodded and set a folder down on the desk, sliding it towards you. "Take a look at this and tell me what you think."

You opened the folder and saw pictures right away. They were all of demons and men in uniforms wearing masks. The thing that really caught your eye was the young looking man with a mask and blonde hair. You furrowed your brows as you stared at the picture. "Who is this man?" You asked. "That, my dear, is Lucifer, the demon king of light." Mephisto replied. Your eyes widened. "That's Lucifer? But he doesn't look a day over twenty!" You exclaimed in surprise. "It's called a vessel. A demon has no real body. At least not one that you humans would know of. Lucifer has taken on a human vessel so that he could help his followers. The only thing he didn't account for was the rate at which his body is deteriorating due to his powers." You listened in surprise. "If it's deteriorating, what will he do so that his body doesn't destroy itself?" You asked.

"His organization has a way to help with that. They keeps him on a special machine to help with that. And he also doesn't leave their hideout." Mephisto answered. You nodded. "And what does this have to do with me?" You asked. "You will be one of my spies." Mephisto said. "It's not a matter of if you will or won't. You're the perfect choice for this mission, because of your early encounter with demons. Also, because you have Shinkou." Mephisto said.

You nodded and set the folder down and looked at Mephisto. "I'll do it. Where do I go?"


Mephisto filled you in on the details and sent you off to get ready. You got packed and started to head out of the building, before you were stopped by two very familiar males. Rin and Shima. "Hey (Y/N)! Where are you headed off to?" Rin called as you stopped and looked at the two. "Mephisto has sent me on a mission. Are you stuck here alone?" You asked. Rin nodded. Earlier that day, his twin and a few other friends from the Cram School had left on some mission outside of Tokyo. "And now you and Shima are leaving as well." He replied.

Your eyes widened in surprise. "You're going out too, Shima?" Shima grinned and showed you his backpack. "Seems so." He said jokingly. Rin pouted slightly, but didn't say anything. "I guess I'll see you guys when you get back." He said, then turned and left with a final wave. Shima and you walked out of the building together. "So, where are you headed off to?" Shima asked you. "I'm going on a spy mission." You replied, although you didn't want to elaborate too much on the details. "Really? So am I!" Shima agreed in surprise. "It seems we'll be together for a while, then." You said with a large smile.

"It seems so." Shima said. The two of you chatted on your way to the train station. You were happy that you were going on the same mission as your salmon-haired boyfriend, but something didn't seem right about that. Mephisto said that you were the perfect candidate for the mission. You couldn't believe that Shima fit the same criteria as you did, but you didn't argue. You were aware that he had grown up in a sort of monastery with his two brothers. Maybe he had had encounters with demons, too, and he just didn't know it as well as you did.

Nevertheless, you were excited to head out and get this mission started. Your first job was to figure out where the hideout for the Illuminati would be located.

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