Boyfriend and Bestfriend

By beautifulcaylen

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By beautifulcaylen

Before you read this please note that this was my first story and it is the worst and weirdest shit I have ever written so don't as questions.

Jasmins POV:

I was walking home from school and I got a text from my crush, it said "Hey Jazz, can you meet me at the smoothie bar at 4? from Alistair x"I was so excited I texted him back saying I'd be there.

I ran home as fast as I could and put my favorite blue daisy shorts and white crop top. I reapplied some light make up and brushed the nots out of my hair. I grabbed my phone, some money and my keys and put my high tops on at the front door.

I was stared walking to the smoothie bar and realised that I was a bit early so I stopped at my best friend, Tammys house and told her about Alistair. I've known her since I was 2, she has always been my best friend and we have never fought before and I'm not planing on it.


I left Tammys house and I got to the smoothie bar at exactly 4pm. Alistair was sitting in the booth looking nervous, I've known him since I was really young and we have been really close until he found out that I liked him. He was so dreamy, the way his hair flows, the way his blue eyes sparkle, the way he smiles and best of all his body is perfection.

I sat down in the booth across from him and apologized for being late, "No, its fine, I was early" he said with a huge grin on his face but was blushing. "I have something to tell you Jazz" he paused... "I think - I think, umm..." "You think what" I said smiling. He then practically shouted "I think I'm in love with you! You are so gorgeous! Your smile is so adorable, your eyes are so amazing, your hair is perfect the way is flows and everything about you is so wonderful. Everytime I see you I get butterflies but you probably don't like me anymore because I'm not good enough for yo-" I interrupted "Wow, no one has ever said anything like that to me. You are too good for me not me to good for you! You are perfect and I think I love you too." the people in the smoothie bar were staring saying 'aw'.


Alistairs POV:

I asked Jazz to meet me at the smoothie bar and when she sat down I blurted out I love her! I'm thought I was so stupid, but she said that she loved me back. I couldn't believe it! She actually liked me back me back.

We sat and talked at the smoothie bar for about two and a half hours talking until we left and went for a walk on the beach.

I grabbed her hand and our fingers entwined. She looked at me and smiled and I smiled back. We walked up the hill and stood together and watched the sunset.

I turned to her and stared in her sparking eyes and said to her "You're so beautiful." She had a giant grin on her face and we leaned in and out lips crashed together. We kissed for about 5 mins which felt like an amazing eternity. I wanted more. As she pulled away, I pulled back and our lips pecked. She smiled and we stared in each others eyes.

We began to walk home and when we got to her house we stood out the front of her gate and she said "Thankyou for this afternoon, it was fun really... I mean really fun." We both giggled. "My pleasure."

"Thank you again." She said with a smile on her beautiful face. "Would you like to go to the movies with me this Saturday? " I asked.

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