In Love With My Bestfriend: J...

By BMcCann6

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Jamie Collins and Justin Bieber have been friends since they were 5. They both secretly liked each other for... More

In Love With My Bestfriend: Justin Bieber - Chapter 1- The Begining
Chapter 2 - Reputation
Chapter 3 - Jealousy
Chapter 4 - Just Best Friends
Chapter 5 - Weird Feelings
Chapter 6 - You Never Know Till You Try
Chapter 7 - Goodbye
Chapter 8 - Starting To Change
Chapter 9 - Don't Forget About Us
Chapter 10 - Telling The Truth
Chapter 11 - My Boo
Chapter 12 - Welcome Home
Chapter 13 - Advice
Chapter 14 - I Just Worry
Chapter 15 - Halloween
Chapter 16 - I Hate When We Aren't Okay
Chapter 17 - Headaches and Hosptials
Chapter 18 - Love
Chapter 19 - A Good Feeling
Chapter 20 - Atlanta
Chapter 21 - Friendships and Party Planning
Chapter 22 - 18th Birthday
Chapter 23 - Problems and Roses
Chapter 24 - Home Again
Chapter 25 - The Winter Dance
Chapter 26 - Reality and Dreams
Chapter 27 - What About Us?
Chapter 28 - Rumors
Chapter 29 - Believe Me
Chapter 30 - I Blame You
Chapter 31 - How Badly I Miss You
Chapter 32 - Admitted Feelings
Chapter 33 - That Should Be Me
Chapter 35 - Confusion
Chapter 36 - News Articles
Chapter 37 - Broken Phone
Chapter 38 - Valentines Day
Chapter 39 - California
Chapter 40 - Happy Birthday
Chapter 41 - Surpirse
Chapter 42 - Rumors and Suspension
Chapter 43 - Awards
Chapter 44 - Proud
Chapter 45 - Ryans Birthday
Chapter 46 - Ryans Birthday Part 2
Chapter 47 - Senior Year Is Almost Over
Chapter 48 - Why Did This Happen?
Chapter 49 - I Feel Weak
Chapter 50 - The Truth
Chapter 51 - Handle The Distance
Chapter 52 - Prom Night
Chapter 53 - Changes
Chapter 54 - Overboard
Chapter 55 - About To Be A Year
Chapter 56 - Homesick
Chapter 57 - The Garden
Chapter 58 - Back Home

Chapter 34 - NYC

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By BMcCann6

As my plane landed, I couldn't help, but to smile knowing in just a short about of time, I'll be seeing Justin. All I brought was a big carry on since I would only be spending two nights here. So all I needed to do was get off this plane and meet Justin at the entrance. I quickly got up the second I was allowed too and grabbed my bag.

The day after the whole Austin thing, Justin and I talked about it one more time just so we both could just get everything we had to say out of our systems and since then the past few days have been like it never happened. So Justin and I are great again. We aren't dating still, but sometimes it feels like it.

I exited the plane and started to walk where, I hope, will lead me the right way.

I do want to just say fuck it and tell Justin we should just get back together, but I don't want him to have to worry about what's going on at home when he's all over the place or at his new home in Georgia. He says the day he feels he can move back home, he will. It's going to be a while though.

I also am a little scared that he will find someone else and then what? He's stuck in a situation where he can be with someone new and actually see them or stay in a long distance relationship. I know he is in love with me, but you never know what could happen. The only time I can visit him is on weekends if he is free or whenever he visits home. It's hard. But I have to savor the moments I get to spend with him when either one of each other visit.

I knew I was going in the right direction some how and kept walking. I looked around for any sign of Justin or any of his body guards, which I'm sure they are here too. Justin said things have been crazier and they go everywhere with him.

I felt my heart beat faster as I spotted Justin leaning against a wall talking to Kenny. He had grey zip up hoodie and these dark jeans on. He looked very hot, might I add. As I started to get closer, I watched as he nodded to something Kenny said then looked around. His eyes landed on me and a smile came across his face. I smiled wider and knew my cheeks turned red and he started walking in my direction. I walked faster until I was in his arms.

"Hey beautiful" he said into my ear as he held me tight. His arms wrapped around my waist like he was never going to let go and my arms around his neck.

"Hi" I said smiling and pulled my head back so I can look at him. He pressed his lips to mine, making me slightly surprised, but happy. I kissed back and we both smiled through the kiss before pulling away and smiling at each other. "Hi Kenny!" I said and waved at Kenny. He smiled and waved back.

"How are you?" He asked me. I pulled away from Justin.

"I'm great, you?" I asked back. He shrugged.

"Dealing with this crazy" he joked as he pointed at Justin.

"Hey I'm not crazy!" Justin joked back.

"You are" I told him as I ran my hand down the back of his head and kept my hand on his neck. He grabbed my hand from his neck and placed his lips on the top of my hand. I knew I was blushing extremely.

"Ready?" He asked me. I nodded. He laced his hand with mine and we started to follow Kenny to the doors.

"JB, heads up, there's more" Kenny said looking back at Justin. Justin just nodded back. More what?

"Don't let go of my hand, okay?" Justin said to me.

"Okay" I said back quietly, but loud enough for him to hear me. He squeezed my hand lightly. Once we got to the doors, I instantly knew what Kenny meant. Paparazzi. As we got outside, they all started to shout Justin name and scream question at him. Justin just kept his head down and lead us to the car. Once we got to the car, Kenny opened the door for us, but Justin stepped aside a little so I can go first. I let go of his hand and slid into the back seat. I heard Justin take a deep breath as he was in and shut the door.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that. It's so overwhelming. They just scream shit at you" Justin told me. I frowned and scooted closer to him. I held onto his hand again.

"It seems tough." I said back. He nodded then looked right into my eyes making me melt. "This is all so different, but you'll adjust" I said trying to make him feel better.

"It's insane. It's so surreal. It all happened so fast it could make your head spin. But so far, everything's great. Paparazzi is a down fall, but the fans, the studio time, the reactions from everyone to your songs, theres just so many amazing things about this. I'm so happy and I'm glad I get to share it with you" he told me and squeezed my hand again.

"Good. You deserve to be happy. I'm happy for you"

"Thank you" he brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it again. "So I'm free for the rest of the day which means we can go do whatever." He told me. I smiled more getting excited.

"Yay!" I cheered making him laugh. "I'm sure there is so much we can go do"

"There is" he said nodding. "But also tomorrow morning I'm performing on the Today Show so I hope you don't mind-" I cut him off.

"I don't mind. That's amazing. I can't wait to watch" I told him. He smiled and scooter closer so we were hip to hip. He let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"We are going to have an amazing weekend. I promise" he told me.


"Damn" I said out loud. "I love it here. This is beautiful" I told Justin. We are on top of the Empire State Building as the sun is about to go down. I've never seen anything like this. It's so pretty.

"I know right" Justin said back and I felt his arm leave my waist. "How are you doing? Really?" I heard him ask me. I faced him and saw he is already facing me now.

"I'm okay. Everything's basically the same, school, home, hanging with our friends. I just have to adapt to you not being there, still. I'm used to your goofy ass with me all the time" I told him and he smiled at the last part and shook his head.

"I'll be back. I'm not gone forever. Plus we have moments like this. You get to travel to different places to see me. I know it's a lot, but we can experience these things together" he said back. I'm so in love with him. All I feel for him is love. He makes me so happy and whenever I'm with him, I feel like the best version of myself and so happy.

"Hey guys" I heard Kenny's voice and we both looked over at him. "Just letting you know they are about to open the doors again for the public. So we should go now" He told us.

"Okay. Yeah let's go" Justin agreed then grabbed my hand. "You ready to go out to eat?" He asked me as we started to walk.

"Yeah. Let's do it" I agreed.


"No. That's not how that went!" I said as I laughed at Justin.

"Yeah. Okay. I remember" He joked back. We're at dinner and we're talking about childhood memories. We have so many together considering we've been best friends since technically birth. "I learned first then taught you" He claims he taught me how to ride a bike when we were nine but really we learned together on the same day.

"Okay. I'll let you think when you want" I said with a laugh. He chuckled and shook his head. He reached over and grabbed my hand. "Do you remember my thirteenth birthday party?" I asked and he instantly started to laugh so hard. "Justin!" I said with my jaw dropping because of how funny he thinks it was.

"Of course I remember. You don't allow me to stand behind you when we do cake for your birthday every year since then" he said making us both laugh.

On my thirteenth birthday, we threw a party at my house and right after they sang happy birthday to me and took the candles out of the cake, Justin shoved my face in the cake and I cried for the rest of the day. We both looked over at Justin's phone as it started to ring. Even though it was upside down, I still somehow read it to say 'Ryan Good'. I've met him a few times now. Justin looked at me, not answering his phone.

"You can answer, it's okay" I said with a giggle.

"Okay. I didn't want to be rude" he said then quickly answered. "Hey man, what's up?" He answered. "I'm actually on a date right-" "No, no you're good bro don't worry" "We're just waiting on the check then we'll come straight there" "a hundred percent I'm so down. I know Jamie will be too" "okay bye see you soon" he said then put his phone down. "I probably should have asked you first, but there's a basketball game that starts in thirty minutes and Ryan got court side seats. You down to go from here?" He asked me.

"Yeah. That sounds fun" I said back nodding. He smiled.

"It will be. Sitting court side is so sick" he told me. I smiled back at how excited he is. "It will be part of our date" he said and reaching over grabbing my hand again. He went to talk then the waitress came over to our table.

"Sorry for the wait, here is your check" she said before putting the check on the table.

"Thank you so much" Justin said back then she walked away. I went to grab the check so I can see the price of my meal and try to convince Justin to let me pay for it. This place seems expensive, but Justin let go of my hand and grabbed the check quickly. "What are you doing?" He asked me as he kept the check by him and pulled out his wallet.

"Seeing how much my meal was so I can try to pay" I told him making him laugh.

"This is a date, why would you pay? And when do I ever let you pay around me?" He asked me and made a confused face, but laughed again. I took a deep breath and crossed my arms.

"You paid for the flight, all the food, everything" I said back. He smirked at me and shook his head.

"Get used to it, because you'll never pay for another thing if you're around me. I, now, get to spoil you as much as I want and not have to worry about not having enough at the end of the week for food. Now, suck it up and let me treat you like a princess" he said making me blush. I didn't say anything as I watched him put cash with the check then shove his wallet back into his pocket. "Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded then grabbed my bag. He grabbed his phone as well putting it in his pocket. We both got up from the table and Justin grabbed my hand as we walked to the front of the restaurant where Kenny was already waiting.

I saw two people already taking pictures of Justin and we've only been standing for not even a minute. If people were constantly taking pictures of me everywhere I went, I wouldn't be able to take it. I don't know how Justin does it. I give him credit. Paparazzi is even worse. We got outside and there were more paparazzi with cameras than I'd ever seen being with Justin. I just kept my head down and stayed close to Justin, holding onto his hand tightly. We got into the car quickly and I took a deep breath.

"You okay?" He asked me. I nodded.

"Just the flash and all of them yelling trying to get your attention at once, is overwhelming. It's a lot" I honestly told him. He nodded understanding. "Let's just have some more fun tonight" I said changing the subject. He then smiled again and put his hand on my thigh.

"Trust me, you're going to love it" he said back.


I'm not a big basketball fan, but I do understand it. The game has been fun so far. It's me, Justin, Ryan and a woman he brought along as a date. Shes super sweet and Ryan is hilarious. We've been non stop laughing and it's seriously just a good time. A lot of people have been staring and talking photos since we are with Justin Bieber. It's crazy because to me he is just my Justin. The kid I grew up being best friends with and falling in love with, not the pop star. It's surreal, but I've ignored it and have been enjoying the game.

Justin wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me a little closer to him. I smiled as I looked at him.

"You having fun?" He asked me. Our faces really close to each other and , of course, it caused butterflies. It happens every time.

"Yeah. It's been a great weekend so far and it's only day one" I said making him chuckle. It's only Friday and we have done so much. I can't wait for tomorrow and Sunday. I'm going to savor these moments. I don't want to leave him again. He leaned in and kissed my cheek softly making me blush a little. He smiled again then leaned back in the seat with his hand on my back and started to watch the game.

I couldn't help myself from staring at him. He's just so handsome and I don't understand how I got so lucky to have him my entire life. Even though it took us till we were 18 to fall in love and admit it, him being my bestfriend has been amazing. He noticed I was staring and looked at him with a confused look, yet was smiling.

"What?" He asked with a chuckle.

"You're just extremely handsome and I love you" I told him. For the first time in a while, he started to blush. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders again and pulled me back so I was leaning back in my seat too.

"You're the most beautiful girl in the world. I love you too" he said back and now my cheeks are extremely red and I knew it. We shared a passionate kiss and smiled at each other widely before I put my head on his shoulder and we continued to watch the game.

I hope I never lose him. I hope the fame doesn't change him. I hope he stays this sweet caring Justin I've known my whole life. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have him in my life.

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