Cruelest Of Hearts~Eyeless Ja...

By VivianRVergiou

380K 12.8K 19K

When the person you love most is violently taken away from you, you set out on a dangerous journey to find ou... More

Chapter 1 Memories Of You
Chapter 2 Hide-And-Seek
Chapter 3 The Girl Who Survived
Chapter 4 The Song Of The Nightingale
Chapter 5 There Is No Escape
Chapter 6 One Last Warning
Chapter 7 Don't You Cry
Chapter 8 Fight To Stay Alive
Chapter 9 Awake In A Nightmare
Chapter 10 The Ones Lost In The Darkness
​Chapter 11 Deal With The Devil
Chapter 12 Doctor's Appointment
Chapter 13 What A Broken Heart
Chapter 14 Through The Night
Chapter 15 Frozen Forest
Chapter 16 Release Me To Heaven
Chapter 17 Tu N'es Pas Seul
Chapter 18 The Art Of Coexisting
Chapter 19 What Am I To You?
~...The Origin Of Halloween...~
Chapter 20 Disintegrating World
Chapter 21 Clash Of Victims
Chapter 22 What Happened To You
Chapter 23 Memento Mei
Author's Note: I am so sorry
Chapter 24 The Only Way Out
Chapter 25 Blackout
Chapter 26 Exile
Chapter 27 The Fallen Ones
Chapter 29 Clouds Over Paradise
Chapter 30 Time's Up
Chapter 30.5 !Lemon! Eyeless Jack
Chapter 31 'All Sheep Must Die'
Chapter 32 When Demons Cry
Chapter 33 'Adonis, What A Tragic Life You Lead'
Chapter 34 Persephone And Adonis
Author's Note
Extra Chapter: Our Days In The Sun
~Halloween's Origin Story~
Commissions are OPEN
Elpis Anthology

Chapter 28 Who We Used To Be

7.5K 268 363
By VivianRVergiou

'If they find out that we're not home, we are so dead. Like, already goners.'

The voice of a girl pierced through the loud noise of the howling wind, as the blizzard that pestered the small town of (y/t) continued on with undiminished ferocity, bringing along with it only the piercing cold of a merciless winter. In the almost deserted roads, two shadows appeared to be moving along the sidewalk, both of them staying on each others side, in a desperate attempt to generate some heat and warm themselves up; it was way past midnight and all denizens had retreated towards the warmth and protection of their homes, so it was far more than simply odd for someone to still be lingering outside.

'Oh come on now ______. They haven't suspected a thing in all those years, why should they know now?' the voice of a boy replied, only to receive a sigh from the girl.

'I think you're right Jack.' _____ smiled brightly and tugged closer to the boy, having passed her hand on his elbow and walking steadily beside him 'It's also been quite a bit since I last saw you, so I should just enjoy our time together.'

Jack looked down to the girl, offering her a smug smile 'Missing me already _____?'

'All the f*cking time and you know it.' She replies without even a single trace of hesitation 'I bet college is so much fun. Have you made any new friends?'

Jack thought about it for a second, trying to think as hard as he could if he made any acquaintances that could be counted as friends so he could answer the girl's question but so far, he couldn't produce any more than a single name.

'I guess you could say I became friends with Greg. He is my roommate as I mentioned earlier and seems like a normal dude.' He commented thoughtfully.

He and _____ hadn't seen each other in a few months, since Jack finally managed to get admitted to the college he aimed at and thus he was gone from the hometown of (y/t) for a while, being unable to both contact ________ and see her. Now, Christmas was finally upon them and he was able to return and see her; one would have expected him to return because he was missing his father or mother, but in reality, the man only missed his childhood friend and couldn't give two sh!ts about anyone else for all that matters. So tonight, he and _____ had snuck out of their homes and gone for a walk on a nearby park which Jack thought ______ would like, since it had already been decorated with lights and Christmas ornaments that made the whole scenery kind of idyllic. And since his thought was right, the girl seemed to be simply amazed by the breathtaking surroundings; she looked around her constantly with her bright (e/c) orbs completely mesmerized and a big smile gracing her face, looking even younger than she really was.

Jack just couldn't keep his eyes away from her smiling face and never allowed himself to deny her anything; that ended with both of them sharing a big bag of various sweets while holding steaming cups of their favorite hot chocolates in their hands and ______ talking about every little thing that happened while he was away and Jack paying close attention to her, never missing a single word uttered by the girl. It was kind of ironic how much he had missed her in the few months that they were apart and now he just couldn't look away from her small form, he couldn't risk her smile faltering even for a split second; a certain thing that also pleased him, was the complete lack of any purple spots lacing her splendid (s/c) skin. All these things were more than enough to make him happy. Because what greater joy than seeing the one you care about the most, happy? Of course, he never forgot about his promise to her; how could he do that in the first place, when all he wanted was to take her away from her 'supposed' parents and the two of them running away to start a normal life somewhere far, far away. To achieve that, the man had made sure he studied as hard as he could, resulting to him scoring first in all of his classes; ______ was delighted to hear that he was doing well and to reward him for doing so great, she kissed his cheek and hugged him as hard as her body could allow her.

The only thing that the girl was greatly unaware of was that because of her simple action, Jack's heart accelerated to a tremendous speed and a strange sensation arose inside his stomach; her trouble-free act managed to blew his mind away.

And that did not stop at all.

'So you didn't meet any girls?' _____'s voice was sure trying to sound carefree, but Jack knew her far better than this.

This only caused a sly smirk to grace his lips 'Are you jealous ______?'he questioned the girl.

In response, she scoffed 'As if. No girl is better than me.' she looked up at him and flashed him a smile filled with arrogance.

He only returned the smile 'I would have to agree on that; no one is as good as you.'

It was at this comment that the girl's face changed within a matter of milliseconds. Jack witnessed the change first hand, gazing upon her face as her (e/c) eyes opened so wide with surprise that they turned into two plates; Jack always loved how they seemed to be filled with both innocence and happiness, both of these attributes burning steadily inside them at all times, making the girl lively and charming. A rich shade of red painted her cheeks, turning her whole face into an adorable color that Jack simply couldn't resist anymore, chuckling to himself and inhaling a deep breath as his mind went completely off and filling with only one thought: It's now or never. What if they were just outside their homes? What if anyone could see them? He didn't care; he didn't care at all. Because all he really wanted, was to have her. He had waited long enough to express his feelings and now was the only time he really had a solid chance; now that _____ was more adorable than ever, more beautiful than ever; now that he finally realized that he loved her more than ever.

His hand went up and rested behind her delicate neck and before the girl really had any chance to react, he pulled her forward and their lips smashed against each other's.

If Jack's mind turned into a whirlwind every time he saw her smile or felt her presence near him, that was absolutely nothing compared with what happened inside his mind when he kissed her; his heartbeat turned into a continuous buzz and his mind completely melted inside his skull.

At first, he could feel _____ tensing up inside the kiss and keep her mouth closed, while her hands flew to rest themselves on his sturdy chest, trying to react against the unexpected action, but as the seconds flew by and realization dawned to her, she simply sighed into the kiss and half opened her lips. Jack's tongue slipped into her mouth, getting his first dose of her divine taste that reminded him of gardenia flowers and he couldn't help but get completely lost in it as he explored every crevice of her mouth, playing with her and claiming it as his own; it was evident that even then, the girl was kissing him back with equal enthusiasm to match his own, her hands grabbing a hold of his jacket and pulling him closer. Oh, how long had Jack waited for this, how long had he troubled himself with the right way to confess his feelings to her and now here they are, kissing each other like there is no tomorrow, finally allowing their feelings for each other to arise like a volcano that destroys everything in its lethal path.


The feeling of pure bliss comes to an end rather abruptly as a voice booms loudly. Both _____ and Jack pull apart immediately and the girl only has time to turn her head and gaze behind her, before a brawny hand shots up and pulls her from her hair away from Jack and another one lands so hard against her cheek that the poor girl screams out in pain, her hands flying to cover her face. Jack instinctively rushes to help her, only for a punch to find him straight in the face; there is an awful cracking sound and a hot liquid runs down to cover his mouth and chin as the man takes a few steps back, crying out in pain and trying to protect himself somehow.

'What are you doing out here with that f*cker?! Do you want to disgrace our family?! I'll make you pay for this you b!tch!'

There is another harsh sound of a hand landing against soft flesh and ______ screams out once again, causing Jack to finally look up and meet with Jake's furious form.

The man had probably seen them through one of the windows and the two kids never even heard him storming out of the house until it was too late. His muscular body could put any professional bodybuilder in shame and his deranged brown eyes were focused solely on ______, with his hand landing hits to the petite girl wherever he could actually reach her. The girl was screaming out and trying to get away from him, but his hold on her hair was too strong.

'DON'T TOUCH HER!!!' Jack screamed and charged against him, forgetting his broken nose and focusing on the sole purpose of getting ____ away from the man's hands.

Before he had a chance to see it coming though, a kick landed straight on his stomach, sending the boy tumbling on the floor, with a mouthful of blood coming out as he folded himself in two and screamed.

'JACK!' ______'s desperate scream reached his ears, but the pain was too immense and the girl only screamed even more as the horrible man hit her head against the fence on the edge of the house.

'Now you've done it!' Jake screamed and started pulling _____ towards the house 'I'll make sure to make this punishment an example. Now get inside you sl*t!!'

All Jack could do was whisper ______'s name desperately, as her frantic screams for him became fainter and fainter, until a door closed and they seized completely.

~ * ~

'Jack...Jack wake up.' a soft voice sounded from somewhere really close to Jack and someone shook his shoulders gently.

Immediately, his eyelids popped open and his empty eye sockets scanned the whole place up for the impending threat that was lurking around, his hand instinctively flying to grab a hold of his beloved scalpel inside his pocket. Yet, instead of a terrible foe, the man came across the figure of a girl who was leaning over him. Apparently, Jack had fallen asleep right beside the couch where _____ slept last night, in a failed attempt to keep an eye on her, only to sleep right where he was. The girl was now leaning over him, her bright (e/c) eyes looking steadily down at him and from the comfortable and warm feeling, Jack realized that he was leaning against a soft pillow and he was covered with a blanket; the girl had obviously made sure that he was comfortable since she was completely unable to move him.

_____ tilted her head to the side 'Are you okay? You were having a nightmare.' She commented.

As Jack focused back on her, the image of ______ in his dreams flashed before him, only that the girl now was much older and a lot different than before. In contrast with the dream, the girl's eyes were now bereft of the spark of innocence, which appeared to be long gone from her tired eyes, no matter the fire of life that continued to burn inside of them. She was completely different, yet the same as the girl in his dream and that was something that Jack found.... fascinating. It was strange how a person could be completely different but the same at the same time.

'Who is Jake?' was the first question his logical brain decided to pose. Only that he made a mistake.

The atmosphere that was warm and welcoming when he had woken up changed dramatically into a completely cold and serious one, as _____'s faint smile dropped into a frown and a dark shadow made its appearance into her bright eyes, consuming away what was left of her good mood.

'How do you know this name?' her voice, barely above an audible whisper, was so cautious as it was suddenly enraged, for reasons the man failed to understand; it was amazing how this human female's moods changed from one minute to the other.

'Answer my question.' Jack heard his self insisting.

'No.' she simply answered and raised herself on her feet, walking away and back to the kitchen without as much as a second glance behind her.

If curiosity prevailed inside his head before, now, his animalistic nature was far more than simply interested into finding out what the girl was hiding and his brain was quick to decide that he was going to find out either way, whether she wanted to share her knowledge willingly or not. Throwing the covers to the side, he stands up and follows her to the kitchen, taking a seat in one of the chairs surrounding the kitchen island. ______ didn't even raise her head to meet with his steady gaze, as she continued to whip the eggs she had thrown into a bowl with a metallic balloon whisk. Her shoulders were stiffened to the extreme and her eyes were fixed on the bowl as she stirred the mixture with such power, as if she was wishing to herself to set in on fire right then and there; there weren't many occasions that Jack had seen her lose her composure like this, even from the few human memories he had; in those, she was usually bruised or beaten up and smiling sincerely nevertheless.

'How is the fever?' he asked her evenly, observing her face closely to be able to understand what was going wrong with her.

'Gone.' She responded coldly.

'And what have you dedicated yourself in making?'

'I'm making myself a cake; it's not like you can eat it right? Plus there aren't many things to do around here.' Again, her voice was as cold as his own, something that intrigued Jack even more, making him want to push her buttons and deviously infuriate her only more.

This wasn't like her at all, but from all the memories which were undoubtedly surfacing slowly but steadily and the time spend with her, Jack knew that all he had to do was wait.

Looking around him nonchalantly, his vision never failed to pick up that there was a considerable less amount of dust flowing in the air and the whole place looked far more tidied up and clean, reminding more of a home than ever before. Even the fire continued to burn vividly into the fireplace, driving away all of the coldness of the previously uninhabited house and raising the living conditions of it. It didn't need a genius to understand that ______ had probably cleaned up the best she could, trying not to wake him up in the process and make him feel more comfortable by providing him with a pillow and a blanket, the very same ones that he used to cover her up last night. Of course, the blizzard never even seemed to diminish outside of the house, continuing to whip the steady stone walls mercilessly.

But that was not something to worry about right now.

'Will you explain to me now who Jake is?' Jack repeated himself, averting his gaze back to the girl.

Her movements faltered for a brief second, a moment that was all too enough for Jack to notice, and then she resumed with her work, sparing him no glance 'You want to know why I am so furious about you remembering him huh?'

'Yes.' This was the only answer that Jack was able to offer her, that was, until she would decide to speak up of course.

'I am mad, because you seem to remember my abusive stepfather and not me, your very own best friend. Hell, you haven't even questioned me about who you were as a human.' She poured the mixture into an oven pan and turned her back to him to place it into the oven.

'Alright.' Jack said cautiously 'I will ask, once you answer about the man.'

_______ returned to the counter once again and pulling one of the chairs, she sat down across from him, giving him an even stare, probably trying to guess what he had in mind; Jack did his best to keep his face even and from all these years inside the Creepypasta household, it was a lot easier for him than what she would have expected. Eventually, the girl sighed and her body relaxed tremendously, with her shoulders leaning forward; it was the signal that Jack needed in order to realize that she was about to let him know the truth.

'Jake is my stepfather. He married my mother shortly after my father's death and has been living with us since I was probably seven or eight years old. As a man, he is definitely not the one you would like to mess with, since he is too aggressive and dangerous to even look at. From the moment he stayed with us, every time he got the chance, he would beat me up or punish me with various ways just because his day wasn't good enough and he wanted someone to take his anger out on. There were many occasions that I had to be rushed to the hospital and usually, you would be the one to do so. He was the one who made me skip school just to go around singing to collect money, since he and my mother were heavy drinkers and needed more and more money to buy more booze.' She explained coldly, seemingly completely dispassionate about what had happened to her in the past 'On the day that I learnt about your disappearance, it was the very first day that I found out I had a serious heart condition. The moment I learnt the news, I folded in two and screamed, since I was having my very first heart attack. You wanna know what Jake did, Jack? He started screaming at me and beating me up so hard, that I lost consciousness almost immediately; when I woke up on the hospital, the doctors said that I was out for about a month but child services weren't called on Jake, since the doctor that treated me was a friend of his. He had actually beaten me up so hard this time that I fell into a coma.'

______ finished her sentence as calmly as she started it and completely unaware of the fact that Jack's hands had folded into powerful fists under the counter, with the man barely seeing the girl that stood in front of him and only thinking about various ways of possible killing methods of that bastard. Oh, how much fun would he have once he would lay his hands on his filthy neck; but no, he wasn't going to turn this abomination into a meal. He would decorate the room with his guts and leave him there for his poor-excuse-of-a-wife to find.

'So you know now why I was so upset that you remembered him and not me. How could you not remember me.....' she trailed off, her voice breaking on the very end of the sentence.

But Jack wanted to keep her talking.

'How was I as a human?'

In his question, the female looks up to meet with his gaze and her eyes literally sparkle as he bursts into a joyful laugh, a sound so divine that could only be rivaled by her singing, heavenly voice. The sound was clear and loud and able to stir a completely unknown feeling inside Jack's guts, a feeling that the monstrous man was unable to recognize or even understand.

'How were you as a human?' _____ asks once her laugh dies out, yet the sparkles never leave her bright (e/c) orbs as she leans forward and rests her head on her hands 'You were the kindest man I had ever met in my entire life. I have to say, some of your humane attributes, you continue to have even now, like the unquenchable thirst for knowledge or the never ending curiosity about things that are new to you. Of course, you were less vigilant and quick-to-react, yet your observation senses were still at their peak. You were all knightly when you were around me and never allowed anyone to hurt me –and that goes for all the bullies at school. Just to let you know, you have your mother's rich auburn hair and your eyes used to be exactly like your father's. All in all, you were a natural-born gentleman that knew how to crack a joke in the correct times. Being my best friend, I loved you very much.'

In her words, the dream Jack had last night flashed like a wildfire inside his memories, making the man lean forward and another question to arise inside his head. Of course, it was kind of evident that despite ______'s honesty, she was choosing to hide some key parts of their relationship. For what reason, he did not know, but knew that the answers to all of his questions were hidden inside his memories, making their discovery an even greater matter of importance. But how would he trigger them to wake up faster than they do now?

'And that is what lead you to search for me?' he keeps the conversation going.

'I searched for you, because you are the only real family I have left. I was not going to let you disappear like that, even in the case that you were dead. I couldn't just sit down and accept the poor job they did into searching for you and of course, I knew that something bad had happened to you since you disappeared without saying anything.' She rested her hands on the counter and picked herself up.

'Anyways, I have to take a bath; if you have questions or even remember me, wait till I come out.' She said and walked towards the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Jack remained completely still and kept sitting on his chair in the counter, until the running water of the shower reached his heightened sense of hearing and the murmur of a song sung by none other than you accompanied it. When that happened, all the mechanisms inside his head were immediately triggered and the man rose briefly in his feet, like he was just struck by lightning. Without sparing a single glance to his chair that fell back and on the floor, he started pacing up and down the room, his hand flying to cover his chin and his brain pushing him into deep thought.

Why couldn't he remember ______ yet? Yes, the truth was that not all of his memories were revealed to him, but from the moment that the girl triggered the awakening of his past, memories were swarming back into his brain, making it all too hard for him to focus in the past three days. He could loosely remember where he went to school, how old he really was, what his parents' names and appearance was and where their house is, but nothing other than a memory or two that included ______ had surfaced. These memories seemed to still be locked inside his brain and rising to the surface in a slower rate than all the other ones, yet having a gruesome impact on the man still; once a memory about _____ surfaced, the man would be in dire need to sit down and place his head on his hands for support because the weight of those memories was immense and they were accompanied by a huge tidal wave of emotions which the monstrous man had completely forgotten long ago, let alone understood. And it was exhausting to have this effect thrust upon him over and over again. Questions were formulating inside his head and there was no way he could answer them without asking ______ for direct help; and as the girl did before, she would keep vital points of their relationship for herself, acting like there was nothing amiss, when in reality, Jack knew all too well that there was. And he needed to remember her; it was of outmost importance to him to remember her right here, right now, because the girl was able to awaken uneasy feelings inside of him that he could no longer keep hidden if he continued to not remember what triggered them.

All that was enough to trigger a reaction was just a small touch, a smile or just her breath falling on his skin for his stomach to turn and his brain to freeze; this was definitely not a healthy reaction and in order to manage and keep her safe from any possible trouble that might come in their future, he needed to look past them and clear his mind. Because his once sharp brain was not as sharp when he was around her. It was as if the girl had some drug effect on him that could easily deprive him from all his by far superior abilities. He wondered though, if the rest of the killers like him, that do remember their past, had similar experiences; maybe he could do a little research to find out. But right now, how could he remember her?

The plum answer to his question was provided to him through the very same dream he had seen last night. He knew all too well that this was just another memory that came to him in a dream form, but it was evident that the idea which sprang inside his logical mind may be the key to unlocking his memories with _______. Yes, it would be somewhat straightforward or even rough, but right now, ______ had to excuse his means in front of the big picture of finding out. Maybe the idea would ultimately benefit her as well. No matter what, Jack's logical brain focused on this sole solution; he had to find out no matter what.

By the time the plan formed into his mind, the door of the bathroom opened and out walked none other than you, fully dressed with a pair of warm clothes while you tried to dry your hair off on a towel. Walking inside the large room, the girl's eyes meet first with the fallen chair and then with the distressed posture of Jack, whose eyeless stare nailed itself on her petite form, just in time to see curiosity dawning in her eyes.

'What happened?' she asked.

'I found a way to remember you.' Jack commented, walking over to her with big steps.

'Really? How?'

'Like this.'

Making the distance that separated them disappear, the killer's body reacted way faster than his logical mind did and before he even knew it, his hand had wrapped itself inside ______'s wet hair and his lips were colliding on her delicate on with sheer power, immediately triggering the uneasy feelings that stirred his undead stomach and tied it into a knot. The girl froze up in complete horror at first and her hands flew to his chest and started hitting him with all the power she could muster up, trying to get him away from her. Only that Jack wasn't going to give up without a fight, now that he had finally cornered her.

It only took him licking her bottom lip for the girl to seize all of her movements for a second, a split second which seemed like a true eternity of waiting, before her hands fell down lifelessly and a deep sigh left her lips as they half opened, enabling Jack to slip his tongue in and get a full taste of her breath inside his own. The whole world around them could be going up in flames, but the two of them wouldn't notice a single thing as _____ placed her hands on his sturdy chest and Jack continued to claim her mouth as his own, all logic and clear thinking going out the window. But how would the killer be able to think, when the demon that inhabited his mind was surely awake and growling loudly in complete lust and wanting? How could the man fight back the beast that wanted to devour the girl's soul and body at the same time? How was he going to tame a beast, when he did not want to do so? How was he going to let go, when her divine taste overwhelmed his senses and threw his body inside the fire? Because both of them were kissing each other passionately; both of them wanted to devour each other inside the lust. Jack knew it. ______ knew it as well.

And then, something exploded inside Jack's mind.

_______'s reason came back long before Jack was ever able to understand.

The girl broke the kiss and pushed Jack away from her, before her right hand connected hard with his cheek, making his face turn to the right and the place where she had hit him became even darker.

'I AM NOT YOUR TOY TO PLAY AROUND WITH!' _____ screamed with all her might and turning, she stormed back into the bedroom, shutting and locking the door behind her, leaving Jack alone.

But all the man could do as his brain was being set ablaze, was kneel down and hold his head inside his hands in complete pain, with his scream never leaving his lungs.

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