
By Catching_Niall_

9.4K 263 22

Hailee Jensen. Just a normal 18 year old girl. Well you could say that until you knew her past. Her ex boyfr... More

Haliee, Haliee Jensen
I think I like you too...
You said you'd be there for me
I don't see the point of breathing anymore.
Save me
Cant I just sleep forever?
We're going to be having some visitors
Drunken mistakes
10- Halo
1 year on
we'd like to offer you a place
Goodbye england, hello america!
My names ameilia
Unknown number
I have to go
hell hole
Pay him a visit
Hold me close
fight back
Forever in my heart.
We'll stay strong
Shadows sneak peak of chapter ONE
I'm sorry

It all ends here

182 6 0
By Catching_Niall_

It's new years eve. 

Niall and I are attending some huge new years eve party with the boys tonight, I am looking forward to it, I suppose, but I was feeling rather ill from the post christmas drinking we've been doing the last few days. 

'Goodmorning!' Niall smiled as he sat on the sofa next to me 'I'm glad we get to spend the last night of 2013 at this party tonight, it's going to be sick.' He laughed. I simply nodded and smiled, my throat was a bit sore and I didnt want to speak, so I texted him. 

'Aw baby.' He cooed, hugging me 'Can I get you anything, do you still want to go to the party, shall we go to the doctors?' 

'Ah! so many questions! No, I think i'll be fine. I think I'm going to go back to bed, I'm up way too early its not even 9 o'clock yet.' 

He nodded, kissing my forehead, as I slowly rose, and went upstairs, and cocooned myself in my duvet, my eyes feeling heavy, I soon found myself drifiting into a peaceful, easing sleep.

I woke up, instantly looking at my clock.


I groaned, realsiing i had slept through the whole day, my rumbling stomach was a giveway before I had even checked the time. I managed to haul myself out of bed for some food, running downstairs, fixing myself some toast. I was happily eating it when zayn sauntered in smiling

'Hi,' I said

'You ready for tonight?!' he yelled

'Woahh, and yeah, I am, I think you are too...' I giggled, finishing off my toast. I thought about what to wear, but I didnt think that would be a problem if Eleanor was around. 

'do you know where El is?' I asked him

'I think she's in the lounge...' He said, poitning to the lounge door. I nodded, hopping off the counter top, wandering into the lounge

'El!' I said as I saw her sitting on the sofa, watching the music channel.

''Yees?' She smiled

'Help me choose what to wear?' As soon as she heard that she jumped off the sofa, and dragged me up the stairs to my room. 

I walked into the part nialls arm wrapped round my waist. Paul had told me and the girls to make sure the boys didn't even get a spot tipsy or even drunk because there were tons of paps about. It would give them and easy shot to make some bullshit up about them. 

'Honey dont drink too much.' I said quietly

'I'm planning to, I still feel rough from all those previous nights...' He frowned 

'Okay,; I smiled, giving him a quick kiss, and walking off in the crowd to find the girls. 

We all sat on a sofa quetly on our own just talking and keeping to ourselves, when there was a powercut.

Everything was so quiet, and creepy. I heard quiet squeals behind me, I spun round to see Eleanor, danielle perrie and charlotte all being dragged away by four men. It was hard to see in the dark but I went after them. I was so glad i wore flats. 

I ran out into the snow, the road icy, as I skidded along, hey, it acctually made me faster. But when I saw that they were heading down to the pond, a sickening feeling arose to my stomach. They couldnt. They wont.

I picked up my speed, and ran through the undergrowth and down the path and sure enough they were all being forced onto the iced over pond.

'STOP!' I yelled, as I shoved my way through the bush, covered in snow, but I didn't care. 

'Hailee"' Danielle said in panic

'D-don't hurt them, please.' I said shivering.

'And why not?' One of the men said, taking off his mask

'Dan...' I gasped 'let them go please!' I begged

'You see, that deal we made Hailee, I'v thrown in out the window honey...'

'What?' I said in panic, oh no, he did, didn;t he

'You prmised not to kill any of them!' I protested

'As, I just said,, I threw that deal ut the window, unless you want to join them?' He smirked. Voluntarily, stepped down onto the ice, I heard it creak beneath my feet, indicating it was straining. I slowly made my way to the others, who were crying in fear for their death, perhaps. 

I wasn't afraid.

I had faced death so many times before, that this was not new to me, I kind of wondered what it felt like to do I suppose, not that I wanted find out, but who would miss me? what would happen? Would i be buried with my mother? 

I was too deep in thought until I felt someone tug my arm, I looked up to see the boys all on the hillside, the men backing away, some, at least. we all walked off the ice eager to get away because it wouldnt be long before it would collapse under our weight. 

I was making my way up to niall, when I heard a gun being loaded, I turned round to see Dan, with a gun in his hand. I swallowed the lump in my throat. 

oh god, he wasnt going to shoot one of them?

But he was. He was standing at the edge of the pong, and he pointed the gun at Danielle, I had to do something!

My legs reacted before my brain could, and I hurled myself at Dan, flinging him onto the ice. I stood up, and made my way across the ice where it was thicker. I turned round and saw the gun pointed at me

'HAILEE!' Niall yelled taking a step forward

I shook my head at him, making him stop in his tracks. I looked at Dan, that all too famous smirk on his face

I felt my eyes sting with tears, but he put his gun down. I sighed in relief, but I stayed glued to the spot, and he started talking to the rest of them.

'You know, she's the one i have wanted for a long long time Niall, am I right?'

'I-i dont know,' he shrugged

'the answer is YES! you fool!' Niall flinched as Dan yelled out at him

'Sorry, I dont know, I.' Niall stopped shaking his head

'This town will beg for my mercy, everyone, will be killed, everyone will be torutured, but there wont be anyone to stop us! No-one to kill me, nobody to stop me.'

'Hailee can,' Perrie called

'Ha,' Dan chuckled 'Not anymore.' 

Dn swivelled round to me, 

Everything happened so fast

I collapsed onto my knees holding my stomach where the wound was, my hands covered with blood. It was so painfull, Just kill me, I'd rather be out of this pain. I was breathing heavily, as I heard Niall yelling so many curse words at dan. 

I looked up to see his gun pointed to the ice, he fired again, and I felt it collapse and shudder under me, as I was engulfed into the dark freezing cold water. I didn't bother swimming, I just let myself sink, further and further into darkness. I felt my heart slow down, and everything went black. 

death was peacefull. 

Nialls POV

I watched as Dan swivelled round to Hailee, and I heard the gun fire

'NO!!!' I yelled 'YOU SON OF A BITCH YOU BASTARD HAILEE! NO!' I watched her collapse to her knees, and I saw the wound, she was losing so much blood, I saw the pain and hurt in her eyes, as Harry and Zayn held me back

When I heard the gun fire again, I saw her sink into the water, dead, limp, lifeless. 

'Hailee! please...' I sobbed falling to the ground

I watched wrapped in a blanket as they retrieved her body from the water, her lips were blue and her skin was grey, her eyes shut, her mouth open slightly, I couldn't see her chest moving at all. 

This cant be happening

She was dead.

                                                                       THE END


the END! 

Protector is now FNISHED, Thank you for all the reads and everything, you dont know how much it means to me!:)

The epilogue will be up soon,

and a sneak peak of most of chapter one of SHADOWS will be up on christmas eve! 


Thankyou xxxxxxxx

see you all in april for The start of shadows!:) 


Han xxxx


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