A Taste Of Payback

By Tomatita

10.8K 372 45

Spain discovers a new land and has plans of conquering it. Later he discovers that the great Aztec Empire has... More

New world, new plans
Making ends meet
Tomato Amor
A Prize To Be Won Over
Prepare your weapons
Spying on the Spanish
Do You Remember
Good Night
Romano, Meet New Spain
Late Night Surprise
Unlikely Friendship
(Not so) Merry Friends
Finding A New Talent, And New Feelings
Spanish Lessons
Of Curls And News
Fratello Has A Crush
Birds, Bees, and Reunions
An Unallowed Friendship
Our Little Secret
Let It Go
Bullfights and Volcanoes
Doll-like beauty
Christmas Ball
I'll Wait For You
Sharing the Bed
Oh Shit He's Hot
Upper Hand
The Mystery of Men
A Toast to Growth
The Irony of Love
Everyone Can Cook
Money Brings Out the Worst in the Best
One Last Time

Letters to Change a Course

362 16 14
By Tomatita

Once Esmeralda was sure Antonio was fast asleep, she slowly slipped off the sheets from her body and carefully, bit by bit, sat up. Antonio had his arm wrapped lazily around Esmeralda's waist once more just like before her first attempt not too long ago. This time, she was successful in sneaking away and slowly closing the door behind her. She held her breath, the house around her was silent as the world outside slept. It was still night and there was a soft rustle of wind amongst the soft padding noise as her feet lightly made their way across the hall. Expertly and blindly, she lit a candle, clutching it closely to her chest, blinking as the house around her came into view, softly illuminated in a golden hue.

Esmeralda's steps were a little too slow for her own personal taste, but she couldn't risk being caught, she knew she had to be careful and quiet. Her breath tickled the flame only inches away from her face as she climb the steps, one by one, destination in mind. Step, step, step, turn. The destination was getting closer and her chest was getting tighter. The candle was melting as the wax dribbled down the length, pooling in it's holding cup, where Esmeralda was clutching carefully. With one last step, she was met with the corridor in mind. Not a second later and she was picking up the pace in a slow run, thick curls bouncing softly, swaying this way and that. She reached out and wrapped her hand around a door knob, having finally reached the room in question. She made sure to shut it slowly, avoiding any creaks or slams.

Once in the dark room, slightly lit by the shrinking candle's light, Esmeralda ran to the large sack of old and unwanted letters. She sat down next to it, placing the candle next to her to make a nice reading light. Fortunately most of the envelopes were already open, one by one she began slipping the letters out, reading carefully and quickly. One by one the features on her face would change from a curious eyebrow raising in wonder, to her nose scrunching in confusion, and finally, to her eyes widening in realization.

She had read the letters, she now knew of how badly her people were treated while she was away living in luxury. She was only here because the Spanish were full of greed and power. The thought of her poor people suffering brought tears to her round eyes. Esmeralda had never met them, but they were hers to take care of, hers to love, and she was failing and sick. She was shoving everything back when a certain stack caught her eye. A package of letters tucked in the back of the sack, all addressed to her.

With shaky fingers, she grabbed the papers and undid the wrapping that Spain had placed them in. With a gasp, Esmeralda had almost dropped the letters, but quick reflexes grabbed them before they spilled on to the floor. More tears came to her eyes as she opened the first one and read.

Hey Esmeralda! I told you I'd write! First thing's first, guess who's fighting for independence? This guy! Oh man you should have seen Arthur's face! I would've fallen on my ass if it wasn't such a serious moment. You should see this for yourself, men everywhere are coming together to fight with me for freedom! I know, how could a couple of untrained men and I possibly defeat the British? With sheer determination and free will! There's no way I'm giving up, it's too late to back down now!

I miss you, maybe next time you see me I'll be a free man. If that doesn't make you swoon, I don't know what will!

Esmeralda clutched her heart at his words. This whole time she was forced to believe the blond had disappeared from her life again. How different would her life be if Spain hadn't hidden the letters from her? Millions of questions that she didn't know the answer to flooded her mind as she read his messages of brave men and how France had joined his side. He told her vibrant stories of battle, of his vision and dream for people all across the globe and even though he was exhausted, he wasn't going to give up. With each letter, she could practically feel him become more tired and desperate for a response from her. It wasn't until the last letter that her heart stopped. Just one line, just one question that sent her state of confusion all over the place.

You love him don't you?

She sniffled quietly into her sleeve. For once in her life she had no idea what to do with herself or what was going on. The only thing she knew was that Antonio was hiding things from her, and Alfred is now an independent nation going by the United States of America. She was sad, angry, slightly confused and a head ache peeped out from behind her eyes. She spent the next thirty minutes trying to piece everything together, but stopped trying by the time the candle completely melted, leaving her in the dark.

"What am I going to do..." she whispered under her breath, right hand gripping her knee as she kneeled and left hand wiping her eyes.

"I don't know. What will you do?" the sudden voice caused her head to snap up and sent her heart sinking down to her stomach with each heavy beat.

"Lovino?" she tilted her head as she took in the silhouette.

Lovino had been standing in the door way, arms crossed against his chest. "Who else?" he walked in, closing the door carelessly and sitting down next to his friend.

"How long have you been standing there?" Esmeralda asked, uncharacteristically quiet.

Lovino stayed silent for a while before answering. "Long enough to see your eyes have a panic attack. What the hell was in those letters?"

Esmeralda's mouth opened, but the only thing that came out was a croak. Her brown eyes were glossy as she looked down at the ground, twiddling her thumbs, mouth agape and shaking her head. "He's been writing to me...Alfred, and Antonio's been hiding every last one of them from me" Lovino reached out for a letter, but put it back down when he realized that the lack of light wouldn't let him read the contents. "Why would he do that?" Esmeralda didn't look up from her hands as she asked Lovino. "Did you know about this?"

"Nope. He didn't say shit about hiding letters that came over seas and were written by a stupid blond kid. I don't know Esmeralda...Seriously. I'm sure he has his reasons, as shitty as they may be. He may be all giggly and sweet now, but don't forget that the bastard used to be a greedy and powerful guy" Lovino raked his mind for something intelligent to say, for some good advice to ease his friend.

"But that's not it..." Esmeralda spoke up and Lovino raised an eyebrow in the dark. He listened on as Esmeralda told him of the gold and slavery and everything in between. Occasionally he would make a noise indicating he was listening, or one of pure disgust. "Lovino...I'm scared" her voice cut through the air uneasily.

"Wait say that again, I don't think I'm hearing right" Lovino blinked in disbelief. "Did you just say that you, you of all people, are scared? Scared of what?"

"I don't know what to do" she spoke tentatively, for someone so brave, she was so afraid.

"So what! You'll be fine. Look, I know you like to know things and be ahead of the game, but you don't have to know everything right away. Just trust your gut, that's what I do! Now stop this being afraid bullshit. You're not allowed to be scared, that's my thing and you're seriously messing things up here by being scared" he stood up dusting his knees and forced her to stand up as well. "So what are you going to do? Let him get away with this?" Esmeralda shook her head. "Of course not, I know you won't. Don't be weak Esmeralda, it's not like you. Now go the fuck to sleep" he kissed her cheek and walked out, leaving Esmeralda alone with her thoughts.

She remembered how one letter said her people were wanting rights but the Spanish weren't afraid of a revolt. Well, Esmeralda thought, they're the ones that should be afraid. Not her.

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