My Dying Wish **UNDERTAKING E...

By ElloImTheDoctor

9.7K 303 125

After a tragic car accident with John Smith, Rose is left on her own again. Rose carries on but is still full... More

My Dying Wish (TenxRose)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Sequel Part 1
Sequel Part 2
Sequel Part 3
Sequel Part 4

Chapter 7

424 11 6
By ElloImTheDoctor

Author's Note

The reads just keep going up and up! Thanks everyone for continuing with the story and being awesome :) Again, I don't know the size of this chapter ( I never will ) I just hate making short chapters and I can't to that, my hands keep typing away. So keep being awesome guys and please vote/coomment/share the story!

**Note: Side ways font means Rose is thinking/reading/remembering/dreaming etc. (Most of the time)



Rose was swarmed with papers up to her nose, but that was a good thing. Sorta. Luckily Susan had been able to find all these papers that may or may not have information on the case. Not only that but Susan agreed to stay later with Rose and help her take notes down on anything they found. Jack will be glad with all that I've-Susan and I have discovered! Rose felt proud with herself, she will have definitely made a huge advancement in their case.

They were both silent, busy searching for evidence. Rose thought if this lady was nice enough to help her they could at least know more than their names. It was getting late, Rose looked at her phone 10:30 PM. "I think we have found enough for today, we-I mean I can show what we found to Jack later. Do you want to go out for tea? It's getting late and I could use a cup." Rose figured this girl didn't have much friends if she spent most of her time here, maybe Rose could be the first. Susan looked up at Rose form her spot on the floor surrounded by books and papers.

"You want to hang around by me longer than needed? Not most people want to but I would love some tea." Susan grinned and got off the floor.

"Let me get my things, it's quite chilly outside. I'll meet you in the front."

Susan got up after gently setting some papers back in their proper file, then walked to her office and shortly after she met Rose in the front. "Ready to go?" Rose asked.

"Yep! I know this cute little cafe just a little ways from here, if you want to try it out." Susan suggested.

"As long as it's good tea, then I don't care." Rose pushed the doors open and the frost nipped at her nose. She wrapped her soft purple scarf around her face (Mostly) and put on her wool gloves. "What's it called?" Rose asked, wrapping her arms around herself to keep warm.

"The Boiling Kettle" Susan quickly responded. "So, what do you do Rose?" Susan asked, curious.

"...Well, I guess there is no point in not telling you, except you can't tell anyone. It's kinda sensitive secret stuff." Susan nodded in silent agreement that if Rose were to tell her, she would not spill a word. "I work for..A special place, let's just say. We handle E.T. stuff and weird cases and defending the Earth from alien attacks... since The Doctor can't." Rose mumbled the last part.

"What was that last part? Doctor Who?" Susan inquired.

"Just someone I used to know." Rose sighed, her warm breath meeting with the chill and creating a little cloud, as she looked into the stars and wondered where the Time Lord could be traveling.

"Where is he now?" Susan pressed.

"See the stars? He is somewhere out there, but way beyond them. Saving other civilizations and defeating his darkest enemies. The man who protects the earth, but not this one. " Rose didn't mean to say that much but what could she do. She expected Susan to look at her like she was crazy and needed to get mental help, but Susan didn't. "Just forget what I said. Was just teasing..y'know?" Rose said and smiled weakly, blushing from embarrassment but her cheeks were already pink from the cold to Rose's luck and Susan wouldn't notice.

"Is it really a joke, though?" Susan asked, tilting her head slightly to the side while seeing through Rose's weak attempt at covering her slip up. Rose nodded but with a slight hesitation that Susan did not miss. Rose figured Susan had no doubts now that she had been serious.

"You probably think I'm bonkers, yeah?" Rose giggled shakily.

Susan gave her a small friendly smile while shaking her head. "No, I just don't understand." She paused, "If he is doing all those amazing things, why aren't you right there beside him? It's sort of obvious that you care for him." Susan gave Rose a genuine, caring look.

Rose hesitated before speaking, biting her bottom lip. "It's complicated. I spoke too soon and now he's gone and can't come back. " Rose sniffed.

"..Oh, I'm sorry." Susan's eyes dropped and her features wore a guilty expression.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it. Also, I think we're here." Rose offered her a reassuring smile, the one she always seem to wear. Rose's smile never had quite the same shine to it ever since John had died.

"I have one more question, if you don't mind." Susan asked, not able to put her curiosity to rest.

Susan was a very curious person, or more likely, Rose had an interesting history. "Go ahead." Rose said, letting a silent sigh escape her lips.

"Were you two a thing- well a couple?"

"No, well, yes but then again...I-I don't know exactly what to call us. I loved him and I think he loved me too. But it was too late, our time was up." Rose tried to fight the stinging pain of the gloomy memories.

"What happened, what separated you two?" Susan had a fascinated look on her face but one of sympathy too.

"I'll tell you but only if you're truly open minded, otherwise you'll have me locked up in the nutters house." Rose said, rubbing her arms to create friction and warmth for herself.

Susan nodded, anticipating Rose's reply.

"I didn't use to live here. I lived on a different planet, parallel Earth, in a different universe but some bad things happened in a war. I was then brought-stuck here, in the wrong universe and he is unable to get here without tearing the universe apart. That's the cut down version of it, it was much more complicated. Later I did see him again, in yet another universe destroying threat- those things seem to follow him- but I had to come back here, but I didn't come back alone." Rose didn't understand why she was telling Susan all this, but it felt good to get it out to someone who didn't mind listening.

"It must've killed him." Susan said after Rose finished.

"What?" Rose didn't quite understand.

"Leaving you, dropping you off here.. where he knew he could never see you again. It must've killed him." They both remained silent after that and headed into the cafe, grateful for the warmth that instantly enveloped them. They ordered their tea and sat in some lounge chairs by a fire with Christmas music quietly playing overhead. The little shop was nearly empty, besides a few students studying and the workers. "I'm sorry for prying and swarming you with questions. You just honestly..amaze me. For having such a hard past, you stand tall." Susan said with a simple smile then quietly sipped her tea. Rose stared at the fire, knowing it was rude to not respond but she was thinking about what Susan said. She had never thought about what it must've felt for The Doctor to lose her, she only thought how it felt to lose him.

"Thank you." Rose muttered, her eyes glued to the flickering flames and the shadows that danced along the walls. Susan gave her a light nod.

"So, I've told you about me, why don't you start telling me about yourself?" Rose suggested, tearing her eyes away from their heat source and to Susan.

"Well, I am not nearly as exciting and interesting as you are. I have lived in London all my life. I am a huge book worm and especially love sci-fi stuff. I don't know what I really want to do for my future. I have never had a boy friend, nor girl friend but I don't roll that way. Nothing wrong with being a lesbian, I mean. See? Nothing interesting." Susan seemed to be in doubt that she was anyone special.

"Well, if you want to have an interesting life, maybe you could help me with the case more? Partner up with me and the rest of my crew. Maybe." Susan looked surprised and was instantly full of glee at the offer.

"Of course, I would love to do that! Yes, yes, yes! Sorry. Just sounds exciting!" Susan squealed, then clamped her hands over her mouth and blushed.

Rose laughed lightly. "Good, our first task is to show Jack what we found tomorrow. I'm not sure if you know how to get to the place where I work." Rose was glad she offered, working in that library didn't seem too thrilling.

"I can figure it out." Susan still hadn't stopped grinning. "Except I need to know where exactly I will be heading to."

"Right, that's important." Rose giggled, drawing her phone out from her coat pocket. "I'll text you it all. Your number?"



This chapter was fairly shorter because it was mainly a new character introduction, everyone meet SUSAN UNDERWOOD. A new helper on the case. :) So any thoughts on the new character?

Thankkkksss for taking 5 seconds to read this. x


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