
By emrnelson0817

305 16 1

A story about a guy meeting a mysterious woman in a park and the struggle they go through to finally be toget... More

Underneath A Tree In Italy
Alone In Paris
Stop Running
The Reply
Gracie Pt.2
The Message
The Hospital
Standing By
After The Accident
The Unspoken Bond
The Gifts

Breaking and Entering

18 1 0
By emrnelson0817

She started unloading her bag in search of clothes to wear. They needed to be comfy but also practical. She knew that she had to do a few illegal things that night but it would all be worth it.
'Okay, jeans. Shirt. Black jacket. Shoes. Shoes? What shoes?'
She dumped her bag onto the hotel room floor and started sifting through her things until she found them, her favorite purple converses. They were very worn and dirty but she refused to replace them. She had gotten them for her 16th birthday. Her last birthday with her parents.
'Okay. What else?' She asked herself as she surveyed the giant mess on the floor. She picked up the grey scarf the woman at the airport had given her and smiled.
'Tonight. Tonight will be the night.'
She quickly changed, threw on a black slouchy hat over her messy hair, wrapped the scarf around her neck and set off. She took a cab to a market not too far from where she needed to be and casually walked around as she sampled some of the local foods.
She had never been here before. Then again, she had no reason to come. It was loud, busy, and exciting. Just her kind of place. She kept checking her watch for the time and she hated how slow it seemed to be ticking by. She needed to sit. Needed to plan.
On her flight she had did a bit of research. Where the place was. How guarded it was going to be. Best way to break in. This was all vital information. It had to be tonight. No matter the consequences she had to find her way in. She sat down outside of a very small but very packed restaurant and ordered some real food. She had to eat before hand. She might end up in jail after all and she would be needing some sort of non prison food to get her by.
A tiny woman who looked extremely stressed delivered her food and Melody began to think out her plan a bit more as she slurped up her Ramen. There was a side alley by the building she could go into. Might have to hop a fence or two. Then it got hard. Security, crew, other people. She would have to get passed them.
'Once I'm in though, it'll all be worth it,' she thought as she quickly finished her meal and headed out.
'Alright Melody. Stay calm. Act natural.'
She walked with the crowd of fans heading inside but slipped into the alleyway before she got to the door. She looked around and saw a big hole in the middle of a chain link fence.
'Fate my old friend!'
She crawled through the fence and had to duck behind a dumpster as she saw a few very official looking guys in uniforms pass.
'Alright. Got to hop that other fence, get passed those guards, and then I will be in.'
She waited for the right moment. If the guards saw her hop the fence they would for sure get her. She had to wait until they were distracted.
Out of nowhere she saw a teenager fling herself over a side wall. This girl had apparently had the same idea as her. The guards ran over to the wall hopper immediately to prevent her from getting inside the back door.
'Now!' Her brain screamed.
Melody scaled the fence and hopped it in seconds. The guards had just caught the other girl right as Melody hit the ground. She heard them shouting for back up as she sprinted towards the open back door and ran inside. She knew she wouldn't make it very far with more guards on the way so she found a side room and locked herself in it. It was dark but she could make out the silhouettes of brooms, mops, and stacks of paper goods.
She pressed her ear to the door and waited for the shouting and running boots to die off. She waited and waited.
'These guards are relentless.'
She had been in that closet for 20 minutes before she finally heard the commotion outside die down.
'Alright, now what? Going to have to run for it again. Straight down the hall. Hopefully I run into someone who will listen.'
She opened the door slowly and saw a black bag sitting on a table outside of a door. Peaking out of the top she saw passes with the words 'VIP all access' written on them.
'This is even better.'
As quietly and as quickly as she could she made her way out of the janitorial closet, pulled a pass from the bag, and slipped it over her head.
'Can't stop me if I have a pass.' She couldn't help but grin. This plan was working out. Fate was definitely on her side.
"Hey! You there!" She turned on her heels and saw one of the guards from earlier walking towards her.
"Well this isn't good." She turned around and took off running again, the guard not too far behind. He was shouting and calling for back up. Melody turned a corner and continued sprinting looking for another hiding spot. She saw a door to the left of her open and she quickly ran in. The wind was knocked out of her as she hit the person that was trying to exit.
As she started to realize that she was caught she began some fast talking.
"Sorry. I got lost. And then. Then the guard."
She looked up from her shoes and saw that she had run into the most perfect person. It was Kevin. She looked around and saw that the room was a small one stall bathroom.
"Kevin!" She hugged his neck and felt him lift her slightly off the floor as he returned the hug.
"What? What are you doing here? How did you get in here."
"Okay, well." She was still trying to catch her breath.
"Fate brought me here. Also a bit of breaking and entering. And theft." She held up the pass around her neck and saw a smile come across his face.
"You know, if you needed tickets, you could've just asked at the front desk. Avi has been leaving you a ticket at every show since Italy."
She laughed. "Really? Every show?"
"Every one." He laughed with her and poked his head out of the door.
"Coast is clear. Now to deliver you."
She followed Kevin down a few hallways and down a flight of stairs.
"I'm so glad I ran into you. I would've gotten lost by myself."
"Did you even have a plan for this?"
"Yes! It ended at run for it."
Kevin shook his head and chuckled. He stopped at a door and motioned at it.
"Go on. I will leave you to it. Just be careful. He's been kind of moody today."
Kevin gave her a side hug and turned to go into a room a few doors down.
Melody paused. 'This is it. This is what this was all about.'
She raised her hand to knock on the wooden door.

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