Touch Me | BaekHyun

By BaeBaekhyun04

92.5K 1.6K 725

When your dad sells you to the club, he help and you became his lover. Loving you was enough but making you h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11 (Final Chapter)
Special chapter (12)

Chapter 10

4.7K 95 22
By BaeBaekhyun04

When you arrived at the park, your tears rolled down and your jaw dropped. Music and lights filled the park and someone came out with a black suit and walk to you shyly.
He took your hand and kissed it, suddenly the music stops and he kneel.

"Lee Jihyun, since the first day I brought you to my house that day I started loving you the day when you let me love you and we made love with each other that time you made me love you more, when the day my parents come I know you were nervous but they told me they like you. I'm sorry that day when I left you alone behind and go with my ex, I'm really sorry I completely forgot about you that day. I want you to forgive me and you did. That time when you said I was ugly, I really was ugly I'm sorry for not caring for you all these years. I left you behind on that day where we have the company party.

I'm really really sorry, but from now on I want you to be mine and only mine. No one can take you from me, I want you to be my one and only woman I love and I want to see you everyday when I wake up and I want you to cook my breakfast and everything. Will you marry me?" He said and took out a small box revealing a small diamond ring, you were crying hard and he was still waiting for his answer. "Yes..yes yes..I will!" You shout and he got up and smile. He wiped your tears and you hug him.

"Where is ChanYeol now?" "Why you need ChanYeol? You are marrying me not ChanYeol!" "I need to scold him for telling lies to me." Then, ChanYeol and other EXO members come out from their hiding place and smile. "I shall run away from the gurl before she took my breathe away!!!!" ChanYeol shout and we all laugh. You ran and caught ChanYeol. "It's not my fault, Baekhyun told me to do it and I was forced."

You showed him an angry face and others were patting BaekHyun's shoulder. "Wow, now our Baekhyun Hyung is getting married. Who's next?" Kai jumping on the slide with Sehun. "Good job, our Baekhyun. I'm proud you choose the right woman for yourself." Suho Oppa hug Baekhyun and other were shouting and the maknae lines are playing like a kid.

"But I'm still mad at everyone of you." You said pointing at everyone including Baekhyun. They all was shocked and silence spread the park. "W-why?" Baekhyun stutters. "Because, you guys ignore me that day when the company dinner party. You guys look at me as if I was from other planet and you all laugh with Girls' Generation and you just glared at me when I walked past you." You shout and ran away from them.

They all were shocked cause it's been 1 year after that dinner company party. Baekhyun tried his best catching you but you went further. When you about to turn your direction to your house someone grab your wrist and pulled you into a big teddy bear hug. You frown and he kiss your neck.

Of course it's no one else other than Baekhyun. "What are you doing?" You grab his neck and frown. "Kissing my fiancé, why? Is there any problem?" He said smirking and you burst out laughing and run away to your house. "Yah, wait I'm tired of running." You stop at the gate of your house. "Haha, you deserve it." You said and walk to the house but he caught you once again. He kissed you and bite your red lips and blood rushing to it. He suck the blood and smile.

You groan and hit his back. "Hey, no hitting my son-in-law." Someone spoke..and that voice is your mom. "Eomma, were not married yet ok?" You said and tickle your mom's waist and she was shock and the groceries bag was dancing with her also, "I might learn how to dance like this because you are tickling me." You and Baekhyun laugh and Eomma let us in. Of course it's your house, so you have to let Baekhyun in.

"So, what you want to eat for dinner?" Eomma said and keep the things in the fridge and Baekhyun hoop on the counter chair and eat the banana on the table. "Hm..just cook whatever you want and I'll eat it." You said grabbing BaekHyun's arms and dragging him to the stairs, "don't do things yet, since your not married." Your mom shout and Baekhyun smirk. You hit his stomach and he smirk again.

"Let's go upstairs." You said grabbing his arms but he don't want to walk. "Carry me!" He said and you rolled your eyes and walk upstairs without him. "Then, I'll locked my room so you can't come in." You said and he quickly walk upstairs. He closed the bedroom door and lock it. "What are you doing?" You said and he smirk. He throw the  banana in the dustbin beside the study table and you walk back till you hit your bed.

You crawl on the bed and he grab your legs, he crawl on top of you and took your clothes off. "Stop." You said and grab the clothes back but he kick it down. "Shh..I'm not doing anything." He said and lick your lips. You smile and he kiss you passionately. "What is this your doing then?" He smile and rolled himself on the other side. "Wait where is EXO?" You said and he look at you putting your clothes on. "They went back home, and they told me to say sorry to you." "I'm not accepting the sorry though, cause it's not sincere and your the one talking not them." "Do you want to call them?" "Sure" you said and put your head on the pillow and caressed his face.

"Hello?" "Yeah Baekhyun why?" Suho oppa said and put on the speaker mode. "Anyeong..Hyung waeyo?" Sehun said and got disturbed by Kai who is busy telling him to shut up. "Jihyun said, that the sorry was not sincere and she told she's not accepting it." They all chuckle on the phone and ChanYeol shout "tell her to come here now, and we'll tell her sincerely." "Yah yoda. Don't shout from the kitchen D.O will kill ya!" Baekhyun said and you smile.

"Sorry Jihyunie!!" They all shout and you laugh. "Haha, are you scared that I will kill you all? Hahahahhahahahaha..very funny" you said and walk to the bathroom. "Yah, what happened to her? She's turning into a witch?" "K bye! Got to go!" Baekhyun end the phone call and walk to the bathroom just to see Jihyun hiding behind the shower curtain.

"Hehe, little cutie pie you don't need to hide from me behind the curtain though. You look so cute." He pinched your cheeks and you blush and run out from the bathroom. "Kids come downstairs and eat lunch!" Eomma shouts and Baekhyun chased you.
"Arghh, stop Baekhyunie lets go eat lunch." He tickles you till death then he kiss your cheeks.

"Cheeky." "I'm cheesy" "ok stop and let's go before Eomma shouts" you wall downstairs and saw the table was set up with lots of side dishes and the main dish was Dumpling beef soup with red bean rice beside it.

"Wah, Eommonim. Daebak! It must be delicious." Baekhyun said and Eomma laugh, "sure it must be delicious for my future-son-in-law." You laugh and eat the yellow radish. "Thank you for the food." Baekhyun said and chomped on his food. "It's delicious!" You shout and they both chuckle. "So, when is the wedding?" Eomma said and you got choke, Baekhyun laugh and gave you water. "We haven't decide yet." You said and Eomma face saddened.

"Why not? Anyway, I heard that Baekhyun propose to you today? Is it nice?" You blushed and Baekhyun smiled, "um, yeah?" "So, your saying that you don't like it?" Baekhyun pout and Eomma puts a tons of slices beef in his rice. "Eat more you need energy to talk with this girl." Eomma said and you frown.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you. Today we're going to the Byun's house, right Baekhyun?" Eomma said and you slurp the soup down to your throat. "Eat slowly, baby!" Baekhyun scold and Eomma laugh hard. "Ok, so we're going together or me and Baekhyun alone?" You said and Eomma laugh again. "Of course, Baekhyun needs to wait for you at his house so, your coming with us darling. Haha Baekhyun won't go away he'll wait for you at his house ok?" Eomma said and you blushed again. Wait how many times already you blushed?

After lunch, Baekhyun have to go back to his family house and you are left alone again, but Eomma was there to accompany you so it's a relieve. "Jihyun? Can I talk to you a minute? Come down to the garden ok?" She shout and you walk downstair quickly. You walked to the garden and saw your mom spraying the plants with fresh water. "Why?" "Sit down there." Eomma point to the coffee table outside the garden.

You sat down on the chair and 2 cups of Peach tea is there with some biscuits. "What happened?" You said taking the biscuit and eat it. "I want to talk to you about life ok?" She said and you nod your head. "Once your married to Baekhyun, treat him good like how you love him. Don't ever lie to him and don't fight in the car understand? I don't want my daughter to be like me who fight with her husbands and both got into an accidents. I'm sorry for all I did to you all these years leaving you alone with that stupid bastard, from now on if you had a fight with Baekhyun. With an open heart accept the fate and don't regret the things in the past. If you don't have anybody to cry or lean a shoulder, Eomma is always here with your Appa so don't worry about us and have a happy life."

Suddenly tears came out of her eyes and you can see there is pain in her heart, she accept fate and face the truth. "If Baekhyun fight or hurt you, you can always come back to this house. You have to tell Eomma and Appa what he did to you. If he is stress, talked to him sweetly and don't be mad at him. He will softened himself just for you, trust me he will. If he hurt you I'm going to kick his butt and punch him on the face cause he hurt my one and only daughter. Understand now? Now, let's enjoy the great blue sky view!" She said and look at the sky filled with baby blue color and white clouds floating up and a small shaped moon was there.

"Thank you Eomma for leading me in the right path, I didn't know that your strong? Haha, I felt like crying. But I won't regret my past cause I'm Lee Jihyun." You shout and showed her your muscles. "Yeah and that's my daughter." She said and you smiled. After hanging out with her talking about life's, Appa came home and he smiled.

"What happened to you Appa so bright today?" "I heard that Baekhyun propose to you huh?" He said and you chuckle. " my daughter is going to be someone else now. Aww...I'll miss you little pie." He hugged you tightly and Eomma join too. " hurts!" You shout and your parents laugh. "Wear nice clothes tonight, we're going to the Byun's." Appa said and eat the apple from the fridge. "I know." You reply and walk to the bedroom.

What happened to Baekhyun? He's not even calling you after he went back home. You thought and a message popped.

"Jagi, what are you doing? I want to cuddle with you now, it's so boring with my brother over here." -❤️Bae
"Nothing, just hanging out with my parents. Luww...I don't want to cuddle with you stinker!" -Bae's❤️
"Ouch!" -❤️Bae
"K bye, gotta go shower before going to see you! Luv you!" -Bae's❤️
"Luv you too, see you later babe!" -❤️Bae

You went to shower and wore the dress you pick earlier, it was white in color and it had some stitches flower and a heart design over it, it was just till the knee part so you wore black leggings. *knock knock* (A/N: Knock knock, who's there?. Bae, Bae who? Baekhyun from EXO. Omgffffff!!)

"Come in." You said and the door knob twist and revealing Eomma in her black dress. "Oh, Eomma what brings you here?" She open a small black box revealing a small necklace written 'L♥️V€'. "Here wear this necklace its from your grandma she gave it to me when your dad propose on that day, I still remember. Now it's your time to wear it, when you have a baby girl give it to her when her future husband propose it to her." She put the necklace on your neck and you smiled.

"You are very pretty." Eomma said helping you braiding your hair into a down pony. "Come on, Appa is waiting for us downstairs." Eomma walk downstairs and you followed with your small pastel blue bag. You lock the door and turned around and saw the car was ready, the driver Park BoGeum drove us to Byun's residential. When the car entered its way to the house, there were many beautiful parks and lots of beautiful houses.

The car stop and  we arrived at a big house, it was really beautiful. Is this even the Byun house? If they live at a nice house, why they let their child use an apartment? It must be beautiful inside. You thought and followed behind your parents all the way to the door. Appa rang the bell and the door open, and Baekhyun stood there showing his rectangle smile. "Haha, Baekhyun why are you smiling like that?" Appa said and Eomma laugh, then Mr.Byun pulled BaekHyun's ear.

"Ahh.. It hurts Appa!" He whined and Mr.Byun invite us in still pulling BaekHyun's ear. "Anyeonghaseyo Mr.Byun!" You greet him and bowed he smiled. "Call me Abbuji from now on." Baekhyun grab your wrist but he let it go cause Mr.Byun pulled ear more harder. "Hi, I'm Byun BaekBom. This is my wife Byun Haneul." He bowed and you bowed back to his wife and greet her. Lastly, it was Mrs.Byun.

"Anyeonghaseyo, Mrs.Byun!" You bowed and she hug you, you was shocked but hug back, she pull you and whisper "Call me Eomonim from now on!" You smiled and bowed again. Baekhyun run and grab your hand and drag you to his bedroom which is upstairs. "I miss you a lot babe! And finally you came." He hug and kisses you everywhere.  "Mm, no you stinks." You said and he tickles you hard, you almost kicked his face but he blocked it.

After sometimes you played with Baekhyun in his room, Mrs.Byun no, Eomonim calls you downstairs and you went with Baekhyun holding your hand. "Thank you for the food." Everyone said and munch on the foods. After eating, the maids around us clean up the table and we went to sit on the sofa eating fruits. "So, let's clear business up now." Abbuji said and Appa smiled. "Since, Baekhyun has proposed to you, we all decide to let you guys married." He started and Baekhyun clapped his hands like a seal and everyone looked at him. "What?" He replied.

"So, the wedding will, take place next month which mean only 2 weeks is left, we'll take some day off from work since, we had to work on your wedding and everything is already planned by a Baekhyun, BaekBom and Haneul. Baekhyun decided the honeymoon, and BaekBom and Haneul decided the plans and everyone will be settled as plan, and for the next two days. Jihyun and Baekhyun both will separate way and will go buy the wedding dress, so we don't know what Baekhyun or Jihyun will be wearing. So, that's all?" Abbuji said and Appa smile sadly, cause he don't want to see his daughter with other guy.

After the discussion, the driver drove us to our house, and we all went to bed straigtly. But your the only one who's been awake for 1 hour thinking hard, wether you choose the right decision or not, or wether Baekhyun will take care of you or not or if he cheats and everything, something going inside your head so, you decide to stay at the balcony and watch the stars twinkling in the sky. You sang a lullaby yourself and went to bed.


Hey guys, I heard the news about Kai and Krystal dating, it was amazing couple ever. I love both of them, first I thought I was just a joke but it was confirm with SM that both are dating and the news came out today 1st April happy April fools day. Bye and other chappie will be out soon, cause my dad is going to take my iPad tonight and I can't update anymore, so I'm trying my best to finish this story. Goodluck and my school is starting next week Sunday so, unlucky! ❤️😘

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