Red Riding Hood

By Sarcastic-Royalty9

73.2K 2.9K 337

He backed me into the wall and clamped my mouth shut, "Be quiet" his words lashed. His breath fanned against... More

Authors Note


1.5K 64 13
By Sarcastic-Royalty9

Red's POV

The week has flown past. Everyday I had the same routine, go to school, go to the diner, come home, practise archery, go to bed.

Today is Friday, and it's the day I've been dreading since my parents death.

My birthday.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm glad to be seventeen, happy even. But the idea that my parents won't be here makes my heart feel a little more empty. Nonetheless, I had grandmother. Who by the way should be in my room in,





My grandmother hurdles into my room with some presents wrapped in some cheap wrapping paper.

Oh boy.

"Grandmother, I told you not to get me anything!" I scold at her for wasting her money on something I most likely will never use.

"Oh hush, it's only two gifts, besides, my money isn't going anywhere except for food, which we already have plenty of. And it's my decision whether to spoil you or not," she glares at me. I roll my eyes playfully with a grin playing on my lips.

"Come here," I motion her towards the bed, she lunges into me and I give her a big warm hug.

"Thankyou." I whisper, we pull apart and she hands me the two gifts. One was shaped in a curvy square, like something was folded, the other, was in a small bendy rectangle.

I decided to open that one first, picking it up and tearing open the wrapping paper like a hungry lion with its prey. I unwrap it to find a long brown leather arrow holder, with a long strap and a red line was painted around the entire interior. I gasp at it.

"Oh grandmother thankyou," I smile up at her and she smiles down back at me before motioning to the other wrapped gift.

"Open the other one."

I grab it and once again violently rip it open, my hands feel something soft and a gasped.

"No way," I breathed out. I held it up to my head and looked at it, it was a red cloak with a red hood, long sleeves and a corset designed back, the whole inside of the hood was black and soft to keep me warm.

"Grandmother, I-I...." I couldn't find words, it was beautiful. The cloak was so long that it would definitely drag behind me like a wedding veil. I look up at her with a shocked expression.

"I... I love it" I whisper before launching into her and wrapping my arms around her.

"I thought you could wear it while you were out doing archery?" She says more like a question, I pull back and nod my head before sitting back down on the bed.

"Oh grandmother of course I will, it's beautiful,"I say, she smiles but then takes a sharp breath in,

"Well. You better get ready for school, you've only got about hmmm...." She looks at her imaginary wrist watch.

"20 minutes," she smiles before leaving my room. My eyes widen and I take my phone off charge to check the time and see that I indeed only have 20 minutes left.

Holy Ghost of Mr Krabbs I'm going to be late!

Quickly, I shove myself out of bed, ignoring the dizziness that washes over me and head to the bathroom, not wasting any time taking a nice cold shower, I brush my teeth, wash my face, brush my hair that looked slightly longer and put some non-frizz coconut oil spray in before going back out into my room and choosing my outfit for the day.

I quickly chucked on some black ripped jeans, a t-shirt that said 'Need More Sleep' and slipped on some black busted up converse. I put on my favourite red hoodie off the coat hanger I left it on and spritz on some sweet smelling perfume, roll on some deodorant, I grabbed the arrow holder and red cloak that my grandmother got me off my messy bed and carefully hung them up in my closet. I then snatch my bag from the floor before making my way downstairs.

"Here you go darling," my grandmother hands me an energy bar and an apple. I quickly thank her, kiss her cheek before racing down to the door.

"Happy birthday Red!" She yells just before I close the door.

"Thank you grandmother!" I yell in the small gap between the door before fully closing it and turning around.

In the distance of the trees I see Snow, her piercing eyes looking into mine, she bows her head to me, I smile and give her a big wave,

"See you later Snow!" I yell before rushing down through the woods and towards my school.


I make it to school just on time. I rush through the crowds of teenagers before getting to my locker which is surrounded by three people. I smile at them.

"Hey guys! How are you goi-"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They shout all at once, gaining the attention of near by people. I smile and look down to see that Vivian, Bree and Mark all have one present in there hands.

"Guys! I don't need presents." I groan. Bree rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, but we got you some any way, so... Happy birthday!" She runs over and quickly hugs me, I hug her back and she hands me a small tube present. Sighing, I open it and pull out a tube of Mac red lipstick.

Okay, this is a pretty good present.

I smile up at her and hug her again.

"Aww, thank you Bree, I promise to wear it next time I go out." I pull away from her and smile, she smiles back and Mark shoves his hip into Bree's.

"Move over bitch, it's my turn." He playfully says to Bree, who glares and pokes her tongue out, Mark rolls his eyes.

"So mature." He mumbles before giving me a full blown smile,

"Happy birthday honey buns!" He raises his arms up and squashes me with a hug, I giggle and hug him back, he pulls away and hands me an envelope.

"For that special someone," he whispers to me and winks, I furrow my brows and open the envelope, cautiously I take out what's inside. I blush and shove it back inside the envelope before giving Mark a glare.

"You got me Victoria Secret coupons?" I whisper-yell at him. He just innocently nods while I see Vivian and Bree try to hold in their giggles.

"Yup, look! 30% off any bralette of your choice! Huny. That's a good deal!" He gives me an excited look and I scrunch up my nose.

No way am I using these.

Vivian then knocks Mark out of the way,

"My turn peasants, the Queen gives the best gifts," she raises an eyebrow at Mark and Bree who just roll there eyes.

Vivian hands me a small wrapped present, I open them and reveal a pair of very cute black kitten tights.

They even have bow ties!

I smile and widen my eyes and giggle excitingly, before giving Vivian a hug.

"Thank you Viv! And thank you all, although I didn't want any presents I am very thankful." I give all three of them a hug .

"But that's not all..." Bree says smiling. I give them a disapproving look, but it's quickly demolished when a chocolate cupcake is placed in front of my face. My mouth waters as I breath in the scent.

I'm having a food-gasm.

I stifled a moan and the others started laughing.

"C'mon Red, you can eat it at lunch."  Vivian giggled, I pouted but nodded anyways.

Soon the first bell rang, signalling the start of the day, I quickly shoved all my books that I didn't need, carefully placed the cupcake in my locker where I would grab it before lunch and close my locker before heading off to maths.


As I walk into the cafeteria, I quickly go into line, grab just a yoghurt and iced coffee while holding the chocolate goodness called a cupcake in my hand, after I get what I wanted and payed the old lunch lady, I made my way through the chairs and tables to where my friends sat.

It felt good calling them my friends, I never really had many close friends so, I'm glad that they haven't ran away yet.


"What's up buttercups?" I say sitting down, I don't even wait for there replies before digging in to the chocolate cupcake, the chocolate oozed in my mouth and I moaned in delight.

"Oh my god this is so good!" I say, taking another huge chunk out of the cupcake, the others snickered beside me but I just ignored them, slowly chewing, the chocolate swirled in my mouth and my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

"Slow down there Red, Xavier is watching you and your looking like your having an orgasm." Bree smirked at me, my eyes widened and I turned to my left to see that not only Xavier, but his whole group was watching me as I ate like a pig, with their traditional smirks plastered on there face.

Oh god.

I blushed and turned back around before taking a smaller bite of the cupcake,

"Also Red, for another special Birthday treat, I called Liam and told him you aren't coming in tonight because tonight, we are all having a sleepover at your house!" Vivian squeals and I cringe at the sound, but then smile.

"Aww thanks guys, but I'll have to see if my grandmother is okay with it because I don-"

"She already knows and she said yes, we've already talked to her about this." Bree cuts me off, my mouth falls into a small 'o'.

"Uhh...okay, slumber party it is!" I smile, they smile back and I remember that I had to get some books for my English task, so I finish my cupcake, scoff down the yoghurt and decide to just keep the iced coffee for after school. Quickly I stand up, Vivian, Bree and Mark look up to me with confused faces.

"Sorry guys but I have to leave early, I have to get some books for English. I'll meet you guys out the front gates so we can go back to my house." I say, they all nod and I walk out of the cafeteria. I hear a chair screech behind me but I ignore it. Walking through the cafeteria doors and through the halls.

Before I make it to my locker, someone grabs my hand and gently pushes me into the lockers. Startled I look up and my icy blues eyes meet with familiar forest green eyes. Xavier pins my arms to my sides and his body is so close to mine I can feel his warmth radiating. I breath in the musky wood and cologne smell and look up at his Greek god face.

If I touch his jaw line, will I get a paper cut?

Unconsciously, I wriggle my right hand out of his soft grip, reach up and touch his jaw, I swipe my finger across the base and inspect my finger then look at it.

Nope, no I won't.

"What are you doing?" Xavier's deep manly voice brings me out of my trance, I look up and he has an amused smirk on his lips and an eyebrow raised.

"I-uh i..... Never mind," I mumble blushing. Xavier looks confused for a second but shakes his head, still pinning me to the wall.

"Can I you?" I awkwardly ask, Xavier looks up to me and just.


He stares at me for ages, but not in a creepy way, like his trying to past me and into the depths of my soul.

Yeah... He doesn't want to go there.

He lifts his hand up and cups my cheek, my heart pounded in my chest as his fingers grazed against the edge of my lips, his thumb swipes the corner of my lips and he brings his thumb up and licks it, still keeping his gaze locked onto mine. I got confused for a second then my eyes widened and I looked down at my feet and blushed for two reasons.

1. I had chocolate cupcake on my face.

2. That was kinda clique, but really I did not mind one bit.

Xavier placed two fingers under my chin and lifted my head up to meet his gaze, I bit my lip out of habit and his eyes went from his normal piercing green, to swirling with black. He lowly growled at the back of his throat and I gulped.

Why does this always happen?

He slammed me against the lockers and pinned me again, the force wasn't enough to feel pain, but it did shock me. I gasped as he slowly dipped his head down, brushed the side of his face against mine and when his lips slightly touched my ear I felt tingles run throughout my body.

"Happy Birthday, Kitten." He lowly whispered, bringing his face back up, his gaze locked with mine once more, his eyes still swirling with darkness, he smirked at me and winked before striding off to god knows where.

Xavier Moore just winked at me.

Xavier Moore just wished me happy birthday.

Xavier Moore just pinned me against a locker.

I released a heavy breath that I didn't know I was holding before quickly rushing off to my locker before the bell went.


"He did WHAT!" Vivian yelled at me, she sat directly in front of me on my bed, Bree was sitting on the window sill next to me and Mark was kneeling on the floor. We were currently in my room and I was telling them what happened with Xavier after lunch. All of them had different reactions.

Mark was gawking over Xavier.

Bree was trying to convince me that Xavier and mines babies would be adorable.

And Vivian.... Well....

"OH MY LOLLIPOP ON A TURKEY STICK JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL! THAT IS SO HOT! You know, he probably had like, a MASSIVE boner, I mean just thinking about how big he is really does tur-"

"Vivian!" I yell, cutting her off. She gives me an innocent look and I blush furiously.

"Okay, all Xavier did was tell me happy birthday and clean chocolate off my face, there was no boners, no kissing or anything. There will CERTAINLY be no babies and Xavier does not like me. Okay? Now, let's watch a movie." I get up and go down stairs before they can cut me off. I walk into the kitchen where I see my grandmother washing the dishes of the homemade pizza we had for dinner.

"We're just going to watch a movie okay grandmother?" I tell her, she smiles back at me and nods before turning back and keep washing the dishes.

I walk into the living room to see Vivian, Mark and Bree all setting up the couches and blankets in a fort. I walk over to them and help them, Mark and I tie the ends of the blanket over the couch to make a roof while Vivian and Bree stuff the fort like a thanksgiving turkey with blankets and pillows.

"Okay, what movie are we watching? Nothing scary though! But nothing too... Sad. It's meant to be a birthday sleepover, no time for sadness!" Mark yells, I just roll my eyes and giggle at his childness and start searching through the stacks of movies my grandmother had.

"How about Fast and Furious?" I ask, I always loved Fast and Furious, I had an obsession with cars when I was thirteen, the others nodded in approval and I put the disk in the slot and climbed into the fort where we all watched movies throughout the night.

Happy Birthday to me, Mom and Dad.


Hola Little Ducklings!

Did ya like the chapter huh?...... Huh?

If you have any comments or questions please ask me on my account.

Please make sure to tell me if you find any mistakes.

Remember to vote!

Thanks xx

- A

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