At the edge Hiccup/Male Drago...

By AceAtomCatV66

408K 10.8K 4.2K

This is during dragons race to the edge. Where Hiccup and Toothless are in for more danger by an unexpected c... More

Helping hand
a million times hotter.
Giving thanks
Before Explanation
Back at the Edge
Lets not fight. Nevermind lets fight.
Talk and walk
Two in one.
Warm welcomes
1K to 2K
Im sorry.
paper thin trail.
Not the same.
The Glory of The Hunt.
The Edge of the line.
40K reader notice.
100+K Readers

Party time.

8.3K 249 130
By AceAtomCatV66

Okay I had my fun. It's not actually over yet.

Y/N and hiccup are inside the grand hall. Wearing the formal wear. Other guests arrive in their stuck up clothing.

"Hey look at her!"

Y/N said pointing at one woman

"Yes what about her?"

"I remember her. Her and my father were friends. Once she had power some where the Inquisition allied with her."
Y/N spoke about most guests until his mother stopped him.

"Could I steal him for one moment."

The front doors opened and Stoic walked in.

"Dad! Excuse me but my dad is here."

"Go ahead."

Y/N and Hiccup parted and hiccup walked over to stoic.

"You came!"

"Of course I did. I am chief after all. Where's Y/N?"

"He's gonna go up to be Inquisitor soon."

A guard walks over to Hiccup.

"Excuse me sirs but the Inquisitor has ordered me. To fetch you both."
Hiccup looked at Y/N and Y/N waved. When hiccup waved a random girl waved also.

When hiccup and stoic went to Y/N and his mother. The girl followed.

Y/N stood waiting but saw the girl follow.

"Excuse me miss. Is something wrong?"

"You waved at me."

"No I waved at them."
Y/N said gesturing to hiccup and Stoic.

"But surely they aren't important."

"It's best if you get back to the party. Surely I'm not the only one in power here."

"But Inquisitor!"

"Oh so you know who I am. Leave"

"Fine." She said and she walked away.

Hiccup looked at her leave then back to Y/N.

"Pleased for you to make it Stoic."

Stoic nodded and went to small talk.

"Hiccup." Cassandra spoke.


"Are you alright. You seem a little on edge."

"It's just Y/N. He stood up a girl. For me."

"Of course he would do that. You mean a lot to him."

"Yeah I guess your right."

"How does he make you feel?"

"He makes me feel like I truly matter. When we helped with the fire he said he loves me."

"Well there you go! He said that he loves you."

"I don't know why I'm like this."

"It's just a feeling. I've had those many times with Cullen."

They both laughed. And hiccup felt better.

Y/N surprised him.

"The ceremony is about to start. If you want to say anything for Berk you can join your father."

"I have a few things."

"Alright I will start. Attention everyone."

Every one stopped what they were doing and looked up to Y/N.

"I'd like to thank you for coming. And for drinking all my wine." Y/N laughed a little and so did the other guests.

"I have been given to right as Inquisitor. Gods bless my fathers soul.I Host this party for his memory and for the mark as Inquisitor." Y/N said looking down.
"The new allies for the Inquisition, Berk. They would like to say a few words. The chief and his son."
Y/N stepped away and Stoic and Hiccup both looked at the crowd.

"I don't really have much to say. But my son has a few words." Stoic moved over and hiccup tensed. He looked at Y/N and he gestured to take a deep breath.

"Hello. My name is Hiccup. And I'm from Berk. The Dragon riding Vikings. As some people call us."

Some people laughed and hiccup loosened up more.

"I come here to say that. Berk really appreciates the Inquisition as allies. Some of you aren't from here and this is the first time ever seeing berks chief." He laughed nervously. Y/N walks next to him.

"Berk is our ally now. And hiccup."

Hiccup looked at Y/N and he leaned in.

Their kiss was soft and some people gasped. Y/N broke the kiss and looked back at the crowd.

"Hiccup is my partner."

The girl from before stormed out from the party. Some other guests smiled at the two.

Until someone burst through the doors.

"Wow! This place IS nice."

Hiccup gasped at the intruder.

"It's dagur!" Hiccup whispered to Y/N

"Hello brother."


"It's what he calls him. He's no son of mine." Stoic said angrily

"Guards arrest him." Cassandra was the first to order.

The guards were quick to encumber Dagur arresting him.

"In the Name of the Inquisitor stop right there."

"I submit." Dagur said nonchalant.

The guards quickly took Dagur away from the party guests.

"Every one I will be away for a while. Talk amongst your selves!.. Hiccup I think it's a good idea to come with me."

Y/N and Hiccup leave the party. And after The guards.
See look. It's not over yet.

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