No One Understands

By AmazingStarz

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A 16 year old girl has to take care of the 10 year old brother. The teenager slowly falling apart from her pa... More

Introduction (Grey)
Chapter 1 (Cecilia)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23

Chapter 7

39 3 3
By AmazingStarz

Grey p.o.v

I was honestly surprised. I came out and my brother J.j. was there. Waiting. He wasn't late.

"Oh your here..." I say. I walk to him.

"Yeah, don't you go here... Get out at this time... Or... Did I go to the wrong school? No, you're here. So. It's the right school. I'm confused."

"Yeah, Just sister is late."


"No, my old sister. I always called her sister. I didn't really call her by her name."

"Oh" he laughs "sorry, I should've been more considerate."

"It's fine."

We both smiled. J.J. bends down and I get on his back. J.j. let's me on his phone. I go through his messages, then his pictures, then his facebook, then his contacts. I continue until I get to C. I stare at the name Cecilia.

"Cecilia?" I say.

"The girl I've been telling you about." He says, simply.

"My sister was named Cecilia."

"OMG I KNEW YOU LOOKED FAMILIAR!!!!" He puts me down and looks at me.


"You two look alike in the face. The blue eyes, blonde hair, Wow." He says. "She's depressed."

I nod my head.

"She's letting me be her friend though. I told her I was going to be her friend no matter what."

J.j.'s phone starts ringing and he grabs it from me.

He looks at the caller ID then answers it. "Sup Ace..." He grabs my hand and we stsrt walking. "NothinG. Taking my little brother home... Give me 20-30 minutes. I'll see if Cece wants to come. I need to tell her something anyway. Alright bye."

He hangs the phone up. He gives it back to me. I continue playing on his phone.

Once we make it home, J.j. immediately starts texting and Chelsie tackles him.

"WHERE IS IT?!" She screams in his face.


"You know what."

"I don't know what a 'you know what is'?"

I laugh.

"Where's..." she bends down and whispers in his ear.

"OMG WHY WOULD I TOUCH THAT!? EWWW!!" He says in a preppy, girly voice. "Like ew!"

She gets up "Well who took..." She gets interrupted by her dad.

"Chelsie we need to talk." He says. "Everyone to your rooms except Chelsie."

J.J. goes upstairs and I follow.

"So, what's she getting yelled at about?" I ask.

"Probably her slutty clothes she wears when she goes to see her boyfriend, oh and her drugs, and cigarettes... And he probably found about her secretly drinking."

"Wow, I didn't know Chelsie was such a bad kid, I guess the word is. She can stop though. My sister did those things awhile, she stopped when she started becoming more responsible and taking care of me." I stop "Still didn't do a good job."

J.J. looks up from his phone at me "that's rude, at least she tried and didn't leave you like your mom did. At least acknowledge that.'

"It wouldn't make a difference. She's a wreck. She doesn't know what she's doing in her life. She just lives and hopes everything will fall in place."

"Would you want to go back and live with her?"

"I don't know."

J.J. sighs. "She was always taking care of you. She didn't have time to properly cope with what was going on because her attention and focus was on you. Cut her some slack. She tried. That's what's important. Also, I don't think she hopes everything will fall into place. She seems like she already knows her life is a mess. I don't think you ever pay attentioned to how much she struggled. You always focused on how bad she was at taking care of you." He pauses. "What do I know though. I didn't live through it for five years." He starts texting.

Chelsie p.o.v.

After Grey and J.j. retreated upstairs my dad went to a desk. He opened the drawer.

He pulled out drugs, weed, cigarettes and condoms. He then goes to the next drawer and pulls out some of my slutty clothes that I wear when I go out with my boyfriend.

"Explain. Now." He says.

"How about you explain why you went through my room?"

"I went to go check on my daughter and I saw it. Of course I went through your room to see what else you was hiding."

"Okay... so what do I need to explain."

"Why are you doing this, and why do you need condoms? Your to young for sex."

"Happens. I'm a screw up. I don't deserve to be here. So why am I?"

"Chelsie... You know I love you and I only want to protect you. So you are no longer allowed to do these things." he says "we'll talk more when your mom gets home. Sit on the couch."

He starts putting the stuff in the drawer. I sit on the couch and text on my phone.

Soon I hear footsteps and Todd comes down Lizzy close behind. I continue texting.

Then I see J.J. come down. He smiles at me. I see him text then I get a message.

From: J.j.

You good?

I look at him and shrug.

From: J.J.

I'll text you more, tell me what's going on.

I nod my head.

He smiles "I'm heading out."

He leaves.

I continue texting J.J. when mom comes in.

"Hey, what's going on?" She says. Putting her purse down.

I look out the window that's right by the couch. Not making eye contact.

"Chelsie here." My dad starts, looking around "is involved in sex and drugs." He says, in a whisper.

"What, Chelsie?" Mom says. Looking at me.

I continue looking out the window and mom leans against the wall.

"Why?" She ask.

I stay quiet.

"Chelsie, answer me." She says, strictly.

"You're not my mom. I don't have to answer you." I mumble.


I look her in the eyes "You're not my mom and you never will be so shut up, you came into this family when I was 12 and that was because you couldn't take of your own kids. You left them to fend for themself. You're not my mother and you're a pathetic excuse of one!"

I feel a slap go across my face. I hold my cheek. I realize my dad slapped me. Tears fill in my eyes.

I see my dad's face. "I'm sorry, Chelsie" he says, apologetically. "But you don't speak to your mom like that."

I stand up. "NOW, DO YOU SEE WHY I DO THE THINGS I DO? BECAUSE MY PARENTS DONT LIKE ME!" I scream. I run out the house.

Tears rolling down my face.

I text my boyfriend to come get me. As I walk down the street. He soon he pulls up beside me. I go to the passenger side and sit by him.

He looks at me and makes me look at him. "Who hit you baby?"

"My dad. He found all of the drugs and shit in my room. He told my not mom and I yelled at her saying she wasn't my mom so he slapped me and I ran out."

"Awe baby."

He hugs me and I smile. Breathing in his scent.

"Want to go to my place? Then we can go to a party. Might take your mind off it."

I nod. "Okay."

We pull out of the hug. He starts driving. He holds my hand as we drive.

He takes me to his house. We sit on the couch, trading a cigarette back and forth.

"I love you" he says.

"I love you." I say back. Smiling.

"Go get changed for the party." He says.

I get up and go to his room. Some of my clothes are her already from when I spend the night alot.

I grab a dress. I put it on. It's strapless and tight. It goes long enough to cover my butt and a little bit lower. It shows cleavage. I look in his full body mirror. I go out and go to his bathroom.

I grab some make up I left over here and start applying it. I put on a bright pink lipstick. I put on some eyeliner and some foundation. I walk out and Zack is on the phone.

He sees me and smiles. I go by the door and put on black strappy heels.

I hear him hang up the phone.

He comes over and kisses me. Grabbing my ass with one hand and running his hand down my side and slowly under my dress. Slowly lifting it up while running his hand up my thigh. I start feeling his kisses go down my neck, to my breast. He wraps both his hands around my back putting his hands up my dress and rubbing my butt. He goes back to my neck and leaves a hickey.

"Now people know your mine." He says, pulling my dress to make sure it covers up.

I smile "You always do this." I say.

He smiles "I don't want to lose my baby girl."

We walk out to the car.

Jack(junior) p.o.v.

I meet Cece at the park and Ace is talking to her. Leslie is also there and they seem to be talking about having a friendship. Ace told me that Leslie used to always bullied her.

Cece seems unsure about it. Ace continues talking as Cece looks at Leslie. Leslie has a sorry expression on her face.

I walk up behind Cece and smile.

"What's going on?" I say.

Cece looks at me then back at Leslie.

"I want to hear it from Leslie." Cece says.

I sit by Cece, across from Leslie.

"I'm really sorry Cece, I only did it because of Brittany. I honestly regret it so much."

"I'll forgive you, but I don't fully trust you." She looks at her hands.

We all sit on the ground and just talk. Cece is wearing light blue skinny jeans. A white and black belly shirt then a black tanktop under it. She's wearing a white jacket. The sleeves go a little bit over her hands.

I look at Leslie, she's wearing a grey sweater with a smiley face and one sleeve goes off the shoulder. She has black skinny jeans.

Ace is wearing a regular black hoodie and black jeans. He has a simple outfit on.

I feel someone poke my side

"Your quiet." I hear a voice whisper.

I look to see Cecilia. "Sorry, I was distracted."

I start engaging in conversation. Cece's silently listening. She seems like she's thinking about something. I'll ask her when Ace and Leslie leave.

"I'm gonna head home." Ace says. "Want a ride anyone?"

"Sure" Leslie says getting up.

Cece shakes her head no and I tell them I'll stay with Cecilia.

Once they leave she watches the little ducklings follow their parent.

"What's on your mind?"

"The ducklings follow their mother. What about the ones without a mom?"

"I don't think duck parents leave their children."

"What about that one?" She says looking at a little duckling standing on a rock by the water. All alone.

I shrug "maybe the parents died."

"Or left him."

"What happened to your dad, if you don't mind me asking."

"Framed for a crime he didn't commit."

"What was it?"

She stays silent "Murder." She speaks.

"How do you know he didn't commit it?"

"Gut feeling. Also, Grey said he was with him the day it happened... But there's no proof of it."

She stays silent. Staring at the lonely duckling. I frown. Where's her mind at. Why won't she open up to me? I can't rush it. She'll tell me when she's ready.

"Want to walk around?"

She nods and gets up.

We start walking around. I look at the sky. It looks like its about to rain. Then, it does. Not light rain. No, it starts pouring down rain. Randomly.

I laugh and Cece does to. Her smile is beautiful. Her laugh is beautiful. She should laugh more. I pull her hood on her head and do the same with mine.

"Want me to walk you-" I stop when I see her spinning in circles under the rain.

At this moment I can say. She looks like she's truly happy. She smiles as the rain pours on her. She takes off running and I chase after her. She soon turns and looks at me. She stops. I slow down and stop.

"What?" I say.

She smiles "you came after me." I see her expression go sad and she looks down. "No one ever comes after me." She says.

I told you I won't ever leave you." I yell over the rain.

"Why?! Why won't you leave me?! I'm gonna do nothing but push you away. I'm gonna hurt you. I'm gonna hurt you because I'm to selfish to let people in. I'm gonna hurt you because I fear that I will get hurt in the end. And that's the only reason." She stares at me with a sad expression

"You're worth it." I say.

Her eyes go wide. I don't know if its tears or rain on her face. Maybe both. I walk closer to her. I pull her into me. Maybe no one said that to her before.

We end up walking home. I walk to her house with her. She unlocks the door and invites me.

She opens her mouth and then I see her close it. She puts her keys on a hook by the door.

She frowns "My clothes defintitely won't fit you. Maybe my dad has clothes here." She mumbles. "I'll be back."

She goes to a room and slowly walks in the room. I start looking around. I look at the pictures she has. I see a picture of her and her dad. Then one of her, her dad and her mom. I assume her dad. Then one that has them all, including Grey. He was still a baby. I smile as I look at the pictures.

She comes out with clothes. I look over at her. She hands me them. I go to her bathroom.

When I come out she's wearing a tank top and shorts. Is she that comfortable around me? Already?

She looks at me. "Do they fit?"

"No, but better then wet clothes." I say "I'll return them as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, my dad isn't coming back any time soon."

She sit on the couch and I sit by her. She watches tv. I text on my phone.

"My gosh." I say.


"My sister is involved in drugs and sex. She's drunk at a party right now. She's drunk texting me."

"Oh, I used to be involved in those things."

"Seriously, you don't look like it?"

"I stopped. It was when my dad first went to jail and my mom left me. It was about two years so I was 13 when I started. Then I realized I had responsibilities. My brother needed me. Even after realizing that I failed with him."



"Your brother lives with me."

She stares at the t.v. "Cool."

She doesn't like it... She has more to say.

"Say it all. Don't keep it inside. Don't cry alone at night."

"Its just... My mom really did find a new family. She left us for your family. I was only 10 when she left." She sighs. Staring at the tv. "I didn't want to believe it.

I look at my lap. "Sorry, I didn't know. I thought you would be happy."

"I am. I'm happy my brother is with you. He's finally happy."

I get a notification and check my phone. I see my sister posted on facebook. It's her, her boyfriend and a couple other people. She's definitely high and drunk. I continue scrolling and I see something I don't like. She's rubbing her ass on some guy's dick. He has his hands all over her.

"Fuck Chelsea, what are you doing?" I say to myself. "Your gonna be a Teen Mom if you don't stop." I mumble to where Cece can't hear me.

A/N: Do you guys ship Jack with Cecilia? Also would you guys rather me call Jack Junior, Jack or J.J. I'm case you didn't know Jack Junior is Chelsea twin.
Picture is Zack.

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