Her Daughter

By OlympusPlayer

64.9K 2.7K 213

-COMPLETED- "I'm just an ordinary girl that knows some pretty powerful people." Clarity Ordain changed her wo... More

Her Daughter ~ A.N. & Prologue
HD ~ Chapter One
HD ~ Chapter Two
HD ~ Chapter Three
HD ~ Chapter Four
HD ~ Chapter Six
HD ~ Chapter Seven
HD ~ Chapter Eight
HD ~ Chapter Nine
HD ~ Chapter Ten
HD ~ Chapter Eleven
HD ~ Chapter Twelve
HD ~ Chapter Thirteen
HD ~ Chapter Fourteen
HD ~ Chapter Fifteen
HD ~ Chapter Sixteen
HD ~ Chapter Seventeen
HD ~ Chapter Eighteen
HD ~ Chapter Nineteen
HD ~ Chapter Twenty
HD ~ Chapter Twenty-One
HD ~ Chapter Twenty-Two
HD ~ Chapter Twenty Three
HD ~ Chapter Twenty-Four
HD ~ Chapter Twenty-Five
HD ~ Chapter Twenty-Six
HD ~ Chapter Twenty-Seven
HD ~ Chapter Twenty-Eight
HD ~ Chapter Twenty-Nine
HD ~ Epilogue

HD ~ Chapter Five

3.2K 141 5
By OlympusPlayer

Just got back from vacation. Uploading this and will start working on part seven probably next week.

You know what I've been wondering for a while? I find in a lot of the books I read on wattpad that there are some very childish and easily avoidable spelling mistakes. In the space wattpad gives to upload a new chapter, there is a spell check.

I don't understand why a lot of authors don't take advantage of that. It only takes like five minutes max (and this depends on how long the chapter is) to go through and correct those mistakes. It does help.

Anyway, let's get on with this shall we?



I don't know how long I sat in the bathroom. I managed to stop crying after ten minutes. Crying in this situation wouldn't help. The truth of the matter was, I was a prisoner even though I was no longer kept in a cell. Cole made it clear that I was just a pawn in this game he was playing with my mother.

Thinking about her gave me mixed emotions. Although part of me still resented her, I would give anything to see her knocking down these doors. I needed her to come save me more than ever. She'd been right. I'm not strong and I'd never meet my mate. That's why she took it upon herself to pick out a man for me.

Being at home and belonging to someone I don't love would be better than being stuck in this place. At least I wouldn't be alone and I wouldn't be a key factor to my pack's demise. If my mother still cared enough, she'd want to get me back alive. Cole had an advantage over her right now.

Of course, my mother probably isn't even looking for me. I ran away, as Cole graciously pointed out. My mother wouldn't find an intruder's scent in the territory and better yet, my grandmother knew I was running away. They had no idea that I'd been taken. They wouldn't know until Cole wanted them to know.

 When I finally emerged from the bathroom, I wasn't surprised to find that Cole had left. The room was empty again. All that was there were a bed, nightstand, and a wardrobe a little way off. There were double doors that led out into the hallway, one for a closet, and one for the bathroom. His scent wasn't very prominent so he must've left just a few minutes after our conversation had ended.

 I started walking towards the bed when I heard a loud knock at the door. I froze for a moment and didn't answer as a plan started to form in my mind. Quickly and quietly as I could, I scurried towards the doors just as a second knock sounded. I pressed my back against the wall next to the doors and held my breath.

 The doors opened quietly and I didn't move a muscle. One of the doors swung open to cover my body so whoever was in the room wouldn't be able to see me. There was no sound or movement for a few moments and I prayed that it wasn't Cole at the door.

 "Girl?" an unfamiliar, masculine voice called out suddenly. I heard the man take a few steps into the room and stop. I carefully peeked out from my hiding space to find the man standing with his back to me. He was on the shorter side, but was packed with muscle. His hair was a russet, orange color and his hands were in fists at his sides.

 With his back turned to me, I took the chance and crept out from my hiding space and went to the door. He turned just as I was dashing out the door and I heard him curse harshly. "Stop!" he growled and started after me.

 Soon enough I was sprinting down the hall with the red head growling and chasing after me. My heart was racing as other men started opening doors to see what was going on. They didn't join in the chase or look to help me, but instead they just watched the show. I started panicking as I could here my pursuer start to get closer.

 All of the sudden, I slammed into a hard chest and was about to stumble back, but strong arms trapped me against the chest. My body stiffened as the man bent close to my ear. "Calm down," he whispered softly. "You're safe with me."

I pulled back slightly to find myself staring into peculiar, golden eyes. The man looked to be in his early twenties and had light brown hair. I could feel how muscular he was as he held my body trapped against his. The funny thing about him, though, was that I did feel safe with him. I could trust him.

 I heard the halt of footsteps as I assumed the red headed man stopped in front of us. Instinctively, I shrunk into the man with the golden eyes. I could feel the red head's eyes on me as he left out a short grunt. "Declan," he addressed the man hold me protectively against his chest.

 My mind registered who Declan was and I immediately tensed. Declan was the muddy brown wolf that had chased me. The one who'd brought me here. As if he sensed my unease, he ran his hands up and down against my back and whispered words to try to soothe me. "Dustin," he replied to the red head. 

 "I was going to check on her like Cole had asked me to and she ran," Dustin explained to Declan. "She was trying to escape."

 "She's still in the house, isn't she?" Declan asked him. 

Dustin sputtered a bit before finding the right words to answer him. "Well, yes, but she was running away from me. Cole sent me to check on her and she ran away."

Declan shrugged while still holding me in his arms. He gave me a light, reassuring squeeze. "Well if there was someone twice my size coming after me, I'd run away, too," he said.

"That's not what I meant, I-"

 "Just go tell Cole that she's fine and I'll be getting her something to eat," Declan said to Dustin in a dismissive manner. Dustin just bowed his head slightly before turning and walking back the way he came. 

 He released me and grabbed my hand before I could process a thought. "Off to the kitchen then," he said as he started leading me through the house. I was too stunned to say anything and just let him tug me along.

Soon enough, he led me to a big kitchen. It was your typical, modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances, an island with four chairs in the center, counter tops that lined two of the walls with a sink built in, and cabinets, that ran above the counter tops.

 Declan gestured for me to sit down at one of the chairs on the island and I did without a question as I took in the room. "I was going to make myself a sandwich for lunch," he told me causing my attention immediately snapped back to him. "But I'm not really all that hungry. I was thinking maybe you'd want the other half."

 I hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday and could feel small hunger pains jabbing at my midsection. I remembered Cole asking me if I was hungry, but I hadn't taken him up on his offer after he said he wanted to introduce me to some of his men. I didn't want to meet people that were trying to hurt my family. People like that weren't worth meeting.

Yet, looking back at Declan, I couldn't say the same about him. He didn't look like the type of guy that would want to wipe out a pack. 

"Yes, please," I murmured softly. 

He gave me a warm smile and turned to the refrigerator. "Sorry about last night by the way," he said. "I didn't mean to hurt you. You had wandered onto our turf and I was just trying to drive you away, but then you fell so I brought you here."

 "So I wasn't intended to be a prisoner, but I woke up in a cell anyway?" I asked him a bit skeptically.

 His hand reached up to rub the back of his neck as he paused from taking out different deli meats from the fridge. "That was actually Cole's idea," he said. "When I told him I found someone knocked out near the territory, he told me to put you there. He didn't know that you were an Ordain." Turning back to sandwich making, he asked me, "White or wheat?"

 "White," I answered and then paused. "That doesn't really answer my question, you know."

 He sighed as he laid out the ingredients on the island in front of me so I could watch him make the sandwich. "You're a great listener, you know that?" he asked me, shooting me a dazzling smile. I tried not to feel too good about the compliment considering I didn't receive many.

 I watched as he slathered a thin coat of mayonnaise on both pieces of bread before adding some meats, cheeses, lettuce, and pickles. Declan hadn't brought out any tomatoes to add and I found that strange. Most people I knew added tomatoes, but he didn't. Was it just a strange coincidence that he didn't like tomatoes just like I didn't?

  Knowing it was even silly to think about, I just shrugged it off. "Cole's orders are to bring in any outsider found on the territory as a prisoner. I hate that order, so I usually just run them off as most of wolves the are found on the territory stumble onto it accidentally because no one actually knows we're here."

  Declan put the sandwich together on a plate and then went into one of the cabinets to grab a bag of potato chips. I didn't reply to him and just watched as he cut the sandwich diagonally and put it in the sink. "So Cole's an alpha?" I asked.

 He took a seat next to me and took half of the sandwich off the plate before sliding the plate towards me. "Cole's not an alpha. We don't really go by pack terms here as most of us were all just regular pack members in the packs we belonged to," he said and took a bite of his sandwich.

  "But he's in charge right?" I asked as I took a bite of my own half.

 "Eh," Declan shrugged. "He's the leader, founder, and does have quite a way with words, so yeah." He got up to get a couple of sodas before placing one in front of me. I gave him a grateful look and he returned it with another smile. "I'm his right hand man though."

I felt a pang of disappointment when he said that. It was just my luck that the one guy in this place that I actually was beginning to like was the Cole's second. "So what's the point of all of this then?" I asked waving my hand around, gesturing to whole revolution group.

"Cole started it like I said," Declan explained. "I joined because he did. We've been really great friends since we were little so I told him I'd have his back. He's out for revenge I guess. His father and brother both died in earlier revolutions against your aunt so he wants to avenge them."

I puzzled look crossed my face when he said "aunt" before I remembered what I'd told Cole. I tried to cover it up, but I guess I'd failed. 

"What's your name?" Declan asked watching me closely. 

"Felicity," I said a little tentatively.

"Felicity Anderson I presume?"

Shit. "No," I said in a slightly shaky voice. "Of course not. Why would you say that?"

Declan wasn't fooled and I mentally slapped myself. "Cole doesn't have hidden cameras around, Felicity," he told me. "Cole would kill you if he knew so your secret's safe with me."

For the next few moments, I just watched him as if trying to understand his motives. He just shrugged and continued to eat his half of the sandwich occasionally munching on potato chips. Declan was completely at ease and I really didn't understand him. "Why?" I finally asked when I could no longer take it.

"Why?" he repeated, mainly to himself. "I don't know, really. Maybe because Cole saved you last night when it's not really something he does. Maybe because I think you and I could become pretty close as long as you stay alive here," he explained.

 As much I didn't want to like the sound of the second idea, I did. I wasn't close to many people and Declan really seemed to be genuine. Something in me told me that I could trust him. Still, the first thing he said confused me.

"Cole said that he had to save me. He said that I needed to be in 'perfect condition' to be able to be used as a bartering chip in this sick game," I tried to explain to Declan.

 His eyebrows furrowed and a puzzled look crossed his features. "That," he said, "isn't completely true. He just needs to alive to bargain with. Don't you watch movies where the bad guy takes the girl and hold her hostage and asks for like a million dollars or something like that?"

  "I'm not really big on movies," I admitted as I popped open my soda and took a sip. When I realized how thirsty I was, I chugged maybe half the can before bringing it back down. Much to my embarrassment, Declan shot me an amused look.

  "Then while you're here, we will be watching a lot of mind-numbing motion pictures," he said, giving me another one of his award-winning smiles.

 "You treat me like a guest," I stated, finishing off my half of the sandwich.

 He just shrugged. "Just because you're Cole's hostage doesn't mean you can't be my guest."

 "Isn't that exactly what that means?" I asked him, letting out a soft chuckle.

 Declan shot me a mischievous grin. "I won't tell if you won't," he said as he stood up to clean up the mess. In record time, he had everything put away, the plate in the trash, and our sodas in the recycling. "Off to the entertainment center then, eh?" he asked as he took my hand and pulled me out of the kitchen, down the hall and towards another room.

  Maybe Declan was right. Maybe we would grow very close. It would be nice to feel like I had someone on my side here even if he really wasn't. He may be Cole's right hand man, but the goofy, carefree way Declan acted, I could pretend that he wasn't. I liked having him around. He was a lot easier to talk to than most people. 

 I found myself laughing as he dragged me down the hall to go watch a movie.


I hope this is somewhat long because it looks like it would be, but who am I to tell right now.

Anyway, you finally met Declan. I briefly mentioned him in chapter three, I think. Now, you can see who he really is. I should probably be giving you pictures of the guys, but at the moment, I don't feel like it. Maybe I will later. Plus, I'm also open to suggestions.

So there's chapter six.

I love comments, so feel free to comment.

Leave predictions, too. Who do you think will end up being her mate? After all, this is a quest to find him.

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