Alpha Sol's Keep

By MB-1992

381K 15.7K 671

When his presence was far enough, Sol stalked closer to her. Un noticing him, he laid on his stomach and cont... More

Until Next Time
Ten Years Later
The Mate Chase
A Fight To Take Caution Of
Sunken Heart
S O L - M A D E L I N E
The Change. The Marking. The Fight
W A R N I N G ! A D U L T C O N T E N T !
From Good To Bad
From Bad To Worst: Part One
From Bad To Worst: Part Two
From Bad To Worst: Part Three
From Bad To Worst: Part Four
Taking Down The Enemy
Destruction From Within
A Heavy Heart - Rewritten

She's An Alpha

16.4K 652 14
By MB-1992

I woke up early the next morning and swallowed down some birth control after-pill as instructed by Doctor Jared, seeing that someone could kidnap me any minute which could cause Wolfy to go into a frenzy.

I made my way into the kitchen to make breakfast for the people at the main pack house. I made some french toast, strawberry pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs.

I was in my own world as I continued to cook. Who was that man? What did he really want from me? Why me? So many unanswered question ran through my head making me feel extremely dizzy.

I jumped when an arm circled around my waist. I turned to see a flickering eyed beast. I smiled and pecked his cheek, finishing the last batch of pancakes. Sol stuffed his face into the crook of my neck and kissed the middle of his mark. "Why are you up so early?" He groggily whispered.

I smiled. "Why are you, not, up early?" I answered with a question as he growled softly in reply. I threw back my head and laughed as he dipped in and attacked my neck.

"Come back to bed," he grunted as I hummed with a grin.

"What do I get if I go?" I asked as I finished all the pancakes. I turned off the stove and moved over to the island counter to place down the plate. Sol wrapped me up in his embrace and pulled me close.

I snuggled into his chest as I looked up at him.

"A kiss," he said then pecked my lips.

"That's it?" I asked incredulously as he smirked.

"A nibble, a nip, a bite and a slick slide of my tongue against yours."

I blushed as I moved away from him but Sol only chuckled then smirked, pulling me back. "You, would, like that wouldn't you?" He asked mischievously as I smacked his shoulder and pulled myself away from him, not giving him an answer but a deeper blush. "Shut up," I growled.

I turned back around to clean up when he grabbed everything out of my hands and put it down. "Let Sonya take care of this."

He then swooped me up and exited out of the kitchen just in time for Sonya to enter. "Whoa," she yelped.

"Alpha made a mess!" I tattled him out as Sol growled and ran up the stairs.

I held on as I giggled. Next thing I know, the door slammed shut and I was thrown into bed with the beast on top of me. "Snitch," he hissed as he rammed his lips against mine.

I broke the kiss to laugh. "Awe. Poor Alpha's going to get in trouble," I playfully teased as I laughed some more.

Sol growled loudly as he pinned my wrists down and slowly trailed his hot tongue over his mark. I groaned and shook. "Cheater," I stuttered as he went down and planted a kiss on it.

He chuckled as he swooped me back up so I was straddling his waist. Sol leaned against the headboard and pecked my lips with a smirk. "Awe, miss wolfy's mad."

I huffed and lightly head-butted him as he hiss playfully. I grinned and buried myself into his neck. Sol moved his hands under my shirt and started rubbing my back and sides.

With a final sigh, he kissed my jaw. "You're so beautiful, little one."

My heart melted at how soft he sounded. "I'm all bubbly inside," I said with a soft laugh.

Sol groaned, probably thinking I was lying.

I moved off him as he glared at me with an annoyed look. I cupped his face and pressed my lips against his. "I was serious," I mumbled against his lips as I kept pecking it.

"Bubble," he mumbled back with a small smile. "I should call you that."

I smiled. "And you...I'll call you Trouble."

"Why am I trouble?" He asked with a slight pout.

"Because every time I'm around you, there's always trouble. For example, my nightmares, new scars, your-"

"Okay," he huffed as he pulled me in and pressed his lips on my throat.

I hugged his head as he moved lower. My breath hitched when he brushed his nose against his mark. "God damn," he cursed as he tightened his hold on me.

I hummed a moan when he open mouth kissed my neck near his mark. "And this," I mumbled as his breath tickled my skin.

"You, I could understand," he replies as he went to unclip my bra when a knock sounded at the door. "But all others, I'm still quite confused about."

I looked at him dazed. "Hm?"

The look in his eyes became serious. His hands continue to rub up, down and circles on my back. "When you had blacked out that day when you visited your old home, I had contacted Blood Rose for your information. I literally got back nothing. Folder was nothing that filled one whole page."

As my mind cleared, so did his question. "What do you want to know?" I asked quietly and confused.

It was silent for awhile until he spoke again. "When did you first shift?"

"The truth?"

"Tell me the lie first."

I slumped my shoulders a bit. She thought about it and it wasn't necessarily a lie but I guess it depended on ther person themselves. "When I had turned ten was when I shifted but my wolf had already made her presence when I was seven. A year before I met you."

"How was that possible?" He mumbled more to himself.

I brushed my nose against his. "The day she...left, was when my wolf made herself known. I remember being really angry. Furious, actually." I leaned into Sol for comfort as he immediately knew and pressed his lips on me. "I threatened to kill them for taking away Nana. Well, more so my wolf. That wolf we first killed two days ago was one of them that I saw."

Sol went still. I sighed to myself and pulled away from him. I looked straight in his eyes. "I wasn't completely honest with you but I figured you would already know," I cupped his face and rubbed his stubbed jaw. "She wants all of them dead, Wolfy. Every last one and she won't give up unless I do." His eyes widen as I sadly smiled. "It's either them or me."


I leaned in and kissed him, cutting him off. I slightly pulled away but left my lips close to his. "I could barely contain her, Sol. You've seen how I have gotten. I shifted while I was sleeping. I itch to shift at the littlest things. I'm like an alpha with anger problems. Every time I shift, I could feel myself slipping away from sanity."

"Maybe you are an Alpha," he countered. "My wolf made himself presence when my mom got attacked by rogues. I had thought she'd died but she didn't. My wolf and I were angry we couldn't sense anything else."

So now, I was sitting on Sol's lap in his study as the five Elder of the Council sat there looking at me with intense eyes. Well, all except Elder Olivia who was grinning. "We'll have to do some tests and examination to see if she is an Alpha. Looking at her now, she doesn't look like one so I don't want to jump to the conclusion saying that she isn't," Elder Paul said as he looked me over.

"We'll do it now," Sol said as he motioned me to get off and led us all outside.

"First thing is to see how big their wolf is," Elder Paul stated.

Sol gave a nod and turned to me, "Go ahead little one."

"Here? Now?" I stuttered nervously. "What if she decides to misbehave?"

He leaned in and kissed my forehead. "If anything, I'm here to stop her."

I took a deep breath and nodded. My hands shook as I brushed them together and tried to relax. "Any day, Luna," some other Elder, Elder Marcy, said as I glared at her.

"Suck it," I snapped as Sol stood closely in front of me.

"Little one, ignore her and shift. For me, keep that sanity for a bit longer," he pressed his lips over mine as I grunted in defeat.

Sol moved away from my lips and kissed over my shirt to kiss his mark.

"Can you shift with me?" I asked quietly.

Sol smiled as if in relief. "Of course."

He took off his shirt and I swooned over his body. I snapped my eyes up to meet his eyes as he smirked deviously. Sol gave me a wink and took off his shorts and quickly shifted. He and his wolf stayed in front of me as I stripped down and did the same until I felt eyes on me.

Sol and his wolf slowly licked their teeth as their eyes slowly went down on me. "Wolfy," I whispered with a playful slap on their body. They lightly barked and looked away.

I concentrated and soon shifted. I stared at the ground in confusion. "Sol, I'm a lot taller than I remember to be," I said in our private link.

"Yeah, baby. You are," he breathlessly said. "You're a slightly different color also."

I looked up at him then turned my head to see that my silver with small black streaks turned into a shimmering silver color like Sol. "Slightly?" I whimpered.

Sol brushed his wolf against mine to calm me as I continue to overreact to my difference. "Sol," I growled and snapped my jaws at him.

"Baby, you're beautiful alright? Calm down," he cooed as he licked my face and then nudged his head against mine. "I would give anything to hold you naked underneath me right now. But I guess that can wait until after we're done."

I growled loudly and nipped at his ear as he growled in return. "She's as big as an Alpha should be," Elder Paul said. "Luna, shift back please."

Sol stood in front of me as I struggled to shift back. I growled as I concentrated harder and when I finally shifted back, I fell to the ground huffing and puffing. I hung my head as Sol bent his head and nudged it against mine. "Little one?"

I weakly lifted my hand and smoothed his snout. "I'm okay," I breathed. I put my face against his. "Tired but okay."

He whined. "Put on your clothes," he then said.

I pulled my clothes on as quickly as possible. Once I was finished, Sol shifted and pulled on his shorts but left his chest bare. My knees wobbled as my head started spinning and throbbed painfully.

Sol quickly rushed over and helped me stand. "You don't look okay, little one," he mumbled. He turned to the Elders. "We'll finish this in the study. Head on up first."

They all nodded as Elder Olivia gave me a worried look before heading inside.

Sol held me close then swooped me up. I laid my head on his chest and felt like all the energy drained right out of me. "I don't feel too good, Wolfy," I exhaustedly whispered.

"I've contacted Jared. He'll be here in our room in a few," he explained as he entered the main pack house and up to our room. Sol gently set me down as I completely relaxed into the bed with a soft sigh.

Sol left to go to the bathroom and came back out with a wet towel. He started wiping my sweat away as I whimpered. "What's wrong with me, Sol?" I stuttered.

"I'm not sure, baby. We have to wait for Jared," he softly said as his beating heart raced. I tiredly opened my eyes to see his frustrating and confused ones. He leaned in and placed his lips on my forehead. "You'll be fine, little one. You have to be."

My body felt like it was on fire for a moment then ice cold the next. My teeth began to clatter as my body shook. Doctor Jared panically entered and when he saw me, he didn't waste any time. Sol moved away from me as he stood back and watched with tight fists and clenched jaws.

"Details," Doctor Jared said as he checked my pulse, looked at my eyes, and felt my temperature.

"Elders asked her to shift to see if she was an Alpha. After her shift back, she fell ill," Sol said in a steady voice.

I felt like I was dipped in ice cold water. What the hell was happening to me? I would never know but hopefully Doctor Jared can give me an answer.

He looked straight into my eyes then nodded. "You'll be fine. Your wolf is just acting out because you weren't in the form long enough."

I sighed. "She's so annoying," I mumbled as another painful throb came again as I groaned.

Doctor Jared moved so Sol could kneeled down next to me. "We'll go running after our meeting with the Elders okay?"

I looked up at him and nodded. Sol looked back at him, "Thanks Jared."

Doctor Jared nodded and left. Once the doors closed, he got in bed with me but on the other side so he wouldn't fall off the bed. I turned around and snuggled into his chest. "What about the meeting?"

"I don't want to go without you," he said as he left kisses everywhere. I giggled when his breath tickled near my ear. He smiled against my skin and buried himself in my neck.

After some more kisses he slowed down. "I-I, uhm," he stuttered and grunted.

I moved back and stared up at him. "Sol?"

"Don't freak out on me okay?" He said as he placed his forehead against mine and steadily breathed. He moved back and looked me straight in the eyes. "I-I, uhm...I love you."

I calmly looked back at him all though I was beaming on the inside. My wolf howled in joy. Freaking out was exactly what I wanted to do. "Okay," I said as calmly as I could but ended up stuttering a bit.

"You're not freaking out," he mumbled as I sat up in bed. He sat up with me. "I'm-"

"You told me not to freak out," I said with a laugh as his face flushed with frustration.

"Yeah, but-"

I tackled him down and rammed my lips against his. We had a full make-out session when I finally pulled back. "I loved you the first moment I met you, Wolfy," I whispered as I pecked his lips.

" me?" He asked me slowly with happiness swimming in his eyes.

I grinned and leaned into his ear, brushing my nose against the lining of it and whispered. "You and only you."

He tightened his hug and sighed in relief making me giggle. "Always and forever?" He asked.

I nodded and held him just as tight. "Forever and ever babe."

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