Elevator Traps [Jeongcheol]

By ohmyjisoos

387K 20.4K 16.2K

In which two neighbors get stuck in an elevator together. Seungcheol x Jeonghan finished: March 29, 2016 ... More


Bonus Chapter

29.2K 1.7K 1.8K
By ohmyjisoos

Jeonghan sat on the couch lazily, munching on the dry cereal. He didn't have any milk left since he made a cake yesterday and used all of the milk (the cake didn't turn out good, sadly) but he loved his dry cereal nonetheless.

The television was turned on, a rerun of a drama playing. His eyes were glued to the TV until he heard a loud yawn, making the male turn around only to see his shirtless boyfriend rubbing his eyes while walking sleepily over to Jeonghan. Jeonghan's eyes hovered over Seungcheol's chest, making him blush. He had seen Seungcheol's naked body before, and they did make love already, but even after five years of dating, the long haired male still was amazed by Seungcheol's body.

The older sat down next to Jeonghan, wrapping his arm around his waist as he pulled him closer to his body. He pressed his lips against Jeonghan's forehead, smiling to himself as he did so. "Good morning, angel." Seungcheol greeted the other in his raspy morning voice.

Jeonghan wasn't sure if it was possible, but he blushed even harder than before. Simple gestures like that made Jeonghan fall in love with the older over again. Sure, it is something normal to do for a couple, kissing each other and showing love and affection towards each other, but Jeonghan knew that he would never get used to it. His heart will always beat like it did the first time when Seungcheol woke up next to him on a morning to greet and kiss him. He loved his boyfriend more than anything.

"Morning." Jeonghan murmured, cuddling into his boyfriend's chest. The familiar scent of Seungcheol's aftershave and his own natural smell lingered around him, giving him the feeling of safety.

"Why are you eating dry cereal?" Seungcheol asked curiously, looking at the bowl Jeonghan was holding.

"We don't have any milk left," the younger explained, scooping some of the dry cereal. "Do you want some?" he wondered, holding the spoon in front of Seungcheol's mouth.

Seungcheol opened his mouth, letting Jeonghan feed him. After that was done, he decided to take his boyfriend out to eat real breakfast, and not just dry cereal. "Get up and change. I will take you out to eat something else and then drive you to work." Seungcheol said, standing up.

Jeonghan held him by his wrist, stopping the older from walking any further. "Don't go, Seungcheol. I want to stay at home. And I don't want to go to work." he whined, setting his bowl down on the brown coffee table.

Seungcheol smiled, bending down to kiss Jeonghan on the lips. "Today is your last day at work until you open your own fashion store, so don't complain. And I don't want you to eat some dry cereal, Jeonghannie." as he finished that sentence, his lips met Jeonghan's once again, though, this time, the kiss lasted a little longer.

Jeonghan and Seungcheol graduated from university three years ago. Jeonghan worked for a few fashion designers until he decided to open his own fashion store and become one himself. His designs were well received by the public and he even got to design a few dresses for female celebrities on the red carpet. Seungcheol on the other hand finally found out what he wanted to do in his life. He didn't become a doctor like his parents wanted him to. He became a singer and rapper, fulfilling his dream. He was happy with his work and happy about the fact that he was one of South Korea's first artists to openly come out as gay. Sure, he did get hate for it, but many people also loved him for being so honest and brave for admitting who he truly was.

Seungcheol and Jeonghan also moved into an apartment together. After the first year of their relationship, they noticed that Jeonghan had practically moved into Seungcheol's apartment. Since the apartment was too small for two, they decided to search for a new apartment and move in together.

The couple also traveled a lot after their graduation, going to places like Africa to help the children in need. Through their influence by their work, they got to promote for different organizations quite a lot, helping them to collect donations and what not. It still impressed Seungcheol that Jeonghan had changed thanks to his rude comments when they were stuck in an elevator– where he told him not to be cocky and help people instead of loving himself.

The two males sat in Seungcheol's car, driving to the familiar waffle place they became obsessed with after discovering it. Once they arrived and got their waffles, they sat down opposite each other and stuffed the waffles into themselves. Jeonghan had to admit that his boyfriend was a messy eater, and as usual, he had some crumbs on the corner of his mouth. Jeonghan brushed it away with his thumb, chuckling slightly to himself.

When they finished eating their breakfast, Seungcheol drove his boyfriend to work, as promised. "I will pick you up at seven, alright?" Seungcheol reminded Jeonghan. The other nodded in return, leaning into Seungcheol to kiss him, but the other just shook his head. "Not now. You are late for work."

Jeonghan pouted at him, not understanding why Seungcheol wouldn't kiss him. "It's just a kiss." Jeonghan said, trying to press his lips against Seungcheol's once again, but the other dodged out of his way and told Jeonghan to get out of the car, and that he would see him later again.

With that, Jeonghan got out of the car and walked into the tall building in a not-so-good mood. During his whole work day, he couldn't help but wonder why Seungcheol rejected him like that. Everything seemed fine between them, and they had no argument on their way to Jeonghan's workplace. Worry started to build up inside of him. He kept biting his bottom lip.

When he was finally on break, he fished out his phone to check if Seungcheol had texted him, but sadly, he didn't. Instead of calling his boyfriend, he called his best friend since the first day of university. Thankfully, he picked up.

"Joshua? I need your help." Jeonghan said.

"What is it?" Joshua questioned, feeling worried since Jeonghan sounded like he was in trouble.

"When Seungcheol dropped me off to work today, he wouldn't kiss me. We didn't even fight or anything, but he rejected me just like that!" Jeonghan complained into the phone.

"Maybe he didn't feel like kissing?" Joshua wasn't sure what to say. He was good at giving advice, but when it came to relationships, he wasn't good at all. Whenever he went on a date with someone, he would ask Jeonghan on what he should do with the girl, if she matched him well or if he could imagine him and the girl being together. Jeonghan would also help him choose outfits for his dates, which Joshua was grateful for.

"But why? He loves kissing me!" Jeonghan exclaimed. "I mean, he kissed me this morning and then he took us to our favorite waffle place. So why would he reject my kisses?" Jeonghan asked his friend.

"Well, you know, some people- this mind sound crazy, I better not say this." Joshua said into the phone, not finishing his sentence.

"Say what you wanted to say!" Jeonghan demanded, in desperate need of advice.

"Alright, don't get mad at me, though," Joshua said. "You know that some people try to make their girlfriends or boyfriends really happy before they break up, so what if he wants to break up with you? I mean, why else would he suddenly change?" Joshua stated.

Jeonghan's eyes widened at the thought of Seungcheol breaking up with him. "But he loves me. He can't possibly want to break up with me, can he?"

"I was just guessing, don't take me seriously. Like you said, he loves you, so why would he break up with you?" Joshua then said. "Listen, I gotta get back to work, I feel like my co-worker is going to tell on me for talking to another person on the phone even though I'm supposed to work." With that, he hung up on Jeonghan.

Jeonghan tried to process his best friends words, and when he did so, his heart broke to pieces. "Seungcheol is going to break up with me?"

For the rest of the day, Jeonghan was in a gloomy mood. Even when his co-workers threw a surprise goodbye party for him, he couldn't bring himself to force a smile on his face. The thought of Seungcheol breaking up with him made him want to throw up. Especially when the clock showed that it was seven o'clock, and time for Jeonghan to go, he did not want to leave at all.

As he forced himself down the stairs and out of the building, he saw Seungcheol's familiar car waiting in front of the building. He got into the car, his hands sweating already. "Hey, how was your last day of work?" Seungcheol asked happily. He probably is happy because he's going to break up with me, Jeonghan thought to himself.

"Alright, I guess." Jeonghan murmured.

"Is everything okay?" Seungcheol wondered, noticing that his boyfriend wasn't in a good mood. He expected him to be cheerful and excited since he was about to work on his own clothing line.

"I'm just feeling a little... sad. But a kiss could fix that." Jeonghan said, hoping that Seungcheol would kiss him. But to his surprise, Seungcheol shook his head. "Not now. Let's head home."

Jeonghan's heart broke once again. His lips started to tremble and he hid his face behind his long hair, trying not to let the tears fall. He couldn't believe that after a five-year long relationship, Seungcheol would break up with him. Jeonghan didn't know what he would do without his lovely boyfriend.

The car ride to their apartment felt short compared to usual. He wanted to spend more time with Seungcheol as his boyfriend. He didn't want their relationship to end. After all, he loved Seungcheol more than anything else in the whole wide world.

"Let's take the elevator this time." Seungcheol said, dragging Jeonghan to the elevator as he pressed the button.

Jeonghan shook his head furiously. He was still traumatized after being stuck in an elevator for seven hours without anyone coming to his rescue. Usually, Seungcheol wouldn't mind walking up the stairs up to the 17th floor, but it seemed like he wanted to make Jeonghan's life a living hell before breaking up with him. He wished for Seungcheol to do it in a less painful way. He didn't want to take the elevator to get into their apartment.

"Can't we just take the stairs, Seungcheol? You know that I don't like elevators." Jeonghan begged Seungcheol.

Seungcheol held onto Jeonghan tightly, preventing him from moving. "Believe me, this time, you will want to take the elevator." Seungcheol told his boyfriend. And just as he said that the elevator doors opened.

Instead of revealing a normal room made out of metal walls, it revealed a beautifully decorated room with balloons on the ceiling, fairy lights hung up on the walls and flower blossoms scattered on the floor. It was a beautiful and magical sight to see and Jeonghan was sure that no elevator looked like this.

His eyes suddenly fell on letters plastered on the wall, reading "Yoon Jeonghan + Choi Seungcheol". The tears Jeonghan held back all day finally escaped his eyes. He looked at Seungcheol, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. He was expecting Seungcheol to break up with him, and not to prepare some cute event for him. Still, he wasn't sure what was going on.

"Let's go inside, Jeonghannie." Seungcheol said, walking into the elevator with him, hand in hand.

Once they were inside and Seungcheol clicked the button with the number 17 on it, Jeonghan managed to speak. "What- what's going on?" he stuttered out.

Seungcheol smiled a little, brushing the tears away with his thumb. He then lifted his boyfriend's chin up, meeting his teary eyes. "Jeonghan, we have been together for almost six years now. Ever since I have met you, I never stopped to feel happy. Sure, we had our up and downs at times, but we both managed to get ourselves together and would always talk it out at the end of the day. I am so happy to have such a beautiful and amazing boyfriend. I am so lucky to have a person like you in my life. I am so lucky to have gotten stuck in that elevator with you five years ago. Without that elevator, we wouldn't be here today. So I wanted to go where it all started with you, but since the landlord of our old apartment wouldn't allow me to do such a thing inside of his elevator, I had to do it here,"

Seungcheol took Jeonghan's left hand, slipping a beautiful, silver ring onto his ring finger. "Yoon Jeonghan, will you do me the honor and become my husband?"

Jeonghan stared at the ring with a shocked expression on his face. He did not expect the love of his life to ask him to marry him. He had always dreamed of it and sometimes wondered if he should ask Seungcheol, but something always held him back from doing so. Now that Seungcheol asked him, he couldn't feel happier.

He slung his arms around Seungcheol's neck and hugged him tightly, sobbing into his shoulder. "Yes, yes, yes!" Jeonghan repeated over and over again. "I would love to marry you, Seungcheol." he said happily.

Suddenly the elevator doors opened, signaling that they have reached the 17th floor. Both males pulled away from each other but had no intention of exiting the elevator just yet. They wanted to treasure this beautiful moment with each other.

"And all this time, I thought you wanted to break up with me today." Jeonghan cried, burying his face into Seungcheol's chest.

"What gave you the idea I wanted to break up with you?" Seungcheol asked, confused on why his now husband would think that.

"You wouldn't kiss me today and I thought- I thought I have done something wrong. So I called Joshua and asked him, and he said something about you wanting to break up with me." Jeonghan sobbed, pulling Seungcheol closer to his body– if that was even possible.

Seungcheol laughed, pulling away from Jeonghan. "Joshua is such a dick. He helped me to set everything up. He probably just said that to annoy you. I guess I'll have to talk to him later and scold him for giving you such a shock." Seungcheol said.

"He did what? Oh gosh, I hate him!" Jeonghan couldn't believe that his best friend would prank him like that. It was an important day for Jeonghan, and instead of cheering Jeonghan up like a good friend would, Joshua just talked him into the fact that Seungcheol wanted to break up with him even though he knew it wasn't the truth. He would definitely kill him the next time he sees the other.

"Yeah, but about the kissing thing... I wanted to save it for now."

Seungcheol pressed his lips against Jeonghan's, making all the butterflies in his stomach erupt. His fingers found its way into Seungcheol's hair, playing with it as they deepened the kiss. Jeonghan felt the happiest he had ever felt in years. He felt the happiest when he was with Seungcheol. And he too was glad that they got stuck in an elevator together, or else this love story wouldn't have happened.


This was the very last chapter *cries* it was fun while it lasted.

Anyways, thank you for your support it really means so much to me~

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