A Touch of Magic

By Sarel303

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"Usually innocents like you have time to grow into their magic before they have to break the rules. You don't... More

Chapter 1: Dead
Chapter 2: Weird Science
Chapter 3: Charmed, I'm Sure
Chapter 4: Epiphany
Chapter 5: Magical Me
Chapter 6: Wood Yew?
Chapter 7: Snow Day
Chapter 8: Hocus-Pocus
Chapter 9: Ætberan
Chapter 10: The Araminta Legacy
Chapter 11: What Now?
Chapter 12: Other People's Hair and Hellishness
Chapter 13: Some of the Whole Truth
Chapter 15: The End of the Beginning
Chapter 16: Edgar
Chapter 17: The Shopping Trolley Assassination
Chapter 18: Christmas
Chapter 19: New Years Resolutions
Chapter 20 - All's Fair
Chapter 21: In Love and War
Chapter 22: Spelling Mistakes (part 1)
Chapter 22: Spelling Mistakes (part 2)
Chapter 23: Witch Way Now? (part 1)
Chapter 23: Witch Way Now? (part 2)
Chapter 24: Deep Breath
Chapter 25: Holding My Breath
Chapter 26: Exhale
Chapter 27: Major Improvements
Chapter 28: Watching Out
Chapter 29: Valentine
Chapter 30: What's Mine is Yours, Actually.
Chapter 31: Let Me In
Chapter 32: The Uninvited
Chapter 33: Broken Rules
Epilogue part 1: Ostara
Epilogue Part 2: As Day Overcomes Night

Chapter 14: Hunters and Hunting

1.9K 136 60
By Sarel303

"Can I look yet?"


"...Can I look now?"

"No Zar, pack it in. I'm supposed to be the annoying one; wait a moment." I'd done a fab job of shuffling her into a long black Top-Shop dress, I'd supposedly borrowed from a 'friend'. She'd never know the two hours of painstaking chanting (and cursing) that had happened prior to her wearing it. Less easy, was pretending to do her makeup. I'd enchanted several of Mum's make-up brushes, which happily glided across Zara's face, leaving a flawless finish behind. And after soaking my hands in the potion Gladys and I'd cooked-up, I squeezed Zara's dark locks tightly and watched as hair twisted and turned it into a magnificent knot, complete with tendrils. All this was done with her eyes closed, and my unremitting fear that she'd cheat and peak. The only thing stopping the guilt from this elaborate deception was the knowledge Zara would be amazed at the results.

I was already rigged out in a vastly updated old New Look skirt and now sparkly vest-top, which looked quite frankly 'magic'. But it was nothing on Zara's makeover.

"I'll just add some spray for luck, I mean hold." Additional Eau d' Butterfly (my name for the potion) successfully applied; we were done.

Zara sniffed. "That's nice, but, what's that smell?"

I coughed awkwardly. "Scented hairspray. Ok. Now."

Zara's lids shot open and she gasped, tears sprang to her eyes.

I wafted my hands in her face. "Don't cry! You'll spoil the effect." Another lie, magic makeup appeared to be waterproof.

"Minta this is amazing, I've never looked so... so... glam, I don't know; maybe even pretty."

And she did. But all I'd done was tidy up the mad-professor mess that was Zara and revealed the dazzling diva underneath.

"It's all you, Zar," was all I said as I unwrapped a pair of Mum's old strappy shoes, now bran-spanking new, and Jimmy Chooed.

"Thank you," she whispered. Her eyes never left the mirror. "You don't know what this means to me."

But I did. I could feel it.


Extremely sparkly and bubbling inside, we arrived stupidly early, yet it seemed for once so had everyone else.

So much for establishing Zara comfortably before the crowds.

Loud, crowed and hot, Hunters shimmered in red, silver and gold, tastefully decorated if slightly over done. It was a classy place; only extending it's welcome to students a few times a year.

"You ready to face the music and dance?" I squeezed her hand as we passed our coats over to the guy behind the desk. He looked Zara up and down and smiled, slyly, his eyes resting on her slightly too low neckline. Hump. Maybe I'd change that later.

Zara took it in her stride, as if she was used to men ogling her. After a curt throwaway glance, she pulled me round; turning expertly in her new heels. "Yes, are you?"

"Don't think people will be taking much notice of me Zar."

And I was right.

Every person, not just guy's, that we walked passed, stopped in their tracks, called to attention by Zara's presence. I didn't know if my butterfly concoction was giving her extra confidence, or whether feeling fab made her able to carry it off, but Zara was in charge of herself, one hundred percent.

"My favourite ladies." Pete walked over and hugged both Zara and I.

"Pete! We've got hair, you know," I said, wrestling myself free.

"So you have," he laughed, turning solely towards Zara, "and you look amazing."

"Doesn't she." I was so totally proud. "Back in a while, got to dance." I darted off towards the dance floor. They needed time alone.

Zara and Pete coyly faced each other. She might not have noticed the other lads around them, lingering and whispering. But Pete was aware. There was something protective in the way he moved Zara out the path of an on coming waitress. A few drops of liquid spilt onto Zara's arm. They both laughed as he brushed them off with his thumb. Most had landed on the floor. It was a good sign. Pete didn't give a toss about Zara's geek status anymore. And neither did anyone else standing in close proximity.

I bypassed two angels handing out Christmas-tree chocolates from a wrapping-paper covered bucket. Some guys from my tutor group distracted them whilst another dug his fingers in the bucket and lifted out two handfuls. Giggling, I accepted a solitary chocolate coin and slunk on a stool, mesmerised by a magician rolling three-glass balls seamlessly over his hands. I loved these college-organised events. It never mattered that Zara and I were usually without love interests; we had each other and plenty of unsophisticated entertainment to watch.

The sound of malicious laughter caught my attention. My ears strained over the cheesy Christmas music and recognised the voices. With my back to the group, Tammy and Marie had no idea I sat in front of them.

"She's still a donkey." Tammy guffawed. "Look at her. Freakishly square body, soul and mind."

Laughter again. My blood boiled.

"I can't believe she thinks that designer dress she's borrowed off someone, will move her out of the geeky zone and into... hey, Marie, where are we again?"

"Nowhere near Zara." Marie couldn't wait to add her money's worth. "Poor Pete, he's stuck with her. One of us better rescue him. Connie, go and take him by the hand and bring him here now. Go on, now."

Connie followed her order; except as she neared Zara, the orange blossom perfume wafted in her direction. Connie stopped, hovered for a moment and then began to chat to the guy next to her, physically unable to activate her nasty plan to leave Zara stranded. The type-casted Zara, Connie was out to humiliate, didn't exist.

"What's Connie doing?" Tammy was quick to condemn. "Someone else takeout that four-eyed bitch."

Hadn't they even noticed Zara was wearing contact lenses? I shuffled slightly away, knowing it was only a matter of time before I hit the roof, and I wasn't sure if it would be just metaphorically.

Tammy squealed. "Good God. Pete's telling that other man to back off. Can you see? I think Zara's bewitched him."

She was right, and having successfully driven away a college guy, Pete was leaning in to ensure there was no misunderstanding from anyone else. "Go Pete," I whispered.

"She probably promised to disappear to the disabled loo with him for a quickie, you know Pete. Where's Hardwick? At least she's got no pretentions," said Marie.

"On her family budget, it's not surprising. No! He's going to kiss her." Tammy was saved from annihilation by my attention completely shifting to Zara and Pete.

He hovered closely, she nodded subtly, sure of her dream. A breath apart, her hand rested on his arm and they kissed.

A click into place; a turn of a wheel; something sored inside me. Was this what it was like to score a goal?

Marie launched forward. "Seriously! Come on Tammy let's all go over; you three, come on."

"No!" My silence wouldn't last. "Give her a break."

"Bloody hell, Hardwick, it's you!" Tammy giggled and the rest followed suit. "What do you look like?"

"You mean where did I get my top?" I twirled around and smiled superficially. "Oh, a friend works for a designer outlet. It's a one off."

Marie shook her head. "It's a good job too." But her face said otherwise.

I felt their pangs of jealousy, so I just smiled.

Maria frowned. "Out of the way Hardwick, we've got a job to do."

Tammy flicked her hair back, a sure sign of entering battle. "...or Pete's going to be ringing up with a hangover tomorrow, demanding to know why we didn't bother to stop him." Arm in arm and with their gang following, Tammy and Marie headed over to a tightly involved Zara and Pete.

I couldn't help it; my spiral shaped burn felt hot, and words tumbled out of my mouth quicker than you could say, Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo:

"Those stories, which inspire hate,

Return to you and your best mate.


My arm shot forward, finger pointing at Tammy then Marie. For no apparent reason, both turned around and stared at me. I held my gaze until they looked away.

"You won't make it as far, as Pete and Zar.


Marie slipped on the spilt drink caused by the waitress who'd earlier bashed into Zara. Irony. Adding to the comic scene were the granny style knickers on show as Marie hit the deck. A quip made by Marie to a girl in the changing room during PE flashed through my mind. What goes around comes around, obviously.

Pete laughed loudest. Zara didn't lower herself; I was glad. He led her away towards the dance floor, where they were lost in the crowd and probably forced together by the crush.

I bit my lip as Marie struggled to pull her dress back down over her thighs whilst holding a hand up towards Tammy. All credit to Tam, she managed to manoeuvre her heavier friend gracefully. Yet, Marie looked surprisingly ungrateful.

Connie's face appeared puzzled too. She elbowed the guy standing next to her and smirked as his nose wrinkled. He nodded and laughed. They moved away, ignoring the girl's pleas to stay. The rest of their cronies wandered off at speed, leaving Marie the task of pointing out the wet circles of perspiration under Tam's arms.

Tammy looked, sniffed and screamed.


Zara re-applied more 'everlasting lipstick'. "It's as if I'm new and people are getting to know me for the first time. I've had normal conversations with guys who don't normally notice I exist. I hope this lasts past this evening."

I splashed cold water on my face. "Me too." I hadn't considered the end of the spell or when things might start to wear off. I'd worn my spiral charm bracelet in case we ended up naked at some point, but I hoped the magic would help alter people's opinions permanently. Zara's reputation was like muddy water and I'd cleared the mud away with magic. When the dirt spewed back out, I hoped the true Zara would still be appreciated.

"Hey, Zar, you better remember me, when you're out with all your new friends."

Zara grabbed my arm and pulled me out of her way. "As if looser! Meet you outside. It stinks in here."

The mirror was not my friend either and I still didn't look any better after a freezing wash. I shuddered, feeling suddenly cold and headachy, maybe a result of the heat of the dance floor. A flash of green then red, and two scantily clad figures shot in the toilets behind me, snapping the locks. I hesitated using magic to sort out my appearance didn't seem the best of ideas, however there was George to think about.

"Ætberan," I whispered, and the stray whips of hair returned to places as my face lost its greasy sheen took on a healthier glow. Make up restored, I smiled.

The doors unlocked behind me in sync. I proceeded to use the hand dryer on my already dry hands.

One scantily clad girl made straight for the door as the other placed her cool hands on my shoulders, presumably to move me out the way. I shuddered again and whipped my head around. "Sorry, I'm in the way..." I stared. I'd seen her somewhere before... at school perhaps, but not done up or dressed in marine colours, like a sparkling Christmas mermaid.

"Minta come on!" Zara shouted, pulling the door out of the girl in red's hands. The poor thing looked momentarily terrified before dashing past. Zara looked more like an Amazonian warrior, and less princess, when annoyed. Mir-girl raced after her friend –without washing her hands.

"Who's that?" Zara didn't really look interested, but I was.

"I don't know. Probably from the college or maybe school, I've seen her before. She's crap at basic hygiene."

Zara's head bashed several times on my shoulder. "I can't find Pete and these two lads from the college are hitting on me, help."

I laughed. "We'll be hiding from the paparazzi next."

As we left the toilets, Pete reappeared purple faced from dancing. "Getting a drink, want one?"

I nudged Zara. "My lovely friend would, but I'm trying to find my cousin."

"Minta, you don't have to-," Zara shouted after me, but three was a crowd. It didn't matter, because, turning around, I knew exactly where I wanted to head.

There he was, under mistletoe, cleanly shaven and in a flashy suit. My heart skipped a beat, so totally besotted with George, I could've cried. Every inch of me wanted to leap over and declare my undying love. George was - truly gorgeous.

Feck. Shelly in a scarlet dress, looking nearly as beautiful as Zara, got there first.

I watched them kiss hello, and my world seemed to stop. The music slowed and they began to dance.

Kiss and sway; sway and kiss.

Angry, tense, and darn right annoyed, I didn't stop to think:

"Hick-up once, hick-up twice,

Feel sick, it isn't nice,

Move away Shelly. Ætberan."

Shelly appeared to choke mid snog. George pulled away hesitantly as she hiccupped. Hand to mouth, Shelly backed off turning a shade of green that did not match her dress.

"Shame. My turn." Shoulders back, I strode forward. I needed to think of a spell, I'd thirty seconds, if I walked slowly, but the words didn't flow like they did before. And it was too important to get wrong. Did I want George to fall in love with me? Did I want him purely to see all the good in me? Did I want him to feel attracted to me? And did I want any of those things if George didn't like me that much? Hell yes.

But, I'd run out of time.

"Minta, wow, what can I say? You look so... grown up, sexy even. I want to wrap you up in my coat and send you home before some guy with evil intensions comes on to you." He looked me up and down, wide-eyed.

Now I knew the spell I needed. The 'little sister' routine of days gone past was interfering with my future. "Hello George."

"Dance with me Minta, I feel a fool standing here on my own. I don't think my dancing was to Shelly's taste."

I laughed as he encircled me in his arms.

"I think Shelly's got strange tastes, George." Revelling in the warmth, I tried to relax, which is hard to do when you've imagined the exact moment a thousand times. I wanted to remember with every sense, his hands on my back, his musky smell mixed with a heavy hint of alcohol, the way his hair flopped over his face... how tall he was above me. Everything.

George's head lowered and I felt his breath like a whisper on my ear. Passion, I sensed his excitement as well as my own. "You know if it wasn't Minta Hardwick dancing with me, and if it wouldn't change our friendship, I'd kiss you."

I sank closer to him. I wasn't making this happen with magic. "Why not?" I tried not to sound desperate, but it was killing me all over again.

He pushed me back slightly and looked at me. "Because it is you. And everything starts with a kiss, and I'm drunk."

I couldn't hide my down cast face and George pulled me closer again. "You look fantastic, you are fantastic, but it's not good enough for you Minta. I'm not good enough for you tonight."

Leaky tears and shallow breathing; thank heavens for magic make-up. I tried to focus on a spell that would allow George to see he was good enough or, that I was ready for this, but the words jumbled around in my, suddenly very foggy, brain.

"Can I cut in, mate?"

Frowning, George looked over my shoulder. I twisted my neck around, curious.

Dark haired, tall, cute, in a kind of rustic way, if you like that sort of guy.

George whispered in my ear, "See, I should've thrown my coat over you." His arms felt reluctant to let go.

I shrugged, unsure if I wanted to dance with a stranger. I hoped this wasn't divine intervention keeping me from George.

Mystery man held out his hand and grinned artlessly.

I let go of my partner, and for no other reason, than I didn't want to make this guy feel stupid, I took his out-stretched hand.

My charm bracelet caught the light as my fingers touched his. The spiral burn ignited on my palm sending shock waves through my body, telling me to beware.

But the sudden breeze behind me signalled George had moved away. "I'll keep an eye on you, Minta. Don't worry," he said.

"She'll be fine," said the guy, with a smooth air of authority.

George nodded, easily convinced. I watched him walk towards Sickie-Shelly. That was one spell that needed to have worked for longer.

The DJ switched to a Christmassy jive tune and most people left the floor, but mystery man held my hand as if ready to do an old fashioned waltz.

Palm burning and senses reeling after the switch from George to stranger, I tried to focus on the new face and hide my total despair.

"What's your name?" I asked, forcing another smile.

"Ed. Yours?"

"Araminta, Minta."

"Pretty." His face was warm and inviting.

I ignored the strange looks from students as they passed me. Most people were joking about to the music. Except George and Shelly who looked very much lost in lust, five couples away. I caught Georges eye. He looked back apologetically, before Shelly moved his face to towards her and George forgot me once again.

I felt surprisingly protected, and uplifted. For a moment not even a tiny speck of negativity remained. It was calming, so very calming.

I jolted awake as my partner spun me around. "Sorry; Ed was it? Are you from the college or...?"

He shook his head and grinned again. "Your heart's not in the dance is it?"

For the first time in ages, I felt no impulse to lie. "Not really."

"Can I buy you a drink, Araminta?"

I shook my head; it wasn't his fault. "No, I'll buy you a drink, come on." I pulled his sleeve and manoeuvred him towards the bar.

For once, the bar staff noticed me quickly. I hesitated, realising I be asked for ID if I requested alcohol and began to contemplate a spell.

"I'll have a coke if that's ok, I'm driving." Ed said.

Relief. "Sure. Two cokes." I turned as the bartender nodded. "Do you live far?"

"Yes, miles and miles away. I'm visiting a friend. What about you?"

I caught a glimpse of George and Shelly backed up in a dark corner. My heart couldn't get any lower if it exited my toes. "What? Yes, pretty near." I smiled weakly. I wasn't being very likable, but then I wasn't going to tell him where I lived either.

"Cheers." Ed took his drink off the bar and faced the dance floor. We stood shoulder to shoulder. "So, is there a story?"

"Is it obvious?" With no Zara to chat to, words tumbled out of my usually personally restraint mouth. "Yeah, the older boy next door grew up and thinks I'm too young to date him. I've always really liked him and I mean, really, really."

Ed nodded, but even in the dim light, I could see his frown. "You don't look that far apart in age and you're very pretty so surely age is not the only reason he won't date you?"

Mixed-up and hurt from George's betrayal, I was in no mood for mixed compliments. I squinted at Ed; there was no hint of sarcasm. "I don't know. He remembers me being little, perhaps if he didn't..." I shrugged. "Anyhow, I'm planning to change that, I just don't know exactly how or when."

Ed was silent.

Peter and Zara appeared back on the dance floor, a little dishevelled and dancing hideously to a cheesy Christmas song. No amount of 'boyfriend envy' could displace the satisfaction of seeing those two together.

However, I wanted George and I wanted a piece of what Zara had. Words began to un-jumble in my mind:

'Objections, obstacles

and doubts forget,

Turn and see me clear and true

Know that I'm the one for...'

"Araminta, what if there were other reasons stopping this guy? Ones he couldn't share with you. Maybe in the day you should go ahead and ask. It might shed some light on the situation."

I blinked. Spell forgotten. "What?" I felt cheated. "Look it was nice talking to you Ed. But I've got to go."

Bad vibes. I shuddered and moved away. Ed had got under my skin and I didn't like it. I needed Zara, now.

"Minnntaaa!" Zara waved me over from across the club.

That wasn't my magic. That was home grown B.F.F magic.

I laughed watching her and Pete attempting some strange move witch resulted in Zara being flung up in the air and land on her feet away from Pete.

My face froze as I saw Tammy move in for the kill and before I could even yell, "Stop that bitch!" she'd pulled Pete in the other direction, whilst Marie kicked at Zara's heal from underneath her foot.

My warrior princess went down like the Titanic.

Pete caught the flying broken heal at head height as he wrenched himself free from Tammy the stink bomb.

The whole place stared. Everyone laughed.

Zara, on her bum, was still.

I wanted to freeze time. It'd been going so well. This wasn't fair. But before I could even dream up a solution that would get us out of the building, something amazing happened.

There was no confusion in her eyes tonight. Zara pulled out the last hair-clip that hadn't come loose and suggestively shook out dark locks, before standing up.

The shoes, the hair... the magic was waning. Zara wasn't.

Hopping from one foot to the other, she removed both shoes and hooked the straps around her little fingers. She smiled at Pete and with the finesse of a sex goddess; put both hands around his neck and carried on dancing. The shoes dangled down his back.

Pete was enthralled.

The dance floor leered, cheered and then clapped.

Go Eau d' Butterfly. Go Zara.

I turned laughing, desperately needing my deserted drink. And there was Ed still propping up the bar, still staring at me. I shivered and yet my spiral charm burned.


What do you think of Ed? How do you think he'll fit in to the plot? This is the Solstice after all...

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