L.A.D.Y (Sasuke Love story)

By SasukexTsunami

41.4K 1.3K 192

"Such words shouldn't be said by a lady of your statue," said the Uchiha with his smirk rising on his face. I... More

-The Leading L.A.D.Y-
-Madam Flora-
-Readying for the Dinner-
-Without Saying Goodbye-
-Day One Part 1-
-End of Day One-
-The Truth of the Madam-
-Sasuke's Birthday?-
-Shopping with the Master pt.1-
-Secret Cheesecake-
-Meeting the Orphans-
-Not the Lady Way-
-The Formal Reunion-
-A True Welcome-
-The End-
My Superhero Kickstarter

-Cake problems-

1.6K 58 0
By SasukexTsunami

Me and the master enter a men's store known as The Cologne. It's a pretty nice store if I do say so myself. I would give it an 87% rating. On the other hand the women that work here in this store are not so pleasant. Ever since I walked in here with the master they have been giving me the eye. I don't doubt that the master is a handsome man and can be highly persuasive but he is not my type and they shouldn't assume so. None the less get mad over it.....ANYWAY off topic.

"So what exactly are we looking for?" Master asked. "Hmmm something that is more suiting. Something like......this. Here go try it on." I said pushing him towards the men's dressing room."But I-" He started before I closed the men's dressing room. "Tell me how it looks when you're done." I said. Okay now to call Lady Sapphire to see how everything is going back at the manor. I quickly dialed the phone and called Lady Sapphire.
"Hello!" yelled a voice over loud music.
"Lady Sapphire how are things going?" I asked.
"O-Oh... Um Lady Éclair how are things?" Lady Sapphire asked.
She sounded uneasy. Like she was hiding something.
"Is everything alright you sound like something happened." I said.
"Well let's just say we need more t-time." she stuttered.
"TIME! What do yo-" "Éclair?" Great the master is calling. "Please just give me a little more time." she said. I sighed. "I'll give you a half an hour." I warned. "ECLAIR!" "I have to go the master is calling." I said. "Thank you oh thank you, you won't regret this." she said. I sighed and turned around. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw the master leaning there against the wall. "Who was that?" he asked slightly amused. "Oh um.. It's was nothing just checking on the fellow Ladies." I said with a small smile. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Well I was calling you to tell you I actually like the outfit that you picked." he said. I looked at what he wore and he wore it absolutely wrong. He had his shirt buttoned up half way, he didn't bother to tie his tie, he didn't tuck in his shirt, and the worst part since he wasn't wearing anything underneath his halfway button up shirt so you could see his bare chest and I was getting that same weird feeling I got before when he zipped up my dress. What does that mean? Anyway now is not the time. I have to get the master dressed. "Okay first master ties are meant to be tied. " I said fixing his tie. He seemed a little surprised by the action. "Next men shouldn't present their body out like that unless to their woman. I say buttoning up his collar. I heard him smirk. As I button to the top I realized how close I was to him at the moment. "I- I um r-right! Next thing tuck in your shirt." I said stepping back. "You sure you don't want to do it for me?" he smirked. "That's absurd." I scoffed. I heard him chuckle. As he tucked in his shirt I used this time to get my head clear. "See you look like a proper gentlemen which is exactly how the master is suppose to look." I said. Sasuke smirked. I looked at the time. It had just been fifteen minutes so if we leave now then it would be thirty when we reach the house. "Well it looks like it fits well now let's purchase it and we can be on our way back home." I said. As the master went to go change back into his original clothes. I went to go and pay. I walked up to the counter with the clothes. The lady there didn't seem quite fond of me. "So how much does this cost?" I asked. "Well it would cost a lot not something you could handle?" the lady behind the desk said. "And the style that you picked out is ugly" another lady said. "If you actually thought that I cared about what you thought about me or what I pick out, you are wrong. I asked how much it cost and if I wait any longer I will report you and get you fired so I will ask you one more time. How much does it cost?" I asked in the most ladylike but mean way. They seemed surprised. "It's a $300 outfit." one said. I gave a slight smile. "Thank you." I said as I paid them. I saw the master walk over. "Did I miss anything new?" he asked. I smiled lightly.
"No nothing." I said with a small smile. After that we left towards the car and left for the house. In the car I got a call.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Umm Lady Éclair this is Lady Sapphire I was wondering if you can stall for a little while longer." Lady Sapphire said. "Why what happened?" I asked. "N-nothing it's just that no one knows how to make cheesecake." she said. "How do you not-." I stopped and looked the master he was driving us home but gave me a curious look. "Look I'll be there soon," I said. "Okay bye." she said. I sighed. "So what was that all about?" Master asked. "Oh um there was just a small very small issue but I handled it." I said with a small smile. "Anything I should worry about?" he asked amused. I didn't know why he was amused though. "Nope cause I have it under control master." I said. He nodded his head and went back to driving.
~~~~~~~~Meantime at the house~~~~~~~~~~
Lady Sapphire POV
Okay they are going to be here soon and we have everything almost under control the balloons, pictures and food. EXCEPT THE CAKE. Okay Lady Éclair said she would handle it. I looked out the window and saw the masters car stopped in the front yard. "Okay they're here go ahead and get ready everyone. " I said.
Sasuke POV
As I opened the door for Éclair she looked deep in thought but it looked very cute though but I wondered what was on her mind. And I wonder who kept calling.
Lady Éclair POV
Okay making cheesecake would take three hours and it is around 8pm. So I need a diversion. Something or someone to distract him. Aha! I will get those three that he hired yesterday to distract him throughout the party. I unlocked the door and opened it. I opened the door. "SURPRISE!! Happy birthday Master!!!" Everyone said. The master's face went from surprised to a happy smirk. He looked to me. "Did you do this?" he asked slightly amused. "I helped." I smiled. "Now go have fun and party" I shooed him. He pulled me off. "You're partying too. Come on we're gonna dance." he said grabbing my hand and leading me off. But I have to make the cake. I need someone to interfere please so something. "SASUKE-KUN!!♥" yelled Karin's voice. Perfect.

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