Hidden Hearts

By 52Mila52

353K 16.4K 2.6K

*This is a fan fiction based off of C. L. Stone's Ghost Bird series. Sang Sorenson is a very perceptive girl... More

Chapter 1. The beginning
Chapter 2. She who sees everything
Chapter 3. She who says it all
Chapter 4. She who hears everything
Chapter 5. Mr. Blackbourne
AN: Just a quick explanation...
Chapter 6. Gabriel
Chapter 7. Victor
Chapter 8. Kota
Chapter 9. And so it begins... or not?
Chapter 10. She who disappeared like a ghost
Chapter 11. Back to the beginning
Chapter 12. The half-naked girlfriend
Chapter 13. Dead meat
Chapter 14. Group hug!
Chapter 15. Silas
Chapter 16. Storm
Chapter 17. Nathan
Chapter 18. Dogs and bitches
Chapter 19. Grumpy bear
Chapter 20. Dreams and wishes
Chapter 21. First day
Chapter 22. First day part II
Chapter 24. Sleepover
Chapter 25. First kiss
Chapter 26. Dominatrix?
Chapter 27. Missions and Retribution
Chapter 28. Moving
Chapter 29. Toasts
Author's Note
Chapter 30. The Academy - Aware
Chapter 31. Academy - Present
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33. Fire
Chapter 34. Family
Chapter 35. Bonding
Chapter 36. Academy - Request
Chapter 37. Academy - Inside
Chapter 38. Stalker
Chapter 39. Laying down the law
Chapter 40. When truths come to light
Chapter 41. Shortie!!
Chapter 42. Girls
Chapter 43. Boot camp
Chapter 44. The end

Chapter 23. What one does for family

7.1K 392 78
By 52Mila52

The rest of the classes went by quickly. Victor and I really enjoyed our shared class; no mention of the plan was made. I felt a little awkward talking with the boys when I knew that they had discussed dating me behind my back, but I knew the importance of communication among family.

During lunch the guys kept ribbing North good naturally about the shirt. He just scowled at them and pulled me into his lap. I blushed tomato red but leaned against his chest and smiled up at him. My grumpy bear smiled back at me and the boys looked on with indulgent smiles.

The self-defense class with Nathan and Silas was slightly embarrassing. I didn't really know how to hit someone and the boys touches while they adjusted my stance were very distracting. For a moment I wondered if they were being so exacting just so they could tease me. I blushed through the whole class and they were both smirking by the end of it. Ugh! Boys!

Advanced Chemistry with Kota and Gabriel was very cool. After our teacher finished giving her class we stayed on the laboratory and Gabriel showed me how he made perfumes. I and he worked together in making an ocean scented one for Silas. I guessed our Greek boy missed his home even if he didn't speak of it.

Gabriel was happy with helping me; I could see that he also cared for the gentle giant with all the effort that he put into making the perfect fragrance.

Once we were done me, Gabriel, Nathan and Silas piled into Victor's car and he drove us to the mall, much to my chagrin. I had protested that there was no need to buy me new clothes and that I would buy them with my own money later on, but my protests fell on deaf ears.

Victor actually looked more and more determined every time I tried to tell him not to spend his money on me. Gabriel was just gleeful. He spent the whole trip there chattering no stop about styles, and colors, and patterns... Oh god...

"You are such a little Diva, Gabe." Nathan said once with a grin.

Gabriel paused on his chattering long enough to shoot Nathan the bird before going back to talk non-stop.

The boys laughed. At some point Victor started to mess with the radio until he found a classical music station.

Silas and Nathan groaned, Silas was sitting on the front, beside Victor, and Nathan was at the back with me and Gabriel. "You can't do that, Victor. You are going to put Aggele to sleep."

Victor shot him a glare and I blushed. "Huh... actually, Silas, I like classical music. I even play the violin."

Victor shot me a smile through the rearview mirror, "That is right! I remember we had a class together when we were kids!"

Gabriel turned to me. "So, you can play the violin Trouble. Maybe you should come by mine and Victor's studio someday. It mostly belongs to Victor, but I go there to play around sometimes too." He suddenly smiled. "We could even compose some music, me with the guitar and Victor with the piano."

Beaming at him I said. "If it isn't any problem I would love that!"

Silas turned around on his seat to stare at me, smiling he said. "Usually I don't care for classical music, but if Aggele is playing I want to be there."

"Me too." Nathan agreed, his hand holding mine in a warm grip.

I smiled shyly at them.

When we arrived at the mall Gabriel grabbed me by the hand and dragged me through the stores, walking through racks and displays with dizzying speed. He was a man on a mission. I hadn't noticed how much he despised my old clothing until that moment.

Going into the fitting rooms I tried on set after set of clothes until Gabriel was pleased with my new wardrobe. Apparently I needed to dress in a way that said I am cute, smart and will kick your ass if you mess with me. Gabriel wouldn't have it any other way, he was relentless and by the time we were finished I was so tired that I was almost asking Gabriel to just undress and dress me back again because I was too lazy to do it myself.

I thanked Victor by giving him a kiss on cheek. The sight of his cheeks going a little red made me smile and fight to control my urges.

As we all headed to the food court to grab a snack something on the display of one of the stores stole my attention and I took Gabriel's hand on mine, tugging him to a stop.

The other guys all stopped and turned to us curiously.

"Go on, boys, me and Gabriel will meet you all soon. I just want to check that store quickly."

Victor started to reach in his back pocket to give me his credit card but I stopped him. He was spending his money on me, but the gifts I gave the guys I would pay with my own money.

Tugging Gabriel after me we went into the male clothing' store I had seen.

Gabriel was watching me curiously as he asked "Do you need my help to buy something for the guys, Trouble?"

Shooting him a look I said. "No, I want to buy something for you."

He looked confused and pointed to himself "Me? You want to buy something for me?"

I giggled at his doubtful expression. He looked torn between feeling offended and curious.

"Is there something wrong with my fucking clothes, Trouble?" he had his hands on his hips while trying to send a glare on my direction, but I could see the real doubt and insecurity on his gaze.

Taking a minute to appreciate the sight that was Gabriel Coleman on formfitting jeans and a little loose, orange shirt, I looked him from head to toe, a wide smile on my face. Surprisingly, he blushed.

"There is nothing wrong with your clothes, Meanie. I just wanted to buy you a couple of shirts that I thought would look good on you."

Walking through the racks I selected the shirts I had seen, they were simple ones, with fun designs on the front. One of them even said "Property of troublemaker", I had balked a little on that one, feeling unsure even with Owen's assurance that all boys were interested in the plan, but he took it from my hands with a smile that stretched from ear to ear, clearly happy.

Going into the fitting room Gabriel tries on his first shirt and comes out with a teasing smile on his face. "Are you trying to put me in tighter clothing, Trouble?" the shirts I had selected for him were formfitting; I liked his clothes but even thought they were stylish they always hid his form a bit.

His teasing made me blush a little but I just raised my chin and crossed my arms over my chest before answering. "And what if I am, Meanie?"

He hadn't expected that, his eyes widened in surprise and it was his time to blush as he started sputtering. "Bu...but I am not even as well-defined as some of the guys."

I snorted. "Did you look at yourself on the mirror? You have good muscle tone, you just hide it under your clothing." Stepping closer to Gabriel, I wrapped my arms around his waist in a hug that he automatically returned. Looking up at his electrical blue eyes I said. "You are gorgeous just the way you are, Gabriel."

Sucking in a breath he hugged me back tightly and said. "Well, damn, I guess I will be wearing some fucking tight shirts then."


Back at the food court, me and the guys decided to ask for a portion of fries and meat strips while we waited for Princess and Gabriel to come back. Once they arrived we ate and decided it was time to head back. Gabriel was now proudly wearing the "Property of a troublemaker" t-shirt and we were all looking at him with a mix of humor and envy.

Mr. Blackbourne had sent us a text about his conversation with Sang that morning and we were all extremely aware of that fact. Only Mr. Blackbourne's warning to go at her pace was holding some of us back. That and the knowledge that her accepting the plan didn't mean she loved all of them.

I was getting worse, becoming more impatient. Every time I tried to give her something and she denied me I felt more and more the need to give her everything. And I wasn't talking about material things, but about myself. I wanted to give her my heart and soul. Would she deny me then too? I hoped not. I hoped that those were gifts she'd accept with open arms.


Sitting with his back perfectly straight in front of Dr. Roberts desk at his office on the hospital, Owen Blackbourne adjusted his glasses before fixing the older man with a penetrating stare.

"Took you long enough to show up, Owen." Dr. Roberts said with a drawl. "I expected you here weeks ago. Now I am not sure if I will grant you your wish."

The narrowing of Mr. Blackbourne's eyes made the doctor backtrack quickly. "Of course, ultimately, this isn't my decision to make."

"Indeed, doctor. As you know, I am here for the matter of Miss Sorenson adoption." Said Owen, his face and voice completely devoid of emotions.

Nodding in acknowledgment Dr. Roberts asked the question that Owen expected from him. "So, are you willing to adopt the little bird into your family?"

Nodding in agreement, a small smile on his face the young man answered. "Yes, I am willing and my team will incur."

"Good, good. I imagine that soon her living arrangements will be suffering a change, then?" the doctor asked, trying to hide the little sadness that crept on his voice.

But Owen Blackbourne wasn't the sort to miss such things.

"Probably." He said as he rose from his chair, closing his suit' jacket and buttoning it. "But as the Academy says, family is a choice. I am sure you don't be able to get rid of her. That girl came back to you first, after all." A fact that instill rankled Owen, but he understood why she did so. Dr. Roberts was older, more capable of helping her and easier to find too.

Walking out of the office and then the hospital, he rejoiced at the fact that now, in the eyes of the academy, she was theirs. It would be hard for anyone to take her from them. Not impossible, but difficult.

Parking his car in front of Mr. Griffin's house he stepped out and walked up to the door. He knew he was the last one to arrive as the boys had kept him updated. Entering without knocking, Owen removed his shoes by the door and walked into the living room to the amusing sight of his brothers wearing strange t-shirt.

Mr. Korba and Mr. Taylor junior had on Care Bears t-shirts on their favorite colors.

Sean's was a purple one with an image of Johnny Bravo making a weird pose with the saying "If loving me is wrong, you don't want to be right!" on the front.

Mr. Lee has a hunter green one with the phrase: "Jinkies! Let's solve a Crime!"; under the face of Velma from the Scooby-Doo.

The elder Mr. Taylor had one written, "Let's do what we do best Scoob, eat." with Shaggy and Scooby doo on the back.

Mr. Griffin's Mr. Coleman and Mr. Morgan were from the Powerpuff Girls, the first one had a comic strip with Buttercup and another personage, the phrases from little balloons went: "But, but, but..." and "But is right, and yours is about to get kicked!";

The second one, belonging to Mr. Coleman was of Bubbles with the saying "Well, I don't have any lines, and I'm the cutest and the favorite!" and the third one, from Mr. Morgan didn't have any drawing, but the phrase "Being a Powerpuff Girl isn't about getting your way, or having the best stuff, or being popular or powerful. It's about using your own unique abilities to help people and the world we all live in." said it all.

Owen couldn't help the snort that slipped his throat, nor the laugher that followed.

That is until Miss Sang stood from her where she was sitting on the couch with Mr. Korba and Mr. Griffin and came to greet him with a hug and a t-shirt.


He supposed his wasn't as bad as some of the others, the front had a design imitating a suit and tie, much like what I was using right now, and the back came the saying: "Under this suit, is my birthday suit."

Sigh... what one does for their family...
An: I know this was a little short but I still hope you guys enjoy this!  Happy Easter!! 🐰🐰

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