My Dying Wish **UNDERTAKING E...

By ElloImTheDoctor

9.7K 303 125

After a tragic car accident with John Smith, Rose is left on her own again. Rose carries on but is still full... More

My Dying Wish (TenxRose)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Sequel Part 1
Sequel Part 2
Sequel Part 3
Sequel Part 4

Chapter 6

476 16 1
By ElloImTheDoctor

Author's Note

Okayy, so I don't know the whole length of this chapter! Also I don't know the whole length of this book, so be patient with it, its only chapter 6 :)

**Note: Side font is when rose is thinking/dreaming/remembering (Mostly)

PS Vote/comment/share the story if you enjoy it! Thanks!



"How long are you going to stay with me?" The Doctor asked, "Forever." Rose replied. They both looked at each other, hand in hand, with huge grins on their faces and love in their eyes. They held their gazes for what seemed like forever, both wanting to grap a hold of each other.

"I made my choice a long time ago, I'm not leaving you." Rose said stubbornly. She had to help and protect her Doctor, her precious Doctor. They suctioned their magnets to the wall and clung for dear life as the void opened. Everything going according to plan until Rose's lever cranked forward, almost stopping the process. Rose knew what she had to do, she grabbed a hold of the lever and the next thing she knew was she was floating and then popped into Pete's world. Her ears were ringing with the scream from The Doctor. "It's sealed, the job is done." Her Pete's world father said. She was full of despair, she knew she was lucky to be still alive and safe but she was far, so very far away from The Doctor. She was in disbelief, how could this happen? Rose raced to the wall hoping for some small connection. Rose put her ear against the wall and lifted her hand up to hopefully feel some sort of connection with The Doctor. Just some small trace of him even. She swore she could hear another person moving on the other side and warmth spread across her hand but only momentarily. It faded as quickly as it had arrived and she knew all chances were lost. Rose pleaded, screamed, and raged. This just couldn't be happening. She was stuck without him for forever, leaving her heart shattered and a broken promise.


"Am I ever going to see you again?" Her voice cracking, even as she tried to remain collected.

"You can't." The words came out as a slap in the face to him.

"What are you going to do?" Rose's eyes were full of tears and she couldn't help but nearly begin to sob.

"Oh, I've got the TARDIS. Same old life, Last of the Time Lords." he tried to manage a smile but there was no way to hide the immense pain.

"On your own?"

He nodded but he wished, he so desperately wished to just hold her, to have her continue travelling with him. Rose knew they only had seconds but not exactly knowing the full amount, she grabbed a hold of the opportunity. "I-I love you." She meant it, with all her heart and oh, he believed her because he did too. As much as he tried to shove it away.

"Quite right, too. And I suppose, if this is my last chance to say it..Rose Tyler-" and his image and words were taken away. Rose crumpled, he was gone and all alone without her again. The day couldn't have gotten much worse and she slowly made her way to her family, her shoulders shaking with her sobs. She did not make one effort to contain herself, no she would allow herself to grieve for now.


Rose woke up to her body racking with sobs and she found her pillow stained with mascara that she had forgotten to taken off. She threw the covers off herself to cool down and sat up, huddling, and pulling her legs to her chest. She let herself have the moment to release her sadness, before inhaling and exhaling deep breaths until she fell asleep with her thoughts all on The Doctor.


She woke up to the sounds of buzzing. "Hmmm? Wha?" She lifted her head lazily out of her huddled position. NEW Text Message! She opened the message and let her eyes adjust to the sun light before she read it. "Rosie, where are you? Mickey and I got here to work on the case! ~ CJH" Rose didn't bother to answer right away, she had another night of bad memories. Why can't I ever have good dreams of him? She lifted herself from her bed and sauntered over to the bathroom. Her cheeks were smeared in mascara. "Lovely.." she mumbled to herself. She started to wash her face, rubbing the soap all over her face in soothing patterns.

*DING* (1) New Missed Call! Rose finished cleaning her face and made sure no traces were able to be found. Rose picked up the phone. Jack must really need to talk to me.. She punched in the numbers and waited for the Captain to pick up. "Good Morning sleepy head! Rose where are you? You are an hour late to work and I need all the help I can get!" His voice was rising in anger and impatience. "I-I'm s-sorry." Her thoughts betrayed her as she went through all the bad memories again. Jacks voiced changed from slight anger to guilt, "I am the one who should be sorry Rose, I didn't mean to go off on you like that. If you want you can take a day off or come in later." Jack could tell that she had another night of horror, and wanted to give her some space if she needed it. "W-what? I can't just do that in the beginning of a case!" Rose didn't need sympathy, she was a grown woman and cold handle the pain. "Hey, we are just doing more research today, so you can stay home and do it from your laptop if you want." He offered, she was too stubborn for her own good.

That might be good, just work from home. Be alone to my own thoughts. "Fine, I'll call you if I find anything." Rose accepted the offer. "And I will do the same, Rosie." Rose was the first to hang up. She put on some sweats and a comfy sweatshirt, it was freezing. The snow had picked up over night but stopped early in the morning. After she dressed, Rose strode over to the Kitchen and made herself some tea. "Mmm." The tea tasted delicious and warmed her up.

Where is that news paper article I had yesterday? The news paper could have some answers. Rose searched in her bag, and pull out the paper. Is Life After Death Possible? Rose scanned the article. Recent studies from a Medical group in Cardiff take up a theory to scientists in London with some prove that life after death may just be possible. 'Okay that's what I read yesterday.' She continued. The scientist grouped to work on the project but after some mistakes they decided to shut it down for unknown reasons. The group of scientists included Dr. Walters, 28 (Head of Medical group) and his team. Also the two scientists who helped experiment included Dr. York, 38 and Dr. Stewart, 46.

If this was in the 60's is it possible some are still alive for questioning? I'll bring it up to Jack asap. I'd rather do it in person. Rose knew that form this small article that they could have a big lead. She felt proud of herself, she didn't have to rely on the web to always get something. Hacking's for geeks, She kidded. Rose knew she couldn't find much on her laptop so the best place to find something out would be back at Torchwood or..the library. A place full of weapons, as books were the best weapon you could have, said a wise fellow once.

Rose arrived at the local library in 30 minutes. It was currently 10:30 (Rose decided to get herself ready if she was going to go somewhere public) Rose didn't know where to start, she hadn't been to the library for a long time, since before John died. He loved dragging her here and she loved listening to his stories and the way his face lit up. John would know how to figure this messed up case. She saddened at the though of John, she missed him. More than she missed The Doctor, even though he was practically him.

Time to get down to work Rose. It seemed strange to her that Jack hadn't contacted her in the hours that had passed by. Maybe he is swarmed with work, cause you know is one of the top workers at Torchwood. Rose decided to text him about what she had read from the article. "I had found a news paper article yesterday that I think you may want to see. I want to show you in person though, so we can meet up later. Also I am checking the library for any records of this. ~Rose" Message Sent!

Rose headed up to the front desk, "Excuse me but do you think I could check out some old news paper articles?" The lady was young, not something you would expect for a librarian, and a light brown hair with no glasses. Way different than the stereotypes. "Let me check for them in the back, also what time period?" The lady asked. The young lady's name appeared to be Susan. A bit librarian if you asked me, Rose chuckled silently at the thought. "I'm looking for something around the sixties and now. Thanks, Susan." The lady's eyes widened, "How do you know my name?" "Your name tag." Rose tried not to have a 'Uh duh" look on her face. "Oh, well then. Of course. I'll be right back with your request." She walked away with a red face.

Susan came back shortly. "Here you are, Miss." She had a box full of prints. "Rose." Rose smiled. "What?" Susan asked. "My name is Rose Tyler." Rose liked Miss but liked her own name better. Susan smiled in return. "Oh, well hello. I'm Susan Underwood. Not many people consider asking for my name, they usually demand their needs and forget about me as soon as they get what they need." "Well, I'm not people and it is nice to meet you too. Thanks for helping me, I'll let you get back to work and stop bothering you." Rose flashed her one last smile and started to walk away but halted when she heard, "You aren't a bother at all. Also, if you need anything else I'll be at my desk." Susan, was kind with her offer. Rose turned and gave her a slight nod and then continued to walk to an empty table.

Rose didn't want to waste anymore time, she wanted to find as much as she could and investigate with the boys soon. She shuffled through the box looking mainly at the head titles, then went through the box again and again paying more attention to details each time. There was nothing that sticked out about the case. Rose searched thoroughly through the box over and over but soon gave up. " Having trouble finding what you're looking for" Rose looked up to see the familiar face of Susan. "Oh, um yah. I am looking for something about a medical research in the 60's, mostly. I can't seem to find anything about it in here." Rose sighed in defeat. "Can you be more specific? The more I know, the more helpful I can be." Susan informed. " Well, this is kind of a secret thing that people aren't supposed to know about." Rose explained. "Then what are you doing at a public library?" Susan muttered. " Well, this place is full of history and records that most places don't have and for free. Plus no one will know what I am looking for." Rose spoke, slightly annoyed. "Look, I just want to help, I won't speak to anyone about what you are searching for." Susan spoke. "What makes you think that I can trust you?" Rose questioned. "Well, well I'm the best thing you've got to find anything here. I'ver worked here long enough, looked around quite a bit. I'm sure I can find what you need and I keep my mouth shut. I don't bother to talk to anyone here really. Unless, some one needs assistance." She sputtered. Rose thought for a moment before speaking again. "Fine." She said reluctantly.

"So what is the case about?" Susan asked right away. Rose explained most of what she knew, which was very limited. Susan listened and searched right away, with Rose right behind her.


Author's Note!

That chapter was wayyy longer than I thought! That's a good thing though :) Usually it's the other way around, haha. 100 reads!!! THAT'S AWESOME!! Thank you guys! Also one vote!

Hope you guys are enjoying the story! Follow me @elloimthedoctor for Doctor Who stuff and an easy way to contact me! :) Also, please comment/vote/share the story! Feedback is appreciated too! xx


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