Love Me Tomorrow

By WhitneyTheAuthor

43.6K 730 263

What if you were raised all around sports and the spotlight? How could you handle that? Apparently Keira can... More

Love Me Tomorrow
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
A little Something Something
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Sequel News!
Sequels Out Now.. Watcha Waiting For?

Chapter 12

441 9 5
By WhitneyTheAuthor


We all ran through the locker room hallway after our victory. Any victory is sweet, but when you win in the NCAA Tournament, nothing is more sweeter. We were playing a 16th seed team, Albany and next we were playing the winner of Wichita State and Missouri. My heart pounded as I watched the updates of the tv in the locker room. Missouri is a very good team even though they're a 6th seed. "Great game, guys. I'm very pleased by the teamwork out there and not being too cocky in this game." Coach acknowledge us as we changed into our sweatpants.

As I finished putting on my clothes, I noticed Malik sitting in the corner by himself. He had a worried look, but knowing Malik, he makes all kinds of look and you never know what's really his problem. "What's your problem? Your girlfriend dumped you?" I asked. "Nope, I don't get dumped unlike you." Malik replied with his typical smart ass attitude. I rolled my eyes at the comment, me and Keira will find our way back. "Man, I'm just kidding. Apparently we need another atheltic trainer here with us, so I guess you're baby momma is going to be here." Malik said as he texted away on his phone.

"Have you told her yet?'' I asked getting excited. This could be my chance to make everything right. "Trey, calm down. I'll let you know if she come. Worry about basketball instead of a way to fuck your baby momma." "Shut up man!" I punched Malik in the shoulder as he laughed.


We were in Washington, DC for the first two rounds. I haven't been in DC in forever. It seems the same as before, same vibe, rich in history, diverse. Everyone was resting and I decided to take a much needed walk. This city is so beautiful, I need to take advantage. "The Washington Monument is so tall, I wonder how they built this?" I said to myself before I was stopped. A group of kids noticed me and charged towards me. "Hey! You're Trey Carruth!" One of them called me out. "Yeah, I am." I said back. "Can I get an autograph?" The same asked. "Me too!" The other chimed in. These kids were lucky I had a pen with me. "What's your name?" I asked the boy with blonde hair. "Chase. Thanks Trey, you're such a beast. I watch you whenever you're on ESPN." I let out a chuckle. "Thanks, I appreciate it." I finished the signature on the magazine with me on the front cover. Another passed me the same magazine and I signed it also.

Then a black boy, about the age of 11 came with I guess his older sister and he had a piece of paper. "Hey there, what's your name?" I asked. "Andre." He replied grinning as I signed the paper. His sister bite her lip as she was looking me up and down. She was definitely a cutie, but I only got my mind on Keira. "So is it true that you got a girl pregnant?" She asked me. "Yeah." I answered. "You planning on going to the NBA?" "I just want to win the tournament right now." "Well, I was just asking. The Wizards aren't too good, so I know if you enter the draft then they'll pick you." She smiled as she pulled out a sheet of paper and wrote something down. As her brother saw something, he grabbed her hand and pulled her away, not before she could give the sheet of paper. Of course her number. I let out a sigh. I wish girl weren't so desperate and won't want me cause of my upcoming money.


I paid close attention to Malik as he was on his phone as we were in the locker room. Wichita State pulled off an upset and we were playing them. I wonder if Keira is on her way, I wonder how's her infection? I wonder how's the baby? I didn't even listen as Shawn gave the pep talk before the game, my mind was steady on Keira and the baby. "Canes!" I heard my teammates surrounding me yell. I knew that was the moment to get in my zone.


All the Wichita State players had their eyes on me as the tip off was about to begin. The nation practically had their eyes on me especially since the rumors about the NBA were all over. "Good luck, Carruth." The Wichita State player nearest to me said. "Same to you." I told him as Eli won the tip. I grabbed the ball and dribbled down the court. I did what I do best. Two easy points. Wichita State better not underestimate me one second in this game.

18:20 on the clock. Wichita State had possession of the ball. Coach had us on zone defense, no man to man stuff today. Kevin was assigned to guard the point guard. Which I still don't get why. I mean the entire Wichita State team was unknown to me. We never played them and Coach didn't have us watching any tapes. Kevin was able to force a turnover, and the ball was ours. Shawn passed it in to me and we didn't have any rush. We passed back and forth and Johnston ended up open and made an easy 3. We were now up by six.

12:20 on the clock. We still lead but by four. I was fouled as I attempted a layup. I stood at the free throw line. The arena was packed. Once again another game I played and there were thousands of people in attendance. The ref passed me the ball and I took two dribbles before I attempted the shot. No worries, I knew I had that one in. Cheers erupted as the ball went in the hoop. "Nice Trey." Everyone congratulated me with high fives before they went back to their proper spots. The ref passed me the ball and I dribbled twice again before attempting to shot. I was a little off then usual but my ass was lucky the ball went in. I let out my breath as I hustled up the court.


Ty and I let out cheers as Trey made the two free throws. Mom couldn't take off anymore, so we couldn't go to DC. But what got everyone else concerned is Nicole. She doesn't talk, she just stares. Tiara never calls or visits Nicole like she use to. I wonder what happen between them? Soon it was halftime and Ty turned off the tv. "What's your problem?" Ty questioned Nicole. He was just as concerned as I was. Nicole stared with her cold eyes. I never seen someone's eyes so depressing, so cold. "Are you okay?" I asked sitting beside Nicole. "Nikki. Nikki, say something." Ty touched her hand. He quickly pulled back, he noticed that her hands were cold too. Nicole's eyes began watering and tears were coming down her face. "It's all my fault." Nicole mumbled as she began shaking uncontrollably. "What happened? What is your fault." I asked. "He would have never done it if it wasn't for me." Nicole replied.

I shook my head. I just didn't get it. "Nicole, who are you talking about?" Ty asked. "Devin." I heard her soft scared voice revealed. Devin? What did he do to my sister? Nicole began crying even more. "I'm sorry! It's all my fault. If I hadn't been flirting with him then he would have never, he would have never had sex with me!" Sex? "You had sex with him? Nicole you said yes?" Ty yelled. Nicole wiped her tears, but more just ended up falling down her face. "Not really." Nicole confessed. "What the fuck!" Ty knocked over a chair near him. He was raged with anger. I was mad, of course I care about my sister, Devin raped my sister! I don't even think Nicole knows that Devin is Trey's other brother. "Devin Carruth? Devin Carruth did this to you?" I questioned. Nicole shook her head yes. "Trey's brother?" Ty asked shocked. "His what?" Nicole got up quickly as she was in disbelief. "Their half brothers. Nicole, you didn't know that?" "We can't tell Trey!" Nicole cried. We can't tell Trey? He's the least of our worries, it should be our parents that she should worry about us not telling.

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