Wishes |c.d.|

By yepitsjenn

7.9K 227 27

"You get to make three wishes. Whatever it is, just tell me and I'll make it come true" °°°°°°°°°°°°° Emily i... More



191 5 0
By yepitsjenn

Emily's pov

"What are you talking about?" he chuckled. "Cameron I'm really sorry. But it's true" I sighed. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I can't believe yall" he shook his head. I looked at him confused. "Why do you all keep saying bad things about Andrea? We just got back together, why are you so mad about it and try to make her look bad?" he threw his hands in the air.

"Cameron, I would never-"

"Yes you would! And you did" he cut me off. "Why can't you be happy with my happiness, why can't you just go along with the fact that I'm dating her?!" he yelled, looking angry. "Cameron you have to believe me. I saw her!" I said.

"I understand you don't like her, but Emily I really wasn't expect such thing from you. I didn't think you would be that jealous" he shook his head disappointed. "Fine, don't believe me. I was trying to open your eyes so you see the truth but I guess you just don't want to" I pushed past him and walked away.

There had been a mistake in my schedule, so now my last period was Art. I was beyond happy with the change, since I loved art. I was walking toward the Art class, when I saw Cameron kissing Andrea by the lockers. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

Yes, it bothered me that much! How could he be kissing her when he knows that she'd been kissing someone else? How could he not trust me? How could he think I was jealous of her? There was NOTHING I would be jealous of anyway.

I made my way to Art class. When I walked in, I sat in the back of the room and took my things out of my bag. "Hey" I heard from beside me. I looked up to see a boy standing there, smiling at me. "Hi" I said. "I'm Dylan" he introduced himself, offering his hand to shake. I gladly accepted, "I'm Emily" I smiled back.

"I've heard of you " he grined."You have?" I raised an eyebrow. "Um yeah, I hope this doesn't sound creepy" he scratched the back of his neck. "Well, I didn't know people talk about me" I said biting on my lip. "Don't worry, it's only good stuff" he chuckled. "Can I sit?" he pointed to the chair next to me. "Of course" I exclaimed.

During the lesson, me and Dylan conversed about art and I was very surprised 'cause I had never met a boy interested in art before. The bell rung, indicating the class had ended. "Classed dismissed" called the art teacher as the first students were already walking out. "So I guess I'll see you around" Dylan smiled. "You definitely will" I laughed, swinging my backpack on my shoulder and walking out of school.

I was walking through the school parking lot when I heard a car approach me from behind and then loud honking, which cause me to jump. I turn around to see Matthew. "You scared me" I yelled, laughing a bit. "Sorry boo. Now get your ass in the car" he honked his horn again. "Fine. Just stop" I said while running to the other side of the car.

I got in the passengers seat and looked at Matthew. "Were you going to walk home?" he asked. "No, I was gonna go by my privet jet. Well done, now my bestie Kylie Jenner will be waiting for me and I won't show up. Are you happy? " I answer sarcastically, causing him to burst out laughing. "Well tell your bestie Kylie Jenner that I'll be your ride home from now on" he smirked. "Don't get your hopes up" I smirked back.

We soon arrived to my house. "Bye and thanks for driving me home" I said getting out the car. "No problem. But if you want it that much, you can pay me back by meeting me to your bestie, Kylie. She's hot" he said and I laughed. "I'll make sure to do that" I winked at him and he waved, driving off down the street.

I walked inside my house. I knew my mom was at work, so I thought I was all alone. Boy was I wrong. "Hey there" I heard a voice say from behind me, startling me. I stopped at my trunks with my hand over my heart. I was very scared to look who it was and I was freaking out. What if it was some murderer? "Don't worry, it's just me" spoke the voice again. When I heard the male voice speak again, I recognised the voice emediatley.

"Noah...?" I turned around slowly. "That's right" he chuckled his signature laugh. I hugged him tight. Wait - what? I pulled away quickly as memories from the first day I got here founded my mind. "What are you doing here? How- When did you get here?" I stuttered. "I'm happy to see you too Emily" he laughed sarcastically. "I'm not sure I can say that about you as well" I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Why baby? Didn't you miss me?" he asked getting closer.i backed away, taking a deep breath. "First off, don't call me baby. We've broken up ever since you cheated. Secondly, why did you come to find me and thirdly why the hell are you in my house?!" I said, trying to stay calm. "I told you I'm sorry" he run hid hand through his blonde hair, frustrated. "and I told you we are done" I snapped.

"Now get out of here" I said pushing him to the door. "But I just wanna talk" he pouted. "About what?" I rolled my eyes. "I don't know, tell me about your life here so long" he shrugged. "Its none of your business" I said getting irritated. "Emily we have been dating for three years. I think I do care about you and how you've been" he sighed. "Correction, we HAD been dating for three years when you decided to ruined all, not by us ceasing but also by being distant from me the past year" I said shaking my head.

"I am sorry! I wanna get back with you" he yelled out of frustration. "Apology accepted! Now leave my house and forget about me taking you back cause there's no way in hell this even happens" I yelled back. I didn't really forgive him, I just knew he wouldn't leave otherwise.

"Emily please, I love you" HD, his eyes swelling up. "Noah you don't love me" I shook my head. "Don't say that" he said, letting a tear fall on his shirt. "I know you don't. Don't lie to yourself. We lasted as long as we could Noah, but I can't trust you anymore" I sighed. "Do you think I wanted us to end up like this?" I question and he shook his head no.

I talked as calm and soothingly as I could. I know me and him didn't have the best break up, but we still had a three year history and no matter what, I still cared. It hurt me to see him like that. Noah would never cry, and he would be the one to calm me down when I cried.

"You shouldn't have come here" I sighed. "You can't keep holding on me, it's time to move on" I said walking closer to him. "I don't want to" he said silently. I hugged him once again, as he wrapped his strong arms around me tightly. "You have to. Find someone that makes you happy, Noah" I said looking into his eyes, those eyes I once flat hypnotised by.

"Emily. If I could turn back time, I swear I wouldn't do what I did" he said as I wiped a few of his tears off. "Don't cry. Maybe this was meant to happen" I smiled at him. Suddenly, he crashed his lips on mine, taking my by surprise.

He pulled away looked down into my eyes, like he was staring at my soul. He finally broke the silence. "Our love was perfect, but I guess all good things come to an end" he sighed.

And with that he walked out of my house and left.

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