Life is hard when your last n...

By CynVampire

83.3K 722 203

Cynthia Lestrange is the daughter of Bellatrix or so she thinks, she has lived alone her entire life and when... More

Life is hard when your last name is Lestrange and you fall for a Weasley
Finally my Hogwarts letter!
First encounter with Severus Snape
Off to the platform we go!
Hogwarts is my home
A summer with the Weasleys
The year you met the Chosen One
A new student?
Did they forget me?
The year you almost lost your best friend
Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban
Are you serious?
The days before the quidditch world cup!
The world cup and the tri-wizard tournament!
Train ride back to Hogwarts!
Cynthia's and Ariana's dresses and hair for the yule ball
Meeting Beauxbatons and Durmstrang
Things are changing
Here we go again
The First Task
The Yule Ball and Finding a Date
Finding the truth about Ariana?
The Second Task
I get to see Padfoot again!
The Third Task and The Graveyard
The pain will subside...I promise
Number twelve Grimmauld Place
Wait, what?
Author Note
Blasted Boggart
And I thought things couldn't get any worse....Great.
If only Avada Kedavra were legal
Occlumency and the appointment of the high inquisitor
All Those Nights
All My Heart
A Plot to Bomb the Panhandle
The One
Truly Madly Deeply
Author note
Caught Like a Fly
Snake eyes every single time you roll with crooked dice.....
I am so sorry!

I knew something felt wrong

1.8K 12 8
By CynVampire

I do not own any of these characters except Cynthia Black (Lestrange) and Ariana Black!

Sorry for any spelling or punctuation mistakes! ENJOY!

Ginny had led me to the girls dorm, Hermione, Ginny, and I were the only ones awake. "Who is your maid of honour and who are your bridesmaids?" Ginny asked bouncing up and down on her bed. "Ariana will be maid of honour if she wants, and you, Hermione...I would ask George but Fred is taking him for best man" I said laughing "Does mum know?" Ginny squealed "" I said giving Ginny a weak smile...she gave me the oh no she is gonna kill Fred. "We are going to tell her over the summer" I smiled "What else?" Hermione asked me..."Uncle Sirius is going to walk me down the isle of course, the flowers will be orange roses and tiger lilies" I said smiling and imagining how the wedding would be. After long hours of Ginny and Hermione questioning me they finally let me sleep. Soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep.

I woke up the next morning, got dressed and made my way to the common room. It was still the weekend so I wore red skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. I met Fred and George in the common room, I linked my arm with George and held hands with Fred as we made our way to the Great Hall for breakfast. I shoved as much food as I could into my bag for Padfoot so I could send it to him later. "What are you doing" George asked as I was stuffing food into my bag... "For Padfoot" I smiled at him. Fred had managed to get a detention with Mcgonagall for the rest of the day so it was just George and I. "Oh, you know we haven't talked just me and you and Fred" George sighed "Sorry, how about we spend the day together since Fred managed to get detention" I smiled putting an arm around Georges neck. "Sounds like a date....well not date...I meant..." George began rambling "I know what you meant" I laughed as his face turned red...He seemed like he had moved on and was happy and himself again. "What do you want to do?" George asked me his face not as red. Just then I got an evil grin on my face... "Food fight?" I whispered into his ear "You read my mind" He whispered back.

"I'll start by throwing pudding at you, you duck and I'll miss and hit the person behind you. Then you do the same and I will yell food fight." I whispered George nodded "Then we find some where to hide" George added at the end. "Ready" I whispered "Ready" George smirked

I threw a small container of pudding at George just as we planned he ducked, the pudding hit Alicia right on the back of her head...Then it was George's turn he threw some toast with jam on it right towards my face I ducked and it hit Angelina right in the face. "FOOD FIGHT!!" I yelled and the common room was in an uproar yelling and food flying every where. I hurried to duck under the table but before I was under I had gotten hit with some butter. "Ewww" I groaned. People were flipping tables and chairs to find cover...I made it to a corner of the Great Hall where there was a table flipped that I could hide behind for cover....I crawled on the floor trying not to be spotted by anyone with food just as someone saw me I lunged behind the table what ever they threw barely missing me. "What are you doing hiding behind here?" George asked sitting next to me behind the table. "Get your own hiding place!" I shouted playfully pushing him. He was eating pudding then got an evil look on his face..."Don't even think about it" I had just got finished saying as he shoved it into my face. "George!" I shrieked but a thought popped into my head. "Come here Georgie" I smiled holding out my arms "No!" George shouted trying to crawl away "Aww you know you want a hug" I shouted grabbing his foot trying to pull him back, it wasn't working but it was keeping his in the same spot. I crawled on to him and gave him a hug rubbing my face against his making the pudding go all over him. "Thats what you get!' I yelled as I was rubbing the pudding on his face.

"And I was so proud about not getting hit" George laughed "Guess this means I win!" I laughed giving George a hug, I missed spending time with him. He was right that we hadn't spent time together since Fred and I had gotten together. "I missed you" George whispered into my ear "I'm sorry Georgie" I sighed looking up into his face....then he just kissed me I wasn't even expecting it...Before I knew it I had kissed him back but quickly pulled away..."George I am dating your brother we are getting married" I gave a weak smile I didn't want to hurt him...I still had feelings for him...but I was in love with Fred he was always there for me. "I just had to kiss you one more time before you married him" George whispered hanging his head. "Georgie I will always love you, but I love Fred more...he is perfect he has always been there for me and he has never hurt me" I whispered lifting his head up and giving him a hug. "I know" He sniffled..."Please be happy George" I gave him a half smile and a peck on the cheek....he looked up at me and gave a weak fake smile. "Come on" I said standing up and offering him my hand. The food fight had long been over and McGonagall was sanding there with a cleaning supplies. "Oh no" I whispered to George we were in so much trouble.

"You two will be cleaning the Great Hall" Mcgonagall said narrowing her eyes at both of us. "That will be easy" George said pulling out his wand "Without magic Mr. Weasley" Mcgonagall said handing us the cleaning things. "This is going to take forever" I whined "You should have thought about that before" Mcgonagall said walking out of the Great Hall leaving us to work. It was so quiet in the Great Hall without people in was hard to focus on cleaning. "This is so boring" George groaned. "I have an idea, Hermione has this thing that plays music and she brought stuff she thinks I would like" I smiled pulling out my wand "Accio!" I shouted waiting on the stuff to zoom into the Great Hall...a few minutes later the stuff was in the Great Hall in front of me. "What is that?" George asked raising an eyebrow. "Hermione said it's called a CD player and these are CD's" I said smiling...I waved my wand above it and the CD flew into the player and began playing music.  "What is this?" George asked me smiling. I picked up the case to the CD and read it to George "Sleeping With Sirens" I said aloud "They do know sleeping with a Siren would be bad, right?" George asked confused..."Muggles" I laughed "They don't know anything" I sighed...I replayed the same song 6 times and knew the words by heart at the end, we were done cleaning so I jumped on the Ravenclaw table it was the one we were closest to and began to sing and dance to the song that was playing. "Your pretty good at that" George said laughing "I know I'm amazing" I laughed pulling George up onto the table and dancing around him. "Oh come on don't just stand there" I laughed grabbing his hand making him move. Before he knew it he was dancing on the table with me laughing. There was a throat clearing behind us..."Turn around very slowly" I whispered to George still laughing. George and I slowly turned to face Mcgonagall I looked at George and we both fell laughing at the look on her face, it wasn't angry, or the look saying we were in trouble it was half amusement and half shame we were in her house. She dismissed us from the Great Hall after she inspected everything, George and I took Hermione's things back to her dorm.

"Do you want to go to the owlery?" I asked George not wanting to sit in the common room "Sure" George smiled leading the way to the portrait hole. George and I walked across the grounds towards the owlery "Why are we here?" George asked ducking as owls were flying through theowlery. "Sending food to Padfoot" I whispered to George trying not to direct attention to us. "Pig where are you?" I shouted and the overly hyper owl came flying down towards me. He flew around my head around and around in circles..."Pig come here!" I shouted trying to grab the blasted owl from the air. "A little help" I shouted to George as I was jumping up towards the owl. "I was just enjoying the view" George smirked looking towards me as he was leaning against a wall "Your a pervert! Now help me!" I yelled my face slightly red...I gave up on jumping for the owl. "Here" George said grabbing Pig. I gave some of the food to him and some to a school owl since he was so small. "To Snuffles" I whispered and Pig hooted and happily flew off. 

I looked at my watch and it was nearing after hours..."C'mon!" I shouted grabbing George, taking off running across the grounds, up the stairs, and to the portrait. "Just in time" The Fat Lady said disapprovingly. I gave her the password and she swung open "Where were you two?" Fred askedglaing at his brother. "Detention then to the owlery to send food to Snuffles" I replied to Fred, that seemed to relax him because he was no loner staring at his brother. "How was detention?" Fred asked me as I sat down. "Kinda fun, we started a food fight, Mcgonagall made us clean, we listened to music that Hermione brought with her, and when we were done I started singing the song and dancing on the Ravenclaw table until McGonagall walked in" I laughed and so did Fred...I could see Fred imagining me dancing and singing on a table. "Hey I can dance" I whined at Fred"Let's see it then" He replied clearing the table in front of the couch. "Accio!" I shouted and the CD player and CD from before came zooming down to the common room. With a wave of my wand the song from before began playing. I climbed onto the table and began to sing then dance, Fred and George were both watching "You really can dance" Fred said kinda surprised. "Told ya!" I shouted "What the bloody hell are you doing?" Ron asked as he walked down from the boys dorm "Dancing" I said sitting back on the couch next to Fred and turning the music off. "Sure" Ron said. Before Ron could continue I walked off to the Girls dorm with Hermiones things placed them under her bed then lay on my own...soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep.

I was in the Great Hall for breakfast the next morning, Fred and George were still in Gryffindor Tower sleeping...lazy boys.,.. It was time for mail...Many owl swarmed down around Hermione..."What the hell Hermione" I said trying to gather my stuff so the owls didn't knock it all of the table. "Just look at this!" Hermione said tossing me one of the letters.


My eyes widened and I handed the letter over to Harry..."Geez Hermione what did you do?" I asked directing my gaze to Hermione "They think me and Harry were a couple and I cheated on him or some rubbish like that" Hermione growled stabbing at her breakfast. "Want me to take care of it" I growled turning towards the Slytherin table. "No don't worry about it" Hermione sighed...I turned back around reluctantly after glaring at Pansy Parkinson. "Whats going on over here?" Ariana asked from behind. "That Parkinson girls a prat" I replied simply "What did she do?" Ariana smirked "Making Hermione miserable" Ron said "oh whatever then" Ariana shrugged. "Ariana!" I shouted smacking her "What do you want anyway?" I asked her as I turned around to look at her. "Can't I just say hi" She was still smirking..."Ariana, are you serious" I grumbled "Yep" she laughed narrowing her eyes at the back of Hermiones head. "What, whats going on?" Ron asked confused trying to but into our conversation.  "Nothing ickle Ronnykins" Ariana smiled, Ron's face turned red and he quickly made conversation with Harry and Hermione about her letters. "How could you send her that" I whispered to Ariana glaring at her..."Oh it's just words they aren't killing her" Ariana said rolling her eyes. Someone had sent Hermione a curse and she had rushed off to the hospital wing..."Can't hurt her huh?" I shouted "I didn't do that" Ariana shrugged. "The least you could do is look concerned" I replied glaring at Ariana...she gave a concerned look then back to normal "Better" Ariana smirked... "Some times I just wanna choke you, but then I remember your my sister" I whispered rolling my eyes.

I walked with Harry and Ron to Herbology, Fred and George were bound to show up soon. Ron and Harry were going to be in our Herbology class today. "Where is Hermione?" I asked Harry as we walked into the greenhouse, Fred and George were already in their seats they must have just woken up because their hair was a mess. "Still in the hospital wing I suppose" Harry replied shaking his was truly awful what was going on with her. I gave a heavy sigh and took my seat between Fred and George. "Where in the world have you two been?" I asked as I was taking my book out of my bag..."Sleeping" They both said smiling. "You two can be so lazy some times" I sighed opening my book to the page we were to be looking over. Professor Sprout didn't have time for us to be doing anything else as she was busy with some plant in the corner of the Greenhouse.

Fred, George, and I had astronomy next but I wanted to walk with Harry and Ron to their next class in case they ran into anyone. Sure enough Draco and his friends were there on there way as was Pansy. "Potter, have you split up with your girlfriend? Why was she so upset at breakfast?" Pansy called after Harry. "You two go on" I said as nicely as I could. "Parkinson why don't you shut you ugly face" I snapped...she looked taken back by my comment..."What are you gonna do if I don't" Pansy taunted still running her mouth "Why don't you ask your little boyfriend Draco" I retaliated. That one shut her up and her face was red "Yeah that's what I thought" I snapped turning around "Watch out Cyn!" Fred shouted behind me, I turned just in time to jump out of the way of a curse. "Bad choice" I shouted pulling out my wand pushing people out of my way as I made my way towards her. Her smirk faded into terror as I stood in front of her. She raised her wand at me "Stu-" she began to shout "Expelliarmus!!" I shouted her wand flying out of her hand and into mine. "Next time attack when my back isn't turned...but oh your a Slytherin it's in your nature" I growled "Well, all except Ariana. Next time I won't be as nice, next time you will be in the Hospital Wing" I growled throwing her wand. Pansy and her gang of Slytherins ran off towards her wand. "Your showing your Slytherin" Ariana chuckled behind me. "Am not, I am showing my Gryffindor pride, no one attacks me from behind that coward!" I shouted "I was just kidding" Ariana said in her bored tone and rolling her eyes.

Over the following weeks Pansy hadn't even looked in my direction after our little fight. Ariana laughed every time she saw Pansy look at me and I notice because she would run off. Ariana was a Slytherin but she hated Pansy hated her more than any other person in Hogwarts well except for maybe Hermione. Who was having a hard time with all the hate mail she had been getting. Hermione was determined to find out how Rita Skeeter knew everything...Harry suggested she was bugging things and Ron being well Ron and Arthur Weasleys son thought they meant actual bugs. "Honestly Ron do you not listen to anything Hermione and Harry say about the muggle world" I said laughing almost choking on a potato. "You ok?" Fred asked me "Yeah" I laughed hugging Fred around the waist. "How about we go on a date tonight?" Fred asked me "Really?" I said excitedly "Yes" Fred laughed "Of course I would like to!" I squealed hugging him even tighter.

I anticipated that night all day, I couldn't pay attention in my lessons for thinking of what Fred had planned for me. I was sitting in my second potions class with Ariana and George behind us. "So do you know what Freddie has planned for you cause I do" George taunted "Really tell me!" I squealed making Snape peer over his papers at us. I waved and gave him a smile. "Tell me" I whispered "I can't made a promise" George laughed "But Georgie" I whined "Nope" He smirked. "Will you two shut up!" Ariana snapped hitting the back of my head. "What was that for!" I shouted "I can't concentrate with you two talking about you and Fred...uck..."Ariana said making a sound as if she was about to be sick. "Aww not getting enough love" I said batting my eyes at Ariana "Give her a kiss George" I laughed and George leaned forward and made kissing sounds towards her "Stop before I kill you" Ariana growled. George and I laughed so hard that tears came to our eyes. "Miss. Black Mr. Weasley silence" Snape snapped at us. George and I straightened up and finished our potions. Finally it was over and it was the last lesson of the day. Fred wasn't there...where could he be I thought to myself..."Where is your brother" I asked George poking him in the chest "That kind of hurts" George said rubbing his chest "Where is he?" I asked again narrowing my eyes at George. "Again with you two" Ariana growled "I just wanna know where Fred is" I said looking at Ariana and George slipped away. "What does it matter he isn't here now focus" Ariana growled. I stuck my tongue out at her and took a seat in the back of the class. Mad-Eye's class was surprisingly boring usually he had us do something interesting like fight spells or duel each other...but not today we were just reading, not interesting enough to keep my mind off of Fred. I hit my head on the desk and waited for the bell. Finally it was time for dinner Fred had to be there...I hurried to get my things together and to walk to the Great Hall. "Fred wants you to meet him in the common room" George whispered to me. "Finally" I squealed.

I rushed to Gryffindor Tower "Fred!" I shouted rushing into the common room. "Fred?" I said again a bit confused no one was in here. I walked around the room and still I didn't see anyone. "There you are" Fred whispered behind me "H-how did you get there?" I asked turning to face Fred. "You'll never know" He replied tapping my nose with his finger. I stuck my tongue out at him. "Now close your eyes" Fred said leading my towards the portrait "I'll fall" I whined... "I'll carry you" Fred smiled putting me over his shoulder so I closed my eyes.

I could feel myself boucing up and down on his shoulder "We there yet?" I asked feeling a bit sick "Almost" Fred replied still walking, I could feel the breeze hit my face and could smell the fresh air. "What are we doing outside?" I asked wiggling a little "Hey no peaking" Fred grumbled "I didn't I can smell the air" I laughed. We came to a halt, "Here" Fred whispered sitting me down and covering my eyes having me walk a few more steps. He removed his hands and I swore I was about to cry. We were under a tree by the lake there were floating candles around a scarlet cloth that was spread across the ground, it was also sunset the sky was pink and orange. "Go on sit" Fred smiled motioning for me to sit on the cloth. I smiled and sat, with a wave of his wand there were fireworks, those two must really love fireworks I thought to myself. "It's amazing" I whispered to Fred who sat across from me. He then pulled a cloth off of what was a basket of food, he must have borrowed Harry's cloak. "Fred this is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me" I managed to say...the scene was breath taking. "Fred your the best" I said after I regained my words I hugged him as tightly as I possibly could. "Your killing me" Fred choked out "Sorry" I smiled kissing him on the cheek. "These are for you" Fred smiled handing me orange roses and tiger lilies "You are the only guy that remembers my favorite flowers" I smiled "Well it does help that you mention it every year about one hundred times" Fred laughed..."I do not!!" I pouted. Fred and I ate and enjoyed each others company. "Fred you have to be the most romantic guy of your age in the world" I smiled moving closer to him and hugging him tightly. Fred wrapped his arms around me and we sat by the lake watching the sun go down into the lake. "This is so nice" I whispered to Fred. "I'm glad you like it" Fred smiled hugging me tighter.

After Fred and I made our way to Gryffindor tower we were met by George. "How did your date go, lovebirds?" He joked "Great" I sighed happily "Well there is your answer" Fred laughed. "I'm tired, goodnight" I smiled and walked to the girls dorm. Soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep....My dreams were the best, they were of Fred and I he was the best friend I had ever had, and the best boyfriend.

It was the last week of May and it was almost time for the third nerves were on edge again...I was so worried about Harry. My dreams went from magical nights between Fred and I, to Harry being mauled by a zebra...and other creatures Hermione old us about. I was waiting in the common room for Harry, he had gone to find out what he would be doing for the third task and he was supposed to hurry back and tell me. I paced back and forth through the common room. "Cyn you are going to make a path in the floor" Fred said worriedly..."Sorry Freddie, just my nerves ya know" I said giving him a weak smile and trying to sit on the couch. I sat on the couch but scuffed my feet against the floor or nervously moved my hands around. Fred looked at me turned me so my feet were on the couch and my hands were in his. "You need to calm down" Fred kissed me on the cheek and hugged me close to him. "I'm trying" I sighed my arms hanging down beside me as he hugged me. Just then Ron and Hermione came in. "Have either of you seen Harry?!" I shouted running up to them. "No" they both said sitting in a corner of the common room Fred and I went to sit with them. "He was supposed to be here to tell me about the third task and I haven't seen him" I shouted nervously... "Calm down he'll be here" Ron said calmly waving me into a seat opposite him and Hermione.

"Harry!!" I shouted running over to him and hugging him. His face was extremely pale and he looked worried. "Harry what's wrong?" I asked moving him towards where Ron and Hermione were...Fred had gone to bed he had gotten tired of waiting on Harry and he knew I would be fine with Ron and Hermione. "Mr. Crouch he...he...was in the forest....acting like he had gone mad saying he needed to talk to Dumbledore talking about his son and Voldemort being stronger....I left him with Krum so I could get Dumbledore but when we had gotten back Krum had been stunned and Mr. Crouch was gone and Moody was there just wandering through the forest..." Harry explained. "That's odd...I knew something was happening and don't you find it odd that Mad-Eye just happens to be there?" I whispered to the three. "What are you saying that the famous auror has something to do with it?" Hermione scoffed "Then explain how he is just 'there' Hermione...I don't trust him" I said to the three of them.  "That's just rubbish" Hermione said dismissively. "What about the third task Harry?" Hermione asked ignoring my theory....I knew I was right there was something up with him...that wasn't just a coincidence. Harry told us everything Mr. Bagman had told him about the first task. "Hagrid is giving the creature?" I sighed it was going to be ferocious if it was coming from Hagrid. "Harry we need to tell Sirius" I whispered "He will definitely want to hear about this" I added "we will go early in the morning, you should come meet us in the common room early" Harry said going off to the boys dorm.

It felt as if no sooner I fell asleep Hermione was shaking me awake. "We are going to the owlery" she whispered trying not to wake any of the other girls. "I'm up" I groaned walking to the bathroom to shower and put my robes on. The four of us hurried to the the owlery, and Harry and I both sent a letter to Sirius. "Harry be careful, if you need me just come find me" I said hugging him tightly...I still had a bad feeling...everyone just dismissed it but I knew something wasn't right...I even talked to Ariana about...she seemed concerned like she knew something but she too dismissed it and told me I was just overly stressed. We could hear Fred and George walking up to the owlery. They were talking about blackmail...oh no I knew what they were talking about...Hermione tried to hush me so they could hear but Fred and George would be so mad at me..."Freddie" I squealed giving Harry, Ron, and Hermione a slight smile. Ron, and his brothers began to argue as to why they were there...Fred and George gave him nothing though and Ron reluctantly gave up on figuring out what they were doing.

"You two should really be careful saying things like that" I snapped at Fred and George. "We have you to warn us, hanging out with those three so much" George said raising an eyebrow as to ask what we had been doing. "Are you accusing me of something?" I growled at George "No, not at all, just pointing out the obvious" George shrugged. "If you have something to say just say it then!" I shouted at George "Don't freak out, just don't want you getting hurt is all" George said throwing his hands up in mock defense. "You know not to stress me out George, it being so close to the third task!" I snapped I hated when people made it seem like I was doing something I wasn't supposed to.

I sat in my classes in a daze those three had kept me up and gotten me out of bed so early I couldn't even think...processing a conversation was a task for me. "Shhh" I whispered to Fred as my head fell to my desk in History of Magic, we had already had Divination and I had tried so hard to sleep but every time my eyes would close Trelawney thought I was having a vision. "Oh come on, here" Fred said nudging me in the side "Fred I wanna sleep" I whined as quietly as possible. "Miss. Blue" Professor Binns said turning to look at Fred and I. "It's Black professor black how many times do I have to tell you if you were still alive I would write it on your forehead!" I shouted annoyed...why couldn't he get my name right once...just once that was all I was asking for...not to much I thought to myself. "20 points from Gryffindor" Professor Binns said monotonously...he never took points from anyone but I manage to lose points in this class. "Nice, you have officially passed our record" George said high fiving me "Record, what record?" I asked more annoyed than before. "We have had points taken from every professor except for him" Fred laughed "I guess some thing good came of this day then" I said smiling "There's the smile!" Fred and George both laughed.

"Wonder if Harry got to talk with Moody" I said aloud to myself "Why would he need to talk to him for?" George asked me I really needed to learn to think to myself. "About the...tournament" I lied with a sweet smile on my face...he must have believed me because he didn't look interested anymore. I let out a sigh of relief..."I can't wait for this year to end" I grumbled "Sooner the year ends sooner we have to tell mum" Fred whispered next to me. "Anything is better than the constant oh no will today be the day Harry days because of this blasted tournament" I grumbled rolling my eyes. "You just worry to much" Fred said smiling putting his arm over my shoulders and kissing me on the cheek. "Maybe, but I have a bad feeling" I sighed I knew no one believed me thought I was starting to act like Moody...paranoid all the time. "No more Defense Against the Dark Arts for you" George laughed ruffling my really didn't matter since my hair was the messy look anyway. "Thanks George my hair needed re-fluffing" I muttered rolling my eyes but my lips twitched into a smile. "Thought something was a little off" George joked. "Ha Ha Ha" I laughed sarcastically.

We walked by the Defense Against the Dark Arts room, "Miss. Black in here now" Moody growled "Why? What did I do now?" I asked surprised I hadn't done anything to him...why was I in trouble this time I wondered walking towards the door, Fred and George followed. "You two wait out here" Moody snapped his eye looking over Fred and George. I threw my head back and reluctantly entered the room only to be surprised by the fact Harry, Ron, and Hermione were already in there. "What did you do?" I gasped now I knew why I was in trouble. "Nothing, Moody just wanted to talk to us and you since you...well you 'know'" Hermione answered. "Thank Merlin" I gave a sigh of relief. "Why would you be in trouble?" Ron asked "I got points taken by Binns so I figured I had done something to Moody also" I grumbled "How did you-" Ron began to ask "Never mind that pay attention" Moody growled hobbling into the room. "Did you find him? Crouch?" I asked after I short silence "No" Moody said sitting at his desk.  "Did he disapparate?" asked Ron...."Ron..." I sighed shaking my head "You can't on the grounds Ronald!" Hermione said. "There are other way though aren't there?" I asked standing next to Hermione. "You two should consider careers as Aurors" Moody said his creepy eye resting on us. Hermione went pink but I just shrugged...I might look into it. We discussed how Crouch could have just disappeared..."Constant vigilance" Moody said his magical eye on Harry and his other on Ron, Hermione, and I. "You three stick close to him, especially you and you sister" Moody said looking at me. "Yes sir" I said.

I hadn't even realized how long we had been in there Fred and George were probably off getting themselves into trouble. Sure enough I stepped out and Fred and George were gone and yelling some where in the distance was the sounds of Filch's screams. I sighed "I'll see you three later" I said shaking my head and walking in the direction of the screams...sure enough there they were toppled over laughing as Filch and Mrs. Norris were glued to the floor with a sticking charm. "I swear I can't leave you two alone for a second" I laughed it was funny watching them struggle trying to free themselves. "Filch" Snape said striding over to him looking him over "What happened?" Snape asked. Filch pointed his crooked finger to the corner we were behind. "Get up we have to go!" I shouted pulling Fred and George up by their robes. "Weasley" Filch muttered. Snape gave him a look that said of course why did I assume. "...and Miss. Black?" Snape asked in his bored tone. "Didn't see her" Filch grumbled waiting on Snape to free his feet. Filch was freed and running towards us...he looked so ridiculous. Fred, George, and I took off running towards the portrait...Fred shouted the password and the three of us dove inside. "Snape is going to go mental and just kill you two one of these days" I laughed "Until then we will continue pranking!" George yelled laughing the entire time.

"Night" I smiled and walked off towards the girls dorm "Goodnight" The twins shouted together...soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep.


Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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-Blood Traitor

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