One shot: Just One Fix

Od drDevil

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Helena Callahan series (Emmiie) fan fiction: As a child, Chloe Faulkner had shifted the balance in the supern... Více

Short Note
Chapter 1: Beast
Chapter 3: Information
Chapter 4: All is fair in love and war
Chapter 5: Chocolate
Chapter 6: Relief

Chapter 2: Face off

588 9 10
Od drDevil

The vampire was tall, handsome and had fiery blond hair.

“You just puked up some black smoke and kissed it. Disgusting. What the f*ck are you?” he asked and started to laugh again.

I needed to leave before he decided to make a meal out of me.

I imagined sand and water hitting his face.

While this distracted him (God, I sometimes love being a witch), I swam to my clothes, grabbed them and took off running into the woods.

Whilst running, I tried to put on my shirt. Before I realised that this was stupid and misplaced (he sees me as food not as a woman) it was too late.

He appeared in front of me and got hold of my arm, leaving me no other option.

This m*therf*cker was not going to eat me. Period.

I let Silver out and it crashed down my veins revelling in its freedom. Snarling it quickly grasped control.

I felt its strength returning and my body started to glow.

I took advantage of Mr. Vampire’s surprise and elbowed him in the face. I heard bones crack and turned to flee in the other direction.

Better to run than to confront if you are alone, Granny always taught me.

While I was running back to the pond, I searched the ground for something that resembled a stake. You would expect to find something like that in a wood. But no…never when you need it the most!

 Mr. Vampire was cursing behind me. Rubbing his face, trying to recover.

That didn’t take long. Before I reached the pond he intercepted me, locking me in an embrace I couldn’t get out of.

My God he was strong.

Normally as the Beast I had no trouble taking on vampires, but I never met one as strong as Blondie.

I increased the light I was emitted in an attempt to blind him, but he didn’t seem affected at all.

I kicked against his shins and head butted him, but still he kept me in a tight lock.

As a desperate attempt I wiggled one of my hands free, grabbed his nuts,  and twisted and turned them until he let go.

He sank to the ground hissing and groaning.

“You are going to be so sorry for this…I wasn’t going to hurt you but now…” He moaned.

I didn’t wait for him to finish that sentence as I took of running again. I fled deeper into the wood, trying to find somewhere to hide.

I couldn’t go home. I would lead him to Gran.

I needed some way to get rid of him.

Frantically I searched for some kind of incantation that either transported him somewhere far away, or me home.

Silver made me stronger, but impeded my concentration. He was gnarling and panting, urging me to attack and kill the vampire.

“No! Not if I don’t need to!” I hissed back to him.

I sat down besides one of the trees, trying to catch my breath. Think, girl, think.

“Little girl, come out, come out, wherever you are.”

The vampire was searching for me, walking slowly and carefully through the trees.

“Fairy, come on. Glow for me. You were so pretty. Painful but pretty.” He jested.

His movements made hardly a sound. I had trouble locating him.

I moved my head, trying to locate him. I shouldn’t have forced the spirit out. My hearing was much better with him inside me.

The vampire was close, but where?

The spirit assembled in front of me, frantically pointing behind me, but he was too late.

“I won’t hurt you. Much.” He whispered.

The vampire grasped around the tree and caught my hair.

F*ck. I tried to pry his fingers loose, but to no avail. He stepped around the tree and turned me, roughly pulling me up.

Ouch, that it felt like he was yanking the hair out of my scalp.

I hissed and tried to hit him, but he simply held me back so that my arms didn’t reach him.

“Now what are you?” he said, studying my face. He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen and blond spiky hair.

When I didn’t respond, he shook me and grabbed my chin with his other hand.

“Tell me!” He shouted.

“Stop it, you are hurting me.” I begged, letting tears build up in my eyes and giving him the puppy eye look.

Let’s hope it works on vampires too.

He stopped shaking me and studied my face.

“I am sorry, but you harmed me too. I think a bit of pain would put you back in your place.” He responded with a grin.

“Please.” I said, letting a tear drop across my cheek.

His grin faded and his thumb tried to catch the tear. Slowly he caressed my cheek.

“What are you? Tell me.”

I let my lips tremble in fear.

“What is your name?”

His gaze shifted to my mouth and I swiftly licked my lips. In response, his fangs protruded from the sides of his mouth and he stepped closer.

Yes, come to mama.

“So pretty.” He whispered, rubbing his thumb over my bottom lip.

When he was within reach I took his face in my hands and looked into his sapphire eyes.

“Chloe.” I whispered to him before I send him to the other dimension. “Zzzzzzzhhhhhhhhhhinnnnnnnngggggggg”

I let my hand drop down and buckled through my knees, flopping on the ground. I put my head in between my knees and slowly breathed in and out.

That was close. Way too close.

Who was he? He was way stronger than any of them that I met before.

God, I hope he was not one of the council.

This will only work if they do not have a clue. Some of them will welcome it, but others might fight to the very end. I can’t have any distractions

The incantation is too complicated and I cannot take others with me when I cross the boundary. I won’t take that chance. Not after what happened last time. I will not have any more deaths on my name.

Only Gran can know. I can’t hide anything from her anyway.

I looked up and saw the black smoke whirling in front of me. It took shape and nodded, extending something what seemed like an arm and a hand.

I smiled. He understood. Good.

The smoke hand touched my face before it evaporated.

I stood up, looked down and groaned. I was covered in mud.

I walked back to the area where the vampire had restrained me and took my skirt and boots from the ground. I washed my clothes again in the pond and didn’t care to dry them. It was raining anyway and I had a long walk back.

Chapter 3

Noah’s POV

I was drinking coffee with Sophie after we had been shopping, quietly reading my newspaper, and then I feel it.

A shift. A very strong disturbance. Something is wrong.

Did the others’ feel it too?

I glanced at Sophie. She didn’t seem to notice.  I frowned. I turned in my seat at glanced at my sister. Nothing.

I checked my phone. Darien would have contacted me by now if he had felt anything. No messages or phone calls from him.

I concentrated to make sure I felt it right. Yes definitely a change. Something in me was screaming to find it. “Now!”

I got up and told Sophie I needed to go somewhere. She nodded and pecked me on the cheek.

She is such a good friend, always there when I need her and always completely understanding. No questions asked. If only she would be more like Helena.

I sighed. Let’s not go there.

I grabbed my coat, got in my car (a normal green Vauxhall Polo, not the flashy stuff less confident vampires like to ride) and took off towards the source of the disturbance.

I felt the need grow stronger and it pulled me towards the gate.

I needed to go back to the human world. The feeling got stronger when I got closer to the gate.

I drove through the gate and towards an unknown location.

The closer I got to the source, the more excited I became.

I could almost smell him.


Yes. Something in me was desperate to reach its other half.

It took me around 40 minutes to get closer to whatever I was searching. My instinct led me towards an off-road track through the woods and I stopped near a pond.

I got out of the car and looked around. I definitely felt a presence but I couldn’t see anything.

I turned around scanning the woods. Nothing.

I walked over to the shoreline and saw a skirt and a shirt; together with the ugliest pair of boots I have ever seen in my life, being carefully placed on a stone.

They looked like women’s clothing. I thought it was a male?

I glared at the bundle disbelievingly and looked at the water.

She is not swimming is she? Who goes swimming in this rain?

I waited for several minutes and I then saw a blond head slowly breaking the mukky water’s surface.

Her hair was covered in algae. I smiled. Who goes swimming in a dirty pond?

She lifted herself out of the water.

I sucked in my breath.

She was naked and gorgeous. Tall and very white, slender but muscled with large breasts and strong buttocks.

She felt very strong. The power was pulsing off her.

She was vampire, but not like me. There was something different.

I stared at her, transfixed and unable to tear my gaze away.

She was mesmerizing.

She seemed to have some sort an inner conflict as she was talking to herself. Well, more shouting to herself.

Gorgeous but bonkers. Just my luck.

She seemed to get angry and then something happened. Her skin got a silver shine and she seemed to change. She became less muscled. Softer.

She smiled and opened her mouth. Black smoke came rushing out of her nose, mouth and ears and bubbled up from under water.

It whirled angrily around her.

I sniffed. She smelled human. The power was gone.

Vampire no longer. How could this be?

Her silvery glow slowly faded and she talked to the black smoke who had now assembled itself into a form.

The form of a man.

This was just too ridiculous. She just barfed up a man.

The man leaned forward and softly kissed her lips. She first looked stunned and then became angry. She tried to hit the smoke man.

She looked so ridiculous. Naked in a murky pond. Hitting a cloud she just barfed up.

I couldn’t hold in my laughter.

I glanced over and she was looking incredulously at the cloud man. That did it, I collapsed.

Tears were running down my cheeks and I doubled over trying to regain control.

I saw some movement in the corner of my eye and glanced over.

She stood completely frozen in the water. Pale with huge eyes she was looking straight at me.

I still couldn’t stop laughing. “You just puked up some black smoke and kissed it. Disgusting. What the f*ck are you?” I asked her laughing my face off.

She didn’t answer, instead she looked at me like a deer in a car’s headlights.

I stopped laughing. She knew what I was.

Suddenly I was attacked by sand and water. What the f*ck? Is she doing this?

I slashed my arms wildly around, trying to get the water and sand out of my eyes.  Nothing helped. My vision was completely blanked for several seconds.

When it died down, she was out of the water and gone. I looked around but I couldn’t see her anywhere. I looked beside me and saw that she thought of grabbing her clothes before running. Little killjoy.

I sniffed to pick up her smell. She smelled very sweet with this little tinge of metal. Delicious.

I wasn’t going to hurt her, but hunting her down and catching her for some questions sounded like fun.

I heard her clumsily running through the woods nearby, making way to much noise. I growled and ran after her.

She was trying to put her shirt on. She looked so cute trying to stick her head through the hole while running.

I let her get on her shirt and then overtook her and grabbed her arm. She came to a complete standstill. She turned cold and something in her snapped.

The silvery tinge returned and suddenly she elbowed me in the face. I heard my nose break and pain exploded in my face.

I was stunned and let go of her arm. How could a human be this strong?

She ran in the opposite direction, back towards the pond.

I reset my nose and took off again, following her down the pond.

I was to fast for her and I embraced her from behind. She fought like a wildcat, but I didn’t let go.

If only she would calm down a bit so that I could explain to her that I was a vegetarian and was not going to eat her.

I only wanted to know what she was and assess whether she was a treat.

She lighted up like a silvery flame trying the burn and blind me.

Skip that. She is a treat.

But she might be friendly. She thinks I am going to suck her dry. This might be simply self-defence.

She managed to wrestle one of her arms out of my embrace and grabbed my nuts.


She turned and twisted and hell came crashing down on me. The pain was too much and I let her go, sinking to the ground.

She turned and stood there staring at me.

“You are going to be so sorry for this…I wasn’t going to hurt you but now…” I moaned.

Nobody would take an attack on the nuts lightly. Not even me.

Her eyes widened in fear and she took off again.

Sh*t. Me and my big mouth.

I lay down on the ground, trying to force the pain to subside.

I need to catch her. I can’t let her walk free.

I pulled myself up and traced her scent. Scared she smelled even more delicious than before. I felt the bloodlust trying to get control, but I smashed it down. No.

I walked into the wood following her scent.

I talked to her. Teasing her. Scaring her. I knew that she could hear me. Scared her scent would become stronger, making it easier for me to locate her.

I made sure to be as quiet as a mouse, so I could come very close and grab her without hurting her. Too much.

She need to pay for trying to destroy my crown jewels.

G*d she smelled delicious. I came closer and heard her pant behind a tree.


I crept up on her. I positioned myself behind the tree .

I was working hard to keep the bloodlust down. Concentrating on bunnies, flowers, and sunshine.

Anything but sinking my fangs into the inside of her thigh and sucking her dry, but giving her the time of her life while dying.

Oh. Snap out of it, Noah.

I reached around the tree and grabbed her hair. She screamed and tried to yank free.

Her hair felt like silk. Curling around my hand.

I roughly pulled her up, hurting her scalp when doing this. She closed her eyes in pain.

Good. This isn’t even an inch of what you did to me just now, pretty one.

She hissed and tried to hit me. I stretched my arm; since she was smaller than me she couldn’t reach me anymore. This was fun.

I yanked her hair again. Showing her who was boss.

“Now what are you?” I asked, studying her face.

She was beautiful, stormy grey eyes, oval face with a high cheekbones and a pronounced jaw. Full pink lips.

She didn’t answer. I shook her and grabbed her chin.

“Tell me!” I yelled.

“Stop it, you are hurting me.” She said quietly.

Tears were pooling in her eyes.

Something was wrong. I stopped shaking her, but I was on my guard.

“I am sorry, but you harmed me too. I think a bit of pain would put you back in your place.” I grinned.

“Please.” She begged.

A tear dropped down across her cheek.

I stopped smiling.

She looked broken. That was not my intent.

I caressed her cheek.

“What are you? Tell me. What is your name?”

Her lips trembled catching my attention. Such wonderful full pink lips. Beautifully curved.

She licked them to moisten them.

My fangs jumped out.

“So pretty.” I whispered, rubbing my thumb over her bottom lip. Her eyes dilated and seemed to drag me in.

Just one little bite. I won’t hurt her.

I leaned forward and she took my face in her hands. She opened her lips slightly and licked them again.

She set me on fire.

Suddenly, she seemed to hesitate.

Her hands on my face became very warm and a prickling feeling travelled through my skin.

“Chloe.” She breathed, before sending a blinding light through my head.


She launched me through the gate right back in our dimension. I slid down the asphalt a few feet before coming to a standstill. My shirt was ripped open and I was bleeding from numerous friction burns.

I laid down my head on the road. Damn.

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