He's My Tutor

By ChainedDaisies

13.7K 237 21

I'll probably never finish this book but if i do it'll be edited and completely edited and new, only keeping... More

Chapter 1;;
Chapter 2;;
Chapter 3;;
Chapter 4;;
Chapter 5;;
Chapter 6;;
Chapter 8;;
He's My Tutor;; Chapter 9
Chapter 10;;
Chapter 11;;
At the cafe

Chapter 7;;

715 8 0
By ChainedDaisies

Chapter 7

"Summer, What are you doing on the floor?" Andrew asked. I looked at him and felt the urge to get up and hug him, but I didn't, It would just make what happened yesterday worse.

"I am being myself" I said lightly. I moved my eyes to the ceiling, Blank but had so much interest in it.

"Do you need help up?" He asked. I nodded my head. He extended his arm and pulled me up. I stood next to him in complete silence. I grabbed a book from his bag that was hanging open on his arm. It was a new book, a proper reading book.

"What's this?" I asked. He took the book from me and put it back in his bag. I didn't get to read the cover but I knew it had like half a heart on it or something close to that.

"Nothing. Just a book to read between scenes and stuff" He told me, keeping his hang over the bag. Why was he trying to hide it, it's only a book.

"Okay than. What are we going to learn today, Einstein?" I asked. He groaned at my comment and jumped on my bed. I sat on the floor, trying not to make it awkward, last time I sat on the bed with him, he kissed me or I kissed him; someone kissed someone.

"I don't know. Why don't we learn something new today? Maybe I can learn to keep my head on straight and you can learn that this isn't a fairytale" He said in a rush. I stared at him confused. What is he on about?

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I can learn how to do my job and not kiss people. You can learn not to feel anything after a mistake like that" He told me. I felt like punching him, but he's way stronger than me and his not in a happy mood so that means he might throw a punch back.

"Why don't you learn how to be polite and get the hell out of my house" I yelled. He pulled me from the floor and hugged me.

"Summer. My life is complicated right now. I don't need a girl. I don't want a girl. You're my friend that's it. I'm sorry but it's the truth and I know you liked that kiss yesterday, but please, try and forget about it and if you have feelings for me, get rid of them" He told me. I nodded my head and wrapped my arms around him. I know he doesn't like me, that it that. I can get rid of my feelings now.

"What happens if I can't get rid of them?" I asked.

"Well then a little girl I know will get her heart broken and I don't want that" He said. I nodded once again. This was going to be hard, even though it was one kiss; it had all these wonderful feelings in it. I loved it, I want more and I need more.

"Finished the lesson" Andrew said getting up from the bed and packed his stuff away.

"Aren't you going to stay for a bit? Like you always do?" I asked. Shit, I shouldn't have said that, I need to get over him.

"Nah, I need to... Go out... to do more rehearsing" He said hesitantly. You can tell he's lying; He hesitated when he said where he was going. He had to have made it up or he wouldn't or stuttered would he. But he would never lie to me, would he?

"Okay then. Don't worry about it" I responded with venom in my voice, making sure he heard it, making sure that he knows that I know that he's lying.

"Summer, It's not that I don't want to hang out with you, it's just well, Awkward. Yesterdays kiss was a mistake and I know you liked it; I don't want you wanting more. It becomes hard on me and since I am possibly going to become famous soon, I don't want to be center of media's attention" He said. He kind of already said that before. It sunk in a little better know. I nodded but stayed quite at he flipped his blonde hair out of his eyes and walked out of the room. I can get over him. I just need someone new, but someone I know, because if I don't know than that would be awkward. Tyler, He is great. He would be the perfect boyfriend but if we were ever to break up than that would ruin out best friend relationship. I grabbed my phone and dialed Tyler's number. I can at least talk to him.

"I'm going to steal your phone" I laughed.

"Nice try Summy. What do you want?" He asked.

"Can we hang out, I pretty much got rejected about five minutes ago" I said.

"Okay. I'll meet you at your house in ten" He said. I nodded, knowing that he couldn't see and hang up. I walked down stairs and waited near the door for him.

He stormed in and hugged me.

"Who rejected you? I need to kill them" Tyler said.

"Andrew and I said kind of. He kissed me yesterday and he was saying how he doesn't like me and if I did like him, I should stop" I explained. He nodded and hugged me tighter.

"Remember, I am always here for you" He smiled. I giggled and tried hugging him tighter then what he was hugging me. I failed but still got him pretty bad.

"That hurt" He said, rubbing his rips.

"Thank you. I have a pretty good teacher when it comes to hurting people" I said. With Tyler annoying my all the time, I have learned a few things to get him to stop. It's amusing.

"Let's go somewhere, somewhere fun. Forget him. He doesn't deserve someone like you," He started, "He's someone that wants to become famous and be rich, where you are a beautiful, nice girl that cares more about her family then anyone I know. She is my best friend and if I ever see her get heartbroken, I will personally find where they are a rip their heart out."

"You're the best, best friend anyone could ever have" I said, shedding a little tear.

"Don't cry. You're supposed to be happy" He laughed. I giggled, nodded and wiped away the little tear that was hanging off the edge of my eye.

"I'm not crying of sadness but of happiness" I choked out, adding a little giggle to the end of it. Another tear fell. This time Tyler wiped it away and smiled.

"Crying just going to make me sad, even if it's from happiness" He told me. I smiled and hugged him again, this time I squeezed him tighter this time. He laughed and squeezed me tighter then I am squeezing.

"OW" I yelled. It didn't hurt but this will teach him a lesson to mess with me. He immediately let go and looked at me. He put his hands to my rips and rubbing them lightly.

"Did I hurt you? Where? I'm sorry. I really am, Hit me if you want" He said. I giggled and lay down on my bed.

"We have to do something today. I don't want to have depressing day that would suck. Can we go to the pools or water park?" I asked. He shook his head and stood up.

"It's the middle of winter; it's too cold to go swimming. Maybe let's go to the movies or something" He suggested. I stared at him in disbelief. I mean if we go to the movies alone then everyone is going to think we're going out, when we're not.

"People with think we're going out" I whispered just loud enough for him to hear.

"Well it's not that bad. I mean, look at me, I'm sexy. Anyway if anyone ask, we can say we're not; we can say that we're just friends and you needed cheering up, When it is true" He said.

"Okay then, what will we see?" I asked.

"What new movie that just came out like yesterday. The kind of action one" He suggested. I know that movie; I just can't remember the name. It was suppose to be a good movie.

"Yeah, Okay we can go see it. It looks good anyway" I agreed. He smiled and grabbed my bag for me and quickly but gently onto my arm. I put on my flat shoes and we started walking to the cinema, since Tyler usually leaves his car at home for some reason. He says he want to keep it in good condition, I have told him it won't get ruined but he doesn't believe me. He only takes it out like once a month.

We left the cinema and it was getting dark outside. We decided that we hang around the mall for awhile and then watch it late. Plus the first trailer in the seating was the one Andrew is in. I heard so many girls yell and scream his name like they knew him in real life, saying he's hot. I felt like getting up and yelling 'Get a life, He is a jerk and only cares about himself' but I didn't. It would've drawn too much attention to me. It also turns out its coming out soon, in about a month or so.

"Well, that was the best movie ever" Tyler yelled. People turned around and stared at him like he was a freak.

"It was a good movie but not the best" I told him. He rolled his eyes and laughed at me. He has a cute laughed, only just noticed it. My phone started to buzz from a text message. I pulled my phone out and looked at it:

'Can't tutor you tomorrow. Media are starting to follow me. You can come to my house but you will have to cover up and try and find a different way out so they won't follow you home.'

Wow. I knew it. I do feel sorry for Andrew though. Maybe I will go to his house, I have never been there but the time I do have to go there is when the paparazzi will be there. That's going to suck but I'm sure It will be okay.

"Who is it?" Tyler asked. I looked up at him and put my phone away.

"Andrew, Telling me I can go to his house tomorrow for the tutor session since he can't get out from the paparazzi and I have to cover up if I do. Just in case I show up on the news with him" I told him. He nodded and linked his arm with mine.

"Well that's enough talk about him. Let's have sleep over at my house. I'm sure your mum will let you, she has known me since kindergarten" He said. I laughed, in kindergarten we had the funniest times, when he ate glue and I laughed think his mouth would get stuck together which it partly did.

"Sure, we'll go to my place now and then if she says yes, I will grab my stuff and go to your house and I'll go to Andrew's tomorrow" I said. Tyler face turned completely upside down when I said Andrew's name.

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