Chapter 10;;

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He poured me another glass of water and passed it to me.

"Do you think I'm hot?" He asked. I choked on the drink and spat it on the counter top, "I'll take that as a yes."

"You're good looking, that's all I'm saying" I said wiping away the water that had gone everywhere.

"Don't worry about it. I'll clean it up later" He laughed. I continued to clean it up, not wanting for him too. I finished cleaning and he just sat and watched.

"Next time your room is messy, I'll get people to clean your room" He told me. I laughed but shook my head.

"I'm okay. I'd rather do that myself, I don't know if they will steal or not" I told him. He smiled.

"They won't steal, or they will be charged with robbery" He said. I grabbed the glass and put it in the sink.

"Oh wait. I'll clean it, Imagine, Your undies on the floor, and bras. A guy's heaven" He laughed. I ignored his comments on his idea of what would be in my room when it's messy.

"You can shut up now. I can clean my own room, and I don't have undies and bras on my floor. They go straight in the washer, so creeps like you don't find them" I said.

"Get off the lawn!" Someone yelled. I looked out window, Nothing. Good. I can do what I wanted to do for awhile know, even though Andrew will probably get angry, it's still worth it. Andrew was looking out the window.

"Don't worry about them" I whispered. I lightly grabbed the side of Andrews face and pulled him closer to me. I pulled him close enough for me to feel his breath on my lips.

"What are you doing?" Andrew asked. I smiled and kissed him. He put effort into it, not just sitting back and trying to push me off, but actually pulling me closer and into his lap. My tongue traced the outline of his lips, asking for access. He giggled and then opened his mouth, we both sat there, for what felt like hours just exploring each other's mouths with our tongues. I broke the make out session for a breath.

"He does have a girlfriend!" Someone yelled. I looked behind but quickly looked back. Shit, if they see me. I'm dead meat. I ran to another room and hid behind the chair waiting until there were gone.

I heard a door open and then close.

"Get off of my property or I will call the police and charge all of you with invasion of privacy and trespassing!" He yelled. The door opened up again, but never closed. He came into the room I was in and came to me.

"Sorry about them. They think they can just come onto my property whenever they feel like it" He said, not mentioning anything about what had just happened with the kiss.

"Yeah, I can't believe they would do that though" I said, I mean who would trespass a house just to get a photo of someone, possibly with someone else.

"Beware; you might be in the paper tomorrow. I don't think got pictures of you, But they did get some of us kissing" He began to whisper at the end.

"Are you ashamed of kissing me again?" I asked, kind of angry. He walked over to me and hugged me, but let go soon after.

"I was never ashamed. I was just afraid. I know I want to be famous but I know you don't and well. I can't be with you if I want to be famous and so far, I'm pretty famous" He said. I smiled, probably the biggest smile for me.

"That's cute," I laughed. He laughed along with me.

"Do you want to try and make it work then?" He asked. I looked up at him in shock, I though he didn't want me to be like, involved with him.

"I want to but, do you want to? Not for me, to make me happy but for you?" I asked. He smiled and kissed more fore head lightly.

"If I didn't want to, would I have asked you? I want to try and make this work. Without getting caught" He told me with a genuine smile, that I had never actually seen before. Only yesterday, He was telling me not to kiss or have feelings for him. Wow, he needs to work things out in his brain quicker.

"So we are boyfriend and girlfriend then?"I asked, trying not to sound stupid. He laughed and grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"I'm your boyfriend, only if you want me to be" He said. I smiled; this is going to be a good day.

We sat and talked, about everything. What's going on in life, School work, Friends, and asked random questions.

"Are you a virgin?" I asked him. He looked almost shocked but smirked.

"Yes. I guess trying too hard to become an actor; I never really had the time to have sex. Let alone have a girlfriend" He laughed, "Are you a virgin?"

I couldn't help but smile at his question.

"I'm Seventeen, Most of the girls at my school or whores. Luckily I am not one of them but, when I was fifteen I thought I was mature enough to have sex with my ex. I was wrong but we are still okay with each other. We don't tell anyone. Actually you are the first person to know. So, No I am not a virgin, But I wasn't ready then" I explained to him. He nodded along with what I was saying.

"Are you ready now?" He asked in a seductive voice.

"Yes, Yes I am" I said in a weird, put on accent. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a room. We got to his room and he pushed me onto his bed, lightly but enough to make me fall onto the bed. He had a decent looking room, way plainer then Tyler's. Andrew climbed on top of me and started kissing me passionately. He started to try taking my top off. I let him as I was too caught in the moment. He got my full top half naked; I had taken his top off. As he was trying to take my pants off I stopped him and pushed him back.

"Wait, we just got together and you want this? I mean I'm not a whore. I fucking don't want to get with you the first day. I don't want to fuck you then you dump me like straight after" I told him. He nodded his head but casually poked my stomach.

"Fine with me, I'm sorry; I guess I just got caught in the moment. With you saying you were ready and me not have doing it yet, I guess I just want it" He explained to me.

"I get it, I seriously do but I think I should get dressed and leave. Get home, Do my homework, I might call you and shit. Firstly, how will I get out of here without getting caught?" I asked. His eyes widened with surprise.

"That skipped my mind," He started, "Well we could try and get you out the back way and add a few cars so they don't know which on to follow."

"We should do that, but again. Can you come with me?" I asked. He giggled at my question.

"You don't like being alone, do you... I will come with you but as long as you give me a kiss" He said, pointing to his lips. I smiled and kissed him on the lips.

"Okay, Come on. I need to get home before I get grounded" I told him. He laughed. He gave me a jacket and I quickly put it on my head as we walked outside. No one could see me, hopefully.

We ran to the car walked around the back where no one could see us.

"What car?" He asked. There were 4 cars lined up, I'm not good with cars, all I knew that they were really nice cars.

"The green one" I told him. He laughed and opened the door for me. I got in and he got in the front. Ready to drive, he turned on the car on and started to drive.

Luckily the car was very fast and got away from the paparazzi fast, there wasn't that many there anymore anyway. So we got to my house quick and without anyone knowing.


I know I suck at uploading but no-one reads it anyway .-.

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