He's My Tutor;; Chapter 9

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I picked all of my drinks off the floor from last night up and put them in Tyler's rubbish bin.

"You sure can make a mess."

I fake gasped and giggled, "It wasn't just me!"

"We all know it was you. You're the only one that can drink, like, 5 cans of energy drink and then nearly pass out because you had too many" He pointed out.

"Well you're the only one that can drink about 8 and still be hypo" I added, scrunching my nose. He rolled his eyes and continued to clean the floor. My phone started to vibrate in my pocket; I quickly grabbed it and pressed answer.

"Summer, are you coming over? If you are I'll send someone to get you, so it's easier for you to get pass the paparazzi" Andrew told me.

"Um, sure, if you want to but can like you be in the car too. I don't really want to be in a car by myself" I asked. He laughed.

"Sure. I will pick you up from your house or someone else?" He asked.

"Tyler's, just keep driving past my house and you will see me at the front."

"Okay then. See you in a little bit."

"See you" I said. I hang up and stuffed my phone back into my pocket.

"Is that your prince?" Tyler said in a high pitched voice. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I quickly picked all my stuff up off the floor and stuffed it in my bag.

"I have to go but, I'm sorry I had to leave so early and I will make it up to you next time" I said to Tyler, quickly kissing his check and ran down stairs. I waited out front and saw a few cars drive past. I sat down on the steps of his house and looked through my bag to see if I had everything. Tyler opened the front door and sat beside me.

"Ditching me for Andrew?" He said.

"Not really. You know I need to get tutored to pass."

"Why did you kiss my cheek? I mean, you have never done that before, only when we were like kids."

"Tyler, you're my best friend. Right now you have been the nicest person ever and somewhat I can see you kind of like me and I hope you know that as much as I don't want to hurt you, I don't like you back but I still owe you something in exchange, therefore I will kiss your cheek."

"But you're just making me like you more. Summer, don't you understand. Kissing and staying over and being nice to me back, it's just leading me on."

"I'm sorry. I really am but I can't help but be nice to you. That's the thing if I don't be nice, I'll know you would me hurt or angry with me and I don't want you to go away."

Tyler moved closer to me and kissed me.

"One last kiss" Tyler whispered. He then got up and walked inside.

"You move on quickly, don't you" Andrew said from behind me. The window was down slightly and he was in a limo.

"No. Obviously you didn't hear the whole thing" I said angrily. He laughed and opened the door. I got up and quickly jumped in before anyone could see.

We drove into the driveway of Andrew's house.

"Put your head down, the paparazzi will somehow find out who you are if you show your head" He told me. I did as I was told and quickly put my head between my legs. I giggled a little when he put his hand on my back, making sure that I stayed down. I could start to hear a few voices, knocks on the car and camera flashes. After about a minute Andrew took his hand of my back and I brought my head back up to look at him.

"Won't they see me when I get out?" I asked. His eyes grew bigger and laughed.

"I forgot about that. Well do you want my jumper to put over your head? Or do you want to be known to everyone that you're my girlfriend?" He asked. As much as I wanted to be known as his girlfriend, I didn't want it on the news or something. I nodded slowly as he gave me his jumper. It smelt like him. Wow, that's creepy. I put it on, leaving it on my head.

"Beware of the paparazzi, If you don't want to be slightly famous, don't show your face whatsoever" He warned me. I nodded once more. He got out of the car and held the door open for me to get out; I jumped out of the car and slowly made my way to the door with Andrew. I heard yells of 'Who is this girl?' and 'Is this your girlfriend?'

I couldn't help but smile at that comment. Yes, despite what he had said yesterday, I still do like him. I finally made it to the front door. Andrew opened it for me and then closed it.

"Sorry about that" He half whispered.

"I'm fine with it. As long as I'm not going to get any attention, I'm fine with it" I smiled.

I want to be your attention. I giggled at my own thought. Like that would ever happen.

The session of his tutoring finished and I sat in silence at his house.

"Nice house," I said as I continued to look around.

"Thanks. It's new, I thought it would be a nice birthday present for my mother," Andrew laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked. He didn't look away when I covered my face just in case. He smiled, and got up.

"Do you want a drink?" He asked. I nodded but still wondered what he was laughing at. Wait, how am I going to get home? The paparazzi now know I was in the house so they would probably follow to see where I live.

"You should have seen yesterday. You have quite a thing for girls that don't know you," I laughed.

"What do you mean?" He asked, dumbfounded by the comment. He put the cup of water that he poured next to me and started to sip on his.

"I mean when I was watching a movie yesterday with Tyler, when your trailer thing for your movie came on, every girl yelled and screamed your name saying you were hot," I explained, sighing. It was really annoying. He stared laughing. I rolled my eyes and started to take big sips of my drink until the cup was empty; I put the cup down and looked at Andrew who was still slightly laughing.


Not much, maybe just a filler chapter. Not into writing big chapters when I can't think .-. but I swear nobody reads this story o.o just saying.

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