Stolen by Styles

By Louispotatoesss

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"Taylor?" a low raspy voice comes from next to me slowly I look up. I see a boy standing before me. his... More

Stolen by Styles
Chapter 2: Stolen
Chapter 3: Planes
chapter 4: London
A/N. winners!
A/N Im an idiot.
Chapter 5: Nighttime
Chapter 6: Girlies
Chapter 7: Hello
Rllly sorrry
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Please help.

Chapter one: prepared

1.8K 43 5
By Louispotatoesss

:-) A/N

I dont know how this is going to turn out but please dont tell me it's horrible. I will figure it out on my own. I DONT NEED YO CRAZY ASSES TELLIN ME I SUCK! Lol. No but really don't hate, appreciate! Now onto the book. The two main characters are harry and taylor. If you've read my other book you know all of my characters in books are me❤ im Taylor. If you need help imagining me look at my profile pic and follow me while your at it! Haha jk stillll not thirstyy! But if you want you can.

Taylor X X X

Taylor's POV:

Hey I'm Taylor. Just a regular now 17 year old girl. 17 is the worst age to be. This is the year that I am to be stolen. Stolen by whatever boy just happens to be assigned to me. Today is my birthday. My 17th birthday. Normal birthdays are happy and have singing and everything nice. Not this one. This birthday is filled with goodbyes sadness and tears from all of my family and friends knowing that I will probably never see any of them again.

There are so many probabilities of who could steel me. There could be a nice man just looking for a friend or soulmate. Then there's the probability that it will be a bad man looking to use me for anything his heart desires. He can do this because I am now his. Forever.

"good morning sweet heart..." mom says with tears in her eyes realizing that I was awake.

"I don't want to leave mom!" I whisper yell as she pulls me into a hug.

I bite my lip trying noto to cry. it doesn't help it just makes it worse. I will never have another morning with mom. No morning walks to the cafe. No more waking up and having a cup of tea. No more special days out with her. Its all going to be gone in a matter if hours.

"You better get dressed honey, everyone will be in town at 12:00" mom says.

"Okay" i mumble, dragging my body out of bed and into the bathroom.

I turn on the shower and let it warm up.

When i step into the shower I'm scalded with freezing cold water. I quickly step out.

Great mom forgot to pay the water bill again. Oh well. I'll just smell bad to ever steals me.

"Mom theres no hot water! Im curling my hair!" I yell knowing my mom won't here.

I curl my hair. Then i do my makeup.

I wonder what i should wear. What do you wear to an event like this? Fancy? Casual?

I go for a simple pair of red skinny jeans and a blue and white striped crop top.

I sneak a glance at my self as I walk past the mirror. I stop and stare for a while. A tear escapes my eye.

Im going to miss my room. My house. My family. My life.

I walk down stairs to be greeted by my small family. My granny my mom and my dad.

"Theres tables on the pancakes deer-heart!" My granny says. Shes going insane. She can't even talk right.

"Thanks gran!" I say, faking a smile.

I walk into the kitchen to see a bowl of what hopefully is oatmeal on the table.

I grab a spoon and take a bite, gagging on the awful taste and texture.

I walk over and dump it into the sink. I grab a pop-tart and throw it in the toaster.

Life would be incomplete without pop-tarts.

I jump as my pop-tart pops out of the toaster.

I grab it and quickly throw it on a plate. I sit down at the table.

I wonder what will happen today.

I am in deep thought when i glance at the clock. 11:00.

One more hour.

I sink my teeth into my warm pop-tart as the gooey strawberry filling fills my mouth.

By the time i finish my pop-tart and get up its 11:30.

My heart feels like its in my throat and butterflies are on meth bouncing around in my stomach.

I go to the family room and join my family in prayer.

"And please god make sure my baby girl goes to a good boy!" my mom says her voice cracking.

"Amen" we all say.

We just talk and cry for the rest of the time.

"Its time to get stolen." my dad says looking at his watch.

I shutter in fear.

"Are you ready for this?" mom asks.

" I am prepared."


How was it?!?!?!??!?????? Ahhh it was fun to write except i didn't have much time because of stupid ass school. VOTE AND COMMENT FOR MORE.

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