By httpriarkle

61K 2.7K 1.3K

❝ i'm chasing roller coasters. i've got to have you closer now. endless romantic stories; you never could co... More

notice <3
v. a thanks
vi. talks
vii. news
viii. pushes and pulls
ix. nightmare and noise
x. anxious
xi. confessions
xii. new scars
xii. hey jude
xv. pills and ramblings
xvi. pity party
xvii. what a mess
xviii. what's death like?
xix. i want to leave
xx. i never meant to hurt you
[21] Distraction Through Distance
how i wanted it to end:

xiv. maya penelope hart

2.7K 117 79
By httpriarkle

"i watched you
d i s a p p e a r."

As Riley walked passed the liquor store, someone called out to her,"Riley!"

Riley looked around for someone. Soon, she spotted a silhouette. She furrowed her brows. She knew she should run, everything thing in her screamed to, but the voice sounded so familiar. The figure took a step into the light. Riley couldn't help, but be relieved to see Charlie Gardner.

"Charlie," Riley forced a small smile,"what are you doing here?"

He gave her his signature Charlie Gardner smile,"I could ask you the same thing, but my dad works the night shift here, and I said I'd join him."

"Oh. Okay.."

"I... I heard about Maya. I'm... really sorry."

Riley pursed her lips together.

"Me too."

Before Riley could speak again, her phone rang. Confused, Riley pulled it out to reveal that it was Lucas who was calling her.

"Oh no," Riley whispered quietly before answering."Hello?"

"Riley, oh thank God. Are you able to come to the hospital? Maya's awake, but they're not letting anyone see her 'till we're all there," Lucas said, hardly taking a breath.

"Yeah, I'll be there as soon as I can," Riley said before hanging up.

She began to dial the apartment's phone number. In a few rings, her father picked up.

"Hello?" Cory's voice asked, filling the line.

"Dad, Maya's awake," Riley said simply.

"Riley? Where are you? Did you sneak out? - ?"

"It doesn't matter right now. Just come to the hospital, okay?" Riley cut him off.

"Yes, it does. We'll go see her tomorrow, and - ."

"We have to go tonight, or else no one will get to see her. Please."

Riley heard her father sigh.

"Fine, but you're grounded the rest of break."

"Okay," Riley mumbled before hanging up.

She looked back to Charlie.

"I need to go. Stay safe!" Riley said before running off in the direction of the hospital.

Riley's body was numbed, only running on traces of adrenaline. She needed to see her best friend. She needed to hear Maya tease Lucas; call her Peaches. Riley needed Maya. Without Maya, Riley would never have unfolded her hands.

Riley could hear her heavy breaths as her legs carried her through the streets of New York. Soon, Riley found herself in the hospital. She burst through the door, leaning on a worried Lucas' shoulder to catch her breath. Farkle ran through the door minutes later, followed by Cory, Topanga, and Auggie. Now in the room stood: Riley, Topanga, with Auggie on her hip, Farkle, Zay, Lucas, Katy, and Shawn instead of the crowd from before.

"Is everyone here?" Asked a middle aged man.

"Yes, we're all here, Dr. James," Katy said, clearing her throat.

"Okay, I have good news and bad news," said Dr. James, pausing."Ms. Hart is awake, but her memory has been impaired."

"Impaired?" Katy asked.

"Maya has amnesia. We don't know if it's long term or short term, but either way, we hope that she'll have her memories back by her senior year in high school."

Riley felt the world collapse on her. That couldn't happen. Maya couldn't... Maya had to remember them. She had to remember Riley. They were Honey and Peaches...

"Can we see her?" Riley asked, drawing everyone's attention to her.

"Actually..., she's already ready to see you. You come out now, Maya," Dr. James answered.

Dr. James stepped out of the way to reveal the same girl that crawled through Riley's bay window years ago. Riley felt her heart break as she watched Maya numbly walk down the hall, looking around. Tears sprang to Riley's eyes.

"Peaches?" Riley's voice broke.

Maya looked to her, furrowing her brows.

"Who's Peaches?" Maya asked.

"Ms. Hart, these are your friends and family. Would all of you go around and say who you are and how you're aquatinted?" Dr. James cut in.

"I'll start," Katy said."Katy Hart. I'm your momma."

Riley looked to Shawn, who was standing next to Katy.

"Well, I'm Shawn Hunter. I... really don't know what I am to you."

"He's like a father to you because your real father walked out on you when you were young," Riley blurted out.

"It's complicated," Shawn summed up.

"But I'm Riley Matthews... Your best friend."

Next went Farkle saying,"Farkle Minkus. I'm also your best friend, and you use me however you see fit."

And then Lucas,"I'm Lucas Friar, and you call me Huckleberry, Ranger Rick, Bucky Mic Boing Boing, and so many other things. You tease me about being from Texas, and you yell,'Ha-Hurr!' in my face. And I'm also one of your best friends."

"Well, I'm Zay Babineaux, and I call you Honey Nugget from when you pretended to be my girlfriend, so, best friend, too."

Soon, Cory ("I'm Cory Matthews. You call me 'Matthews' and you're my daughter's troublesome best friend, and I teach you history."), Topanga ("You're my fierce Amazon Warroir, Maya. I'm Topanga Matthews, and we're a couple of shrimps."), and Auggie ("Well, I'm Auggie. Riley's younger brother.") had all explained their connection to Maya.

Everyone dispersed into two groups, one with Maya and the other at the front desk. Maya sat across from Riley, who had Auggie on her lap, with Farkle, Lucas, and Zay. By the front desk, Shawn had his arm around Katy, offering to help pay the discharge costs because he loves this girl as much as she does. And Cory and Topanga offered to help too, but Katy denied them, reminding them all how much they've done for herself and Maya.

"So... how did I meet all you guys?" Maya asked.

"Riley should start. You met her first," Farkle offered.

"Well, you crawled through my bay window, which is our safe place, and, almost immediately, our dynamic had been determined: mischief," Riley explained.

"You were seven when I was born, so that's how we met," Auggie commented, making Maya chuckle.

"Then you met me at the Halloween party Riley's family put on for our first grade class. It's when I saved Riley's life twice, and I promised to love you both the same," Farkle said after Auggie. Maya blushed at his last comment.

"You met me while on the subway on the first day of seventh grade. We went out for probably thirty seconds before you dumped me, which only led to Riley falling into my lap," Lucas explained.

"You just know me through Lucas. I transferred to JQA from Austin, Texas," Zay said simply.

Lucas patted Zay's shoulder.

"Okay, Babygirl, I can take you home now," Katy said, breaking up the children's conversation.

"Okay then. Let's go," Maya agreed.
A/N: did you guys really think I'd kill Maya? But let her live without consequence? Nah.

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