Gotta get out (Luke hemmings)

By Ella_horanxx

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I have 5 brothers, but biologically only 1 but blood doesn't really decide who your family are to me it's who... More

Gotta get out (Luke hemmings)
Chapter 1 moving day
Chapter 2 Settling in
Chapter 3 Metting 5sos
Chapter 4-rehersals
Chapter 5 its a date
Chapter 6 the first show
Chapter 7 getting ready for the date
Chapter 8 first date
Chapter 9 who was it
Chapter 10 interviews
Chapter 12 chanel and jimmy choo
Chapter 13 premire time
Chapter 14 tickle monster
Chapter 15 a little fun
Chapter 16 the truth
Chapter 17 pink bras
Chapter 18 clouds spotting
Chapter 19 pre-tour shopping
Chapter 20 "lets do a twitcam"
Chapter 21- bobs your uncle
Chapter 22 airport fun
Chapter 23 day no.1 of america
Chapter 25-brotherly embarrassment
Chapter 26-make up chair
Chapter 27-movie day
Chapter 28- Meet and greet fun
Chapter 29- ballet boy
Chapter 30- ballet shoot

Chapter 11 quick fire

297 4 0
By Ella_horanxx

Ella's pov-

"And now we welcome liam paynes little sister Ella!"

This is it

As soon as I walked on stage there were lights blinding my face, I hope I wasn't squinting too much

The heat off the light was getting to me, wow how do people look so good with this I've been here a second and I'm sweating like a pig!

The interviewer have me a hug and I sat myself down next to niall who put his arm around me, gave my a slight squeeze and then put his arm back on the back of the sofa

"So Ella, I need to ask, have you been getting extra close to any of these boys?" The interviewer wiggled his eyebrows

Harry started practically choking on his own spit and I just laughed

" no definitely not! All of the boys are like brothers to me literally" I smiled politely

"Oh, you seem to spend a lot of time around niall?" He smirked

Why did everyone seem to think I like the boys like that!?

"No Nialls like my best guy friend ever, sorry to any nella shippers out there but he is like one of the girls practically who I tell my gossip to"

"Okay so what's each individual one like to live with?"

"Well with niall we watch films he is like one of the girls a lot but a very laddy girl, harry is typical harry flirty funny just a good laugh really and he makes great food, zayn is mostly like on his phone or something but he's really good at advice like he always has a solution,Liam isn't as sensible as a lot of people think like he's got more rebellious over his years but he is just the liam the fans know him as really, well they all are, and louis has great fashion sense so I make him choose what I wear most days"

"Did louis choose what you're wearing now? Which looks lovely by the way" the man flirted

"No but I could imagine louis picking this sort of thing for a night out, but the stylist lou picked this out for me" I smiled trying to ignore the mans obvious attempts at flirting

The other boys had noticed too I felt niall tense up a little as the man was practically eye ducking me in front of millions of people

"We'll it's lovely, so you said harry is a flirt care to explain?"

"Yeah he isn't like in a serious way flirting, it's just he's a friendly person and he says things as a joke flirting, he just has that sort of good sense of humour. He does it to everyone, even the boys!"

The crowed started laughing and shouted out ship names, one of the ones everyone was shouting was narry, which was a surprise it's usually larry!

Harry laughed "oh niall, you do look dashing today" he winked as niall acted all embarrassed, harry wiggled his eyebrows and practically pounced on niall kissing his cheek making the crowd go mental!

"Well there's harry for you!" I giggled

"Okay so now boys, what's Ella like to live with?"

"She's like a little doll that you just want to dress up and play with, she's never a bother, always smiling like no matter what!" Louis smiled

"Yeah like louis said she's great, she eats a lot though but is too lazy to cook which you wouldn't think by her figure but she's just a little ball of energy like a puppy or something" harry laughed

All the boys agreed

"Okay so we know all about the boys but Ella lets play a quick fire game ill ask you a simple question and just reply quickly"

I nodded and moved position a little to get comfortable

"Coke or Pepsi?"


"Cats or dogs?"


"Pink or purple"


"Girly or tomboy"


"Single or dating"


"Favourite member of 1D"

"Ermm...niall, sorry lads"

"Tour bus or hotel?"


"Beach or pool"


"Chocolate or vanilla"


"Okay and that's all we have time for today, so we got to know our new favourite 1D sibling, join us after the break with Katy perry!" The man shouted

"And you're off air!" A voice shouted

"Omg you did it Ella well done!" Louis shouted hugging me as we walked off stage

"Omg that was amazing!" I beamed

The boys were quickly thrown into a van along with me as we drove towards the arena they were playing at

"Guys I'm going to get going back I'm really tired and just want to Skype Zoe" the boys nodded and dropped me back at the house

Once I got it I got changed into comfy clothes and took off my make up and went on my laptop to Skype Zoe

"Ella I miss youuuuu!" She squealed as she picked up

"I miss you too, I just did my first interview omg it was so scary! And it was live I was so scared if I messed up!"

We talked for a few hours before my phone began to ring

"One second zoe my phones ringing" I picked it up

"Hey Ella" I instantly recognised that voice

"Hey Luke" zoe started giggling and I gave her the evil eye

"Where were you tonight?"

Aww omg he actually cared about me

"I went home after the interview to call my friend from home"

"Oh alright just checking you were okay, see you tomorrow"

"Bye" I smiled and hung up the phone, well today was rather eventful

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