Justin Bieber Imagines (BWWM)

By AshleyMendes29

1.5K 38 7

So, this is for all my sisters. I hope you like it, but if you don't, go back into your judgmental hole, k? J... More

Road Trip
Nowhere But Up
Don't Judge Me

Pickup Lines and Pet Names

232 9 2
By AshleyMendes29

Bethany's POV

June 30th, 1998

Me and Tracy are walking down the street to go watch the baseball game.

Mommy did my hair in 2 big Afro puffs before breakfast and I'm wearing my favourite pair of overalls. Daddy said I look like a princess before they both went to work.

As we get to the park, I see that their warming up and practicing. There's this one boy trying to hit the ball off the bar and he keeps missing.

I sit down and when I do, he looks over at me. He smiles a little and I feel a weird feeling in my tummy.

Soon they start 'Oh, Canada' and he is straight tripping. He's dancing and laughing though the whole thing.

After the anthem, they start playing. They are pretty good. The mystery guy gets a home run too and winks at me before joining his team.

Tracy, my babysitter laughs a little and I blush before looking down at my Tamagotchi.

Pretty soon, they're done the game and I found out the guys name is Justin. He kept on getting distracted and everyone was yelling at him.

Trac and I get up to go get hot dogs, and Justin comes up to us with a big grin.

"Hi I'm Justin." He waves, excited. I smile a little and wave too.

"Hi, I'm Bethany but you can call me Beth." I say shyly.

"I guess I'm not in the park anymore." He says sighing.


"I must be in a museum because you are one piece of art." He says and Tracy laughs but I don't get it.

"What?" I ask. He slaps his hand on his head, before trying again.

"You're so sweet, you'd put Hershey's out of business." He says taking my hand into his.

"That's racist!" I say before frowning and pulling my hand away.

"S-sorry. I didn't mean it like that!" He says frantically. I look at him and nod.

"That's okay." I say with a smile. Soon some lady comes up to us, and introduces herself as Justin's mom.

"Do you want to go on a play date with me some day?" He asks hopeful and I nod.

"Yeah. I'll ask my mom for tomorrow!" I say smiling.

"Okay. Here's my number hon' bun." He says before saying his number as we write it on the wrapper.

"I'll see you later Justin!" I say as we walk away.

"Bye Poo Bear!" He says back and I giggle.


September 5, 1998

It's my first day of school and I'm absolutely terrified. I don't know anyone here and I won't have any friends.

Walking into my class, I see a familiar head of brown hair and then his voice rings out.

"Poo Bear!" Justin says putting the blocks down and running to me.

I smile and he hugs me before laughing.

"How are you? I missed you the whole  summer!" He says and I laugh. 

"I was only gone for a week." I say laughing.

He nods and takes my bag and hand.

"Here, sit wit me." He says and places my bag beside his.

"Thanks." I say with a smile before siting down.

"I love your hair hon'bun." He says touching my Afro. I smile a little and move his hand away.

"Thanks." I say laughing  before we go to play.

"Is your dad Muhammad Ali? Because you're a knockout." He says laughing before looking over. I giggle and shake my head.

"You're funny Jay." I say before playing with the kitchen set.

We play a bit more before we go and start learning. We introduce ourselves  before the teacher makes us stand up and state our favourite part of starting Junior Kindergarten.

"My favourite part is that I get to make new friends and learn cool things." I say before sitting and it's now Justin's turn.

"My favourite part is that I have my Poo bear in my class." He says before pointing at me. I laugh a little and blush.

"Thanks for sharing Justin." Ms.Anderson says as she giggles.

After that we go out and play. Justin is playing with these boys and I'm playing with this girl named Erin.

Soon Justin comes over and kisses my cheek.

"The boys dared me to do it." He says in fear that I'll be mad. I blush and shake my head. 

"It's okay." I say before kissing his cheek.

"Ooooooooh!! Justin has cooties!" The boys yell and he blushes before waving and running off.

Justin's POV

March 1, 2010

"You're going on tour?!" She says, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Yes poo bear, I'm going on tour." I say for about the 30th time.

"Oh My Goodness! My best friend in the whole world is going on tour!" She says before tackling me into a hug, us both falling back onto my bed.

"Yeah, I'm going on tour." She giggles and kisses my cheek.

"I'm so happy for you. But now that you're a huge star, my gift is going to be so stupid." She says, biting her lip.

"It won't be, please don't say that. Whatever you give me, I'll love forever." I say squeezing her hand.

"Fine." She gets up and grabs this huge box, placing it on the bed.

"I hope you like it." She says pushing her braids back.

I rip the packet open and it's a skateboard. I smile a little and take it.

"This is an amazing gift." I say admiring it.

"Turn it over." She says and I see it's designed with different stickers and as my eyes travel down, my eyes widen.

"Is this a signature from Tony Hawk?!" I ask as I look at it again.

"Yeah, but it's nothing too big anymore, Mr.Superstar." She says shrugging. I throw the board on the bed and grab her pulling her into a hug.

"It's the best gift, I've ever received." I say and pull away, smiling. She smiles too and I bite my lip.

"Remember when we were younger, you'd always tell me these corny pick up lines?" She says and I nod, blushing.

"Those were embarrassing."

"I thought they were cute." She says and laughs a little.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. It made me feel good about myself." She says shrugging.

"Well... Have you ever been arrested? Because it must be illegal to be that beautiful." I say and smile.

"I have one for you..." Beth says, excited.

"Okay, shoot."

"Kiss me if I'm wrong, but your name is Ryan Butler, right?" She says and looks up. My eyes widen and I lick my lips before leaning in.

Our lips are right in front of each other and I place my hands on her waist before closing the small gap.

Our lips move in sync and I smile into the kiss. I've wanted this since the first time I laid eyes on her.

She pulls away after a while and I look at her.

"I just needed to do that at least once... Get it out of my system." She say and I smile.

"Can I do it again?" I ask and she smiles nodding.

"Yes you may, Jay." I smile and lean in kissing her lips.


March 25, 2016

"Are you mad?"


"Can you answer me?"

"..." Beth just looks at me and rolls her eyes before looking back at her phone.

"I'm sorry that I ate the last honey bun, honey bun." I say trying to get her to laugh, but nothing.

I shake my head and sit. 

"Fine! Ignore me!" I say running my fingers through my hair.  She stands up and walks into the kitchen. She's wearing those bootylicious shorts and a tank top.

"Damn! Are those legs made of Nutella? Because I'd like to spread them." I say as I follow her and sit on the counter as she opens the fridge.

She places her phone in her shirt and bends down to get something for the fridge.

"Are you but dialling? Because that ass is calling me." She smiles a little and rolls her eyes, closing the fridge.

She grabs a pudding cup and sits on the stool. I move closer and place my lips near her ear.

"Oh, so you like pudding? Good, because I'll be pudding this dick inside you pretty soon." As soon as I say this she starts laughing loudly.

"Shut up." She says pushing me away.

"Do you forgive me Poo Bear?" I ask and she nods. 

"Fine I forgive you, but you have to buy some more buns later."

"I can get them now if you want."

"No. Later." She says as she eats the pudding.

"Why not?"

"Because after I'm done eating, you're pudding your dick in me." She says like it's obvious.

My smirk grows and I laugh, kissing her.

"I love you Beth."

"That's Princess, Poo Bear, or Hun'Bun to you sir." She says before kissing me again.

I'm so lucky to have her. I've known her for 18 years and I've been dating her for 6. I can't wait to make her my wife.

DONE!!!! I liked this one. Kind of cute in my opinion.

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