Healing His Solitude - Aizen...

By Midnight_Lilac

280K 10.7K 2.5K


Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Dr. Yukimura Shiori
Chapter 2 - Shinigami friend
Chapter 3 - Kurosaki Family
Chapter 4 - Doctors together
Chapter 5 - Family
Chapter 6 - Arrancar Attack
Chapter 7 - What are they?
Chapter 8 - Discovered
Chapter 9 - Hints
Chapter 10 - Taken Away
Chapter 11 - Aizen Sousuke
Chapter 12 - Purpose
Chapter 13 - First Job
Chapter 14 - Espada's Pillow
Chapter 15 - Entertainment
Chapter 16 - Questions
Chapter 17 - Backlash
Chapter 18 - Depth
Chapter 19 - Going Home?
Chapter 20 - Human world
Chapter 21 - Decisions
Chapter 22 - Comfort
Chapter 23 - Hope
Chapter 24 - Narrow Escape
Chapter 25 - Truth Unraveled
Chapter 26 - Shinigami
Chapter 27 - Tense Gentle Moments
Chapter 28 - The Voice Inside
Chapter 29 - Decision
Chapter 30 - Confused Emotions
Chapter 31 - Broken Façade
Chapter 33 - Love
Chapter 34 - What to do?
Chapter 35 - Persuasion
Author's Note!
Chapter 36 - Nostalgic Memories
Chapter 37 - Fight to Protect
Chapter 38 - New Life

Chapter 32 - Human Troubles

5.1K 217 69
By Midnight_Lilac

Shiori pov:

"So! What so you think of my house?" I asked with a grin as I looked back at Sousuke. I had just finished showing him around my simple one bedroom house and he had looked around silently.

He gave a smile and a nod. "Its small but welcoming." I rolled my eyes at his description.

"It must seem small to you because you're so used to being in a place as big as Las Noches." I shook my head with a dramatic sigh.

"I suppose so." Sousuke chuckled and walked up to me. He cupped my cheek gently, making me look at him.

I smiled in return and placed my hand on top of his. We stared at each other of a few moments before he leaned down to place his lips on mine. I closed my eyes, immediately responding and closing the gap between us. I brought my hands around his shoulders and tilted my head as he ran his tongue over my lips. I parted, letting his tongue dance with mine. It made me light headed and goosebumps erupted on my skin.

I couldn't stop a light moan from escaping my mouth as Sousuke wrapped his arms around me and lifted my shirt to touch my bare waist. It was going a bit too fast and I pulled away from his lips before things got a bit too heated up. I was already weak in the knees and Sousuke had to hold me up against him as I nearly collapsed.

He chuckled making me blush in embarrassment. "So weak from just a kiss? You're so innocent, Shiori. But I must say, I'm impressed at how easy you decipher people. You're a strange human." He said and came down to give me another chaste kiss.

This short kiss actually made me even more dizzy. I had to let Sousuke go and sit down on the couch until the room stopped spinning. Talk about the effects of being madly in love! I wonder how long it would take for me to get used to such kisses.

I shook my head letting out a deep breath before standing up. I walked to my room and pulled out my phone that I had switched off and kept in my drawer. I switched it on and immediately received several messages, a few of them being very recent requests to have a look at one of the older patients who had come to us.

I walked back to the living room and Sousuke was sitting on the couch with his eyes closed. I pressed my lips into a thin line before heading back to my room and getting out a pair of clothes for him. They were men's clothes that I had bought for a cousin. But it had been so long since I even contacted anyone from my family side so this particular outfit had gone unused. It looked to be Sousuke's size so nodding my head, I walked back to the living room the clothes in hand.

"Sousuke? Why don't you change into these? You're clothes will get too much attention." He looked up at me and raised a brow at the clothes I had in hand.

It was a simple formal pant and white full sleeve shirt. Surprisingly, he didn't ask me any questions as he took the clothes from me. I turned away blushing madly as he began to strip right in front of me. He chuckled and the heat of my face increased as I heard the ruffle of clothes as they met the floor.

"Are you embarrassed, Shiori? Come now, I'm sure this isn't the first time you've seen a man naked." He teased.

"Well I haven't seen you naked before! And you're my lover....of sorts. Its obvious I'll be embarrassed!" I hollered without turning around.

He just laughed again and when he signaled that he was done dressing, I turned to face him. I walked up to him with a smile and took a hold of his hand. "Now lets go to the hospital! I have to show off my job." I winked and he smiled amused.

He nodded and both of us headed out of the house and down the three blocks to the hospital.

Just as I had expected, the minute I entered, every single one of the staff ran towards me wailing. "Yukimura sensei!! You're back!" "We missed you! You'd left us for so long!!" "Do you know how much work had been piling up?! I'll leave the papers on your desk!"

I sweatdropped. Wonderful....the minute I make an entrance, I'm loaded with work.

Just as I stood there silently, everyone stopped talking finally noticing Sousuke standing next to me. They all blinked and pointed to him. "Who is he?"

"Oh, this is my friend Aizen Sousuke." The minute those words left my mouth, I was dragged a good ten feet away by Noriko and a few other nurses.

"Is he your boyfriend?! He's hot!" "If he isn't your boyfriend, can you introduce us?" "Look at his height! His physique! He's dreamy!" My brow twitched in slight annoyance at how they were looking at him. I mean, they just saw him! They didn't know head or tail about him and they were already day dreaming.....besides, he's my guy.

"Um, actually we're sort of going out." I mumbled as I glanced at Sousuke. His eyes were narrow as he watched me and I gave him a sheepish smile.

"What?! You finally got a boyfriend! That's awesome!! Good for you!" "You sure know how to look for the good ones!" They teased and I just gave an awkward smile.

"Trouble! Big trouble!" We all looked up as one of the men from the administration department came running towards us. We all walked back and I stopped next to Sousuke. He was looking at the man with narrow eyes as he stopped in front of me.

"Yukimura sensei! Please help us! You're our only hope!" He bowed deeply.

"What's wrong? What happened?" I asked and he looked at me almost crying.

"Dr. Patrick Jones is coming to our hospital today for an inspection! He was supposed to observe an operation performed by Hamada sensei today but Hamada sensei is ill! We informed the National Hospital but they are still sending over their head doctor to inspect the quality of our staff. They're doing this on purpose....setting the inspection when they know Hamada sensei isn't in. Please Yukimura sensei, you're our only hope now!" He begged.

"An inspection? At this time of the year?" I asked frowning. Inspections were scheduled during particular months each year but this timing was way off the charts.

"I know! Please Yukimura sensei!! You have to help!" He began to hyperventilate and I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Relax Jirou. Lets sit down and talk, okay? Ask the attendants to get all of us something to drink and we'll sit down and talk this through calmly." I said and he nodded, relaxing a little. He was still sweating buckets and I looked at Sousuke after letting him go.

"Sorry about this, Sousuke. It looks like something serious came up....I'm sure you'll still be able to find out about me though." I held his hand and we all walked to the conference room so we could sit and talk. Everyone was a little wary that Sousuke was with me but I told them that I trusted him with secrets. They were still uneasy but agreed on my confidence.

When we were all seated with something hot to drink, I spoke up. "Alright, Jirou. Now tell me what happened."

He was looking down anxiously and he hadn't touched his coffee. "Its started about a month ago when you were still on leave. Dr. Patrick Jones came into power, taking the place of the head doctor at the National Hospital by using his money and political background. He's actually not very skilled but everyone respects and fears him because of his status. Most people follow him just so they too can have an important well paying position in the field." Jirou explained making me narrow my eyes.

"Well, I'm not really surprised to hear that." I muttered. I mean, people with money and a strong place politics are feared by all. And lots of people ran behind people like them just so they could get the same luxury in life.

"After he came into power, he's been going on inspections and threatening to close down smaller hospitals like ours. Hearing about skilled doctors like you and Hamada sensei, Dr. Jones seems to be wary about being surpassed. As a result, three smaller hospitals have already been shut down because of his ridiculous challenges! And we're next!" Jirou put his face in his arms. He was trembling and close to breaking down.

"Relax Jirou." I reached across and placed my hand on his shoulder. "I'll take care of it. I'm not going to let some rich jerk take over our hospital. What operation are we supposed to do to prove our worth?"

Jirou looked up slightly relieved. "We have to operate on a case of Aortic Aneurysm on Takeru san. Here's the details of his case....it also has the basic pre-op checkup results." He pushed a writing pad to me and I went through it, scanning through the papers.

When I was clear of what we were going to be dealing with, I nodded and looked up at Jirou. "Alright, this looks simple enough. I'll take care of it." I smiled before looking at Sousuke who seemed to be getting a bit annoyed with all the talking happening here.

I placed a hand on his arm and he looked at me. "I'm sorry, Sousuke. I didn't think something like this would come up....but its a chance for me to show off my surgery skills! You'll get to watch too; isn't that great?" I tried to lighten his mood. He watched me silently for a moment before breaking out into a light smile.

"Very well, lets see how good you are for being called a prodigy." I rolled my eyes at his comment and we all stood up.

Picking up the medical records, I headed to the patient's room. We still had about an hour before Dr. Jones arrived so it was enough time to get full details on the case.


"Okay, don't be nervous, don't be hesitant. We have to show the inspection team that we are confident of our skills and we wont give in so easily." I told everyone gathered at the entrance of the hospital. Sousuke was standing next to me as we all discussed what we should do when the Head Doctor came in. He wasn't annoyed but watching out of mild interest.

"He's here!" One of the nurses called out and everyone stood in line on either side of the entrance. I however, stood at the end of the two lines. Sousuke was leaning against the wall a little away watching.

When a team of doctors arrived, everyone standing in the two lines bowed deeply. They came to a stop in front of me a few feet away and I gave a short bow with my head. When I looked up at the head doctor, I was mildly surprised. I was expecting him to be a middle aged man but this guy was probably in his late twenties. He had dark blue hair and matching blue eyes and his hair was long enough to be tied up in a ponytail.

Nonetheless, I kept my calm façade and smiled. "Hello, Dr. Patrick Jones. Its an honor to meet you. And congratulations on becoming the head doctor." I held out my hand for him to shake which he didn't hesitate to do with a smile. My heart skipped a beat when I felt a slight spike in Sousuke's reiatsu but I pushed it aside.

"Ah its refreshing to have at least one hospital greet me with such respect! Plus ten points for etiquette." He said smiling wider. "And what is your name, lovely? I do believe I didn't see you when I came here last time."

My brow twitched but I held my smile as I pulled my hand away. "I'm Dr. Yukimura Shiori. I'm one of the head surgeons here." I introduced myself but clenched my jaw as he looked over me from head to toe. The way he looked at me was sort of disgusting.

"Yukimura Shiori. Ah! Now I remember.....the prodigy, correct? You're very beautiful." Sousuke's reiatsu spiked again and I decided to change the topic.

"Shall we proceed with the surgery? Hamada sensei is ill so I will be doing the surgery in his place. Everything required for the operation is ready." I turned and began to lead him to the operating room. Some of the other doctors as well as Sousuke followed us. Dr. Jones and I entered the disinfecting room to get ready for the procedure while the others headed to the first floor.

"The patient has already been sedated and the Aortic Aneurysm surgery should take about an hour to perform." I explained as I washed my hands and put on the antiseptic before putting on the surgical gloves. Dr. Jones would be standing in the operating room to observe the finer details for a quick and precise surgery.

"Hmm....You know, Shiori, I was thinking."

"I would prefer if you call me Yukimura sensei, Dr. Jones." I cut him off not liking the familiar way he was talking to me.

"Come now! We're fellow doctors! We should be friendly!" He said putting an arm around my shoulder. I clenched my jaw and moved away from him.

"I feel so unloved, Shiori chan!" He commented before taking a hold of my hand and stopping me from avoiding him. I took a deep breath, sucking in my irritation and looking at him. "As I said before, I was thinking. Perhaps we don't need to go through with this inspection."

I narrowed my eyes at what he said. I didn't have a good feeling about this.

"How about we do an exchange? I'll let this hospital stay as it is and in return, you become my wife? You're beautiful, skilled and I can give you all the riches, luxury and fame that you want. It's a tempting offer, isn't it?" He leaned in to me and I put my head down so that his chance to actually kiss me, failed.

I pulled my hand away and smiled, looking at him confidently. "I'm sorry Dr. Jones. But I have no interest in money or fame. Besides, I already have someone I am going out with. I cannot accept your offer."

"I'm sure that whoever that person is, he cannot give you the status that I can. Consider it as hitting two birds with one stone....if you become my wife, I will treat you like a queen. Of course, I will still allow you to come serve in this hospital. You must really like treating people." He coaxed again.

"I'm sorry. As I said before, I already have someone I like. Besides, I prefer to keep my personal life and professional life separate. I am not aiming for fame or luxury so I decline your offer." I said sternly, not even bothering to look ay him as I spoke. When I did look at him, I clenched my jaw.

He didn't seem too happy about my rejection. He narrowed his eyes for a moment before giving a malicious smile. "Very well, then if the hospital closes down, it will be your fault. I'm pushing up the stakes. Even the slightest loss in accuracy or even the slightest complication and not just this hospital will be closed, but you will be stripped of your medical license. After all, this particular patient is quite a fragile one. He's been taking a blood thinner since two years....one slip up and his life will be in danger. Think this through carefully, Shiori. Your career is at stake. I'm generous and I'm okay to let you off inf you become my wife."

"Thank you for your concern, but I am confident of my skills. Shall we go then?" I said before walking to the door of the operating room. I was determined to send this guy running! How dare he hit on me like that! Damn, if Sousuke was there to listen and see everything he did, he would have been dead meat by now!

When I stopped in front of the patient, I gave a deep sigh pushing down the goosebumps that had erupted on my skin in disgust. I looked up at the first floor level where Sousuke was standing with some of the other staff members. This was an operating room that was open to public. Most of the time, medical students and staff from other hospitals would come to observe an ongoing surgery. Several cameras were installed as well so the people watching from above could get a zoomed view of what exactly was happening.

Sousuke was watching me intently and I looked back at the patient ready to start.

"Are you ready, Kaijin? Do you think you can keep this guy's reiatsu constant? I cant risk even the smallest mistake. I'm counting on you." I thought in my mind. I was depending on Kaijin for a stable atmosphere.

"Leave it all up to me, Peanut. If it wasn't for you telling me not to kick his butt, I would have killed him the minute he touched you." I could hear the anger in his voice and I huffed out a soft laugh. Yup, now I was confident. I could do this.

"Scalpel." I held out my hand and one of the nurses handed me a blade.

As the surgery progressed, Dr. Jones walked around observing everything. He kept a keen eye on my procedure, on the heart rate and blood pressure, the medicines that we administered during the procedure and even the precision of the different steps. Most of the people here helping me were nervous but seeing that I was confidently doing the procedure, they seemed less wary.

The one thing that had begun to worry me by the last steps of the surgery though, was that Dr. Jones was starting to get a bit touchy with me. He came to my side and put his arm around my waist. "You're doing a good job, Shiori. I can see why you're called a prodigy." I resisted the urge to flinch because I was in the middle of suturing the synthetic aorta that had been installed in the patient's blood vessel.

I knew he was doing this on purpose to make me make a mistake but Kaijin was there to keep me steady and firm. Although, Sousuke for one wasn't doing so good. I could feel the pressure in the air rising and it was not only making me anxious but the other people helping me were starting to get a little out of breath because of it.

Dr. Jones too was feeling it but he was doing a good job of maintaining his composure just so he could intimidate the rest of us. I glanced up at Sousuke. Big mistake. I felt a shiver run down my spine at the merciless look he was giving me.

"Peanut! Concentrate! Think about Aizen later!" I nearly jumped but relaxed as Kaijin yelled in my head. That's right, I could think about Sousuke later. Dr. Jones had let me go now and I brought back my concentration to finishing the surgery

I had an uneasy feeling about Sousuke now. Something serious was about to happen. I don't know what that was and I wasn't so sure if I was going to be happy to find out.


A love rival? I think not! No one can even compete with Aizen sama! Muahahahahahaahahaha!!!

Ahem, excuse my moment there. ^^' The pic is the Head Doc....the baka :P




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