One shot: Just One Fix

By drDevil

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Helena Callahan series (Emmiie) fan fiction: As a child, Chloe Faulkner had shifted the balance in the supern... More

Short Note
Chapter 2: Face off
Chapter 3: Information
Chapter 4: All is fair in love and war
Chapter 5: Chocolate
Chapter 6: Relief

Chapter 1: Beast

737 15 7
By drDevil

I banged the door behind me, walking down the steps into the rain that was pooring down. I stood in the middle of the garden and tilted up my face. I let it drown every single piece of fabric I was wearing.

I failed again.

I let the rain put out the fire in my clothes. At least I reached level 147 this time without setting the house on fire. Five years of hard work. And still no result.

I sighed and kicked the garden chair standing next to me. G*d damnit. Just three more days till Equinox.

I turned and looked at the house. It still looked the same as when I killed him. So warm and inviting. Harbouring such a dangerous thing like me.

I pulled up an elastic band from my pocket and tied my hair. I walked back to the front door. Gran was standing there waiting for me. Smirking.

“I told you so.”

I pulled up my eyebrow. “What?”

“You shouldn’t watch True Blood when trying to do that spell. You are too much distracted by Eric. You know that.”

I scoffed. “Eric wasn’t even on when he set me ablaze”.

“But I bet you were thinking of him.” She winked.

I grinned. “Hell yes.”

Gran rolled her eyes. “Come in, get a shower and put on some dry clothes. You’ll get a cold this way.”

I sighed. “Gran, a cold is a virus. You can only get it from another person, not from cold or moisture.”

I walked through the door into the hallway were lamps were softly illuminating the room.

She flicked her hand and pushed me towards the bathroom.

“There is absolutely no need for a shower.” I answered.

I concentrated on visualizing the water on my skin evaporating. Slowly steam began to form from my clothes, drawing the water away.

“Show off.” Gran laughed.

“See what you can do if you are not thinking of Eric the Viking?” she winked.

I grinned and kissed her cheek.

I walked back upstairs and opened my bedroom door. The television was still showing True Blood, but now with gorgeous Eric in the spotlight. “Sorry honey, but I cannot concentrate with you in the room.” I switched off the television.

Maybe Gran was right. You never know.

I walked back to the large mirror in the corner of my room and pulled up a chair. It now had some blackened stains from the third fire this year.

I sighed and look at myself in the mirror. My reflection looked so young and innocent. My blond curls and bright blue eyes gave me an angelic appearance. Although I was quite tall, my slender figure reminded of a child.

The only clue to the monster within me was the strange silvery glint that now and so often flashed through my pupils.

Fortunately, hardly anybody noticed. Only Gran, and only because the flashes became much more frequent after my 25th birthday.

I grinned. I remembered how she had become aware of the flashes when she was accidently looking in my eyes when I was blowing out the candles of my cake. She screamed, making me jump and smashing my cake.

After cleaning up, Gran had tried to find anything in her books about it, but to no avail. She had even called her twin, my scary great-aunt to consult, which she tends to avoid at all costs. Both oldies could find absolutely nothing on it.

I started reciting the spell backwards, carefully watching my appearance and the room in the mirror.

A black cloud started to form behind me and I heated up again.

I released some of the beast like Gran taught me and started to emit a silvery glow. In response, the cloud changed so that it had the shape of a man. I smiled. Level 148 reached. He shows his true form.

I released more and my silvery glow became brighter and started to lighten up the room.

The cloud started moving towards me.

Yes. That’s it. Come on baby. Come to mama.

The cloud stopped and seemed to hesitate.

No! Not again!

I have been doing this for five damn years now. I need to succeed, after this Equinox I need to wait 13 years before everything is in line again. Only three more days left.

I repeated the incantation and kept on saying its name over and over again. Reassuring it. Seducing it. Enticing it to come over and take me.

Slowly, it started moving towards me.

And stopped again.

I sighed, got up and turned.

I opened up my arms to it and begged “Look, I am sorry. I know that you think that I am not strong enough. But I wanted you for so long. I have been trying so long. Please don’t deny me! Use me. Together we will be unstoppable. You will be unstoppable. We can get her back. If you still want that when having me.”

That was all it needed.

It sensed something was wrong but it couldn’t resist. I was too damn willing and too tasty.

I grinned. Even big evil spirits underestimate me because of my looks. Huge mistake.

It rushed over and took me, entering me from all orifices off my body. The feeling was sensational.

I felt it attacking by body from every corner. Destroying, altering and reshaping everything in its way.

After distributing himself over my complete body, he sped up the process. The pain intensified and I gasped.

I turned myself to watch my reflection in the mirror. All the colour drained from my face, my eyes started to shine and my hair seemed to thicken and grow. I watched my nails grow razor sharp and my body becoming more muscled. 

There was a bird walking over the roof, making an awful scratching noise. I suddenly picked up the sounds of the television down stairs and the breathing of my Gran.

She was going to be so proud. Little C got halfway her mission.

I looked around. Everything seemed to have more colour and more defined boundaries. When I looked out of the window I could see birds flying in the air miles away.

The process felt like a slow but painful orgasm.

As the process got completed, a hunger built up inside me. I was starved. I felt a distinct need to get out in the open and hunt.

I walked downstairs,  slowly and carefully not to alarm Gran.

“Gran? I succeeded. Stay there or I might attack you. I am so hungry.”

I was surprised about how my voice sounded. Alluring, mysterious, throaty. Downright sexy.

I walked out the front door and over to the road at the back of the house.

I grinned. Let see what I can do.

I started running faster and faster until I was passing cars.  A small kid about 5 waved to me when I ran by her parents’ car.

Uhoh. I set of on the next dirt road on the left, afraid of attracting unwanted attention that I couldn’t handle.

Him being inside me felt so well. As if I was on drugs, crazily happy and hungry as hell.

I came to a standstill at the pond and had a crazy thought.

That would be so awesome if I could do it.

 “Let’s go for a swim!” I said to myself, slowly walking into the water.

I swam under the water for minutes. If you are dead you don’t need to breath. Very handy.

It was not very interesting, though, a pond is mainly some murky water with fish in it.

When I breached the surface of the water, there was a deer on the bank drinking. Perfect.

I swam up to it. Apparently without any noise, because it didn’t seem aware of my presence.

As I came closer, the hunger increased until it was roaring in my mind. I could think of only one thing: KILL.

I felt my nails elongate further and two large fangs shooting out through my gums. I was bleeding but I didn’t care.

I crouched back in the water and attacked. With one hand I ripped open the deer’s belly and with the other I slashed its throat. It was messy. But hey, it was my first kill. Give a girl a break.

Quickly I sucked its blood out of the main artery in its neck before all life drained away.

I rolled my eyes back into my head. Sooooo good.

After the last drop I buried the poor creature and walked back to the pond.

The hunger had somewhat resided, but was not completely gone. I wondered what people tasted like. The deer was nice, but extremely unfulfilling.

I looked at my clothes. I was covered in the deer’s blood. I had to wash them before returning to Gran. She would not let me in the house covered in blood. She is such a clean freak.

I got out of my clothes and left them on a stone on the beach. I waded into the pond until I was waist deep and started to clean my face, arms and torso, which were also covered in blood.

Maybe it would be a good idea to try the reversal in the water. This way, any fire that he would throw at me after being forced out would immediately die out.

I grinned. He would be mad, very mad.

He thought I was a weak fledgling and after entering he discovers this fledgling has a beast locked up in her and not been entirely truthful about her intent.

The big bad spirit has been fooled. He won’t like that.

But I cannot go into the lion’s den with him in me. I need to summon him there. We cannot pass the barrier as two, he would be flung out of my body if we arrive and if some of them would be there they would notice that there is something wrong and kill me. Then all my work would have been for nothing.

Let’s hope that he realizes that the goal justifies the means. We have the same ambition only our reasons are different.

I began reversing the incantation, forcing him out of my body. As expected, he refused to leave.

“We really cannot cross the barrier together. You know we have to do this in both dimensions.”

I tried harder, repeating his name, introducing him to a bit of the silver beast as a warning.

“If you don’t  leave voluntarily, I’ll let out the dog.”

 I felt a bubble of laughter leaving my mouth.

He laughed. He actually laughed at that. You jerk.

Fine. You leave me no other choice.

I released my control over Silver and it roared smelling the freedom. I would be so sorry for releasing it afterwards. But I can only fight this evil with more evil.

The silver attacked him, smothered him, and chased him out of every corner of my body. Black smoke was escaping from my body and I felt a great loneliness settling in.

I gasped. I actually go through some sort of withdrawal. My body likes him being inside me. That was unexpected, seeing he acts like some sort of virus.

My glow faded as I regained control over the silver, bit by bit putting it back in its cage. It screamed and clawed and tried to escape, but I had no choice. If I let it run free it will destroy everything in its way. Including Gran.

“You’ll get your chance soon.” I said, trying to soothe it. “I will let go completely. I promise. That is the only way this is going to work. I need your strength to pull this off.”

It accepted the truce and returned to its cage, baring its teeth to me before I locked it up.

“I promise.” I told it. It nodded and went back to sleep.

When I came back to reality the black smoke was whirling angrily around my head, obstructing every sight.

I tried to wave it away, but it simply came back.

“Okay! Stop it! You heard what I said before throwing you out. If we go together they will detect us. Stop being a child.”

The whirling stopped and the cloud assembled into a man’s figure. It formed a face and I saw it grin. It grabbed my face and kissed me.

I was stunned.

I struck out my hand in an attempt to smack him, but him being a cloud kind of sabotaged the action. I was hitting thin air.

I heard a laugh. And it sounded like the guy wasn’t able to stop laughing.

Very funny. A cloud that can’t stop laughing.

Sometimes I am even surprised with what is still considered possible within this world.

I turned to walk back to the shore and stopped dead in my tracks.

It wasn’t the cloud that was laughing.

There was a male standing on the beach, collapsing over and shaking with laughter.

He must had noticed that I had moved because all of the sudden he stopped and pulled himself up to his full length.

The silver beast stirred in its cage and roared with hate.


Oh sh*t.

It attacked its cage and tried to get out. I barely managed to keep it locked up.

The male vampire was studying me curiously, watching my every move.

It looked at me as if I was prey.

Which I was in this human form. Sh*t.

My human senses screamed to run. The beast roared to release him and attack.

Both are kind of hard when you are waist deep in a pond and butt naked.

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