His Pureblood Princess

By Aceandthewolf

8.6K 162 21

A vampire knight book Kaname love story I do not own vampire knight the characters belong to their rightful o... More

Chapter 1 Gem
Chapter 2 Zero
Chapter 3 Chocolate, and A Kiss?
Chapter 4 To The Night Class
Chapter 5 A Piece Of The Past
Chapter 7 Memory road
Chapter 8 company

Chapter 6 Gemini?

927 16 6
By Aceandthewolf

Gem's P.O.V

I sipped my blood tablet drink slowly as everyone continued there party activities. Some people danced and some talked in small groups. Yuki sat beside Kaname looking around at the other vampires, she blushed when Kaname turned toward her.

I felt my chest hurt a bit, but ignored it. "Shiki would you like to cut the cake?" I heard Takuma ask. He handed Shiki the knife and Shiki pulled it quickly, and cut Takuma's finger. "Oh... sorry." Shiki says and grabs his hand. "Don't waste it." He licked the blood off.

I stood up and went back into the mansion to control myself from the smell. "Kaname I'm sorry but I have to go." Yuki says and I looked out the window and saw Zero running through the night class. Yuki stood from Kaname and took off after him.

Hanabusa grabbed her arm and stopped her. I closed the curtain and ran upstairs to my room quickly.

Kaname's P.O.V

I watched Yuki run after Kiryu and Akatsuki came up to me. "Your just going to let her go like that?" I look at him and then to the porch railing. Gem wasn't there since she smelt the blood. "Yes, and I'm going inside to check on Gem." I stood and walked into the house and toward Gem's room.


A gunshot echoed through the house and I knew that the vampire hunter Toga Yagari was here. I walked to Gem's room and knocked on the door, "Gem can I come in?" I asked and heard her say yes. The door creaked open and she looked up at me from her bed, "Kaname I.." She looked at me with tears brimming her eyes, and I embrace her in a hug.

"I want to remember, Kaname. But it hurts to try to." She wimpers holding onto me. I ran my fingers through her silver and black hair, until she went to sleep.

(The next night )

The next day I walked through the gates to class. Gem walked in the back and watched Yuki holding back the girls. Yuki saw her and waved, being the nice person she is Gem waved back. Then continued to class.

I went to the headmasters first and then started to class. I saw Yuki in the hallway staring at the door. "I haven't seen Zero at all today Yuki." I say after hearing the conversation, and walk to the door. I go inside and walk past the teacher Toga Yagari, the vampire hunter. He glares at me as I walk by to my chair by the window.

"I'm Toga Yagari, and I will be your ethics teacher starting today. Before we start, hello vampires." He says and everyone's eyes flash their blood red color. "Yagari? That's the name of the best vampire hunter still working right now." Ruka says standing a few feet away from me. "So he's the source of last night's gunfire." Hanabusa looks at him. "Relax there's no need to worry, today I'm a fully qualified to be a legitimate teacher for this class."

"So you've come to spy on the night class have you?" Gem asks looking to Yagari. "Or the real reason is so you can try and kill one of us, Mr. Yagari?" I say and glare at him. "Well now Kaname Kuran, and Gem Kimiko. Unfortunately my list for execution is empty right now. But if either of you find my lecture boring and fall asleep, I may just add your name to it." He says and Gem smirks slightly.

"How dare you say that to Lord Kaname and Lady Gem!" Ruka jumps up angrily and shouts at him. Hanabusa stood and glared, "Ruka relax okay?" Akuski says calmly.

"I'll try not to, teacher." Gem says standing by her chair beside mine. "Hmph," Yagari looks toward her suspiciously. "Let's begin."

Before class is over

"So are there any questions?" Yagari asks, and noone says anything. "Well then that will be all, class dismissed." He says and picks up his book. He lifted the book to his face and a dagger pierced through it. "Well look a welcoming gift, I think I'll keep this to remember the time I'll be teaching vampires." He walks out of the room and closes the door.

After a few minutes Gem stands and walks to the door, I watch her open and close it leaving. "Lord Kaname would you like one of us to gaurd her?" Ruka asks turning toward me, I shake my head. "She doesn't need guarded right now," I say and we leave the classroom.


I hold the white queen chess piece in my hand and look at it. "She's grown strong since then." I nudge the piece and watch it wobble slowly.

(Gem's P.O.V)

The smell of blood went through the headmasters home. It was Yuki's, I knew Zero needs blood and Yuki would do anything for him. "Thank you Headmaster. For telling me about her past, I know I've met her before my memory was gone." I look at the headmaster and he smiles slightly. "Kaname informed me you would stop by and said I could tell you what I know." I nod my head and open the door. "Bye headmaster." I walk outside toward my dorm.

I turn the corner by the trees and see Yuki walking slowly, deep in thought. Kaname walks the opposite direction toward her, "so Yuki what have you been doing this evening?" He asks and looks at her slight anger in his redish brown eyes. "Uh why isn't night class in session." She says nervously stepping back. "There finished there back at the dorm." Kaname says and starts to walk past Yuki. "I have business with the headmaster." "Oh okay." Yuki looks away from him.

Kaname looks at her neck angrily, I knew he saw the bandage on her neck. "I hope that whatever your trying to protect won't end up causing you more pain." Kaname says and lays his hand on her head. He takes his hand off her head and starts to walk in my direction, the headmasters building is behind me.

  I continue walking toward the moon dorms and Kaname continues walking toward the headmasters building. We stop in front of each other and I smile at him, "Hi Kaname." He moves closer and puts his hand on my cheek, "Did you talk to the Headmaster?" I nod and he smiles, "good. I'll see you back at the dorms after I speak with him." He says and moves even closer. I feel his lips on mine and kiss him back closing my eyes. Once we pull away from each other my face was tinted pink and Kaname's was too.

    I start to head toward the dorms as we split up. I feel eyes on me but ignore it, going into the gates. "Gemmmmmm where were you?" Hanabusa says exaggerating. "I was busy, now what do you want?" He shrugs and I sigh, "I'm going upstairs." I leave him alone and go to my room.

Kaname's POV

   Gem and I walk away from each other after we kissed. As I near the headmasters building I stop and hear a voice, "How did I know you wouldn't leave that one alone. She's always been yours, hasn't she?" I glance to my right and see Toga leaning on a tree smoking, "But let me guess she doesn't remember anything does she? When are you gonna gel her?" I glare and his cigarette goes out. "She's remembering things, just not all of it. And when she does remember it all she'll be mine again."

Gem's POV

'Why do I feel like this?' I close my eyes and slip into a dream.

   The next think I know I open my eyes and see a meadow at night. 'Where am I?' I look around and see two horses standing in the grass eating.

"KANAME stop hahaha," I turn and see a man. Kaname?! As I step closer I see he's holding a girl with thigh length silver hair. 'She's familiar.' I think and he pulls her closer, "Oh Gemini. You make me forget about all of my problems." He pulls her in and kisses her.

'Gemini? Huh?'

They pull apart and I see the girls face, Gemini look toward me. Her eyes were a blue that I've seen in the mirror, this is me? "Kaname she's waiting for us let's go back." The girl says and they walk to the horses. "Gem one day I'll marry you. When this upcoming war is over." She smiles as they mount their steeds. "Then let's make sure the war doesn't last long," the girl says and the scene dissappears.


Then I see the girl standing beside a woman not much older than her. Gemini had tears running down her face. "I hope what your protecting doesn't cause you more pain." The woman with brown hair with dark tips, says holding Gemini's hand gently. "I love him, I'll always be there to protect him. You promised me you'd always be with me. Please don't go through with your plan." The woman smiles softly, "I always knew you would find someone to love little sister." Gemini held onto the woman's cloak, "I'll always love you. Now let's go, we mustn't let the war get out of hand any more."

They left the room and a flash of light blinded me.


      Next I see a town covered in red. "Kaname she's inside hurry." I see the silver haired girl Gemini helping some people. She gave them her blood and Kaname went inside the building. I watch the girl tell the group of people that they can stop the reign of vampires from turning every human into a vampire. There was a blur and woosh sound and Kaname walked out of the building.

The group of people were handed weapons and Kaname handed Gemini a long silver sword. He held a gun in his hand, "Dark Rose." I whisper. The new group of vampire hunters went on fighting. The blood from the pureblood helping them.

"She sacrificed herself, didn't she?" Gem asked Kaname with tears in her eyes. "Yes she threw her heart in the furnace. That's where the weapons came from." Kaname explains to her. "I'm sorry for your sister, she told me to tell you she will always be with you."

Kaname embraced Gemini and ran his fingers through her hair. "The war is almost over, my dear Gem."


I wake up and feel myself sweating badly. "T-That. Was that my past?" I get off my bed and go take a shower. 'That was. The girl Gemini she was older than I am, so how is that my past?' I wash my hair pondering over what I just saw.

(Kaname's P.O.V)

"It seems as though she's starting to remember more of long ago." The headmaster says as I sit in the chair by his desk. "Yes and when she remembers then she'll also remember our promise. From when we met almost a century ago." I say and look out the window.


Thanks for reading I don't know what to write now so see you next chapter


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