One and Only

believe96 tarafından

7.2M 74.7K 7.1K

"I-I think I'm in love with you." My eyes widened and my breath caught as those words left his lips. It was... Daha Fazla

Scared | [Pic. of Jade]
The Beach
Picture of Noah
Picture of Rose
Picture of Alex
First Day of School (Part 1) | [Pic. of Emily]
First Day of School (Part 2)
Sweet Love
Dinner With The Evers
Day One of Practice
The New Girlfriend
Food Fight!
Suspension [Pic. of Maria (Jade's mom)]
Accidental Run-In
Wonderful Rain
Staying Over
Celebrating [Pic. of Charlie]
Kicked Out
Swimming Lessons [Pic. of Liam]
Nature [Pic. of Mike]
Lovebites and Empty Classrooms [Pic. of Jane]
Overconfidence is Never a Good Thing [Pic. of Steve]
Sweet Reunion
Water War
Beaches & Fun
Robbers Should Be Quiet
Fat and Muscle
A Mistaken Kiss
Like It Didn't Even Happen...
Steamy Movies
Hear Me Out
The Christmas Party
Nerves Suck
There's Always A First Time
Taking A Risk
Second Chances
One and Only
Epilogue (Part One)
Epilogue (Part Two)

Santa Monica Pier

142K 1.6K 223
believe96 tarafından

I had this really big thing to go to on Friday and Saturday night for two weeks, and boy am I tired!! But I am writing this over sleep for you guys cause I love you all!! And thanks for commenting and voting so much on the last chapter!

And I am going to take it slow until the competition because I want you guys to see their relationship develop because something BIG is going to happen after the competition! So those of you who read my rants, know something is going to happen, so I want to show Jade and Noah's relationship develop. :)

And I know Jade is stupid, dense, an idiot, etc. but that's just the way her character is. :)

The cover to the side is by CerialKiller!! Thank you!!

Anyways, enjoy!


One and Only

Chapter Twenty-Four - Santa Monica Pier

"Oh my gosh, Jade! Can you believe I lost my virginity to THE Alex Stoner!" Rose exclaimed while pacing my room. I was here to pack clothes and Rose decided that she wanted to help me.

I chuckled at her stunned and still slightly shocked expression, "Rose, it's been almost a week since you lost it to him."

She glared at me, "Actually, it's been six days, four hours, and," she looked at the white watch on her wrist for a few seconds, "thirty-eight minutes."

I put my hands up, palms facing her, "Whoa, I don't need to know the exact time he took you."

She glared at me a little more before breaking out in an ear-splitting grin, "Sorry, I just can't believe we made love! I want to do it again! It was wonderful! It hurt at first, but then, oh god, it was the most amazing feeling I've ever had! And you were right! He said I was the best he's every had and that I'm the only one he'll ever love!"

I wrinkled my nose, "Spare me my innocence, Rose. I don't want to know exactly what happened between you two." Honestly, I was very happy for her, I knew she loved him a lot and him her. They were such an adorable couple.

Rose rolled her eyes at me, "As if you won't be doing it one day with Noah."

I tensed, "Actually I won't be."

She sat down by me, "Just imagine it, Jade, losing your virginity to Noah Evers."

As she said that, images of Noah kissing my neck and along my jaw flooded my mind. And slowly the images turned to those of us in a bed, kissing passionately, lips always interlocked, while his fingers trailed all over my bare skin and mine roamed his. I felt heat rising up my neck as I thought of such dirty thoughts of him and I.

I heard the sound of fingers snapping and then zoned back in to see Rose's fingers in front of my face. "Hello, Jade?"

I snapped my head to where she was seated on my bed by me, "Huh?"

Her lips slowly curled into a smug smile, "Naughty naughty, Jade, already fantasizing about it, ha?"

I gave her a nervous laugh, "Of course I wasn't thinking about Noah and I, uh, um in..." I trailed off as my cheeks flamed again.

"I can see it on your face, Jade, you were thinking dirty thoughts. Don't try to lie to me."

I sighed internally knowing she wouldn't let it go unless I reeled the conversation back to her beloved Alex. "How did Alex meeting your parents go?" I asked her curiously. I really did want to know, but I hadn't gotten the chance to ask her.

Her eyes gleamed, "They absolutely loved him! Usually they don't like the guys I date, but they seemed to really get along with Alex!"

I smiled brightly at her, "That's great, Rose! Now we know there'll be no problems with your guys's marriage."

"Marriage?" she seemed a little surprised.

"Yeah, weren't you planning on getting married to him? I thought you loved him." I asked her, confused.

"No, it just kind of surprised me because I never really thought of marriage."

I laughed a little, "Don't worry about it, Rose, that's still a long time away."

"But how long until you confess your feelings for Noah?" she was quick to veer the subject back to Noah and me.

"I'm not going to confess my feelings for him!" I shouted, and then quickly clamped my hand over my mouth. Oh no...

"So you're saying you do have feelings for him?" Rose asked me with a raised eyebrow. I looked down and she found her answer, "Ha! I knew it! You have to tell him how you feel! He totally likes you, too!"

I shook my head vigorously at her. "I can't."

"Why not?" she asked me and I looked up at her. All her earlier excitement was gone and replaced with confusion.

"Because, I can't let my feelings grow anymore for him. I can't let myself fall in love."

"Is it because of what your dad did to your mom?" she asked me and I nodded my head slightly, feeling that anger I always feel when I think about the horrible man I used to calm my father.

"But I thought you said she found someone else that makes her happy."

"She did." I answered.

"Then I don't see why you won't let yourself fall in love when your mom has allowed herself to. And she's the one who actually went through it."

"Rose," I looked up into her big, pale blue eyes, "twelve years, twelve years we've been without him and while I don't care about or miss my dad, I can see that my mom still does. She loved him so much, and he hurt her. Hurt her so bad that it took her twelve long years to finally be happy again. She may be over it but I know she still holds a special place in her heart for him after all he's done. And seeing that, I don't want to waste twelve years of my life being heartbroken over someone who doesn't even care to call or even say a simple sorry."

I realized that her eyes were glistening as she pulled me into a tight hug, "And if you don't fall in love, you'll be wasting your whole life anyway."


"Wow, the ferris wheel looks so much prettier in real life," I said in awe as Alex, Rose, Emily, Liam, and I stood at the entrance of the Santa Monica Pier.

"We should go there last, when it's completely dark," Emily suggested.

"You do know that having sex in a public place is illegal right?" Noah asked her.

Turning beet red, Emily exclaimed, "I didn't mean it like that!"

Alex raised his eyebrows, "Then how did you mean it?"

"I meant that it's cooler, prettier when it's completely dark!" Emily cried, clearly flustered, "I didn't mean having sex on a ferris wheel!"

Liam spoke up in a nonchalant voice, "I don't mind having sex on there, Emily. It'll probably be more thrilling." He winked at her.

Emily pushed Liam's arm off her waist and kicked him. Then she started walking ahead of him stubbornly as he just laughed and tried to wrap his arms around her, but she kept pushing him off with a frown on her face.

I giggled at their cute behavior. They make an adorable couple.

"Where to first, Cupcake?" Noah asked from beside me.

I thought about it for a second before deciding where I wanted to go. "Um, actually I was thinking I'd buy souvenirs before it got too late."

"Souvenirs?" Noah inquired.

I shrugged, "I just like getting something that reminds of the place I went to, that way I don't forget I went there." He smiled, showing his dimples. Come to think of it, I just noticed he had them! I don't know how I didn't notice them before. They're very evident and deep, and cute. He looks almost childish but at the same time so much sexier. My eyes slowly travelled to his pink lips that were still pulled back into a small smile. I wonder what he tastes like...I shook my head quickly and looked forwards again, remembering what I had been thinking about earlier. "Since when have you had dimples?"

He looked at me like I was a freak, but he had an amused smile on his face. "Since I was born I'm pretty sure. I didn't know you could them implanted." he teased me.

I huffed and started walking in front of him much like Emily, but he surprised my by putting his hands into my pockets. I could feel his warm breath on my bare neck due to my hair being in a braid. It made me want to shudder. I felt so protected with his arms wrapped around me and his hands pushing me closer to him. His cold fingers were interlaced with mine inside my pocket, gripping them tightly, but it didn't hurt.

"What are you doing?" I asked, willing my voice not to waver due to my heart crashing wildly in my chest. I turned my head, but I hadn't realized just how close he really was because his soft lips brushed against my right temple gently. The simple brushing caused my forehead to tingle causing me to close my eyes for a brief second and my heart to beat higher yet. I quickly turned my head back to the front where many small shops were starting to appear.

"My hands are cold, so I'm warming them." he replied casually.

"But why are you warming them in my pockets? Don't you have your own?"

"I do, but yours are warmer," His fingers wrapped tighter around my hands and his thumbs started stroking the tops of my them. "aren't they?" he asked into my ear, blowing lightly and I shivered into him. "Thought so." his voice was still a whisper but I could hear the cockiness, the smirk, in it.

We had reached one of the many shops, and I was about to open the door when I realized that Noah still had his hands around them. "Noah," I said in a stern voice.

"Hm?" he asked.

"Let go of my hands so I can open the door."

"But I don't want to," he whined, "my hands are finally starting to get warm."

"Noah!" I commanded him, "Let go of my hands! We look like idiots just standing in front a shop!"

"Haven't you ever heard of window-shopping?"

"I have, but the only problem here is that there are no windows!" I started rolling my hands inside my pockets, trying to get him loosen his grip on them so I could yank them free. But his strong grip held, and my frustration grew. My already thin patience was wearing thinner with every passing second. "Noah! Let go already!"

"Fine!" and he let go of my hands. I spun on my heel to face him with a glare. His lips were turned up with a wide and devilish smirk and his eyes twinkled with delight.

Unfortunately, before I could let loose my anger in the form of words and maybe a few fists, a little boy licking an orange lollipop while his mother pushed the stroller he was sitting on said, pointing his chubby finger at us, "Mommy, look, he's being mean to the girl."

His mother laughed heartily and long. So long that Noah and I exchanged worried glances before looking back to the somewhat deranged mother. "No, dear, he's showing his love in the form of teasing." And before I could correct her, she pushed the stroller and walked swiftly away.

I could feel the warmth spreading on my face and I turned around quickly so Noah wouldn't see and cleared my throat before saying, "We should, um, go inside."

"Uh, yeah," he replied, a little uncomfortable, too.

But I was glad he couldn't see my face because I didn't want him to see the small smile playing at my lips.


"Come on, Noah!" I yelled, tugging on his arm, "It'll be fun!"

"No, I don't want to go," he said stubbornly.

I turned back to him. "But why not? Everyone else is going!" I whined like a hopeless baby.

"I just don't want to go." he snapped a little harshly, "If you want to go, you can go. There is nothing stopping you."

"But I don't want to go on the ferris wheel alone!"

"Sit with Emily and Liam or Rose and Alex or something."

"And be forced to see their heavy make-outs?" I scrunched my nose in disgust, "No thanks."

"Then don't go." he replied.

"But I want to go!"

"Then go by yourself!"

"Fine then, there's bound to be someone else who'll want to go on it with me..." I trailed off and started looking in the line in front of us to see if there was anyone when I spotted a guy who seemed to be alone, too, "Oh look! I found someone! And he's pretty hot, too." I added the last part just to see what his reaction would be.

I started walking towards the guy to ask him if he wanted to go on with me when a hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me roughly into their back. "You are not going on it with him," he growled into my ear. Was that jealousy in his voice?

"Why not? I'm sure he wouldn't mind. He might even be a cool guy and we could be friends!" I squealed in fake excitement.

Noah's arms wrapped around my waist tightly, holding me to him. "I told you no," he said angrily.

"Why can't I?" I asked innocently. I kept my face straight when I really just wanted to break out in a jaw-breaking grin. I'm enjoying it far more than I should.

"Because I have a bad feeling about him."

"But he looks friendly. He doesn't even have any piercings or tattoos whatsoever." I pointed out to him.

"I don't care. I said no, so no."

"I won't go on the ferris wheel with him on one condition," I stated.


"If you go on it with me."

"What, no!" he rejected it immediately.

"Fine then, I'll just go ask him." I started trying to walk to him again but Noah just wrapped his arms around me even tighter so I wouldn't be able to escape.

"Ugh, fine I'll go on the ferris wheel with you." Noah agreed, clearly not happy.

"Thank you!" I smiled brightly at him and threw my arms around him.

When it was our turn to get in, I got on one side and him on the other. He looked really tense as he sat in front of me.

Why didn't he want to ride the ferris wheel? He had been ready to go on every other ride.

As we went higher up, I noticed his hands clench tighter, his knuckles turning white.

"Loverboy?" I asked him and he looked up at me from glaring at the floor of the cart.

"What?" he forced out of his mouth without unclenching his jaw.

"Are you okay? You seem scared..." I trailed off as I realized that he was scared of heights! It made perfect sense now! No wonder he hadn't wanted to come on in the first place! He was too scared! "Are you scared of heights?"

He gave me a small nod without saying another word. I got up to sit by him, which caused the cart to sway a little.

Noah's hands gripped the side of the cart tightly. I smiled a little because I would've never thought that Noah's biggest fear would be of heights.

I gently placed my hand on his and said softly, "Hey, don't be scared. Thousands of people have been on here and haven't died." When that didn't work, I asked him, "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

His head snapped to my direction so quickly he probably popped something. And before I knew it his lips moved into a tense smirk, but a smirk nonetheless. "There is one thing..." he trailed off and I began regretting asking him.

I gulped, "What?"

"You could...distract me."

Before I could ask him how, he had already attacked my neck, sucking hard. I instinctively moaned as I felt the magic of his lips on my bare skin. I tilted my head back, allowing him more access and space. He moved rapidly up and down my neck, almost as if he was devouring it. But I loved it. I loved everything about it.

My hands, on their own accord slipped beneath his shirt and slowly up his chest, feeling every contour of his defined chest. They moved to his back, feeling up his soft, tanned skin. As he started nibbling and sucking at my neck again after kissing it, my nails dug into his skin as I scraped them up back. He groaned just as I moaned loudly.

And as the beats of my heart kept accelerating, not just from the lust I felt, but from another emotion that was continuing to grow rapidly inside me, I couldn't help but think if Rose was correct or not. If I didn't allow myself to fall in love, would I be wasting my entire life?


Okay!! New chapter up!! Tell me what you think about it!!

I loved all the votes and comments on the last chapter so I'm going to bump it up again!

300 voted and 120 comments! I know you guys can do it!

And one more IMPORTANT THING: Can someone please make me a trailer??? I'd love you so much! I'll dedicate a chapter to you!

Quote of the Upload:

"Don't take life too seriously, you're not getting out alive anyway." - I don't really know who said this

Song of the Upload:

Best Love Song - T-Pain ft. Chris Brown (love it!)


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