Who Will I Be?

By xosugarcookiexo

37.1K 570 139

Lizzie Jonas is part of McKinley High's New Directions. She has a blast, even though her two older brothers N... More

Who Will I Be?
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen- Part 1
Chapter Sixteen- Part 2
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen- Part 1
Chapter Eighteen- Part 2

Chapter Ten

1.5K 28 4
By xosugarcookiexo

A Very Glee Christmas

------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter Ten---------------------------------------------------

Lizzie P.O.V.  

 Oh but it's cold outside...  

I jumped into Blaine Anderson's arms as we finished the hit song Baby It's Cold Outside. I know what you're thinking 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU KNOW KURT LIKES HIM! WHAT ABOUT FINN?'. Okay, first calm down, it's definetly not what you think. Blaine and I are in the King's Island Christmas Spectacular, a tradition in Ohio that I have been trying to get into once I hit the audition age. This year is going to be my first year actually PERFORMING in it and I was nervous. Luckily, this was Blaine's third year so he gave me some tips.

Blaine and I were picked to do the duet this year. Apparently, our voices matched perfectly-something the judges took note of when we both auditioned. It was great being able to perform a song with someone I already know, especially a song like this. Blaine put me down as the director, Bobby, and a few other crew members clapped for us.

"That was great guys! You're done for the day."

Blaine and I said our 'thank yous' then walked off stage towards our bags. We walked out to the parking lot together, starting a little conversation when my phone vibrated. I smiled when I saw it was Kurt.

"What's up?" Blaine asked as he leaned on his car next to mine.

I opened the keyboard, "Just Kurt asking how rehearsal went."

Ever since I told Kurt that Blaine and I were going to be performing together, he has been checking in everyday after our scheduled rehearsal. Even more than Finn! Blaine just chuckled, jeez, he was totally oblivious that Kurt was smitting over him. I guess with could cause, Kurt was great at hiding his feelings.

"He and I actually practiced the song today at Dalton." Blaine smiled, putting his bag in the trunk,

"He gave you a run for your money."

I nodded, "Trust me, Kurt can outsing me anyday. He hits notes that I will never be able to."

Yes, I was bragging about Kurt to Blaine. Hey, I'm Kurt's friend...the least I could do was help him out with his crush. Blaine nodded.

"He does have some pipes. Even though he didn't get the solo for Sectionals, he still blew us all away."

I made a mental note to tell Kurt about how he blew Blaine away. It would make his holiday. Blaine gave me a hug then we went our seperate ways.  


"So, were you and Blaine getting cozy by the fire?" Finn joked as we walked through the mall. I nudged him a bit.  

Today, after the club's fail at caroling, Artie found out at Brittany still beleives in Santa Claus. Wanting to keep the magic alive for his girlfriend, he persuaded the club to come with him and Brittany to tell 'Santa' our own Christmas wishes. How sweet was that? Nick wanted to go, but he thought it would be best for him to stay behind. Especially since Joe was has been eyeing him like a hawk. It was obvious he was getting supisicous about Nick's recent needs to go to the choir room. Finn and I made it to the Santa Station to see everyone around the white fence. Brittany was pressed up agantist it, trying to catch a glimpse of the bearded man.  

 "Well, I guess I'll go first." Mercedes said as she walked through the gate.

Brittany jumped up and down, "Go, Mercedes! Go!"  

 We all took turns on 'Santa's' lap. I just asked for more sheet music and a puppy. Random, I know. Brittany walked over to Santa and took a seat on his lap. She pointed over at Artie who smiled and waved at his girl. She then said something that would shock everyone and throw the plan out of whack.  

"That's my boyfriend. I want him to walk again."   Our jaws dropped.

 Santa looked over at Artie who was shaking his head frantically. I bit my lip, this was not good. At all.  

"I'll see what I can do." He answered.  

Crap. Artie looked down at his lap and sighed, "It's all over."  

I put a hand on his shoulder, "No. We got this far...we can think of something."


"Hey, um, Lizzie?"  

I looked over at Rachel as she carried a trash can over to me. Our entire choir room has been destoryed. Tree branches and broken ortaments laid everywhere and, to make matters worse, the presents we were giving to the orphans were missing. Who would do such a thing? Of couse, Sylvester popped into our minds first, but soon was forgotten when Brittany told us it was a guy (well, 'Santa').  

 "What's up?" I asked, smiling at the girl.

She looked over at Nick, "Is Nick seeing anyone?"  

 I looked over at my brother who was talking to Finn as he picked up a broken hook from a ballet shoe ornament. I then turned back to Rachel who wore a smile on her face, the two were rather close at Sectionals. I shrugged.  

"I wish I could tell you, but I have no idea. We don't actually talk about our personal lives."

Rachel picked up a tree branch, "You two still aren't close?"  

 To be honest, no. I mean, we've been friendly towards each other..but not exactly like BFFs. I shook my head at the brunette.  

 "It's going to take awhile, I suppose."

Rachel nodded, "Listen, uh, I'm sorry I've been such a-"Bitch?" I interrupted her with a joking smile on my face.  

She couldn't help but laugh too, "Yes. Can we start over?" She held out her hand.  

I smiled at her offer. I could definetly see Rachel and I being friends. Plus, since she has the hots for Nick, there would be no tension or even jealously. I smiled and shook it.  

"I would love to, Ms. Berry." I shook her hand.  


 I stared at myself in the dressing room mirror backstage at the Christmas Spectacular. It was finally Christmas Break and life couldn't be going anymore smoothly! Rachel and I have been getting together with Kurt and Blaine for coffee, a way for the two of us to not have an awkward first hang out. She's actually pretty cool, maybe if her big ego didn't take over more people would like her.  

Finn and I had a date last night, just a little one. I told Joe and my parents that I was hanging out with the girls, but in reality Finn and I went to a showing of 'A Christmas Carol'. Soon enough, I'll tell my parents about Finn...and maybe Joe.   I fixed the straps on my red dress and slipped on my black classic choir heels. My hair was covered by a red snow cap that Blaine would remove during the song. My hair was half up and down, glitter in it to give it a 'snowy' effect.

My phone vibrated on the vanity as I checked the text.  

In the front row with Tina, Arite, Mike, Sam, Quinn...well the ENTIRE club. Plus, your folks and Kurt. Can't wait to see you, break a leg. -Finn  

 I smiled but jumped at the feel of Blaine looking over my shoulder.

"Someone special?" He asked after chuckling at my reaction.  

 "Yeah...Kurt's step brother, actually." I smiled.

Blaine's eyes went wide, "Oh! The tall guy."  

 I laughed and nodded as Blaine put on his bow tie. He was wearing a classic tuxedo with his hair gelled back. Kurt's probably going to go crazy. The stage managered ushered us to the stage as the annoucer announded our names and school. I could hear Finn and the club hoot and holler when he said my name.   Blaine and I stepped onto the dark stage, lighting up as soon as the music started. It was set up as a living room as we both started to sing.

I danced around him, trying to make my way to the door, only to have Blaine create an excuse for me to stay. I took a moment to glance at the club. Rachel and Mercedes were doing little dances in their seats while Quinn had her head on Sam's shoulder. Finn just stared in awe, as Kurt did the same with Blaine.   Nick gave me a thumbs up as Joe looked at his phone. I sighed, but conitnued to dance. We ended the number by me jumping into Blaine's arms. He spun me around then sat down on the couch, me on his lap. The crowd broke out into appaulse as the lights went off once again. We both scurried off the stage then hugged eachother.  

"We KILLED it!" Blaine smiled, high fiving me as well.  

After the show was over, I pulled my coat on over my dress and walked with Blaine to the audience. My Mom pointed towards me and ran over to me, engulfing me into a hug. Then, she did the same with Blaine.  

"You were both amazing! Best performance of the night!"

I laughed, a bit embrassed, "Thanks, Mom."

"Thank you, Mrs. Jonas." Blaine smiled.  

Blaine went off to find his own family as I ran over to the club. They wrapped me into a big group hug, congratulating me. Rachel even complimented me, which was surprising, even though we are trying to create a friendship. Finn hugged me from behind as Joe stared at us with a cold look in his eyes.  


"Thanks for the ride home, Finn." I smiled.

 The next day, was Christmas Eve. Sue and the entire club decided to surprise Mr. Schue at his place, we refused to have him spend Christmas Eve alone. Finn pulled up to my house and smiled. We kissed...and that kiss turned into a make out session. I had time to kill, anything to stay out of that house.

My parents had their annual Christmas Party, which wouldn't be so bad if Joe didn't get to invite all his douchebag friends. Finn took a break to breath as I continued to kiss his cheek.  

 "Hey," He kissed my lips, "Do you think it's a good time to tell your parents about us? I mean, they're right inside.."

I pulled away, "No! Joe's in there-."

 "Lizzie, I'm so sick of you making that excuse. What's the worse he can do?!"  

I jumped at the tone of his voice. It wasn't like he was screaming, it was more of an annoyed/pissed off/a bit of angry tone. A tone Finn barely used.  

"You don't understand. You have a stepbrother who was open arms about it!"

"Lizzie, I want to be able to hold your hand. To kiss you in the hall, pick you up for a real date." He ran his hands  through his hair while I leaned back, arms folded, "Maybe..maybe we should stop 'dating'. At least, until you tell Joe."  

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as he said it. Finn didn't look thrilled about his own idea either, but he stuck to it. I know he's right, but it just hurts so much. I sighed and grabbed my stuff.  

"Alright, fine."

  Before Finn could say anything else, I quickly got out of the truck. Finn lingered for awhile, but as soon as I got to the door, I heard his truck screech away.   Merry Christmas.     

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