Stepbrothers • Kellic

By dropdeadkellin

69.3K 4.6K 3.9K

Nervous but seemingly confident Vic finds out that his mother is getting remarried to someone neither Vic nor... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six


3.5K 164 111
By dropdeadkellin

"What was his name?" Tony asked, pulling a face, "You said he was older than Kellin?"

"Yeah,"I scratched the back of my neck, "He was twenty-two. And his name was Justin."

Oli frowned, "Wait, who's Kellin?"

Tony, Alex and Jaime looked round, all exchanging looks, an, "uhhh," escaping Alex's open mouth.

"Just a guy," I shrugged, making sure to check whether Mike was around or not.

School had ended but all of my friends and I were hanging outside, not ready to go home yet. This usually happened on warm days, the sun oddly being out again.

Most of us that went to the bar that time were here, along with some others.

I was fairly popular in school, no real enemies, and had a quite a few friends. The only problem lately was that asshole, Ronnie Radke, and his friends. Andy Biersack could be a bit of a dick but he wasn't as bad.

"So you... you made out with Justin," Danielle processed, "And then Kellin caught you? Why did you never tell us this?"

"It never came up?" I spoke, intending fot it to come out as a statement, though it came out more as a question. Was it weird that I made out with a twenty-two year old? I mean, I was eighteen and I'm pretty sure there are students at the school banging teachers so they couldn't complain.

"But Kellin was cool with it?" Alex piped up, causing me to pull a face. I wasn't entirely sure how he felt about it. He didn't like me talking about Justin, even if we only met twice, and Kellin said he stopped screwing other guys so hopefully that's the last time that happens.

"Uh... He drove me home and smoked the whole way. He kinda took a detour so he could smoke for longer which made me think I was gonna die for a little bit because I kept forgetting to breathe. I don't know-"

"Have you had sex?" Oli asked bluntly. That was kind of just how Oliver was though do I ignored the mildly rude bahavior.


He squinted eyes, his gaze flicking all over my face, "Well, you've done something, mate, I can see it."

I bit the inside of my cheek, fighting so hard to supress the smirk that was desperate to spread on my face. Alex and Danielle noticed, both of their mouths falling open as they turned to face my fully.

Oli chuckled, "Thought so."

After that, I didn't bother hiding my contorting lips.

"What did you do? Hand job? Blow job? Did he-"

"Shut up!" I cut Dani off quickly, her voice being far too loud. She had one of those warm, kind of deep voices (for a girl) and this Corthern Californian accent. It was nice but because of this, she always talked kinda loudly and the last thing I wanted was for someone like Mike to overhear.

"Damn, sorry," she laughed, bright teeth showing.

"It's okay," I laughed back lightly.

"So yeah, what happened? You're telling me now or tomorrow, you have no choice," Oli asked, facing me.

I noticed Jaime and Tony listening in, looking at me. I couldn't decifer what they were thinking but I knew they thought me and Kellin were weird together. I don't see what the problem was! I'm eighteen!

Jesus, I keep having to remind everyone that.

I felt my phone buzz and I pulled it out of my pocket, viewing the, "Come home. Jesus, where the fuck are you?" text I had gotten from Kellin.

Rolling my eyes, I couldn't help the butterflies I got in my stomach.

"I don't know where the fuck Jesus Christ is, sorry," I texted back.

Oliver looked down at my face, a sly smirk spreading across his lips. His tattoo hand reached for my phone quickly but I was quicker, putting it back in my pocket before he could grab it.

"What was it that you did then?"

I did the blowjob gesture with my hand and mouth before grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder, "Bye."

"I guess that's gonna change," Oli snickered, Alex still laughing from what I had done. Danielle gave me a look before calling out.

"Just don't rush home! He'll know you're desperate."

Jaime and Tony laughed along with the other as I walked off, slowing my pace slightly when I reached the road. I looked left and right, crossing before making my way home.

I'm sure Oli was just teasing me and Kellin wasn't going to fuck me over a table as I wished- oh, shut up- but I was slightly suspicious. Kellin always seemed pretty blunt and Adam probably told him to text me or something.

I noticed my phone kept buzzing but that was probably just my friends. This happened a lot, there was so many of them that they'd all spam me at once and I'd have to keep checking my phone. I guess I'll just wait until I get home to read them.

Turning a corner, I found myself on that street Justin and I kissed on that time. The small corner store was very visible, quite a lot of people wither inside or outside it. To be fair, I was a pretty popular place for kids to hang out after school and to meet each other at.

Just as I was going past, though it wasn't usual for them to be here, none other than Ronnie Radke and Andy Biersack exited the shop, looking from left to right as they made their way onto the pavement. A pair of hazel eyes landed on me and I knew it was too late.

Ronnie nudged Andy with his elbow as I tried to walk faster, just wanted to get home quickly.

"Hey, fag!"

I kept moving hastily, though I couldn't pick up my pace much more without breaking into a run, and kept my eyes ahead of me, aiming to hide withing the groups of people standing around.

However, all hopes of accomplishing that were lost when I felt a tight hands grab ahold of my arm, causing me to wince and let out a small gasp and they span me round.

I wasn't weak; I had muscles from how much I played both guitar and football but it still hurt.

"Where you going?" Ronnie cackled, keeping his grip on my arm strong.

Andy stood behind him, looking down at his phone, "We don't have time for this, Ronnie. Leave him alone, he's ahold alright gu-"

"Shut it, Biersack," Ronnie scoffed, shorting his friend a look but judging from the way Andy looked at him back, I could tell Ronnie wasn't dumb enough to actually get into a fight with Andy.

I looked around, attempting to find someone to help me but nobody I knew well was here.

"I just wanna talk," Ronnie spoke in a mocking tone as he looked back at me, looking smug.

"I don't give a fuck, dick!"

His frown dropped as he shoved me back harshly, the impact being enough to hurt but not to knock me over completely.

"I'd show some respect if I was you!"

I rolled my eyes, getting into a ready stance. I didn't want to fight but I made sure my feet were shoulder width apart and that I was standing as tall as I could, even though that didn't amout to much. Overall, I was just trying to be defensive.

"Anyways," Ronnie continued, glaring at me, "Where's your brother?"

"Doesn't matter, he hates your ass. I'd advice you leave him the hell alone because I've seen my brother angry and after what's been going on lately, he's worse than ever."

Andy looked like he was thinking deeply about something and locked his jaw but still didn't say anything to me. Radke on the other hand seemed to loose it, using one hand to grab my shirt close to my neck and practically choke me.

The other came flying at my face seconds later.

He punched me, right in the jaw, and it hurt like a fucking bitch. Anger boiled inside me as I shoved him back as hard as I could, Ronnie ending up flopping into Andy, who was not amused by this.

"You'll pay for that, you little dirty shit! No wonder your daddy died, I bet he committed so he wouldn't have to deal with your pathetic, shitty ass!" Ronnie spat, hitting me hard. I felt a pang in my chest as Andy grabbed Ronnie's arm, yanking him away.


Without another word, Ronnie spat on the floor where my feet was as Andy pulled him away before they both turned to walk up the street, where I had come from.

I locked my jaw, breathing heavily as I marched the whole way home. I couldn't tell if I was angry or upset. My dad... Fuck, I missed my dad! Why did Ronnie have to mention him?

My face hurt too and I was sure there's be a bruise on there by now. Ugh, I just wanted to fucking scream!

About ten minutes later, I angrily pushed the door open, stepping in and throwing my bag across the room as far as I could. Shutting the door heavily, I made sure not to slam it, before walking onto the hallway, Kellin came down the stairs, a look on his face I couldn't decifer.

He came over to me, standing in front of me and towering over, his black clothing making him look lean. His brows were furrowed as he peered at me with those deep green eyes of his. It was funny how often they appeared to change.

"Who pissed in your cheerios?" He finally spoke up, his tone also being odd.

I looked up at him angrily, acting on instinct and moving forwards. I didn't kiss him though. I kind of stopped- but he was already and head of me and pulled me into a boyish hug.

"He pissed me off so much! Why can't he just leave me the fuck alone?!" I yelled into Kellin's shirt, hitting my fist against his chest as I said the end.

"Who?" He asked, seeming flat and a little pissed off. His arms moved so they were wrapped around me, actually making me feel rather secure. Just this little motion calmed me down a whole load, causing me to sigh lightly and ease up, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Ronnie Radke..."

"What do he do?" Kellin asked, sounding pretty mature.

I shut my eyes, resting my head in the crook of his neck. He smelt strongly of cologne as usual and I could smell the faint hint of cigarettes too.

"I saw the bruise on your face, Vic, tell me what happened," he pulled away, gently using his fingers to lift my chin and tilt it to the side so that he could see the damage on my jaw.

"It's kinda hard to talk with your examine my face," I joked, causing him to roll his eyes and very lightly run his thumb over it.

"Talk. Now."

I felt a small smirk fighting it's way onto my face so I decided to just do as he said, "He wanted to know where Mike was, I told him Mike didn't wanna see him."

"That's it?" Kellin asked, looking unimpressed, fingers still holding my face.

"Well," I bit my lip, "I may have said a few other things too... but he didn't need to bring my father into it. Fucking crapbag!"

I could feel myself beginning to get worked up again until Quinn slowly moved closer, pressing his lips to my jaw. They were a little cold but very soft, the feeling causing many butterflies to appear in my stomach. Well, I take it our parents aren't home then.

I felt him gradually move down my neck, starting to kiss at my neck. My fighters were holding on tightly to the fabric of his sleeves as he went, the feeling of it all causing me to gulp.

I felt him chuckle as he reached the dip in my neck, at the side, and quickly nipped it.

"K-Kellin, they'll-"

"They won't see, Vic," Kellin breathed, seeming to read my mind, "And even if they do, they won't know it was me."

I had nothing else to argue back with as he continued sucking and biting my skin, hands firmly holding me still. My eyes shut, my body moving closer until it was pressed against his.

Eventually I moved my neck away, remaining in his embrace, "Not too many... because my family might not notice but my friends will."

A smirk spread on his pink lips, "What's wrong with that?"

I looked up to meet the challenging gleam in his irises, instantly backing down.


Leaning down with a grin on his face, he kissed my lips passionately, holding me tighter, "I thought not."

The older boy continued to kiss me, me kissing back, until we were out of breath, when I asked, "Our parents aren't home?"

"Nope," he said softly, popping the 'p', "You're sure our brother won't show up this time?"

I felt myself flush. He knew what I had been thinking and it was obvious that that was in fact the reason he texted me earlier.

"Yeah, I'm sure. It's Monday, he stays at Tony's place on Mondays."

"Good," was all Kellin said before his lips were back on mine and his fingers were spreading my legs, pulling me up so that they were wrapped around his waist. He was stronger than he looked, carrying me upstairs with ease until we reached his room at the end of the corridor.

He managed to lock the door behind us, making his way over to his bed and kneeling on the end, moving fowards until my back was against his mattress.

"I'll pick you up from school from now on," he stated, pulling off his shirt and flexing his muscles as he did so, displaying all of his pretty tattoos. He seemed to get more and more by the day. I'm surprised he had so many jobs and that his father didn't shame him for having tattoos in the first place.

"Okay," I agreed, propping myself on my elbows as he tossed the shirt onto the floor and unbent my legs so that he could straddle me.

"Arms up," he whispered and I did as he said, his slim fingers pulling the garment of clothing off my body in seconds. I was beginning to heat up, my skin hot. Not to mention how tight my pants were getting right now.

His lips reattached to mine, the feeling being something I craved more than anything.

It was so weird. I had only known Kellin for a shot period of time and he had been my first kiss. I had kissed Justin but, man, it was nothing like Kellin's kiss. Kellin enticed me more than he should.

He was so fucking hot. He was older than me, was more attractive than I could even begin to explain, always seemed controlled and just his touch made me forget about everything that had happened with Ronnie.
He slowly grinded against me, the small moan that left my lips being to hard to fight.

"My, you are a hard boy, aren't you?"

There he goes again, causing that weird flipping feeling in my stomach.

"I- D-Dont-"

"Shut up, I know you like it when I talk to you like that," he smirked knowingly, those green eyes looking deep into mine as he cheekily reached down and gently grabbed my crotch.

My breath hitched in my throat and I looked away, closing my eyes. My reaction was obviously not what he was looking for as he sighed, beginning to start palming me through my extremely tight jeans.

It was starting to hurt, having them on, and the way Kellin's fingers were moving was causing fire to spread through my body.

"Take them off," I breathed, causing him to shake his head.

"No, you didn't ask nicely," he was teasing me now, moving his hand agonisingly slowly.

"P-Please, just get rid of them, it h-hurts," I begged, which seemed to satisfy the grinning teenager.

"Okay," he bit his lip, moving up higher so his lip were in line with my nose. Nonetheless, he bent his back, beginning to kiss me again as his fingers fumbled with my jeans while he unbuttoned and unzipped them, tugging both them and my underwear down.

He paused for breath, resting his forehead and the tip of his nose against mine as he looked down, causing me to heat up and my cheeks to blush.

"Mm," he hummed after having pulled my jeans off, face still right next to mine, "Big boy."

My breathing went irregular and I felt a little proud of that for some reason. Whatever, he seemed impressed and that's what influenced it.

"You're one hundred percent you wanna do this?" He continued in that same, light yet seductive tone he had before.

"You have no idea," I mumbled, nodding my head quickly.

He laughed, his bright teeth showing as his eyes crickled, "Okay, but I have to warn you, it'll probably hurt at first."

"That's okay," I assured the both of us. My pain tolerance was actually rather high, except for, you know, getting punched in the face unexpectedly, "Do you need the stuff?"

"I've got it covered, it's already on my dresser," he smirked, a mischievous spark in his eyes as he looked down at me.

In one small motion, his lips were back on my neck. The hickeys he had given me stung a little as he had literally bitten me a bit but I didn't care, just hearing the way his breathing was heavy turned me on and I forgot about it.

Out of nowhere, I felt him wrap a hand around my length, slowly pumping it a few times.

"Mmm," I sounded in a sort of half groan.

His free hand reached to rest beside my head, which he used to support himself with as he played with me, feeling me up. Stroking, squeezing, touching.

I felt myself building up very slowly and decided that at this point, I just needed him inside me.

"F-Fuck," was all I got out and he understood. Of course he would, he does this all the time. Part of me wondered if he minded that I was inexperienced but he seemed to be having fun with it, especially when he saw the effect he had on me.

He leaned back. "Sit up," he commended, his chest rising and falling as he watched me, who tried my best to sit up as promptly as I could. "I'm gonna test you out today, okay?"

I nodded.

"So, I'm gonna do you from behind. You can get better angles in this way anyways," he winked, causing me to blush for the hundredth time today.

It was about half four and I was getting laid.

"Turn around," he whispered and I obeyed, turning round and waiting for him. I still had a fucking erection, which made it very uncomfortable, but I hoped he'd deal with that soon.

"I have to prep you a little first," he stated and I heard a cap being flipped open. I wasn't dumb, I knew how sex worked and what everything was used for- really, with Mike as my brother and friends like Alex, there was no way I couldn't know- but I still felt awkward. I shouldn't feel embarrassed for not having lost my virginity yet but whatever, that had to change at some point.

I just never expected it to be with my soon-to-be-stepbrother.

I felt the best shift as he moved closer before he took ahold of my hips, his big hands reaching round to grasp my ass quickly. He chuckled when I shivered a little, his fingers cold.

He leaned even closer forwards to that my back was pressed to his toned chest as he slid a finger into my entrance, the feeling being weird. It didn't hurt, it easy just very uncomfortable and I kinda wanted to move around.

His finger began to move and I started squirming around, causing Kellin to chuckle, "Weird, isn't it?"

His chin rested on my shoulder as he kept going, eventually sliding another finger in. I continued to shift about, the uncomfortable increasing and my erection aching for a release even though I partially wanted to wait.

As if reading my thoughts, Kellin spoke up, "You should probably do something about that boner."

"What, like, myself?" I asked, feeling his chest rumble when a small laugh left his lips.

"Yes," he curled his fingers inside me, causing me to squeak, "Yourself. What's the problem, never done it before?"

"No, trust me, I've done it before," I mumbled, slowly reaching round and taking myself into my hand.

"Good boy," he grinned against my neck as he stretched me with this fingers, messing around and suddenly finding a spot that made my body jolt and hips to buck.


I heard him laughing, finding this all too amusing, "That's the spot."

I I moved my hand as he moved his fingers, though I found it very difficult as just the feeling of him brushing over that one spot again made my head fall back to rest on his shoulder.

"Uh," I moaned, "I-I like it.."

He didn't reply, though he did start kissing my neck. The skin there was already sensitive from the hickeys he left a minute ago, meaning when he sucked on a specific part of my neck, I let out the loudest groan I ever had. It was a mix of pain and pleasure but due to how fucking good Kellin made me feel, I didn't notice the pain at all.

Kellin himself let out a moan because of it, reaching round to take my cock in his own hands seeing as I had forgotten about helping myself out by now.

His hands were actually pretty warm as be stroked me, teasingly at first. I felt shivers run down my spine despite how hot I was and he began to touch me again.

I felt myself quickly building up, the feeling being unbareably pleasant.

"K-Kell-" I could even finish his name, my voice getting caught in my throat as he hummed.

"Do you want to come for me, Vic?" He asked but his voice sent me over the edge and I couldn't reply, climaxing and releasing everywhere.

"Fuck!" I moaned loudly. It was the best orgasm I had ever experienced. Of course, I only had masturbation to compare it to but because it was with Kellin, I knew it was the best.

I felt as though I'd float away, the sensation being so unbelievably great that I shut my eyes so that I could let my senses take over.

"Good..." he whispered, "Now let me show you something even better."

His fingers soon left me, his hand too, causing this sudden emptiness in me. Of course, I was still very overwhelmed by what just happened and wanted more, which caused a small whine to escape my mouth.

"Be patient, baby," Kellin murmured as I heard him doing dome thing behind me but I really couldn't care less. He just called me baby. Did that mean anything? Surely not, we were nothing serious. Well, not really. We were brothers, kinda, who were, kind of, sexually involved with each other.

Whatever, it sounded extremely hot coming from his mouth so I stayed quiet.

I felt Kellin move even closer to me and he pushed into me without warning. I gasped, it being painful. I was just glad he he had lube and a condom on.

I grit my teeth as he gripped my hips, holding me up ever so slightly with focused hands.

"You okay?" He questioned, though I could here the edge of amusement in his voice. I could tell part of him wanted to say something he was holding back so I nodded quickly, trying my best to ignore the uncontrollable pain I was feeling.

"I'm gonna move, just bare with it for a while..." he spoke in a deep voice, voice raw and breathey. His chest was rising and falling rapidly and I only just realised how he must be feeling right now. Of course, he wasn't feeling the same as me, so maybe what he felt was good.

His hold on my hips was strong and assuring as he slowly moved his waist, his hips coming closer so that his hard member pushed deeper inside me. I would have gasped again but I but my lip, holding it back.

Kellin continued moving, soon letting go of my hips and wrapping his arms around me as he continued gently thrusting into me, my stomach feeling weird.

Having probably known I would be in pain, he began kissing my neck again, trying to take my mind off it. I stopped biting my lip so hard, afraid it would bleed, and just focused on the feeling of his lips and tongue against my skin.

The pain I felt was intensifying the pain I felt on my jaw from where Ronnie punched me earlier and the thought of him made me frown.

"Relax," Kellin whispered, causing me to close my eyes again.

"You can go faster," I mumbled, deciding it was time. His fingers were skimming along my legs and he chuckled, not doing as I said. I then remembered something, adding a small, "Please," on the end.

"If you insist," he smirked against my neck, beginning to move faster.

The pain was numbing now and a small amount of pleasure was mixed in, my breathing going shaky. Kellin moved in and out, moaning against me when I grinded back on him.

By doing so, I allowed him to move, entering me from another angle that caused the same wash of that good feeling I felt earlier when he did it, except intensified.

"Kellin, m-more, please," I begged, my eyes screwed shut as he thrust in faster and harder, moving around as he did and trying to hit the spot.

I felt myself getting very hard again, the pleasure being more than a mere virgin boy could handle. I have to say, I can understand why Kellin had sex so often and why all the kids at school do; this was exhilarating.

"You feel so good," he moaned loudly, trying to keep it in by keeping his face buried in my neck. I wished I was facing him so that I could see his face right now but I knew that I don't think I'd last long without getting embarrassed if he could see mine.

He gripped my right thigh tightly as he thrust in again, both our bodies shaking and the bed making small noises. I was a groaning so often I had to keep biting my lip, eyes fluttering open every now and again because of how extreme the feeling was.

I was building up and very quickly. I didn't want this to end but the thought of the reals I was beginning to ache for excited me and I knew I wouldn't last long.

"Uh," Kellin moaned desperately as he kept moving and felt him twitch inside me.

One of his hands reached over to touch me again, obviously wanting me to climax soon. I'd hold off until he gave the command. If I could.

However, it wasn't long before I had tears brimming in my eyes. I wasn't in pain, I was just enjoying this so much that for some reason, my body felt it necessary for it. The way he was moving in and out of me, over and over again, causing me to moan uncontrollably, loudly and deeply.

I felt myself nearing my second climax as the twenty year old panted, ordering in a strained, hoarse voice, "Come for me again."

Complying, I practically yelled out as I let go, spilling everywhere and feeling the high I was on. I felt the warmth spread inside me as he finished too, biting my shoulder as he moaned.

"Good boy," he managed out as he usually did, kissing my neck lightly.

Neither of us had regular breathing as we sat, him with one hand still stroking me and the other arm wrapped tightly around my body as he pulled out.

"H-How was that?" He asked as he tried to regain his breath, a hint of cockiness in his voice.

"M-M... I-I... Fuck," I stuttered, weakly leaning against Kellin's toned body.

My hair was all stuck to my face and I was insanely hot right now so being this close to Kellin wasn't helping, but I felt so comfortable in his arms. There was absolutely no way I could go for another round but it's like I was always turned on around my stepbrother, his attitude and experience and just overall personality seeming to be far more than just appealing to me.

"I'm... I'm going to be late if I don't go soon," Kellin stated, seeming to have regained his regular voice, though it seemed like he was losing it from being so loud.

"Where are you going?"

He leaned to the left, pulling me with him as he laid down and moved so that I was on my back and he was lying to the side of me, looking down at my face.

He was covered in sweat too, his eyes bright and cheeks flushed. His black hair was everywhere and I remembered how much I loved his face.

"Gotta head to the tattoo studio, I have an appointment with somebody. I don't know why but apparently they're a big fan of my work," he shrugged, eyes mildly adoring as they wondered all over my face.

"You're a tattoo artist?" I asked unbelievably as I found out he had yet another job.

"Mhm," he smirked, "I need the money. Though, I like this one as it's more of a hobby of mine."

I nodded and he smiled, teeth showing, before leaning down and kissing me. It was short and sweet but there was something more to it that I couldn't understand.

"I'll leave in a minute, you can sleep for a while while I'm out and I'll lock the door so no one finds you in your big brother's bed, naked and all."

Man, I can't wait to do that again.

And, you know, to tell Danielle and Alex all about it, despite how much Alex dislikes the idea of me and Kellin together.

♡ ♢ ♡ ♢

I changed the cover! Hope you don't mind the new one haha.

Also, sorry it took me so long to update, it was a little hard to write and it also wanted to update ijnm before everyone stopped caring about that book

Also, people get offended when I make band guys bad in a fics even though I have nothing against them, it's just for the storyline (I love both Ronnie and kinda Andy)

Edit: I don't mean I kinda love Andy I mean he's kinda a bad guy but not really


This is over 5000 words so I hope you all appreciate my shitty writing. I'm excited to start all the wedding stuff, this is gonna be fun >:-)

I love y'all

- Ace ✌






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