In love with a maid??

By yoreimycruz123

196K 8.6K 751

He thought she was just another girl whom he used. She thought she could handle a guy like him. Eli... More

Chapter 1 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 2 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 3 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 4 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 5 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 6 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 7 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 8 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 9 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 10 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 11 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 12 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 13 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 14 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 15 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 16 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 17 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 18 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 19 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 20 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 21 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 22 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 23 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 24 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 25 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 26 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 27 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 28 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 29 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 30 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 31 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 32 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 33 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 34 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 35 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 36 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 37 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 38 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 39 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 40 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 41 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 42 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 43 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 44 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 46 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 47 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 48 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 49 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 50 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 51 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 52 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 53 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 54 Analia's P.O.V.
Chapter 55 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 56 Elias's P.O.V.
Chapter 57 Elias's P.O.V. ~Last Chapter~
Chapter 58 Analia's P.O.V.

Chapter 45 Analia's P.O.V.

2.2K 117 8
By yoreimycruz123

"So what are you going to do concerning this whole Victoria situation?" Fran questions throwing herself onto my bed.

"What can I do?" I ask searching for something comfortable to wear.

"Well nothing now, because there is no way you can get to that party. which I'm pretty sure she is at" Fran snorts.

"Yeah" I reply quietly.

"Now of course her being Victoria she's doing something" she adds.

"And I'm sorry to say this, but she usually gets what she wants, and she wants your man" Fran informs.

"Elias won't do anything with Victoria or any other girl that is attending that party. He's a faithful boyfriend" I state dressing myself into the cloths I picked out.

"Yeah, just not all the alcohol he'll be draining into his system" she comments.

"Alcohol doesn't get along with being faithful and alcohol equals fool around with the first person you lay eyes on" she adds.

"Which will be Victoria" she mutters even though I could hear her perfectly.

"Thanks Fran" I state sarcastically.

"Hey I only say it for your own good baby girl" she defends.

"I know" I frown climbing onto my bed and laying my head on her stomach.

"But I trust him and I'm sure he is doing nothing of the sort with Victoria. Plus he isn't much of a drinker" I inform.

She plays with the strands of my hair.

"I hope you're right Ana" she comments.

I sigh.

"Yeah me too" I confess with my eyes shut.


                Elias's P.O.V.

"That's my name don't wear it out" she grins.

I force a laugh.

She walks closer to me.

"So...." she begins flapping her eyelashes while traveling her hand up and down my chest.

I remove her hand.

"Ok first of all you're invading my personal space, and secondly do you have something in your eye?" I ask.

She rolls her eyes playfully.

"Stop with the act Elias. We both know you want me" she bites her bottom lip once again invading my personal space.

I back away.

"Umm no? we both know you're annoying" I state.

"Oh Elias you're such a joker sometimes" she laughs dismissing me with her hand.

I give her a weird look.

"I don't recall ever telling a joke" I state.

"How about this babe. Since you're denying that you want me back, let's take this an empty room" she suggests with a wink.

"No thanks" I refuse.

"I'm pretty sure I've moved on from you a long time ago" I inform.

She crosses her arms against her chest.

"As a matter of fact I wasn't really ever hung up on you, it was more like using or having fun" I add with a smirk.

"Are you rejecting me?" she questions sounding offended with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh my! She finally got it!" I announce sarcastically clapping my hands together.

Her jaw drops a little but she quickly plays it off.

"You know I always get what I want" she informs.

"Yeah well not this time sweetheart" I state.

"Elias!" Bradley cuts off.

He stands in the middle of Victoria and I facing me.

"Victoria is back!" he announces gasping dramatically.

I just stare at him with a blank expression.

"I think we got that already you idiot!" I explode in annoyance.

"Huh, wait how? Who told you? Man! I wanted to be the one to say it!" he pouts stomping his foot childishly on the floor.

"But we should go find her anyway, to tell her a few things you know" he suggests.

I slap a hand over my forehead.

Victoria then clears her throat and taps Bradley's shoulder.

He slowly turns.

He looks at Victoria shocked from head to toe.

She smiles and waves hello.

"Oh my God Elias! This blonde chick looks exactly like Victoria!" he gasps.

"For the love of God Bradley! This is Victoria!" I shout.

He stays silent for a few seconds processing this both new and obvious information.

"Ohhhhhh" he says then begins to laugh uncontrollably.

"He's drunk" Victoria and I say in unison.

"Oh this is my favorite song, yeah!" he cheers grabbing a few more shots then disappearing into all the dancing figures located in the living room.

Leaving Victoria and I alone again.



"So Elias I heard your father is back" Victoria mentions.

My jaw clenches.

I try to calm myself down, but it was impossible.

Just by the sound of the word father or the name Elvin anger instantly kicks in.

How does she even know?

Too bad I was too busy to figure that out because of how angry and annoyed I felt at the moment.

"Drink?" she questions breaking the silence between us both.

I look down at the cup she was holding out to me.

Then I look up at her.

She had this evil grin plastered on her face replacing it with the most false smile ever.

Not caring nor thinking twice I take the cup from her hand and gulp it down in an instant.

"Want another one?" she questions.

"Bring them in" I nod.

"You got it babe. Plenty of shots coming right up!" she pipes.

Returning with the drinks I take them from her and do the same thing I did with the first one.

"More" I order slamming the empty cup on a nearby table.

"Alrighty then babe" she replies going back for more.

"Let's dance" she suggests after several drinks.

I didn't agree, but I didn't refuse when she made me follow her to where the rest were dancing.

Maybe Bradley was right.

I need to have fun.

Lighten up.

Loosen up.

I need to live life.

So that's what I did.

Beginning to dance beside her she takes advantage of the opportunity and begins pressing her body closer and closer towards mine until there is no more space.

Not being bothered I continue to dance with her for God knows how long.

After a while dancing began to get boring.

"Tired?" she questions.

Feeling dizzy I nod yes.

"Oh you poor thing you look pretty sick babe" she comments feeling my forehead.

"Come let me take you upstairs to get a better look" she adds guiding me up.

I follow being less and less aware of my surroundings.

After that everything went blank inside of my head.

I didn't know what happened from that point forward.

My mind was completely in another universe.


Waking up to a pounding headache I find myself laying down on something.

I felt like a huge, nice, warm, bed.

But I didn't recall ever leaving the party or returning home.

Clutching my head I wait until blurry my eye vision adjusts.

Feeling an arm land and begin to stroke my bare chest my eyes shoot wide open.

I sit up and turn slowly to the side.

Greeted by Victoria clothed in a bed sheet with her eyes closed probably sound asleep.

My heart drops.




This can not be happening.

That did not just happen!

I did not, we did not, oh my God Analia will never forgive me for this!

I'm a cheater.

A cheater!

I hop off the bed and search for my cloths.

Finding them I quickly put them on before Victoria could even get a chance to wake up.

Sure I wanted answers, but I also wanted to get away from here as soon as possible.

Despite the pounding headache I rush downstairs.

The party was still at its full swing.

Loud music, people dancing, drinks all over, it was as if I never left because it was all the same.

Same energy.

Same people, I think even more.

As many say this party was basically just getting started.

"Bradley!" I shout over and over roaming the house in search for my idiotic best friend who is probably crazy drunk and doing something stupid.

After a few minutes I spot him dancing with this blond chick.

"Bradley!" I snap and hit his arm.

"Woah, what's up dude!? In the middle of something!" he says.

The blond continues to dance on him like I'm not even there.

"Get over here" I demand.

"What no" he refuses.

I pull on his ear dragging him towards my side as he repeatedly whined owe.

"Sorry he's into brunettes. Also known as my sister and not you!" I grin at the girl.

Her jaw drops and feeling satisfied I take Bradley away.

"Ok can you let go of my ear now!?" he shouts.

I let go.

"What's the problem I'm not your freaking dog!" he hisses.

"We need to go" I state.

"But why-".

"Don't ask further questions just please let's go" I cut off.

Realizing I was serious he sighs.

"Fine man, let's get Kevin's brother to drive us" Bradley states.

"Ok" I nod.

After a few minutes he returns with Kevin's brother and two drinks in his hand.

"Really?" I ask in annoyance.

"What!? I was thirsty on my way" he stupidly excuses.

I roll my eyes.

"Want one?" he questions holding a cup in front of me.

I hesitate.

"Eh i'm gonna need it" I shrug taking the drink from him and gulping it down.

"Ok now let's go".


Arriving at my home I make my way to my bedroom.

I was too tired to deal with all that happened tonight/ this morning.

Sure I might've slept with Victoria who is my number 1 ex that I dislike and cheated on Analia the love of my life, but currently I was seeing so many black dots that I couldn't even count them.

Managing to walk up the stairs and drag myself across the hall I open the door to my room.

Finding the light on I'm greeted with Analia.

Shocked I rub my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things since I was still drunk and was pretty dizzy.

"What are you doing here?" I ask in a whisper closing the door behind me and turning off the light.

"I was worried about you so I decided to wait for you until you came home" she states.

I throw myself on the bed.

She takes off my shoes and begins to play with my hair.

"But it's so late" I state with a yawn.

"I know but I wasn't going to be able to sleep without knowing if you were ok" she confesses.

I smile.

She's the best girlfriend ever.

Yeah who you cheated on.

"Ana...." I begin.

"Yeah?" she replies.

"I know I'm having a hard time.... currently with my dad and stuff. Umm and it makes me do stupid things that I don't mean" I begin my words coming out as mummbles.

"I may be drunk, but I'm sorry Analia" I apologize.

"For what?" she questions.

"For all the mistakes and stupid things I do that don't mean a thing" I answer.

"Elias is there something you want to tell me?" she questions.

"Yes! I-i'm having a hard time. I'm not always thinking straight. If I do something or mess up just know I would never want to hurt you intentionally, because Analia you are the best thing that has ever happened to me" I pour out.

"You're the best thing that had ever happened to me too" she confesses.

"I don't want to lose you! I don't want you to ever leave my side" I cry.

"Shhh" she advises wrapping her arms around me.

"Please, don't ever leave. Please!" I plead.

"I won't" she assures.

"I need you. I don't know how I'll go on without someone like you in my life. You keep my life up together, from falling apart. You make my world complete. You make me so happy Ana" I continue pouring my feelings out to her.

"Promise me no matter what I do you will be there" I ask.

"Promise" she whispers kissing my forehead.

"And can you sleep here tonight with me?" I ask.

"I-i just want to have you in my arms all night this once" I confess.

"Ok" she replies.

"Just this once" she adds as I begin to cuddle up against her by resting my head near her neck and wrapping a leg around her body.

"Analia....I love you".



Awww how cute was that last part right?!!!


So sorry for the wait guys.

Hope you enjoy this chapter guys!!!

Make sure please to vote and comment😊☺️.

Thank you for all the views, keep it up guys you can do it!

I love you all and your support.

But sadly there are just a few chapters left of this book😢.

It's been great and really fun creating this story and sharing it with you guys💓.

I never thought I would get this far with my work😌☺️❤️.

And I want you all to know that really appreciate it💖.

Well that is it for now my lovelies.


P.s. Check out Victoria in the box.

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