Drunken Messages- CAMREN

By _beaftjauregui_5H_

396K 10.5K 3.8K

Lauren gets a little to drunk and she randomly texts a stranger who seems to be Camila. Will they become frie... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Another Update??
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 21

8.2K 220 8
By _beaftjauregui_5H_

Camila's POV

Walking along to the other dressing room i feel my hands getting really sweaty and my heart was beating at 100mph. Damn why was i this worried and nervous? My head was spinning and my hands were shaking. What if Lucy doesny like the idea of me and Lauren, what if she outs me to the public?

We reached the dressing room so i open the door so Lucy and Lauren could enter. Lucy entered first and sat on the couch and Lauren walked past and touched my hand and gave a reassuring smile which i return with a weak smile. Lauren sits on the couch opposite Lucy and i sit next to Lauren.

"So What's up?" Lucy asks as she looks at Lauren then to me. I gulp and look at Lauren.

"Umm well i guess i wanted to tell you that i was into girls, BUT I'm not gay don't ever say i am!" Lauren lets out and sighs. Wow that was little harsh as Lucy had already told her she wouldn't label her but i guess Lauren is just making sure.

"Okay, I'm glad you could tell me" lucy smiled at Lauren "i will support you no matter what" then she looked at me and i looked away to avoid eye contact and stare at my hands.

"Thank you Lucy." I could feel Lauren's eyes burning into my head. "Also i wanted to let you know that me and Camila are dating. BUT you cannot tell anyone because incase you didn't realise I'm not out to anyone other than you, camz and Dinah. Also Camila doesn't want the public or her manager knowing so please respect her" Lauren let's out and grabs my hand and the feeling of her touch gives me butterflies in my stomach and her touch is the most amazing thing i have ever experienced. She makes me light headed and makes all the worries i have disappear.

"Don't worry Lauren, i won't tell another soul!" Lucy says and stands up.

I finally look up and smile at Lucy "thank you Lucy!" I stand as well and give her a hug. She hugs me back and i hear Lauren stand as well.

"This is why i love you" Lauren says and hugs Lucy once i let go.

"Right we better be getting back or they will think we died" i laugh and walk towards the other dressing room.

Lauren's POV

Watching camila on stage is my favourite thing because she looks so good and her dancing makes me laugh. Its ridiculous but cute because she tries so hard. I think i might need to teach her some moves while we're on tour.

They finish there last song and leave the stage. I stand in the crowd watching everyone flood out the exit. Rob the security guard comes and gets me to head back to the girls to leave. I say my goodbyes to Lucy and i let her know that i will text her as much as possible and that she can come to any show she wants.

Walking back to greet the others the excitement of travelling the country catch up with me and i really cannot wait to see all over America.

"Hey" camila greets me and gives me a really tight hug. Feeling Camila this close to me makes everything feel right and i cannot help but smile because she makes me feel things i have never felt before.

"Hello, great show" i say pulling away and smiling.

"Really? Thats great" she seems so proud of herself and i giggle because it's adorble.

"Alright love birds, we need to hit the road" Dinah announces as she enters the room.

"Shut up" i sigh and look at them. "Like where am i located like bus wise?"

" ummmm i think on our bus so you can help us write on our travels and it'll work best i think" dinah smiles at me

"Okay cool" i say

"No making out constantly though" she smirks at me

"Dinah the others do not know so that won't be happening" Camila reassures Dinah.

"Alright lets go" Ally shouts while running past the room to the bus.

We follow and make our way to start the tour and hopefully have the best time.


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