
By Emily_PotterStyles

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Alexandria is half vampire, half werewolf. Her mother is an actual descendant of Dracula, a legend if there e... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11

Part 9

178 2 3
By Emily_PotterStyles

Holding that little piece of paper with that one word on it reminded me of how much I loved Caleb. How much of an amazing boyfriend, and person in general, he is.

I brought it up to my nose, inhaling the magnificent scent of the Blue by Chanel aftershave. It sent tingles down my spine and I let out a content sigh. Held in my hand was the autograph of..

Harry Styles.


Yes, you read right, Harry Styles. That curly haired heart-throb from the tightly knit band of amazingly cute and hilarious boys, also known as One Direction. Kill. Me. Now. Excitement spasmed through my body. Harry Styles has touched this paper! The one I'm holding. I gasped as I realised yet again that I'm kinda indirectly touching him.

I apologise for the messed up ball of utter fangirliness that is me right now. It's just overwhelming that Caleb could possibly choose this place to come and then to actually meet Harry freaking Styles in the actual living and breathing flesh and sign an autograph and take a picture with little ol' me.

He even took my number. My freaking phone number! Not that he'd ever call, I completely doubt it, but still. Oh my dead wizard God! Very exciting!

You're probably thinking, okay, this is all made up. Seriously, no-one is THAT lucky, right? Well, it just so happens that my boyfriend is the best. B-E-S-T. That's right, I hyphenated.

It was a fine day, a lovely summer breeze was wafting through the beautifully constructed French windows of the penthouse suite at the top of the magnificently built hotel- Shut up Alex.

I was bored. Bored out of my mind. Not even talking to Steve was giving me any enjoyment.

"Caleb. Caaaaaaleb! Why did you choose this hotel? It's soooo boring!" I moaned, flopping around on the cushy sofa. This was the fifth hotel we'd moved to. Currently my hair was died a soft chestnut, with subtle caramel highlights and my eyes were a piercing shade of green. It made a nice change from the superficial blonde bombshell I had portrayed last.

"Alex, just wait and see. I told you there was a reason and trust me, it will be worth it," he replied patiently, rolling his eyes. He was casually sitting at the island, reading a magazine, just being the definition of cool. His hair was jet black, which didn't suit him at all. His eyes had been changed to an extremely dull shade of grey and basically, he looked horrifying. Well, as horrifying as you can look when you're an extraordinarily good-looking male and every pore on your body overflows with masculine yumminess.

So, not much then.

He kept checking his watch, as though he were late for an appointment. This didn't seem odd to me, he usually did it, but this time there was more urgency to it.

I closed my eyes and tried to take a nap but the small sounds in the room pounded my head, like they would do if I had a hangover. Which I didn't.

The wind gently blowing the curtains seemed like a hurricane smashing buildings down and uprooting houses. The soft breathing of my boyfriend sounded like heavy panting right in my ear. The hums of the radiators and the refrigerator screamed and yelled at me angrily. I groaned and moaned my life away until finally Caleb had enough of me.

"That's it. We're going on a walk." he stated firmly. Grasping my forearm, he yanked me up as though I were a feather and settled me on my feet.

"Yay! Walkies! Shall I get my lead?" I asked, faking seriousness. He caught on.

"Yep. Fetch, little doggy! Get your lead! There's a good girl!" he cooed, ruffling my hair. I growled at him and tried to take a bite out of his arm. Playfully, of course. I ran out of the room and down the hallway, barking at the top of my voice.

Caleb burst out the room and shot after me, my handbag in his hand.

"Keep your voice down, you idiot! Are you trying to get caught?" he hissed, grabbing my arm and shoving the bag into my hand.

"Sorry, I forgot. Oopsies," I mumbled, batting my eyelids at him.

"Whatever. I kinda like this place, so don't get us kicked out just yet, yeah?" he said, rolling his awkward-looking eyes.

"I won't, I promise. Promise promise promise promise-"

"Okay, Alex, I get it."

He sure has a lot of patience, doesn't he?

Or maybe it's the whole 'soul mates' thing. But I'm gonna go with the 'he loves me so freaking much because I'm just so damn-assed awesome and he has to put up with my annoying side or he wouldn't get to have my awesome side' thing.

"Wait, Alex, do you have your camera in your bag?" he asked randomly.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"You'll see." he replied, mysteriously grinning at me.

I hate secrets. Damn him. I pouted.

"I'm never gonna tell you, so don't try that look with me, sweetheart."

Woof. Neigh. Meow. Sausage rolls, sausage rolls. Moo. Baa.

"Don't make animal noises in your head, Alex, it's weird." he stated. I gaped at him.

"How did you know? Oh my god, can you read my mind?" I asked excitedly.

"No, you just have a look on your face. You're like a book, I can read you so easily," he replied, winking.

"Oh, shut up you big show-off.." I mumbled.

"Okay, so who's your favourite band in the world?" he asked. He likes random questions today.

"One Direction. Of course." I answered.

"And who's your favourite member of this band?" he questioned, his lips twitching. He knows that I love them all, but Harry's my favourite by a tiny amount. My mind raced, fitting the pieces together.

"What have you been planning Caleb?" I asked suspiciously. Narrowing my eyes at him, I waited before he burst out with laughter.

"Do you want to know the reason I chose this very hotel, Alex?" he chuckled.

"Why did you choose this very hotel?" I mimicked.

"Because a certain curly-haired band member is staying in this very hotel, Alex," Caleb whispered. I stared at him in shock, my mouth wide open.

"No. Frickin'. Way. Harry Styles is not at this hotel. Shut up!" I gasped.

"He is. I have my contacts," he winked.

"But wouldn't it have been in the news or something? Why aren't there millions of girls swarming round the place or around his room? Oh my god, do you know his room number?" I squealed, close to jumping up and down.

"Yep. It's.. this one, riiiiight here." His eyes scanned the doors and stopped at hotel number 13D.

"This is amazing. Are we allowed to, like, just knock on his door? It seems like a crime," I giggled. I was shaking with ecstasy. Caleb rolled his eyes once more and rapped his knuckles on the soft wood twice. It opened and a cute face framed with adorable messy curls popped out, grinning.

My mouth dropped open for the millionth time today but I quickly shut it, remembering he was looking at me. My cheeks flamed red and I averted my gaze.

"Hey. I'm guessing you're not here with the pizza I ordered a couple of seconds ago? But if you were, that'd be so cool, like a ninja hotel!" he joked, his gorgeous bluey-greeny eyes twinkling.

"Sorry, we're off ninja-duty at the moment. I'm just a really big fan and-" I trailed off, realising how fan-girly I sounded. Mentally wincing, I grinned to fill the awkwardness.

"Did you want, like, an autograph or something?" he asked. I nodded my head slightly. He pulled the door back some more and gestured for me to come in. I looked back at Caleb and he pushed me gently so we were standing in. The door shut behind me as I took in my surroundings.

I'm sure you've all heard how messy the One Direction room was at the X-Factor house. That was nothing on this. I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be able to see the floor in rooms, but this one didn't look as though the word 'floor' existed. There were so many clothes, empty pizza boxes and just utter crap piled on it. Bags and hoodies were strewn across sofas and on the kitchen table there was a stack of papers so high, it looked like the tree it came from. The stench was of old take-outs that smelled as if they'd been collecting for at least three years, but there was that tinge of Blue by Chanel aftershave lingering in the air. I'm surprised Harry wasn't naked, although he probably was before he'd ordered the pizza. At least his clothes were okay.

He had on his beloved purple Jack Wills hoodie and some jeans, matched with Converse trainers. Although it was pretty plain, he made it look like a supermodel's outfit. I swear he could pull off wearing a bin bag. I mean, Louis can pull off a bin lid for a hat, so anything's possible right?

He looked rather sheepish as he noticed my slightly disgusted expression and hastily said:

"Uh, sorry for the mess, um, I haven't had much time to clean. Y'know, busy doing.. stuff."

"It's okay, you should've seen my room back at home. Awful. Just hideous." I said quickly. He grinned.

"So do you want me to sign something?" he asked. I yanked open my bag and scrabbled around for a piece of paper. Nada. I found my iPod and brought it out.

"You could sign my iPod? Have you got a Sharpie?" I asked. He nodded and went to the kitchen and pulled open a drawer. Rooting around, he finally found a blue Sharpie and jogged back over, stretching out his hand for the iPod. I handed it to him and he looked at the screen and grinned. He scribbled a signature on the back.

"If you wanted, I could text the lads and ask if they would come and sign it too?" he asked, absent-mindedly. I stared in shock.

"Y-you'd do that?" I questioned, disbelievingly.

"Well, you seem like a pretty dedicated fan. You've got an 'I heart One Direction' shirt on, your iPod is paused on 'What Makes You Beautiful' and you found out my hotel room just to meet me. Persistent." he replied breezily, as if this happened daily. Well, it probably did for him.

I glanced down at my shirt and blushed. I hadn't realised it was this shirt I'd put on this morning, but it was a good job I did.

"That'd be awesome! Thank you so much!" I cried. He waved his hand and whipped out a Blackberry. His fingers tapped away quickly and he slid the phone back into his pocket.

"Anything for a beautiful fan. What's your name, by the way?" he asked, remembering that he didn't actually know me.

I blushed again at his comment and mumbled, "Alex." He turned to face Caleb and raised his eyebrow in a questioning manner.

"Caleb. Good to meet you, Harry. I've heard so much about you," he grinned, glancing at me. I shoved him playfully, not looking Harry in the eye as he laughed.

"So are you two..?" he asked.

"Yep. He's my boyfriend."

"She's my girlfriend!" Caleb stepped forwards and linked his arm into mine and we skipped around Harry in a circle and returned to our starting position. He raised his eyebrows at us, lips twitching. We chuckled.

"Don't ask.." I giggled. Harry's face shot up, as if remembering something important.

"Oh, the guys should be here in a minute. Let me just.." he trailed off, running to the fridge. He opened it, rummaged around and pulled out a carrot.

"I was gonna give this to Louis, but it seems more fitting if you do it." he grinned, handing it to me. I burst into laughter, remembering Louis' favourite thing about a girl.

We moved some bags off the sofa and sat down on it for about two seconds before there was a knock on the door. Harry leapt up yelling, "I'll get it!" and ran to the door. Looking through the peephole he grinned, stepped back and opened the door wide. Four amazingly gorgeous boys leapt through and all landed in a funny position.

"HARRY!" Louis shouted, jumping into Harry's unsuspecting arms.

"LOUIS!" Harry yelled back, hugging Louis tightly. They broke apart after a few awkward seconds.

"OH MY GOD, LIAM!" Louis screamed, as if only noticing his fellow bandmate. He then tackled him into a huge bear hug.

There was a few minutes of names being shouted out and a lot of hugging between the five guys. After the madness ended, Harry brought them over to meet me. I stood up too quickly and felt a wave of nausea. I stumbled backwards into Caleb and we crashed to the floor, landing in a pile of hoodies.

"Well, that wasn't awkward." commented Louis. He strutted over and pulled me up, then offered his hand to Caleb, who'd already pushed himself up. He accidentally punched Caleb in the face and leapt back as if someone had electrocuted him.

"Aah! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" he asked concernedly.

"Haha, I'm fine. Sorry about that. Shall we start over? I'm Caleb. You're Louis, right?" he asked, as if he hadn't just been hit in the face. Louis nodded and spotted the carrot in my hand.

"Is that for me?" he asked, grinning. I nodded, timidly and handed it to him. His eyes widened and he tackled me into a hug. "You're cool! I like you already! Hey, what's your name by the way?"

"I'm Alex," I laughed.

"You've not made a very good impression on Caleb, Louis. First you whack him, then you try to make a move on his girlfriend." Harry joked. Louis looked sheepish and stepped back.

"Good, to meet you Alex!" Niall chirped, in his cute Irish tone. He stepped forwards to give me a hug. I stretched my arms out too and we locked in a friendly embrace.

"I already know who you guys are. Who doesn't? You're Niall, Liam, Zayn, Louis and Harry." I said, pointing to each guy in turn. Then I shook my head.

"Wait, that's wrong. You're Kyle, Ian, Wayne, Hughey and Barry," I giggled, pointing to them again. They burst into laughter with me. Caleb was the only one who didn't understand and has an adorable confused look on his face.

"You're pretty funny, Alex. So are you a big fan? Wait, you've got that shirt on, you must be!" Zayn joked, also pulling me into a hug. I practically melted at his touch. He's goddamn sexy, that one.

"Hey, don't I get a hug too?" Liam pouted. I tittered and gave him a hug too.

Hugs from all the Direction boys. This is my lucky day!

"Guys, will you sign Alex's iPod? I've already done it, so you guys need to, too." Harry said, handing the iPod and Sharpie to Louis. They passed it round in turn while I just gawped at them. Is it really possible to be that gorgeous?

"Alex, what about a picture?" Caleb put in. I think he felt a bit left out after the joke I'd shared with them.

"Oh yeah. Do you guys mind if I get a picture?" I asked anxiously. How awkward would it be if they said no?

"Yeah, go on then! Do you want group pictures or singles?" Liam asked.

"Uh, how about both?" I asked. They all nodded. I stood in the middle, with Harry on my right and Zayn on my left, Niall next to Zayn and then Louis next to Harry. Liam was on Niall's left. Caleb brought the camera up and I smiled my best attractive smile. I probably looked stupid. Then I took a picture with each of the boys in turn.

With Louis, I was on his back and we were both in mid-laugh. It looked quite cute. I had a finger-gun pointing at Zayn's head and he had a finger-gun at mine. Niall and I smushed our cheeks together and stuck our tongues out at different directions. Liam had his arm round my shoulders and I had an arm around his waist. That was the most normal one of all. Harry and I both made an L shape with our fingers and placed them on our chins, like we were thinking about something. We then pulled funny faces at the camera.

For the final picture, I had three boys on either side of me; Caleb, Zayn and Liam on my right and Harry, Louis and Niall on my left. We set the camera to timer and placed it on top of a chest of drawers. Louis pressed the button then sprinted back to us, whilst leaping into the air with as much grace as a deer and landed softly right next to Niall. The flash went off and practically blinded us all. I went and picked the camera up to look back at the pictures. Surprisingly, I didn't look that bad in them. Obviously, the boys looked immense, even when they were pulling silly faces.

"Hey, Harry, can I look at your phone a second?" I asked, acting seriously. He nodded and tossed it to me. I smiled at his background, which was a picture of all the boys in suits. I clicked onto 'Contacts' and went to 'Add new contact'. I typed in my name and number, then went back to the home and tossed it back to Harry. He checked his phone and when he found his newest contact he looked up at me and smiled.

"Alex, you spelt your name wrong." he said. I gave him a confused look and walked over to him. I snatched the phone away and looked again. When I saw my name, I noticed Harry had added something. Before it had read: 'Alex'. Now it read: 'Alex- the coolest fan ever xxx'. I giggled but stopped when I saw Caleb's disapproving frown. He clearly minded that I was giving out my number to strangers. I shot him a look and turned back to the guys.

After about an hour of chatting and teasing, mostly them teasing me, Caleb stood up and decided that it was time for us to go. All the boys groaned like little kids on a Monday morning.

"I'll come back tomorrow guys, if that's ok?" I asked nervously. I didn't want them to have found me annoying and boring and not want me to come back.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, Alex. This was my last day here." Harry said, sounding genuinely upset. He was pouting slightly.

"Well, that sucks. You have to keep in contact though, yeah? I'd love to stay friends with you," I grinned cheesily.

"Please! We'd love to," Liam put in. I hugged them all again and they did some sort of weird handshake chest bump thing with Caleb. Boys. I'll never understand them. I started towards the door when someone's hand stopped me.

"Wait! I have something for you, Alex," Harry told me. He went to the kitchen table and grabbed a sheet of paper and a pen. He scribbled something down on it and folded it in half. He pretended to kiss it like a love letter and pressed it into my hand. He hugged me once more and whispered into my ear, "I'll text you soon, okay?"

I nodded and smiled at him. I waved to the rest of them.

"Bye Wayne! Bye Kyle! Bye Ian! Bye Hughey! Bye Barry!" I called and shut the door behind me. I could hear muffled goodbyes through the door and I grinned to myself.

When we got back to our room Caleb let out a long sigh.

"What's up with you?" I asked.

"Well, being around those guys made me realise how amazing you are and that I'm not gonna be the only guy attracted to you," he sighed.

"What do you mean?" I asked, honestly confused.

"All the guys clearly fancied you! Well, perhaps not Louis and Liam because they have girlfriends, I think. But the other three did, especially Harry. I mean, what was all that about at the end? You looked like lovers departing, not two strangers that just met saying goodbye." he said, his face deadpanned so I couldn't read his emotions.

"Aww, is Caleb getting a little bit jealous?" I teased, poking him gently.


"Oh. Well, you should know by now that you're the only guy for me. Anyway, he was only giving me the autograph that I originally wanted. Swear it."

"I know that, Alex. It's just, I can't compete with a boy band member. I felt really awkward and out of place sitting with them." he muttered. I melted.

"Honey, you will always be the guy I love, no matter what it is you do. I'll never stop loving you, it's in my blood. And even if it weren't, I'd still feel the same way," I said comfortingly.

"Good. It's just, what if you decided to go off with Harry or one of the others? What would I do then?" he asked, more to himself than to me.

"Caleb, if we're gonna work, you have to trust me. And right now, it doesn't feel like you do," I said, a touch colder than I meant to sound.

"I do trust you-" he started.

"I'm going to bed. 'Night Caleb." I mumbled. My jaw set and I stormed past him. I was being more moody than I should have been, but I was annoyed that Caleb would think that I would leave him for fame and fortune. It hurt my ego a bit and it's the fact that he doesn't have 100% faith in me that hurts a bit.

"Goodnight, Alex."

The wind carried the whisper from the room behind me. A small tear escaped my eye but I brushed it away roughly. I was overreacting again.

Or was I really? Wouldn't you be annoyed and upset if your boyfriend didn't trust you not to go off with other men?



Hello! I haven't done one of these in ages, I think. I probably did one last time, but it was too long ago. :D always, I hope you enjoyed, if you did, please tell me what you thought! :) love you in a non-creepy way :) <3

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