Supernova (avengers x-reader)

By Queen_of_Dragons

335K 8.6K 7K

You are an orphan living on the streets of New York, blissfully ignorant of what makes you special. That is... More

Introduced (again)
I swear, this isn't the end!!!


6.1K 217 75
By Queen_of_Dragons

    A week later, Tony has stopped running out of the room every time you come through the door, although he's still awkward around you and continues to act like a mother hen on missions. You've been feeling impatient for a while and your curiosity is killing you, so you decide to hunt down Tony and see if he finally has decided to give you some answers.

    "Hey Jarvis, do you know where I could find Tony?" you ask the ceiling. You can't help but look up every time you address the AI, even though he's technically everywhere, not just in the hidden speakers.

    "Of course I do, Miss __________. I know the location of every person in this building, but I sense that your true question is "Where can I find Master Stark?" He is currently testing some adjustments to his repulsors down in the firing range."

    "Thanks!" you call over your shoulder as you head out of the room.

    You walk into the firing range just as Tony lets loose another blast with the suit's signature wheeee-thoom.

    He mumbles some science jargon under his breath before opening up the paneling on his gauntlet to make more adjustments with a small screwdriver. You clear your throat, causing Tony to jump slightly and turn towards you with a startled expression.

    "Oh, good, it's just you." He relaxes a little. "Clint had been trying to peg me with that stupid Nerf Rebel bow all day. Shouldn't have bought it in the first place, but temptation called and I just had to replace his real bow with it. Worst mistake of my life." He shakes his head and makes a few more adjustments before giving you his full attention. "Ok, so judging from your party pooper expression, you're not here to ask me to help you kick some 12-year-old ass on COD." He's stalling. "Assemble time already?" The paneling on his wrist closes with a whir.

    "No, sorry. I would appreciate some answers now Tony. What did you need my blood for?"

    He sighs. "Thought you'd ask that. Fine, take a seat and I'll... I'll explain everything." He motions towards a bench along the side of the room.

    You sit on the edge of the seat and Tony stares at you like a deer in headlight, fiddling with the screwdriver, before beginning to pace in front of you. His hands gesture with the forgotten tool and his arms and shoulders are tense as he begins his explanation.

    "There is no gentle way to put this, but I just want you to know that I had no idea before I saw that picture, otherwise I would have found you way before Hydra got to you. Or maybe I would have been too scared... I don't know. But she never told me! I had no way of knowing-"

    You hold your hands up and interrupt him mid-rant. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up a sec. What didn't you know about? Who didn't tell you what? Why would you have found me before?"

    Tony seems as if he's about to be overrun with panic at any second, but he shoves it down, running a hand through his hair and shoving his screwdriver into his pocket as he goes back to pacing.

    "As soon as a saw that picture, I knew deep down, but... I had to be sure. That's why I needed your blood. I mean," he laughs incredulously, "you were like a daughter to me before, but-"

    "What?" You're so quiet that a mouse could drown you out, but that single word stops Tony dead in his tracks. He takes a shuddering breath before continuing.

    "I met Clara at an electronics convention. She was a weapons designer, just like I used to be. We got down to talking and she had tons of incredible ideas. One thing led to another... and before I knew it, we were heading back to my hotel. Your birthday... it's exactly nine months after that convention, _______. That and the bloodwork confirm that I am, in fact, your f... your father." The word feels foreign, causing him to stumble over it. "Your mother and I, we saw each other on and off after that, but after I found out about you... I was so terrified that I-" He cuts off as he notices that you're trembling with anger.

    "Coward." Your eyes narrow in rage. "You abandoned her. You abandoned us. How could you do that?" Your voice rises to an angry crescendo. "If you had just stayed, I could have had a family. If you had been there, Hydra might never have snatched me in the first place! Because of you, they made me a monster!" Your voice breaks and you have to turn away in order to compose yourself. You shake your head and attempt to leave, but Tony grabs your arm.

    "______, wait! Just let me expl-" His head snaps back as your fist crashes into his nose. You rush out into the hallway and push past a concerned Dr. Banner. Several minutes later, you push through the main doors and walk out onto the sidewalk in front of Stark Tower. You wander aimlessly down the street, with no destination in mind other than the general notion of "away from Tony so that I can clear my head". Shoving your hands into the pockets of your jeans, your fingers encounter the crinkle of rumpled paper. Pulling it out, you see that it's Steela's address, which you have jotted down last week. Well, that seems like as good a destination as any.


    "And of course I stopped for the peaches first, but then I came straight here." You sigh and rest your elbows on the table, emotionally exhausted from your tale.

    "What an asshole." Steela mutters. "I would love for you to never have to talk to that man again, ________. However, you will have to contact the others at some point. You know that I don't believe in god or some other higher power, but I do believe that you were given these powers for a reason." She gently takes your hand in hers, examining the point on your palm where the lasers exit. "You must use them to protect others and if you aren't going to do that with the Avengers, then you have to do it on your own and you have to tell them that." You sigh, knowing that she's right. You gently squeeze her wrinkled fingers.

    "I'll go and talk to them tomorrow, but can I stay here for tonight? I'm not... I'm not ready to go back just yet." She nods and stands, pressing a kiss to your temple before retrieving a blanket and pillow from her room and saying goodnight. You climb onto the couch and curl up under the blanket, exhausted.

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